NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Peter Walter Rowe D.Sc. (1922-1997) VOLUME | Introduction PWR/1 Biographical and personal PWR/2 University of St Andrews PWR/S3 University of Manchester PWR/4/1/1-PWR/4/2/3/15 Consultancies NCUACS catalogue no.132/5/04 John Rylands University Library of Manchester reference By Heather Bird and Sarah Davis PWR P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR Compiled by: Heather Bird and Sarah Davis Date of material: 1940-1997 Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Peter Walter Rowe, geotechnical engineer (1922-1997) Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath © 2004 John Rylands University Library and National Cataloguing Unit for the GB 0133 PWR (NCUACS catalogue no. 132/5/04) Extent of material: 3,587 items. 115 linear metres Deposited in: John Rylands University Library of Manchester Reference code: P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR The work of the John Rylands University Library of the University of Manchester and the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the cataloguing of this archive has been generously funded by: The Institution of Civil Engineers’ Research and Development Enabling Fund The John Rylands Research Institute The Simon Fund of the University of Manchester The Manchester School of Engineering at the University of Manchester The following individuals and companies also generously sponsored the project: Mrs Ann Rowe and other members of the Rowe family Dr N.M.M. Al-Mosawy Mr C.B. Hill, Mr S. Kay Mr T. Kilroe Dr R.J. W. McDermott Mr J .E. Massey Mrs C.A. Bennet Mr |. Bowie Mr N. Buchanan Dr W.H. Craig Professor D .M. McDowell Mr S. T. Wharton Mr E.H. Taylor, Dr D.M. Tonks (Edge Consultants) Professor |.M. Smith (Finite Solutions Ltd) Professor P. Montague, Dr D .H. Shields Dr G.R. Sides Dr A.P. Tyrell P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR RESTRICTIONS ON ACCESS AND USE The collection is open to any accredited reader. However, to protect confidentiality and in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998, access to some items containing information relating to living individuals is restricted. Photocopies and photographic copies can be supplied for private study purposes only, depending on the condition of the documents. A number of items within the archive remain within copyright under the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988; it is the responsibility of users to obtain the copyright holder's permission for reproduction of copyright material for purposes other than research or private study. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Library for publication or reproduction of any material within the archive. Please contact the Head of Special Collections, John Rylands University Library, 150 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3EH, tel.: +44 (0)161 8345343. P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION PWR/1 PWR/2 PWR/3 PWR/4 PWR/5 PWR/6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL PWR1/1/1-1/5/5 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS PWR/2/1-2/6 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER PWR/3/1/1-3/5/1 CONSULTANCY WORK PWR/4/1/1-4/5/109 RESEARCH PWR/5/1/1-5/5/3/28 PUBLICATIONS AND TECHNICAL PAPERS PWR/6/1/1-6/3/52 PWR/7/1-7/29 PWR/8/1-8/34 PWR/9/1/1-9/9/1 LECTURES PWR/7 PWR/8 PWR/9 PWR/10/1/1-10/6/5/4 PWR/10 CORRESPONDENCE PROFESSIONAL BODIES VISITS AND CONFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE Peter Rowe kept his private consultancy papers at his home, Styperson House in Addlington, Cheshire, whereas material relating to his teaching and research activities was housed in his office within the Simon Engineering Building of the University of Manchester. Following his retirement from the University in 1982, Rowe removed these papers to his home. After the scientist's death in 1997, the entire archive was relocated to the Simon Engineering Building, and in 1998 was transferred to the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. Between 2001 and 2003 there were several small accessions of additional material that had been discovered at Styperson House and at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (following the relocation of the School of Engineering to UMIST). The bulk of the papers was donated to the John Rylands Library in 1998 by Rowe’s widow, Ann. There were several minor accessions of additional material, 2001-2003. Farnborough as a Junior Scientific Officer. While at Farnborough Rowe developed his notched bar impact test’, Engineer (1944). After Farnborough, Rowe spent two years as an OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF PETER ROWE Peter Walter Rowe was born at Bath on 2 July 1922. He was educated at Bristol Grammar School experimental research techniques and published his first scientific paper, ‘Interpretation of the immediately began to contribute to the war effort, joining the Royal Aircraft Establishment at and Bristol University, where he graduated in 1943 with first class honours in civil engineering. He For this he was awarded the ICE’s Telford assistant engineer with Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons, gaining valuable field experience, but he Farnborough. This led to the publication in 1952 of his major paper, ‘Anchored sheet pile walls’ in Marshall at St Andrews. Rowe’s doctoral thesis was on the behaviour of flexible sheet pile walls, the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. appointed assistant lecturer under Professor Bill resumed his research in 1947, when he was_ and he undertook experiments with scale models, using techniques that he had learnt at P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR Premium. Karl Terzaghi, the founder of the science of soil mechanics, praised Rowe’s work, predicting that it would form the basis of future design techniques. In 1952 Rowe was appointed to a lectureship at Manchester. Initially he taught surveying techniques, and it was only later that he taught soil mechanics. He continued to pursue his own research on sheet piling, investigating walls in clay and different support conditions. In order to facilitate physical modelling, he constructed a fourteen-tonne capacity sand flume. In 1956 he was awarded a D.Sc. by the University. In the late 1950s Rowe embarked on two further research projects of fundamental importance. The first was theoretically based and concerned the inter-relationship between effective stress and strain rate ratios for frictional materials. He realised the importance of particle interactions in governing the behaviour of all but the loosest-packed sands. The result was the ‘Rowe stress- dilatancy equation’, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society in 1962. Although it was not realised at the time, this relationship is fundamental for formulating constitutive relationships for soils. Rowe’s research was founded upon the pioneering work of Osborne Reynolds, the first Professor of Engineering at Manchester. technique formed the basis of the 12th Rankine Lecture delivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1972. The second of Rowe’s research projects was more practical and experimentally based. It representative clay samples, selected from critical locations on a site, than a large number of small random samples. He concluded that conventional laboratory equipment was generally too small was a lacustrine clay from the Derwent Reservoir site, where Rowe’s colleague at the University, Edgar Morton, was engaged as a consultant. Rowe argued that it was better to take a few large, and inadequate to test these clays. He therefore developed a series of Rowe Consolidation Cells, observed that the detailed arrangements of clay particles and the inhomogeneity of a clay’s ‘fabric’ concerned measurements of the coefficients of consolidation and permeability of natural clays. He could dominate its drainage and consolidation characteristics. One of the first samples to be tested extensive soil materials and soil mechanics laboratories. In the following year Rowe was appointed At Manchester, the opening of the Simon Engineering Laboratories in 1962 permitted space for hydraulically-loaded oedometers of up to 500 mm diameter. Rowe Cells soon became standard laboratory equipment throughout the world. The importance of soil ‘fabric’, sample size and testing P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR to the Chair of Soil Mechanics. He built up an impressive research team and research on soil mechanics was greatly facilitated by the inauguration in 1970 of a massive 700 g-tonne centrifuge, located adjacent to the Simon Engineering Laboratories. Part-funded by industry, the facility was originally built to test large embankment dams, but the machine was also ideally suited to testing offshore engineering structures during the North Sea oil and gas boom. In 1973 Elf-Total commissioned centrifuge tests on their platform for the Frigg field, and for the next ten years many offshore structures were subjected to exhaustive centrifuge testing, including the Hutton Field Tension Leg Platform. The centrifuge laboratory was named the ‘Peter W. Rowe Laboratory’ in 1982 and remained in regular use into the twenty-first century. Rowe combined his pre-eminence in laboratory research and academic work with a remarkable career spanning forty years as a geotechnical consultant, both in Britain and overseas. He advised on many dam schemes, such as those at Derwent, Kielder and Grimwith. He was employed as a consultant by the Manchester Ship Canal Company for many years, advising on a great variety of issues and proposals. Rowe worked on a wide variety of other major projects in Britain: sea closures and docks, including the Severn barrage scheme, Immingham docks and Faslane Rowe’s international reputation ensured that his consultancy services were in demand across the 333,000 tonne grain silos and a 130,000 tonne sugar silo on a coral reef in Saudi Arabia. Rowe Barrier in The Netherlands, which involved the construction of giant caissons to seal off the mouth Coast Road; numerous sewerage schemes; and other projects relating to housing developments, land reclamation schemes, coal mines, silos, chemical and gas storage facilities, and factory and office developments. significant projects in which he was involved were the construction of two eight-mile crossings of the Jamuna River in Bangladesh, which scours 60 metres deep, for electricity, gas, road and rail links; the Hat Creek Thermal Power Project in Canada; and the foundations for both 180,000 and shipyard; nuclear power stations, such as those at Hinkley Point ‘B’, Hartlepool, Oldbury and Torness; road-building programmes, among them the M63 Sale By-pass and the A55 North Wales world, from the Arctic Ocean to the Falklands, from the Netherlands to Fiji. Among the most the settlement of Venice. claimed that the most interesting job he ever worked on was the Oosterschelde Storm Surge of the Oosterschelde. He was also invited by the Italian Government to advise on measures to halt P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR Rowe retired from Manchester in 1982, but his research and consultancy work continued unabated, and he worked six or seven days a week consulting, writing and lecturing on geotechnical engineering, until shortly before his death. In 1985 he gave the keynote lecture at the 18th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists in Cambridge. In 1986 the Geotechnical Group at Manchester celebrated its one hundredth postgraduate research degree since Rowe’s arrival in 1952. The quality of his consultancy work, and his forensic methods of investigating problems, meant that Rowe was regularly called upon as an expert witness in professional disputes and arbitration cases. He was involved in some thirty-five cases spread over forty years, for example, the case concerning the major failure of the Carsington Reservoir dam in 1984, as it neared completion, and its subsequent reconstruction. He was awarded the Gold Medal of the University of Liege; the Silver Medal of the University of New South Wales; the Hogentogler Award of the American Society of Testing Materials; the Cooper Hill War Memorial Prize of the Institution of Civil Engineers; and several awards from the British Geotechnical Society. He received a Telford Gold Medal in 1969, the highest award of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Rowe died on 28 April 1997 at the age of seventy four. P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION Rowe left a very substantial archive that documents every aspect of his career, 1940-1997, as an academic and research scientist, as a consulting geotechnical engineer, and as an expert witness in many legal cases. It constitutes a major source for the history of geotechnical science and civil engineering in the second half of the twentieth century. The case files for the consultancy projects (PWR/4) were accompanied by a box list, typed by Mrs Rowe. During the numerous moves, these papers had become disordered. The remainder of the papers had no apparent order, although some initial sorting was done by Mr John Scriven. Biographical and personal (PWR/1) comprises biographical and personal information on Rowe, such as curricula vitae, documents relating to some of the many honours and awards received by him during his lifetime, and copies of obituaries and posthumous tributes. There is also a series of field notebooks compiled by Rowe during site visits. University of St Andrews (PWR/2) covers the period 1947-1952. The few papers that have of Manchester. UMIST, 1952-1990. Osborne Reynolds Society can be found in this section. In addition, records relating to Rowe’s involvement in the University’s departmental committees and miscellaneous administrative material for Manchester University and centre in Dundee. The papers are not extensive and largely comprise tutorial and lecture notes in survived from this period relate to his lecturing and practical work at the University’s academic University of Manchester, details of research projects undertaken by the University, minutes of University of Manchester (PWR/3) comprises Rowe’s notes for lectures and tutorials given at the soil mechanics. Rowe resigned his lectureship in 1952 to take up an appointment at the University particular many projects in Britain and overseas with which Rowe was involved as a consultant or an expert Consultancy work (PWR/4) constitutes the bulk of the archive, and comprises files relating to the There are approximately five hundred projects and cases, of which the majority (over three hundred) are represented in the series British Construction Projects. Structures, reflect Rowe’s international reputation in the fields of soil mechanics and civil broken down by project type. Other series, International Construction Projects and Offshore engineering. Whereas Rowe was employed on an ad-hoc basis to advise on witness. This series is further P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR construction projects or litigation cases, he was retained by the Manchester Ship Canal Company for over thirty years to advise on a wide range of issues relating to canal banks, docks, locks and sludge deposit grounds. These papers therefore form a separate series. The documentation of individual projects and cases typically includes correspondence, maps and plans, site investigation material such as bore-hole logs, notes, sketches, calculations, laboratory test data, and photographs. It varies in quantity from a single slim file to the 180 folders spanning four decades that relate to Carsington Reservoir in Derbyshire. Rowe was invited to submit evidence as an expert witness in many arbitration and legal cases. These files form a separate series, Litigation, although there is some overlap of subject matter with the files in British Construction Projects. Research (PWR/5) reflects the theoretical and experimental research activities and interests pursued by Rowe throughout his career, from his early investigations into sheet pile walls in the late 1940s and 1950s, through work on dams and reservoirs in the 1960s, to the testing of offshore structures in the 1970s and 1980s. The majority of Rowe’s research took place at Manchester, and Rowe’s research interests, and provided ‘real-world’ data for testing and experimentation, much of between PWR/4 and PWR/5. resistance of drained soils, are also documented in this section of the archive (PWR/5/2). Engineering Laboratories. This was designed to test dam structures, but was later used extensively to test offshore oil and gas facilities (PWR/5/4). The development of the Rowe there was significant cross-fertilization between the two aspects of his career. Engineering was greatly facilitated by the construction of the massive centrifuge adjacent to the Simon Consolidation Cell for testing clays, and the ring shear apparatus used to measure the shearing problems and issues encountered in the course of consultancy projects tended to influence Although Rowe’s academic research contrasted with his commercial consultancy work, inevitably geotechnical papers produced by Rowe, with associated notes and correspondence; drafts of knowledge he gained in the laboratory. Consequently there is some overlap of subject matter Publications and technical papers (PWR/6) comprises drafts and proofs of some of the many which was very practically based. Simultaneously his work as a consultant benefited from the P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR unpublished monographs prepared by Rowe, with notes and correspondence; and drafts and proofs of papers written by others but submitted to Rowe for comment or review. Lectures (PWR/7) relates to lectures and speeches delivered by Rowe, apart from his routine university lecturing duties. Among the most significant was the Twelfth Rankine Lecture on soil sampling and testing techniques, given to the British Geotechnical Society at the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1972. Besides draft and final texts of lectures, there is correspondence concerning the arrangements for lectures, preparatory notes, lists of slides, programmes and letters of thanks. Visits and conferences (PWR/8) is not extensive. It documents Rowe’s attendance at thirty-four international and UK visits and conferences 1964-1992. Professional bodies (PWR/9) covers Rowe’s involvement with nine, principally British societies and organisiations, 1955-1995. The largest body of material relates to the Institution of Civil Engineers. Rowe was elected as a member of the ICE in 1952 (Fellow 1963). He was also a member of the Geotechnique Advisory Panel, 1963-1968. Academic Correspondence Files, Files, It Shorter Scientific Scientific Correspondence References and Recommendations. material in the thematic sections of the archive, for example Consultancy, Research and consultancy activities throughout his career. Correspondence, Consultancy Correspondence and It is divided as follows: Files of Outgoing Letters, Correspondence (PWR/10) presents correspondence arising from Rowe’s research, academic and should be noted that the majority of Rowe’s correspondence is to be found with other types of Publications and technical papers. P.W. Rowe NCUACS 132/5/04 and John Rylands University Library PWR RELATED MATERIALS The papers of Edgar Morton, Reader in Applied Geology at the University of Manchester and consultant on major engineering projects, contain detailed information on a significant number of projects with which Peter Rowe was involved. These are also held at the John Rylands University Library of Manchester (ref. EM). Reference and contact details: PWR/1 Biographical and Personal Dates: 1940-1997 Extent: 5 series (40 items). Scope and Content: This subfonds comprises papers containing biographical and personal information on Peter Rowe, such as curricula vitae, documents relating to some of the many honours and awards received by Rowe during his lifetime, and copies of obituaries and tributes penned after his death in 1997. There is also a series of field notebooks compiled by Rowe during site visits. The archive contains very little personal or private correspondence. Arrangement: The subfonds PWR/1 contains the following series: Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1 Curricula Vitae Dates: 1968-1992 Extent: 11 items. Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/1 Numerous copies of Rowe's curricula vitae can also be found in some of the consultancy project files, in PWR/4. A single curriculum vitae can also be found amongst Rowe's correspondence with the British Academy of Experts in PWR/9/9/1. This series comprises copies of Rowe's professional curricula vitae, which he regularly updated and submitted to prospective clients in applications to undertake consultancies and in litigation cases. MS draft. Dates: n.d. [1960s] Extent: 3 sheets. Scope and Content: Curriculum vitae Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/2 Curriculum vitae Dates: 13 Jan 1968 Extent: 2 sheets. Scope and Content: Typed copy with amendments. Gives detailed list of consultancy projects. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/3 curriculum vitae Dates:1 Aug 1969 Extent: 2 sheets. Scope and Content: Typed copy with amendments. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/4 Loose pages Dates:n.d. [1975] Extent: 3 sheets. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/5 Giving details of consultancy work (with clients) and research activities. Probably part of a curriculum vitae . Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/6 Dates: n.d. [c 1975] Extent: 4 sheets. Scope and Content: curriculum vitae Typed copy. curriculum vitae Dates: n.d. [c 1978] Extent: 4 sheets. Scope and Content: As above with additions. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/7 curriculum vitae Dates: n.d. [c 1982] Extent: 4 sheets. Scope and Content: As PWR/1/1/5, with further additions. Reference and contact details: PWR’/1/1/8 List of publications by Rowe Probably part of a curriculum vitae. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/9 Dates:n.d. [1982] Extent: 4 sheets. Scope and Content: Dates:25—30 Jul 1985 Extent: 4 sheets. Scope and Content: Correspondence relating to curriculum vitae Letter relating to curriculum vitae Between Rowe and Rendel Palmer and Tritton, Consulting Engineers. With details of experience in offshore piling. The curriculum vitae sent with the letter of 27 July 1985 is not extant. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/10 Dates:27 Aug 1991 Extent: | sheet. Scope and Content: From Rowe to H. Fairhurst. The curriculum vitae sent with the letter is not extant. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/1/11 Curriculum vitae Dates:n.d. [1992] Extent: | sheet. Scope and Content: Typed synopsis. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/2 Education Dates:1940 Extent: 1 subseries (1 item). Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: Reference and contact details: PWR/1/2/1 University of Bristol Further information on Peter Rowe's education and early career may be found in his Curricula vitae, PWR/1/1. There is very little material relating to Rowe's school and university education or to his early career at the Royal Aircraft Establishment and Sir Robert McAlpine and Sons: a single letter from the University of Bristol. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/2/1/1 Dates:1940 Extent: 1 item. Scope and Content: This subseries comprises a single letter from the Faculty of Engineering. Letter Dates:24 Jul 1940 Extent: | sheet. Scope and Content: From the University of Bristol Faculty of Engineering to Rowe, offering him the Merchant Venturers' Scholarship. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3 Honours and Awards Dates: 1956-1985 Extent: 5 subseries (16 items). Scope and Content: This series contains papers relating to some of the numerous awards that were given to Rowe for his contributions to the field of soil mechanics. These included a D.Sc. from the University of Manchester; the Telford Gold Medal and the Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers; the Hogentogler Award bestowed by the American Society for Testing and Materials; and the Telford Premium jointly won by Rowe, Hinch and McDowell. Related Units of Description: Doctorate in Science Dates: 1956 Extent: 1 item. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/1 Details other awards can be found in his curricula vitae in PWR/1/1. Further awards remain in the possession of the Rowe family. Dates:20 Dec 1956 Rowe was awarded a D.Sc. by the University of Manchester in recognition of his research work on flexible walls. Degree day ceremony order of proceedings Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/1/1 Extent: 1 booklet. Reference and contact details: PWR’/1/3/2 Telford Gold Medal Dates: 1969 Extent: 6 items. Scope and Content: The Medal was awarded to Rowe by the Institution of Civil Engineers on 21 October 1969 for P.W. Rowe, 'The influence of geological features of clay deposits on the design and performance of sand drains', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers supplement, vol. 1 (1968), pp. 1-72, and for P.W. Rowe, 'Failure of foundations and slopes on layered deposits in relation to site investigation practice',Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers supplement, vol. 1, (1968) pp. 73-131. The Telford Gold Medal is the highest award of the Institution of Civil Engineeers and was first bestowed in 1835, following a bequest by Thomas Telford. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/2/1 Letter Copy of a newspaper cutting Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/2/2 Dates:24 Jul 1969 Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: From the Institution of Civil Engineers to Rowe, informing him that he has been awarded the Telford Gold Medal. Dates:11 Aug—29 Oct 1969 From the Manchester Evening News, containing details of Rowe's award. Dates:8 Aug 1969 Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/2/3 Letters of congratulation Extent: 26 sheets. Scope and Content: Various letters of congratulation sent to Rowe following the announcement of his award. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/2/4 Press release Dates:12—14 Aug 1969 Extent: 6 sheets. Scope and Content: Press release issued by the Institution of Civil Engineers, with a list of papers and journals to whom it was issued and a covering letter from the Institution's information officer to Rowe. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/2/5 Seat reservation For the award ceremony. List of winners of the award Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/2/6 Dates:n.d. [1969] Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: Dates:21 Oct 1969 Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: Extent: 4 items. Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize MS list of winners of the Telford Gold Medal for 1961-1968, compiled by Rowe. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/3 Dates: 1971-1972 Scope and Content: This prize was awarded to Rowe by the Institution of Civil Engineers for P.W. Rowe, ‘Derwent dam - embankment stability and displacements',Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 45 (1970), pp. 423-45. The prize was founded in 1921 by the Coopers Hill Society in memory of its members and relatives who fell in the First World War. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/3/1 Letter Dates:20 Jul 1971 Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: From the Institution of Civil Engineers, informing Rowe that he has been awarded the prize. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/3/2 Letters of congratulation Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/3/3 Letter Dates:22 Oct 1971 Extent: 8 sheets. Scope and Content: Letters sent to Rowe following the award of his prize. Dates:11 Aug 1971-23 Feb 1972 Extent: 2 sheets. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/3/4 Letter from the Institution of Civil Engineers to Rowe, concerning the significance of the dates “1871—1906” inscribed on the medal. With an extract from J.G. P. Cameron, A short history of the Royal Indian Engineering College Coopers Hill(1960). Order of proceedings Dates:19 Oct 1971 Extent: 1 booklet. Scope and Content: For the presentation of awards made by the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1971. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/4 Hogentogler Award Dates: 1972 Extent: 4 items. Scope and Content: This was awarded to Rowe by the American Society for Testing and Materials for P.W. Rowe, 'Representative sampling in location, quality and size',Sampling of soil and rock, Special Technical Publication, no. 483 (Philadelphia: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1970), pp. 77-108.The prize was awarded on 28 June 1972 in Los Angeles, but Rowe was unable to attend. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/4/ 1 Sent to Rowe following the announcement of his award. Letter Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/4/2 Dates:10 Mar—18 Jul 1972 Extent: 2 sheets. Scope and Content: Letters of congratulation Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/4/3 From the American Society for Testing and Materials, concerning arrangements for Rowe's receipt of the award. Dates:6 Apr 1972 Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: Copy of a newspaper cutting Dates:28 Jun 1972 Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: From the Guardian, relating to the 'world award' for Rowe. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/4/4 Newspaper cutting Dates:n.d. [1972] Extent: | sheet. Scope and Content: Relating to the award. Unidentified source. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/5 Telford Premium Dates: 1985 Extent: | item. Scope and Content: This was awarded to Rowe, L.W. Hinch and D.M. McDowell for their joint paper P.W. Rowe, L.W. Hinch and D.M. McDowell, 'Jamuna River 230 kv crossing, Bangladesh - part 1: design of foundations’, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 76, part 1, (1984), pp. 927-949. The Telford Premium was instituted in 1835, following a bequest by Thomas Telford. Rowe was unable to attend the award ceremony, due to commitments as an expert witness in Hong Kong. ceremony. Between Rowe and the Institution of Civil Engineers, relating to the award Reference and contact details: PWR/1/3/5/1 Correspondence Dates:28 Jun-8 Nov 1985 Extent: 4 sheets. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/1/4 Obituaries and Tributes Dates: 1997 Extent: 7 items. Scope and Content: Copies of the obituaries and tributes that appeared in national papers and technical journals after Peter Rowe's death. These were collected by his widow Ann Rowe, and by his former colleague John Scriven. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/5 Notebooks Dates:c 1970-1988 Extent: 5 items. Scope and Content: These notebooks appear to have been used by Rowe on site visits. They contain research information and details of consultancy projects. Related Units of Description: See PWR/4 for consultancy work and PWR/S for further research material. Notebook Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/1/5/1 Dates: c 1970-1974 Extent: 1 hard-back volume. Condition: some loose pages. Extent: 1 volume. Condition: no cover, loose pages. Containing calculations, diagrams and notes on consultancy work, including the Manchester Ship Canal, Hampton Loade reservoir, Lostock reservoir and Immingham dock. At the back of the book is a list of expenses. Notebook Dates: n.d. [c 1970] Reference and contact details: PWR/1/5/2 Scope and Content: Containing formulae and equations. With notes on photographs and slides. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/5/3 Notebook Dates:n.d. Extent: 1 hard-back volume. Scope and Content: Containing calculations and notes on the Manchester Ship Canal and the Colchester site [Ardleigh reservoir]. Notes on laboratory tests at the back of the volume. Reference and contact details: PWR/1/5/4 Notebook Dates: c 1980-1988 Extent: 1 hard-back volume. Condition: 1 loose sheet. Scope and Content: Notebook Reference and contact details: PWR/1/5/5 Dates: c 1982-1983 Extent: 1 hard-back volume. Scope and Content: Containing calculations, diagrams and notes on consultancy work, including Carsington reservoir, Niddry Street bridge [in Glasgow], Nantwich sewerage systems, Digby dam, the A55 trunk road, the terminal at South Shields, Hollingworth reservoir and the Manchester Ship Canal. Containing a list of slides, notes, calculations and diagrams on consultancy work, including Alvingham reservoir, the Manchester Ship Canal, Beeston Castle, [Bucklesham water treatment plant] in Ipswich, Wallasey interceptor sewer and Poole [sewerage system]. The back part of the book is entitled 'Concrete laboratory' and contains details of laboratory tests, followed by further notes on consultancy work, including the Manchester Ship Canal, Court Farm reservoir, Cotes Park factory, Alfreton and Sandycroft pumping station [Deeside]. Page 25 Reference and contact details: PWR/2 University of St Andrews Dates: 1947-1952 Extent: 6 items. Scope and Content: Peter Rowe was appointed as a lecturer in civil engineering at the University of St Andrews in 1948. The few papers that have survived from this period relate to his lecturing and practical work at the University's academic centre in Dundee. This centre had been established in 1897 and it became the separate University of Dundee in 1967. The papers largely comprise tutorial and lecture notes in soil mechanics. Rowe resigned his lectureship in 1952 to take up an appointment at the University of Manchester. Arrangement: Because so few records have survived from Rowe's period at St Andrews, no attempt has been made to arrange them into series. Access Points [Corporate Name] University of St Andrews, Scotland University of Dundee, Scotland [Subject Name] Reference and contact details: PWR/2/1 Letter Dates:25 Aug 1947 Extent: 2 sheets. Scope and Content: From Sir James Colquhoun Irvine, the Principal and Vice—Chancellor of the University of St Andrews, offering Rowe the position of Lecturer in Engineering. With a newspaper cutting of Irvine. Scope and Content: Soil mechanics honours course Dates: 1948-1952 Extent: 1 folder. Reference and contact details: PWR/2/2 File of notes for the honours course. Includes numbered exercise books containing notes for the course: Page 26 1 Soil classification 2 Strength and settlement tests for soils 3 Hydraulic props of soils 4 Stability of slopes and earth dams 5 Distribution of vertical pressure — use for settlement analysis, distribution of contact pressure, practical conclusion of footing design 6 Raft foundations 7 Sheet piling 8 Sheet piling 9 Roads railways and airfields 10 Pavement design Also, unnumbered books containing a bibliography of papers of interest on soil mechanics conference, 1948 and flume test results. A number of these manuscript notes later became the basis of lectures and tutorials at the University of Manchester. Reference and contact details: PWR/2/3 The file also includes a schedule for an informal course on soil mechanics, 9 March—18 April, notes for and final versions of exam papers and tutorials. Tutorial and lecture notes on simple properties and hydraulic properties Dates:[1948— 1952] Loose MS notes for lectures, includes volume of 'Soil mechanics problems taken from D.W. Taylor' and hydraulic calculations. Also typed notes for Tutorial A on simple properties and Tutorial B on hydraulic properties and a volume of notes for an examination in June 1952. Tutorial and lecture notes on settlement problems Dates:[1948]—1952 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/2/4 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Loose MS notes relating to settlement problems and shear strength of soils. Includes typed notes for Tutorial C on settlement problems and MS notes for a 3 hour examination for soil mechanics and advanced surveying course. Reference and contact details: PWR/2/5 Tutorial and lecture notes on stability of slopes Dates:[1948-1952] Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: File entitled 'Stability of slopes, bearing capacity, silos, tunnels' containing MS notes on slope stability problems, typed notes for Tutorial D on slope stability and a class examination for soil mechanics and advanced surveying course in December 1951. Reference and contact details: PWR/2/6 Course outline Dates:n.d. [1948-1952] Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: Details of the senior course for suspense year students and new regulations affecting them. Reference and contact details: PWR/3 University of Manchester Dates:1952— 1990 Extent: 5 series (57 items). Scope and Content: This subfonds comprises Peter Rowe's notes for lectures and tutorials given at the University of Manchester, details of research projects undertaken by the University, minutes of departmental committees and miscellaneous administrative material for Manchester University and UMIST. In addition, records relating to Rowe's involvement in the University's Osborne Reynolds Society can be found in this section. Arrangement: The subfonds PWR/3 contains the following series: For ease of reference, records relating to teaching at UMIST (the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology) can be found in this section. UMIST was established in 1824 but in 1905 it became the Faculty of Technology of the Victoria University of Manchester. UMIST became a fully independent institution in 1994. UMIST and the Victoria University of Manchester reunited in 2004 to form the new University of Manchester. Related Units of Description: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1 Lectures Dates:1952—1987 Extent: 14 items. Scope and Content: See also the files of outgoing letters, PWR/10/1, which were typed [by the Secretary of the Engineering Department] for Peter Rowe. These relate to departmental matters, research and consultancy work. UMIST for outside bodies form part of PWR/8. This series refers exclusively to lectures given by Rowe and others to undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Manchester. Rowe contributed to undergraduate lectures in soil mechanics, geotechnics and geotechnical engineering. These formed part of the Honours or Ordinary B.Sc. degree, which later became the 3-year B.Eng. degree. To this was added the 4-year M.Eng. degree. For other lectures, see PWR/7. Courses and conferences held at Manchester University or Related Units of Description: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/1 Undergraduate lecture notes for the soil [mechanics] options course Dates:n.d. [1952-1957] Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Lecture notes on the principal research into the scientific basis of soil mechanics. This also shows the basic ideas behind Rowe's stress dilatancy theory included in the paper to the Royal Society in 1962. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/2 Ill. H. Honours lectures Dates: n.d. [1957—1960s] Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Lecture notes for the undergraduate course in soil mechanics. With a copy of an examination in soil mechanics at the University of California. Dates:n.d. [c 1960] Extent: 1 folder. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/4 Reference and contact details: PWR/3/ 1/3 Lecture notes for the undergraduate course in engineering geology Isherwood was a special lecturer in Engineering Geology between 1961 and 1982. Lecture notes for the second-year course in engineering geology Dates:n.d. [1961-1982] Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Notes prepared by Mr Isherwood of the consultancy firm Edgar Morton and Partner. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/5 Soil test data and calculations Dates: 1962—1967 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Soil test data and calculations for use in teaching the undergraduate course in soil mechanics. The file also includes a chart showing 'stress dilatancy of soil elements’, history of particle research, terminal examinations in soil mechanics, January 1967, for all years of the undergraduate course in soil mechanics, tutorial notes on the strength of materials, 1962 and undated, and details of the graduate re-union in 1963. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/6 Examination paper Dates: 17 Jun 1963 Extent: 2 sheets. Scope and Content: For soil mechanics III H (1) for honours in the School of Engineering. Lecture notes on sand liquefaction etc. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/7 Dates:8 Feb 1974 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Lecture notes on sand liquefaction etc. and clay softening with cyclic loading. MS and typescript drafts. Scope and Content: Diagram of geological formations and statement of earth history Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/8 Dates:29 Dec 1974 Extent: 1 sheet. [Drawn by Edgar Morton. ] Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/9 File of lecture notes on geotechnical engineering practice Dates:c 1976-1987 Extent: 7 folders. Scope and Content: File of lecture notes on geotechnical engineering practice for the undergraduate course in civil engineering. /1 Typed problems for tutorials. There are different versions of the four tutorials, dating from c 1976-1984, with appended MS notes. /2—6 Examination questions (MS and final versions), 1982-1987. /7 Bundle of MS notes for lectures and also typed problems for tutorials on geotechnical engineering practice. With some examples of company reports and data. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/10 For lectures relating to consolidation and cyclic loading. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/11 Dates:n.d. Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Data on foundations for use in lecturing MS drafts of undergraduate lecture notes Relating to the basic theory of bearing capacity determination of foundations and piles. With settlement estimations of foundations. Includes note for use in teaching the third- year course in soil mechanics and an MS draft of a letter to Edgar Morton concerning site investigation for the settlement of foundations. Dates: n.d. Extent: 14 sheets. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/12 Data on Staunton Harold reservoir for use in lecturing Dates:n.d.—1984 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Also note on slides and reference to a tutorial. Related Units of Description: See also Staunton Harold Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/92. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/1 3 Miscellaneous notes and data possibly for use in lecturing Dates: n.d. Extent: 1 folder. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/1/14 Drafts of lecture and tutorial notes Dates:n.d. Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Notes, with corrections, on the following subjects: theory of earth pressures, flexible sheet pile retaining walls, slope stability and an introduction to the “finite” method. Also tutorial questions. Extent: 5 items. A full set of the tutorial notes from 1981 can be found with the documentation from the Institution of Civil Engineers' moderation, PWR/3/3/24. Senate and Departmental Committee Minutes Reference and contact details: PWR/3/2 Related Units of Description: Dates: 1968-1981 Arrangement: This series contains minutes of the Senate of the University of Manchester, of which Rowe was a member, and minutes of Departmental Board meetings and other meetings held within the Department of Engineering at the University of Manchester. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/2/1 Minutes of Senate Dates:Jan 1968—9 Feb 1984 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: The Senate consisted of all professors of the University and some elected members and was responsible for organising academic affairs. Includes reports to the Senate by various working parties such as the Science Faculty Working Party on Undergraduate Courses, 1972 and the Working Party on Mechanical Engineering Structure, 1976. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/2/2 Minutes of the Departmental Board Reference and contact details: PWR/3/2/3 Dates: Mar 1969—Feb 1979 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Minutes, agendas and memoranda from the departmental board meetings. The decision to set up a departmental board in the Simon Engineering Laboratories was taken on 28 April 1969. committee from the Engineering Professors. Minutes of the Equipment Sub-Committee of the Faculty Development Committee Minutes, memoranda and letters relating to the sub-committee, of which Rowe was a member. Also Rowe's MS notes of staffing within the department and reports to the sub- Dates:Dec 1973— Oct 1975 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/2/4 Minutes of meetings of the Engineering Professors Dates:Feb 1975—Jul 1981 Extent: 3 folders. Scope and Content: Minutes, agendas, memoranda relating to the meetings of the Engineering Professors. Minutes routinely discuss long-term planning, development of the department and financial matters. Includes Rowe's MS notes for the meeting of 12 October 1977. Also memoranda from the University Equipment Sub-Committee to the professors relating to equipment funds with statements as to the allocation of equipment and reports from the Engineering Professors' conferences. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/2/5 Agenda for a meeting of the Joint Committee of Recommendation Dates: 10 Mar 1976 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3 Dates: 1956-1990 Extent: 35 items. Scope and Content: Agenda for a meeting of the Joint Committee of Recommendation to a Chair in Civil and Structural Engineering (in the Faculty of Technology, UMIST). Includes comments received from members of the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering on the requirements for the Chair. Dates:19 Nov 1956 This series includes papers relating to the structure of the engineering courses, research interests of staff, visits to the centrifuge laboratory and requests for equipment. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/1 Administration of the Department Letter Extent: | sheet. Scope and Content: From J. Brinch Hansen to Rowe, relating to an invitation to lecture on Rowe's post- graduate course in soil mechanics. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/2 Correspondence Dates:19 Jan—3 Mar 1961 Extent: 5 sheets. Scope and Content: Between Rowe and Prof. Horne, concerning permission to conduct sample testing at the University in connection with Rowe's work for the Manchester Ship Canal Company Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/3 Letters Dates: Feb 1961-19 Feb 1963 Extent: 11 sheets. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/4 Suggestions for new books and periodicals for the Christie Library From Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd (ICI Silicones) to Rowe, relating to silicone rubber. With a letter from the British Standards Institution relating to methods of testing soils for civil engineering purposes. List of recommended text books for civil engineering Dates:1962 Extent: 6 sheets. Scope and Content: With a list of recent publications by the Building Research Station. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/5 courses Dates: n.d. [1960s] Extent: 8 sheets. Scope and Content: List of recommended text books for courses in the civil engineering department (1st-3rd years). With Introductory notes for the informal discussion on bearing capacity of sands and testing procedures’ by Dr D.J. Henkel. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/6 List of expendable items used by the Soil Mechanics Department Dates:n.d. [1960s] Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: List of expendable items used by the Soil Mechanics Department, with costings. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/7 Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/8 Details of the postgraduate courses and research in civil engineering (1st proof). Dates:1963 Extent: 1 paper. Scope and Content: Details of the postgraduate courses and research in civil engineering Frow was an Ordinary Degree student. Report by Malcolm D. Frow on student exchange to Istanbul Dates:11 Oct 1965 Extent: 4 sheets. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/9 Typed biography of Dr D.M. McDowell Dates:n.d. [1965] Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: For the Engineering Journal.On the occasion of McDowell's joining the University in the newly established Chair of Hydrodynamics and Hydrology. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/10 Engineering science — some critical comments by M.R. Horne Dates:Oct 1966 Extent: 8 sheets. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/11 Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/1 2 Dates: 11 June 1967—13 Mar 1968 Extent: 8 sheets. Scope and Content: Conversion to the metric system in the Soil Mechanics Department Typed notes by D.C. Proctor and Rowe. With letters from the Assistant Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers relating to the policy. Extent: Extent 2 sheets. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/13 Details of research projects and supervisors Dates: 1967-1968 Extent: 7 sheets. Dates: 1967-1968 List of honours projects in civil engineering Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/14 MS course outline Dates: n.d. [late 1960s] Extent: 2 sheets. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/15 Approximate costs of laboratory tests Dates:7 Jan 1969 Extent: 1 sheet. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/16 File of notes relating to research and teaching Dates:c 1970 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Correspondence MS notes on course content Dates:Sep 1972—Jan 1973 Extent: 3 sheets. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/18 Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/17 Includes estimates for new equipment, data for lectures, list of research proposals for 1970 and "policy matters for book." Parsons, Brown and Harris (formerly Frederic R. Harris and Partners) for permission to Correspondence between Rowe and Parsons, Brown and Harris, concerning the possible use of a feasibility study on drilling rigs in the North Sea. Rowe asked Mr McFeeters of Dates: 2—5 Oct 1972 Extent: 2 sheets. Scope and Content: use a report as background to a teaching exercise. Related Units of Description: See also files labelled Offshore platforms Harris and Partners, PWR/5/5/1/4. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/19 Letter Dates:24 Jan 1974 Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: From Ernest Low of Low Parsons and Brown to Rowe, relating to work experience for students over the Easter vacation. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/20 Letter Dates:21 Mar 1974 Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: From November 1977. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/21 Dates:n.d. [1977x] Extent: 3 sheets. Scope and Content: From the Registrar to Rowe, relating to Rowe's grant to attend a conference. Details of research undertaken in the department Scope and Content: Letter Dates:n.d. [1970s] Extent: 2 sheets. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/22 Page 40 From Rowe to the Vice-Chancellor, with details of the costs for potential work by the University for C.G. Doris of Paris. Connected with a single test of a proposed platform offshore Brazil. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/23 Copy presidential address Dates:2 Oct 1980 Extent: 8 sheets. Scope and Content: Typed copy of the presidential address, “We — the academics — what are we good for?”, delivered to the Institution of Structural Engineers by M.R. Horne. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/24 ICE Board of Moderators’ inspection Dates: 1980-1981 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/25 Order of proceedings for graduation Institution of Civil Engineers Board of Moderators' inspection of the civil engineering course. The documentation includes details of the syllabus, long and short projects, examination papers, aims and structure of the course, copies of Rowe's lecture and tutorial notes and correspondence with the Institution. Dates:24 Aug—25 Sep 1982 Dates:8 Jul 1982 Extent: 11 sheets. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/26 The inspection was held on 5 March 1981. Contains Rowe's annotations. Letters Extent: 2 sheets. Scope and Content: From Masahiro Kikusawa of Kyoto University to Rowe relating to a visit to the University of Manchester to see the centrifuge. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/27 List of research interests of staff Dates:15 Sep 1983 Extent: 2 sheets. Scope and Content: With a letter from Dr E.J. Duff of the University's Consultancy Service. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/28 Correspondence relating to the Michael R. Horne Conference Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/29 Dates:17 Jun—13 Sep 1983 Extent: 4 sheets. Scope and Content: The conference was held on 21 September 1983, to commemorate the retirement of Prof. Horne, and Rowe was an invited guest. Timetable for third-year civil engineers Correspondence between Rowe and Dr Peter Montague, relating to Rowe's continued part-time lecturing in geotechnical engineering and the use of a room in the department. Dates:15 Dec 1983-10 June 1986 Extent: 8 sheets. Scope and Content: Correspondence Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/30 Dates:1986 Extent: | sheet. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/31 Letters Dates:19 Jun 1987—Sep 1987 Extent: 3 sheets. Scope and Content: From Dr Peter Montague and R.E. Keller to Rowe, relating to the lunch for professores emeriti. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/32 Letter Dates:[1989] Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: From Ian Smith, relating to a reunion of research graduates in September 1989. Letter Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/33 Dates:26 Oct 1989-23 Feb 1990 Extent: 3 sheets. Scope and Content: From M.A. Hicks to Rowe, inviting Rowe to present a seminar during the Lent term. With Rowe's reply indicating the subjects upon which he was intending to speak. List of obsolescence requirements in the Soil Mechanics Laboratory. List of obsolescence requirements Dates: n.d. [c 1980s] Extent: 1 sheet. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/34 Reference and contact details: PWR/3/3/35 Notes on research interests of staff Dates:n.d. Extent: 6 sheets. Scope and Content: With reference to Rowe's book. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/4 Photographs Dates: 1959-[1970s] Extent: 2 items. Scope and Content: This series comprises a single photograph of civil engineering students, 1959-1960, and a set of colour photographs of the science laboratories, n.d. [1970s]. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/4/1 Reference and contact details: PWR/3/5 The Osborne Reynolds Society With names of each student. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/4/2 Dates: 1959-1960 Extent: | photograph. Scope and Content: Photograph of students on the civil engineering course Dates:1984—1985 Colour photographs of the science laboratories Dates:n.d. [1970s] Extent: 7 photographs. Extent: | item. Scope and Content: Peter Rowe was Honorary Chairman of the Osborne Reynolds Society in 1965 and 1966. Osborne Reynolds (1842-1912) was the first Professor of Engineering at Owens College, from 1868 until his retirement in 1905. This series comprises a single file relating to the Society's annual dinner and other business. Related Units of Description: See also copies of speeches given at the Osborne Reynolds Society dinner in PWR/7/9 and PWR/7/22. Further material relating to the Osborne Reynolds Society can be found in the University of Manchester Archives, at the John Rylands University Library. Reference and contact details: PWR/3/5/1 File Dates:25 May 1984-31 May 1985 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: File comprising minutes, notes and correspondence relating to the Osborne Reynolds Society. Mostly concerning the annual dinner held by the Society in May. Reference and contact details: PWR/4 Consultancy Work Dates:1951—1997 Extent: 5 series (3140 items). Scope and Content: This subfonds constitutes the bulk of the Peter Rowe Archive, and comprises files relating to the many projects in Britain and overseas with which Rowe was involved as a consultant or an expert witness. There are approximately five hundred projects and cases, of which the majority (over three hundred) are represented in the series PWR/4/2, British Construction Projects. This series is further broken down by project type (see below). The series PWR/4/3, International Construction Projects, and PWR/4/4, Offshore Structures, reflect Rowe's international reputation in the fields of soil mechanics and civil engineering. Whereas Rowe was employed on an ad-hoc basis to advise on particular construction projects or litigation cases, he was retained by the Manchester Ship Canal Company for over thirty years to advise on a wide range of issues relating to canal banks, docks, locks and sludge deposit grounds. These papers therefore form as separate series, PWR/4/1. Rowe was also invited to submit evidence as an expert witness in many arbitration and legal cases. These files form a separate series, PWR/4/5, although there is some overlap of subject matter with the files in PWR/4/2. Arrangement: The subfonds PWR/4 contains the following series: The projects have been arranged into five series according to the different types of work identified on Rowe's curricula vitae. The largest series, PWR/4/2, British Construction Projects, has been further divided into seven subseries. Within each series and subseries, projects are arranged alphabetically by project title, except PWR/4/2/2—6, which are ordered chronologically, according to the date of Rowe's first involvement with each particular project. The documentation on individual projects and cases varies in quantity from a single slim file to the 180 folders spanning four decades that relate to Carsington Reservoir in Derbyshire (PWR/4/2/1/24). Carsington's dam failed as it neared completion, necessitating rebuilding. This, and the associated legal dispute, generated a vast quantity of documentation. The majority of projects comprise between one and ten folders. These typically contain correspondence, maps and plans, site investigation material such as bore-hole logs, notes, sketches, calculations, laboratory test data, and photographs. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1 Manchester Ship Canal Dates: 1958-1994 Extent: 42 subseries (108 items). Page 46 From 1889 to 1895 the Manchester Ship Canal Company constructed a canal to enable ocean- going vessels of up to 18,000 tons displacement to sail up to Manchester from the Mersey estuary via Runcorn and Warrington, bypassing the port of Liverpool. Ships pass through five sets of locks on their way between Eastham and Manchester, which lift them a total of 19 metres above the mean tide level of the estuary. The Ship Canal incorporated reaches of a number of rivers, notably the Irwell and the Mersey and all the flows from the catchment areas of the Irwell, Upper Mersey and the Weaver enter the Canal. Prior to the construction of the Canal, the Irwell had a history of flooding between Manchester and Runcorn. During a visit to Manchester in 1729, Daniel Defoe reported that the town had a bridge "built so high because floods could cause the river to rise four or five yards in a night". The Ship Canal must be dredged continually of the sediment that is brought into it and accumulates on the bed of the Canal, and also in the Approach Channel to Eastham Locks, in order to maintain sufficient draught for navigation. Dredged sediment is disposed of by pumping it into specially-constructed deposit grounds adjacent to the Canal. The principal deposit grounds are situated at Frodsham on the Mersey estuary and at Woolston, east of Warrington. The Manchester Ship Canal Company also has to maintain a large number of locks and sluices, and conduct routine maintenance and remedial repairs of the Canal slopes and banks, fixed bridges and swing bridges. For example, the sluices at the mouth of the river Weaver allow flood waters to be diverted into the Mersey estuary, while upstream, sluices at Latchford protect Warrington from flooding. In 1887 the Ship Canal Company purchased the Bridgewater Canal, which had been constructed in the 1760s between Manchester and the Mersey estuary at Runcorn, with a branch to Leigh and the Duke of Bridgewater's collieries at Worsley. The Leigh branch was severely affected by mining subsidence, requiring the canal banks to be raised repeatedly. In addition, the Ship Canal Company owned and operated an extensive network of railways. In March 1974 Peter Rowe stated that he had advised the Manchester Ship Canal Company for 21 years on a great variety of problems and proposals, such as those concerning docks, training walls for locks, canal slope protection, sludge deposit grounds, and wharf structures, and that no year had passed without a number of jobs being in progress. In fact Rowe worked for the company well into his retirement; the most recent archive material dates from 1994. The Manchester Ship Canal Company material includes papers relating to dredging tests at Arpley on the river Mersey; works and tests at Latchford locks and jetties; reports and tests on deposit grounds, especially those at Frodsham and Woolston; reports on various canal bank repairs and remedial works to counter erosion and to improve slope stability; bridge reconstruction projects; reports and tests on the construction of warehouses, transit sheds and jetties; and papers relating to mining subsidence on the Bridgewater Canal and an embankment collapse near Dunham Massey. PWR/4/1/23 contains information on the history of the Ship Canal. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/1 Arpley, River Mersey, Warrington, Cheshire Dates: 1960 Extent: 1 folder. Page 47 Arpley, River Mersey, Warrington, Cheshire: Dredging tests. Correspondence and test results relating to samples of the Arpley dredging materials, mid Channel. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/2 Astmoor Canal Slopes near Runcorn, Cheshire Dates:1964-1967 Extent: 5 folders. Scope and Content: Correspondence, report, bore-hole logs, notes, test data including lab test results, piezometer [measures pore water pressure in soils and rocks: a resistance thermometer or strain gauge] readings, plans, and graphs relating to proposed repairs to the south bank of the canal. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/3 Bridgewater Canal, including Woodhouse Lane Bridge Dates: 1972-1977 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: See also Preston Brook Marina (Bridgewater Canal), PWR/4/1/28. Correspondence, bore-hole quotation and log concerning the reconstruction of Woodhouse Lane Bridge on the Bridgewater Canal at Dunham Massey near Altrincham, Cheshire (Bridgewater Canal area), including reference to site plan (not found). Documents state 'Durham Massey’, in error, see Ordnance Survey Landranger map series scale 1:50,000, No. 109), 1972; Bridgewater Canal contract and accompanying letter concerning restoration of embankments, mining area, 1977. hole logs (Northern Foundations Ltd relating to pipeline crossing of the Canal at Astley Bridgewater Canal, Astley near Leigh, including Moss Brook Special Drainage Scheme Area 4. Correspondence, plans, maps, reports including site investigation, surveys, bore- Dates:1974-1983 Extent: 8 folders. Scope and Content: Bridgewater Canal, Astley Page 48 Green) and related papers relating to a legal dispute between the Manchester Ship Canal Company and the National Coal Board concerning repair works altering towpath levels [and therefore affecting the mining length]; other plans including the replacement of Lingards Bridge, survey of canal bottom at Bittern Pits Wood, Runcorn Docks, and the mining position of the canal from Marsland Green Bridge to Monton Bridge. Related Units of Description: See also Moss Brook Drainage Scheme, PWR/4/1/26. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/5 Bridgewater Canal (Leigh Canal) Dates: 1974-1983 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Correspondence, report, and notes relating to question of future maintenance and regular inspection of the Bridgewater Canal banks (known as '...Leigh Canal in affidavits’) between Marsland Green Bridge and Monton Green Bridge, along the mining length, relating to the Preston Brook tunnel collapse. Related Units of Description: Butchersfield Canal Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/6 Dates: 1981-1982 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: See also Preston Brook Marina (Bridgewater Canal), PWR/4/1/28, Preston Brook Tunnel Reinstatement, PWR/4/5/54. Extent: 2 folders. Correspondence, notes, and plans, relating to proposed tipping by Waste Management Ltd at their Butchersfield site, Rixton Old Hall, Rixton, affecting the Manchester Ship Canal and the River Mersey, involving contour revision. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/7 Carrington Canal slopes, Cheshire Dates: 1969 Scope and Content: Correspondence, boring (bore-hole) logs and other test data, plans and cross sections, and site investigation papers, including report relating to slope stability (Nuttall Geotechnical Services). Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/8 Carrington Canal slopes, Cheshire Dates:1969 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Correspondence relating to proposed remedial measures to safeguard canal bank erosion as inspected. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/9 Carrington Canal slopes, Cheshire Dates: 1969-1970 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/10 Eastham Deposit Grounds, Docks and Locks Correspondence, calculations, geological section map, article relating to plane strain consolidation apparatus, and piezometer readings relating to the responsibility of either the Manchester Ship Canal Company or the Central Electricity Generating Board for draining: concerns matter of erosion to canal bank adjacent to Carrington Power Station. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/11 Eastham Deposit Grounds and Docks; Eastham Terminal - Panocean Shipping and Trading Ltd; Eastham Locks. Correspondence, plans, quotations, proposed bore-holes, test tables and site investigation report (Geo-Research Ltd) relating to land development at Eastham deposit grounds, and Eastham Terminal, 1970-1971; plan and notes relating to Upper Leading Jetty, Eastham Locks, 1958. Dates:1958-1971 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Ellesmere Port, Cheshire Dates: 1964-1972 Extent: 10 folders. Scope and Content: Correspondence, reports, contracts, test data, plans, calculations, bore-hole logs, piezometer installations and readings, maps, and photographs relating to site investigation for proposed new wharf and container berth, 1965-1972; sheet pile wall papers including report (Sub Soil Surveys Ltd), black and white photograph of men working [at the port], bore-hole logs and plans, concerning reconstruction and replacement of timber wharf and building of cofferdam, 1964-1965. Includes site investigation quotation (Cawood Containers Ltd), 1972. Related Units of Description: See also Rivacre Valley, PWR/4/1/29 and PWR/4/1/30. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/12 Frodsham Deposit Grounds Dates: 1961-1968 Extent: 10 folders. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/13 Frodsham Deposit Grounds Scope and Content: Frodsham Deposit Grounds Nos 3, 4 and 5. Correspondence including letter relating to No. 4 ground, 1967, site investigation concerning construction of test embankments including proposed future extension along Mooreditch Lane, 1963, test data, report incorporating pasted-in photographs and diagrams, n.d. [prior to 1968], bore-hole logs, contract, 1968, plans, piezometer readings, Rowe's notebook, photographs [presumed to relate to Frodsham, but may actually relate to Eastham or Statham], and related papers. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/14 Correspondence, density and soil mechanics test data and results, and piezometer readings (Frodsham marshes, etc.); plate readings for test loading on bank No. 1, calculations, settlement plate readings, bore-hole logs, surveys, and plans relating to proposed new trial canal embankment design and drainage. Dates:1961-1969 Extent: 10 folders. Scope and Content: Frodsham Deposit Grounds Nos 3 and 5 Dates:1961-1968 Extent: 9 folders. Scope and Content: Reports including site investigations, laboratory soil tests, and interim report, with maps and plans, graphs and notes, and piezometer records. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/] 5 Frodsham Deposit Ground No. 5 Dates: 1964-1965 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Special consolidation tests and study of layering data, graphs and calculations, relating to test bank pit No. 1 model sand drain tests. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/16 Frodsham Deposit Ground No. 5 Dates: 1964-1966 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Correspondence, piezometer and settlement plate readings for test loading on a trial embankment for a silt lagoon, notes, test data including graphs, and related papers. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/18 Piezometer and settlement plate readings for test bank No. 2, graphs, and plan. Dates: 1965-1966 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/17 Frodsham Deposit Ground No. 5 Frodsham Deposit Ground No. 5 Dates: 1967-1974 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Test data including charts and graphs; plan, and piezometer records. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/19 Frodsham and Thelwall Deposit Grounds Dates:Oct 1969 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Frodsham Deposit Ground No. 3 and Thelwall Deposit Ground No. 4. Report (Laboratorium Voor Grondmechanica - Netherlands) and accompanying data including grain-size distribution, consolidation tests, suction tests, and log tension curve, relating to drainage of dredged materials. Related Units of Description: See also Thelwall Bridge and Deposit Ground, PWR/4/1/36. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/20 Frodsham and Woolston Deposit Grounds Correspondence, draft replies to the H.S.E. [Health and Safety Executive], notes and Cross Section through Embankment diagram relating to Manchester Ship Canal deposit grounds at Frodsham and Woolston, including question of whether they are to be considered subject to the Reservoirs Act 1975 and others. Scope and Content: Latchford Locks - Upper and Lower Leading Jetties Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1 /2) Dates:1986 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Dates: 1959-1960 Extent: 1 folder. Page 53 Plans including cross sections, calculations for steel sheet-pile walls, test data, and notes, 1959-1960, letter detailing the geological layers, and soil mechanics tests (Upper Leading Jetty only), 1959. Related Units of Description: See also Latchford (Statham), PWR/4/1/34. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/22 Manchester Ship Canal and Docks - consolidation tests Dates:Apr 1973 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Letter and notes, relating to reports entitled 'Consolidation of Fine Grained Dredged Material After Hydraulic Deposition’ by Bishop and Vaughan Volumes 1 and 2, reports not found. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/23 Manchester Ship Canal and Docks Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/24 Manchester Ship Canal and Docks Dates:1980s (?) Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Report on the Manchester Ship Canal covering its history, flood control, dredging, swing bridges, future of the canal, engineering options, etc., n.d. [pre-1987]; colour photographs showing the canal including bridges, docks, and warehousing; letter relating to proposed new workshops, Manchester Docks, noting that a certain ‘vibroflotation technique’ could possibly be used for remedial floor suspension work. transit sheds at the above berths, Trafford Wharf, Old Trafford, Manchester. Manchester Ship Canal and Docks - No. 1 Berth, No. 7 dock, and No. 2 Berth, No. 8 dock. Correspondence, plans and diagrams (including bore-holes, main frames, foundations, calculated ground pressures), and test data concerning construction of new Dates:1963 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/25 River Mersey Dates:1977-1978 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Development of the first crossing of the Manchester Ship Canal and the River Mersey. Plans including cross section, maps and correspondence concerning proposal by North West Water Authority to increase the capacity of the Vyrnwy and Dee aqueducts under the Manchester Ship Canal and whether this would put the embankment at risk. Works being undertaken for NWWA by Mott, Hay, and Anderson. Includes test sheets M.R. 1 and M.R. 2, for consolidation tests on Mersey River sand, used to assess any settlement of the embankments caused by ground-water lowering involved in tunnelling under them. The dates of the tests are 9-14 November, but the year is not stated. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1 /26 Moss Brook Drainage Scheme, Bridgewater Canal Dates:1976-1982 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/27 See also Bridgewater Canal material, PWR/4/1/4. Moss Brook Drainage Scheme, Bridgewater Canal, Worsley - North West Water Authority. Correspondence, notes, calculations, and plans, including material relating to the reinstatement of banks following mining subsidence; site investigation report (Geo- Research Ltd), quotation, and related papers relating to drainage proposals, Special Drainage Area 4 and surround; bore-hole logs for Boothstown. Pomona Docks No. 3 Dock for the transportation of abnormally heavy loads. Correspondence, plan, and soil investigation report (Sub Soil Surveys Ltd) concerning the improvement of the access road through Throstle Nest Lane [off Trafford Road] to Pomona Docks Dates:1964-1965 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/28 Preston Brook Marina Proposal Dates:May 1973 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: File relating to a proposal for a marina at Preston Brook near Runcorn. Comprising two letters: Rowe gives detailed advice relating to necessity for construction of a gravel drain and 8 ft high bank, meaning the marina will now be subject to Reservoirs Safety Act criteria. Related Units of Description: See also Bridgewater Canal, PWR/4/1/3; Preston Brook Tunnel Reinstatement, PWR/4/5/54. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/29 Rivacre Valley Railway Embankments Dates: 1970 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: See also Ellesmere Port, PWR/4/1/11, and Rivacre Valley, PWR/4/1/30. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/ 1/30 Rivacre Valley embankments - Ellesmere Port to Eastham railway, owned by the Manchester Ship Canal Company. Correspondence and plans relating to proposed tipping north of North Road. to Rivacre Valley culvert [Rivacre Brook, under North Road). Rivacre Valley embankments - Ellesmere Port to Eastham railway, owned by the Manchester Ship Canal Company. Correspondence, piezometer readings, bore-hole log, test data, notes, calculations, and plans relating to proposed railway extension reaching Rivacre Valley Railway Embankments Dates: 1966-1968 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: See alsoEastham, PWR/4/1/10, Ellesmere Port, PWR/4/1/11, and Rivacre Valley, PWR/4/1/29. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/31 Runcorn Docks - Canal Wall Slip Dates: Aug 1994 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Site investigation report (Geo-Research Ltd) in two volumes: Section | and Section 2 relating to stability of the canal wall and proposed remedial measures. Related Units of Description: See also Bridgewater Canal - Runcorn Docks plan PWR/4/1/4. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/32 Salford Docks Enterprise Zone Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/33 Statham Deposit Grounds Dates:1983 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Salford Dock area - City of Salford Enterprise Zone development. Report relating to geotechnical and structural investigation of site, namely land bounded by Trafford Road, the Manchester Ship Canal, and to the North, the south and east wall of Dock No. 9 (Ward, Ashcroft and Parkman, Consulting Engineers), May 1983. River Mersey and the Manchester Ship Canal, with a newspaper drawing of the Statham Deposit Grounds (including North Bank) - major canal slope repairs. Correspondence, notes, calculations, sand drain tests (gauge plate levels), test data, and plan, 1958-1960, including press cutting relating to three proposed viaducts (Thelwall being one of these) to be built to carry the Birmingham to Preston motorway over the Dates: 1958-1967 Extent: 3 folders. Scope and Content: Page 57 Thelwall Viaduct, Manchester Guardian, 10 July 1959; Statham site investigation report, 1967. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1 /34 Statham Deposit Grounds Dates: 1966-1969 Extent: 5 folders. Scope and Content: Statham Deposit Grounds (including North, and Location No. 4837) - major canal slope repairs, due to embankment slips caused by subsidence. Correspondence, bore-hole logs, triaxial tests, permeability and other tests, including papers relating to Latchford (seemingly interchangeable with Statham), all marked Location No. 4837 as is Statham. Includes Thelwall site plan, 1967. Related Units of Description: See also Latchford Locks, PWR/4/1/21. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/35 Statham Deposit Grounds Dates: 1958-1977 Extent: 1 folder. Related Units of Description: See also PWR/4/1/19 and PWR/4/1/36. Dates:1967-1969 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Statham Deposit Grounds - major canal slope repairs. Correspondence, notes, piezometer readings, bore-hole records, small plan, other test data, site investigation report; piezometer readings and accompanying letter for canal [slope] slips remedial area at Statham; cut-off drain discharge records (manhole volume readings), Statham North Deposit Ground bank. Includes Thelwall bore-hole records, 1969. Scope and Content: Thelwall Bridge and Deposit Ground Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/36 Page 58 Plan showing details of bore-holes and test piles relating to Thelwall High Level Bridge, concerning Lancashire County Council's proposed North of Birmingham to Preston By- Pass Special Road, and two letters; letter and cross section plan relating to proposed embankment, Thelwall Deposit Ground, November 1977; Thelwall Bridge paper (photostat copy) published in 'The Structural Engineer', July 1968, and related material. Related Units of Description: See also Statham Deposit Grounds, PWR/4/1/34, for Thelwall site plan. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/37 Trafford Wharf - Leathers Chemical Co. Ltd Dates: 1973-1974 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Correspondence, notes, site investigation report including bore-hole data (Geo-Research Ltd), and calculations concerning construction of proposed new storage tank at Trafford Wharf by Leathers Chemical Company Ltd. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/38 Dates: 1967-1971 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Stockton Heath, Warrington Canal Slope Repairs Warrington - Fairfield Road (including Section 'E'), Stockton Heath. Correspondence, plans and geological sections, and diver's inspection findings relating to proposed major slope repairs to the canal embankments, 1971; correspondence relating to slope repairs, 1967. slopes repairs. Two letters reporting on the repair proposals and detailing the geological Warrington - south of Walnut Tree Farm (the presumed location taken from the Ordnance Survey (O.S.) Landranger Map 109, siting it near Lower Stretton) - canal Dates:Jan 1971 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/39 Warrington Canal Slope Repairs considerations. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/40 Woolston Deposit Grounds Dates:1971-1976 Extent: 8 folders. Scope and Content: Woolston Deposit Grounds Nos 1 and 2, Warrington. Correspondence, photographs, bore-hole logs, notes of meeting and Rowe's comments, plans including soil profile, calculations, notes, jottings, quotations, and reports (Geo-Research Ltd), relating to site investigation of Ground No. 2, including test banks and instrumentation, and later proposed raising of the embankments relating to M6 motorway Thelwall viaduct. Related Units of Description: See also Thelwall Bridge, PWR/4/1/36. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/1/41 Woolston Deposit Grounds Nos 3 and 4 Dates: 1959-1970 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Contract, test data including graphs, relating to Ground No. 3, 1959; correspondence, bore-hole records, piezometer readings, and plans, Ground Nos 3 and 4, 1968-1969; site investigation report (Geo-Research Ltd) and accompanying documents, and notes, relating to Ground No. 4, 1970. technical sales specifications relating to the Maihak pore-water pressure transmitter, Letter from G.H. Hill and Sons, consulting engineers, to Rowe concerning preparation of a site investigation document and later invitations to tender relating to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal: Burnley and Leigh embankments, 5 March 1980; correspondence and Miscellaneous: Leeds and Liverpool Canal Embankments etc. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/ 1/42 Dates: 1958-1980 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Page 60 1958-1959; letter fragment (remainder eaten by rodents?) - July 22nd... photographs... self evid[ent] that if they were mounted with caption[s]... [they would] record the value of drainage prior to a...', n.d.; 'Correlations & Questions' - calculations etc. 'I enclose... pit condition on Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2 British Construction Projects Dates: 1951-1993 Extent: 7 subseries (306 sub-subseries, 2064 items) . Scope and Content: The brief synopsis of each project and Rowe's specific input comes from the documents themselves, company brochures and details supplied by John Scriven. Arrangement: The series PWR/4/2 contains the following sub-series: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1 Reservoirs and Dams Dates: 1951-1993 Extent: 126 sub-subseries (1526 items). . Scope and Content: This subseries covers Peter Rowe's extensive consultancy work on reservoirs and dams (including lakes, water supplies, water treatment works, weirs and pumping stations) in Great Britain and Ireland. The vast majority of the files relate to projects in Britain, and these are arranged in alphabetical order of project name, from Abbotsley and Lutton Reservoir Sites (PWR/4/2/1/1) to Woodmancote Reservoir (PWR/4/2/1/119). These are followed by miscellaneous projects and projects in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic (PWR/4/2/1/120-126). projects and works. The evolution of a reservoir scheme involves many phases. These normally include: feasibility studies, selection of the site, public or Parliamentary inquiries, extensive site investigations and testing, tender submissions, appointment of contractors, site preparation and construction, and monitoring upon completion. Problems encountered during construction may require design modifications, additional site investigation and testing and, if necessary, remedial works. Many of the reservoirs and dams were long-term projects and Peter Rowe advised on different aspects of investigation, design, construction, litigation and site monitoring over many years. The Reservoirs and Dams component of the archive contains Edgar Morton and Partner (EMP) material, since Rowe worked with them on a wide variety of Page 61 Several of the reservoir schemes and projects Rowe advised on were not actually built. After extensive site investigation, monitoring and testing, they were found to be technically or economically unfeasible, even when alternative sites had been proposed and subjected to similar investigation. The reservoirs which were constructed mostly came under local authority and water board control and were subject to Reservoirs Safety Act compliance and other criteria. Peter Rowe worked on a large number of reservoir and dam projects, problems and proposals. In some cases reservoirs and dams would be grouped together as part of a larger scheme, for example encompassing drainage, river development, abstraction, canals and flood alleviation, and covering a large geographical area. Examples of such schemes in the archive are: the River Severn Scheme, the River Medway Scheme, the River Colne Scheme, the Alton Reservoir Scheme, and the former seven Rochdale Canal Company Reservoirs group, comprising Blackstone Edge, Chelburn (Upper and Lower), Hollingworth, Light Hazzles, Ramsden Clough, Warland and White Holme reservoirs, these being mostly old nineteenth-century Pennine dams. The bulk of the papers consists of correspondence, files, plans, reports and extensive test data both from the field and from the laboratory. Some projects cross-refer to other schemes within this subseries, and information on reservoirs, dams and river schemes can also be found in the Other British Construction Projects subseries (PWR/4/2/7). All graphs and plottings are termed 'graphs' in the catalogue descriptions. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/1 Abbotsley, Huntingdonshire, and Lutton, Lincolnshire, Reservoir Sites Related Units of Description: Dates: 1968-1969 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Abbotsley reservoir site, Huntingdonshire (Cambridgeshire), and Lutton reservoir site, Lincolnshire (neither were built). Client: Great Ouse River Authority. Correspondence including bore-hole estimates, and comments on the Hundred Foot Washes feasibility study. Scope and Content: See also Hundred Foot Washes Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/66. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/2 Alaw Dam, Anglesey Dates: 1964-1966 Extent: 1 folder. Page 62 Alaw Dam, Anglesey, North Wales: Afon Alaw Scheme. Client: Anglesey County Council Water Department. Correspondence, calculations and notes, and shear test data including graphs, 1964; commemorative booklet concerning the official opening of the scheme, 21 October 1966. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/3 Alton Reservoir Scheme, Suffolk Dates: 1969-1972 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Alton Reservoir Scheme, Suffolk. Client: Ipswich Corporation Water Undertaking; later Anglia Water Authority. Correspondence relating to Rowe's conditions of appointment as consultant to the proposed treatment plant and intake pumping station scheme, relating to foundation problems (relating to River Gipping at Sproughton, and treatment plant at Holbrook), bore-hole logs, plans, and rough diagram, 1969 and 1972, and n.d. Related Units of Description: See also Holbrook Treatment Plant, PWR/4/2/1/64. Alvingham Reservoir, Lincolnshire Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1 /4 Dates: 1971-1973 Extent: 15 folders. Scope and Content: Alvingham Reservoir, Lincolnshire (not built): Great Eau Scheme. Client: North East Lincolnshire Water Board. Correspondence, site investigation reports, contract No. 96.240.01, bore-hole logs, plans, maps, calculations, notes, and various test data, relating to proposed reservoir at Alvingham; two envelopes of small black and white photographs, marked 'Alvingham Reports' and 'Alvingham Spares' respectively, with technical data pencilled on the back of each photograph. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/5 Includes comments in the Alvingham correspondence relating to Covenham Reservoir. Related Units of Description: See also Covenham Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/37. Ardleigh Reservoir and Dam, Essex Dates: 1964-1979 Extent: 51 folders. Scope and Content: Ardleigh Reservoir and Dam (constructed): River Colne Development Scheme (including Marriages Mill and Bourne Brook sites). Client: Colchester and District Water Board and Tendring Hundred Waterworks Company. Correspondence, inclinometer readings, settlement gauge readings, piezometer readings, sieve analysis, earth pressure cell readings, and other test data, notes, graphs, plans, contract Nos | and 10, progress and inspection reports, bore-hole logs and bore-hole record drawings, final documents, monitoring claim, and photographs of soil samples, relating to proposed reservoir at Ardleigh and site investigation: covering complete job from start to finish, including some joint Ardleigh Reservoir, Bourne Brook and Marriages Mill material. Related Units of Description: See also Bourne Brook Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/15, and Marriages Mill material, PWR/4/2/1/78. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/6 Audenshaw Reservoir, Greater Manchester Dates: 1980-1982 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Audenshaw Reservoir, Greater Manchester (constructed). Client: North West Water Authority. Correspondence, maps, plans, bore-hole records, notes, calculations, and diagrams relating to proposed M66 motorway, Manchester Outer Ring Road (Denton to Middleton), involving proposed construction of a new embankment section across one corner of one of the existing Audenshaw reservoirs to enable the road to pass through, and monitoring. Dates:1969 See also article, 1951, and memoranda, 1971 and 1979, relating to question of embankment trees, Audenshaw and Hollingworth Reservoirs: Hollingworth Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/65. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/7 Related Units of Description: Backwater Reservoir, Angus Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Backwater Reservoir, Angus. Client: East of Scotland Water Board. Illustrated booklet commemorating the reservoir's inauguration by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, on 9 October, 1969, including references to the work of 'Messrs Soil Mechanics [Rowe's consultancy] / Soletanche Ltd, a partnership of British and French firms.' Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/8 Barr Beacon Service Reservoir No. 1, Staffordshire Dates: 1969 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Barr Beacon Service Reservoir No. 1, Staffordshire (constructed). Client: South Staffordshire Waterworks Company. Correspondence, plans, progress report, piezometer readings, site investigation and test data, and Rowe's detailed advice on soil testing and instrumentation. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/9 Dates: 1962-1974 Extent: 55 folders. Scope and Content: Bewl Bridge Reservoir and Dam, Lamberhurst, Kent Bewl Bridge Reservoir and Dam, Lamberhurst, Kent (constructed): River Medway Scheme. Client: Medway Water Board; later Southern Water Authority. Correspondence, plans, bore-hole and piezometer records, test data, graphs, diagrams, maps, contracts and tender documents, notes, reports (including pasted- in colour photographs), tracings, minutes of meetings, and calculations, extending from proposed reservoir and site investigation, additional site investigation, up to the completed works, including a slip in tunnel excavation, and one letter relating to centrifuge model test results report (report not found). Includes joint Bewl Bridge, Eccles Lake and Ticehurst Reservoir material. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/10 Related Units of Description: See also Eccles Lake, PWR/4/2/1/46, and Ticehurst Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/99. Bickerstaffe Reservoir, Lancashire Dates:1974 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Bickerstaffe Reservoir, Lancashire. Client: West Lancashire Water Board. Letter and accompanying site location map showing pumping station, requesting Rowe's opinion on flood damage to the reservoir, March 1974. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/11 Bilton Reservoir, North Yorkshire Dates:1973-1974 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Bilton Reservoir, North Yorkshire (not built), Ouse Abstraction Scheme. Client: Leeds Corporation Waterworks; later Yorkshire Water Authority, North Central Division. Correspondence, maps and plans including geological, site investigation and test data, soft ground drilling records, bore-hole logs, and interim geological report, relating to proposed raw water storage reservoir, Bilton-in-Ainsty near York. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/12 Blackstone Edge Reservoir and Dam, Lancashire Blackstone Edge Reservoir and Dam, Lancashire (one of the seven former Rochdale Canal Company reservoirs, and part of the Warland Reservoir Group) - proposed remedial works. Client: North West Water Authority, Pennine Division. Correspondence, bore-hole logs, test data, plans, diagrams, site investigation letter, geological observations and tracings, notes, and calculations; draft report including 12 x 10-inch colour and black and white photographs of the reservoir (G.H. Hill and Sons); photocopy of illustrated history of Blackstone Edge and other reservoirs (including White Holme), taken from an unknown publication. See also Hollingworth Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/65, and Warland Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/106. Dates:1977-1980 Extent: 9 folders. Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/13 Booth Wood Reservoir and Dam, West Yorkshire Dates: 1963-1967 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Booth Wood Reservoir and Dam (constructed), (West) Yorkshire. Client: Wakefield and District Water Board. Correspondence, test data, plans (including geological section), note, Edgar Morton and Partner reports and observations, and stability calculations concerning the proposed reservoir, 1963-1967, and first page of article relating to the new Booth Wood Dam, entitled "No-fines concrete and pfa [pulverised fuel ash or 'fly ash'] for new Pennine dam", from The Consulting Engineer, April 1967. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/14 Bough Beech Reservoir, KentSurrey Dates:1966, 1989 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/15 Bourne Brook Reservoir, Essex Bough Beech Reservoir, Edenbridge Kent. Client: East Surrey Water Company. Correspondence, March 1966, relating to Rowe's advice on internal drainage for the tender (contract No. 8), etc., and cross-section plan; sheet advertising the Institution of Civil Engineers Conference, October, 1989: "Clay Barriers for Embankment Dams", with diagrams of Ardingly, Bough Beech, and Carsington dams. Related Units of Description: Bourne Brook Reservoir, Essex: River Colne Development Scheme. Client: Colchester and District Water Board and Tendring Hundred Waterworks Company. Correspondence, report (comprising bore-hole records and test results), notes, plans, map, graphs, and test data relating to proposed reservoir at Bourne Brook. Includes joint Bourne Brook and Ardleigh material. Dates: 1964-1966 Extent: 14 folders. Scope and Content: Page 67 See also Ardleigh Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/5, and Marriages Mill, PWR/4/2/1/78. Brenig Reservoir and Dam, Clwyd Dates: 1973-1976 Extent: 11 folders. Scope and Content: Brenig Reservoir and Dam (also known as Llyn Brenig), Clwyd (Conwy and Denbighshire). Clients: Dee and Clwyd River Authority; Welsh National Water Development Authority. Correspondence, plans, calculations, notes, reports including draft site investigation report (Leonard Fairclough Ltd), and contract documents (including Dam and Road Diversion) relating to proposed reservoir up to completion of job and contractual claim; commemorative colour booklet relating to formal dam inauguration by H.R.H. Prince Charles, 21 Dec 1976. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/17 Brund and Winkhill Reservoir Sites, Staffordshire Dates:1969 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/18 Brund and Winkhill reservoir sites, Staffordshire (neither were built). Client: Trent River Authority. Correspondence including advice given on soil testing, plan, site investigation papers, Edgar Morton and Partner's report and preliminary draft report (Volume 1, Brund, and Volume 2, Winkhill) relating to proposed river regulating reservoirs on the [River] Hamps and [River] Manifold’, for the Brund and Winkhill sites respectively. incomplete rainfall figures for 1947 and 1948), calculations, and colour Brushes Clough Reservoir and Treatment Works, Greater Manchester Brushes Clough Reservoir and Treatment Works, Greater Manchester (constructed). Client: North West Water Authority, Pennine Division. Correspondence, maps, plans, test data, bore-hole logs, notes (including Dates: 1978-1980 Extent: 16 folders. Scope and Content: Page 68 photographs of bore-hole soil samples, relating to site investigation, and proposed remedial work; photocopy of Official Opening of Ashway Gap and Brushes Filter Extensions, May 1951; report (G.H. Hill and Sons) relating to the cracking of the filter house walls (built 1911). Brushes Clough is alternatively referred to as Brushes Reservoir. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/19 Bryn Bach Reservoir, Tredegar, Monmouthshire Dates: 1964-1968 Extent: 10 folders. Scope and Content: Bryn Bach Reservoir, Tredegar, Monmouthshire (Blaenau Gwent), South Wales (constructed). Client: Richard Thomas and Baldwin Ltd. Correspondence, plans, graph, photograph showing the reservoir [during site investigation], south side of cut, upstream section; reports including ground investigation (Sub Soil Surveys Ltd) and inspection report (Richard Thomas and Baldwins Ltd), calculations, notes, boring records, and test data relating to proposed reservoir, and safety investigation - dam project abandoned, dam breached and removed from the Reservoirs Act; letter requesting relaxing of soft clay specification relating to alternative proposals for Covenham Reservoir, August 1967. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/20 Dates:1967-1972 Extent: 7 folders. Dates:1970 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Bucklesham Experimental Desalination Water Treatment Plant, Suffolk Bucklesham Experimental Desalination Water Treatment Plant, Suffolk. Client: Ipswich Corporation Water Undertaking. Correspondence, plans, two site investigation reports (Geo-Research Ltd and Simon-Carves Ltd respectively), bore-hole logs, test data, calculations, and notes relating to the proposed plant. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/21 Cadney Carrs Reservoir, Lincolnshire Page 69 Cadney Carrs Reservoir, Lincolnshire (constructed). Client: North Lindsey Water Board: River Ancholme Scheme. Correspondence, notes, site investigation notes; test data, soils tests progress report, diagrams, bore-hole logs, calculations, maps and reports including geological, and plans, relating to proposed Ancholme Valley storage reservoir sites, particularly Cadney Carrs. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/22 Cairn Mound Reservoir, Brynmawr, Breconshire Dates: 1963-1979 Extent: 24 folders. Scope and Content: Cairn Mound Reservoir, Brynmawr, Breconshire (Blaenau Gwent), South Wales (constructed). Clients: South East Breconshire Water Board; Wales National Water Development Authority. Correspondence, plans, maps, notes, calculations, graphs, test data, diagrams, bore-hole logs, and instrumentation readings including piezometers, reports including site investigation report, 1971(Edgar Morton and Partner) and on embankment leakage of the reservoir, 1976, inspection notes, 1963, various minutes and notes of meetings, weekly progress reports, and colour photographs, concerning proposed remedial works, reservoir failure investigation (embankment leakage, etc.), and reinstatement. Includes reference to Cairn Mound Reservoir as 'Bryn Mawr Reservoir, letter praising Rodney Chartres' work, and Chartres' reply sent to Rowe, 1979. Cantref Reservoir, Breconshire Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/23 Dates:1971-1972 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Cantref Reservoir, Breconshire (Powys), South Wales (constructed). Clients: Cardiff City Waterworks; River Glamorgan Water Authority. Correspondence, plans, notes, and reports concerning investigation into the feasibility of raising existing dam embankments (not built), to provide additional storage at the reservoir. Scope and Content: Carsington Reservoir, Derbyshire Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/24 Dates: 1968-1992 Extent: 180 folders. Page 70 Carsington Reservoir, Derbyshire (constructed and reconstructed). Clients: Trent River Authority; later Severn Trent Water Authority; and G.H. Hills & Sons. Reservoir rebuilding scheme due to dam embankment failure and collapse near the end of construction in June 1984. Includes full documentation from commencement to completion; papers relating to building of original proposed reservoir (River Dove and River Derwent developments), site investigation, etc., under various contracts; public inquiry and related papers (proposed Carsington site favoured over Brund). Correspondence (including personal, contractual, and papers relating to various Geotechnical Groups, the Institution of Civil Engineers, the British Dam Society, and others: lectures, conferences, etc., 1990-1992.) and correspondence files, relevant articles and published material by Rowe, A.W. Skempton and others; New Civil Engineer magazines (interspersed in several folders), WorldWater magazine, and others, containing Carsington articles (marked); and Rowe's personal notes, discussing the causes of the failure; plans, test data, settlement data, notes; photographs (loose) and negatives (colour and black and white), and incorporated in the Final Report, 1984; calculations, surveys, reports including Regulation of the Rivers Derwent and Dove - Proposed Reservoir Sites at Carsington and Brund (G.H. Hill and Sons), 1972 [located in folder 180], bore- hole logs, various Daily Reports, Technical Steering Committee material, instrumentation observations, rainfall record including photographs, 1981, press cutting relating to the dam failure, and site investigation material; numerous colour photographs, many pasted onto sheets in loose-leaf albums, with detailed labels (including Hognaston Bridge cracks, 1983), with negatives separate, 5 small boxes of colour slides, and Earthworks (including instrumentation) Inspectors Daily Reports April-October 1982, site instruction files, record sheets, and minutes ('SL'[ Shephard Hill Ltd?] references) relating to contract number 7 (C7) dam construction, and others. Access Conditions: Related Units of Description: Restricted Access to folder no. 54 (dated 1984-1985) as it contains sensitive and personal material relating to living persons. Copy letters, etc. sent to Berrymans (solicitors to G.H. Hill and Sons) 1982-1984, and other legal papers; carbon copy triplicate books showing record of work done in joiners and other shops, etc., 1982-1984, site diaries 1981-1984; and Rowe cell test reports. Includes a draft of a chapter of a book by Rowe on 'Earth dams' relating to Scalford Brook flood alleviation scheme, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. Cefn Hirgoed Reservoir, Bridgend, Glamorgan See also Brund material, PWR/4/2/1/17. For further Carsington material see the correspondence relating to Rowe's paper 'A reassessment of the Carsington embankment failure', PWR/6/1/25; chapters on Carsington for Rowe's book of case studies, PWR/6/2/7; and correspondence relating to the Carsington slip in PWR/10/5/7. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/25 Dates: 1966-1970 Extent: 10 folders. Scope and Content: Cefn Hirgoed Reservoir, Bridgend, Glamorgan (not built): River Ogmore Abstraction Scheme. Client: Mid Glamorgan Water Board. Correspondence, contract, bore-hole logs, notes, calculations, plans (including one dated 1964), reports including site investigation (Edgar Morton and Partner, and Rowe), diagrams, site investigation and test data (including lab test results), relating to proposed storage reservoir on Cefn Hirgoed Common: comprehensive ground investigation for reservoir site. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/26 Cefn Mably Reservoir No. 2, Glamorgan Dates:1963 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Cefn Mably Reservoir No. 2, near Castleton, Glamorgan (Caerphilly). Client: Cardiff Corporation Waterworks. Correspondence, plans, and site investigation report including bore-hole logs, relating to proposed new service reservoir at Cefn Mably. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/27 Dates: 1979-1982 Extent: 27 folders. Scope and Content: Chelburn Reservoirs (Upper and Lower), Greater Manchester Related Units of Description: Chelburn Reservoirs (Upper and Lower), Littleborough near Rochdale, Greater Manchester (one of the seven former Rochdale Canal Company reservoirs, and part of the Warland Reservoir Group). Client: North West Water Authority, Pennine Division. Correspondence, plans, test data, calculations, notes, minutes of meetings, reports on geology and mining position, draft report on Upper (North, built 1840) and Lower Chelburn (South, built about 1800) Reservoirs (G.H. Hill and Sons), and site investigation reports (Geo-Research Ltd) for both reservoirs; bore-hole logs, graphs including vee-notch recordings, and photographs of bore- hole samples, relating to site investigation and alternative measures necessary to ensure earthworks safety. Includes a small amount of joint and related documentation for the reservoirs of Chelburn, Brushes, Snoddleshill (including copy plan, 1878), Hollingworth Lake, Ramsden Clough, and Warland. Page 72 See also Brushes Clough Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/18, Hollingworth Reservoir and Lake, PWR/4/2/1/65, Ramsden Clough Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/85, and Warland Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/106. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/28 Chelmarsh Reservoir and Hampton Loade Treatment Works, Shropshire Dates:1961-1981 Extent: 15 folders. Scope and Content: Chelmarsh Reservoir and Hampton Loade Treatment Works, Bridgenorth, Shropshire: River Severn Scheme. Client: South Staffordshire Waterworks Company. Correspondence, plans, site investigation papers including report relating to Quatt Intake and Treatment Works including trial borings and lab tests (Foundation Engineering Ltd), and other test data, calculations, notes, graphs, piezometer data, diagrams, and certificate reports, including Hampton Loade rainfall figures, 1972-1973; contract, and other client documents: complete case study from proposed storage reservoir at Chelmarsh up to finished project and later related incidents, 1961-1981 (See also related files in Edgar Morton and Partner papers); Hampton Loade papers: relating to land slip affecting the road, 1969, including correspondence, test data, soil boring daily reports, piezometer readings, tracing, plans, and photographs, 1969-1970, and relating to road and pipe bridge (elevated roadway), including correspondence, calculations, and plans, 1965-1967. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/29 Dates:1970-1971 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Churchdown Reservoir No. 6, Gloucestershire Clarke's Hill Service Reservoir, Lancashire Churchdown Reservoir No. 6, Gloucestershire (constructed): River Wye Abstraction Scheme. Client: North West Gloucestershire Water Board. Correspondence, maps, plans, site investigation and test data including lab test results, reports, bore-hole records, calculations, notes, client documents, including Rowe's advice to Edgar Morton and Partner, relating to proposed 5 million gallon reservoir at Churchdown. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/30 Dates: 1962 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Clarke's Hill Service Reservoir, Lancashire. Client: Irwell Valley Water Board. Correspondence including observations and plans showing mining position and auger holes; calculations, notes, test data and graph; relating to proposals to cover [roof over] the Clarke's Hill Service Reservoir thereby converting it to an independent covered storage reservoir. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/31 Clunas Reservoir, Nairnshire Dates: 1960 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Clunas Reservoir, Nairnshire (Highland). Clients: Edinburgh Water Works; Nairn Joint Water Board. Correspondence, test data, interim soil mechanics test reports, and graphs, relating to proposed reservoir. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/32 Dates:1971-1972 Extent: 3 folders. Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: Cocker Cobbs Service Reservoir, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire Cocker Cobbs Service Reservoir, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire. Client: Calder Water Board. Correspondence, site investigation papers including report (Geo-Research Ltd), bore-hole logs and other test data, notes, maps, and plans relating to proposed 10 megalitres reinforced concrete service reservoir at Cocker Cobbs. Dates: 1972-1975 See also Wall Green Reservoir - proposed 20 megalitres service reservoir as above, under the same Water Board - PWR/4/2/1/104. Coldwell Service Reservoir, Nelson, Lancashire Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/33 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Coldwell Service Reservoir, Nelson, Lancashire. Client: North West Water Authority, Ribble Division (formerly the North Calder Water Board). Correspondence, contract, plan, and site investigation report (Holst Soil Engineering Ltd) including bore-hole logs, relating to proposed 0.5 mg capacity reservoir. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/34 Colliford Reservoir, Cornwall Dates:1975 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Colliford Reservoir, Cornwall (constructed). Client: South West Water Authority. Correspondence with Edgar Morton and Partner and others, relating to banking [embankment] materials for the proposed reservoir, August to November 1975. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/35 Dates: 1963-1970 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Dates:1977-1981 Extent: 6 folders. Scope and Content: Coulter Reservoir and Dam, South Lanarkshire Coulter Reservoir and Dam, Burgh of Motherwell and Wishaw, (South) Lanarkshire. Client: Lanarkshire Water Board. Correspondence, plans, site investigation material, test data, inspection report, notes of meeting, July 1970, bore-hole records, calculations, and notes relating to investigation of dam movement. 'Coulter' is also referred to as 'Culter' in some documents. Correspondence, site investigation material, contract documents, reports, bore- Court Farm Reservoir near Caerleon, Gwent (Newport): River Wye Transfer Scheme. Client: Welsh National Water; later the Welsh Water Authority. Court Farm Reservoir, Caerleon, Gwent Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/36 Page 75 hole logs, map, notes, calculations, seismic survey, and plans, concerning proposed reservoir. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/37 Covenham Reservoir, Lincolnshire Dates: 1963-1978 Extent: 60 folders. Scope and Content: Covenham Reservoir, (constructed) including treatment works, Covenham St Bartholomew, Lincolnshire; Great Eau Scheme; Louth Canal Scheme. Client: North East Lincolnshire Water Board (NELWB); later the Anglian Water Authority, Lincoln Water Division. Correspondence with Edgar Morton and Partner and others, plans, site investigation and test data including bore-hole records, calculations, graphs, diagrams, site meeting notes, piezometer readings, settlement gauge readings, notes, and reports including performance and inspections report 1968-1977. Documents span from site investigation, design and construction, to completion, final inspection, and later remedial works concerning a slip (movement) in the north embankment. Possibly duplicates in EMP papers. Includes W. & C. French Ltd proposals for revised method of working. Related Units of Description: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/38 Dates:1967 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Denton Reservoir and Treatment Works, Lancashire Includes proposed Fulstow site, and proposed Saltfleet (Saltfleetby) Reservoir (Louth Canal Scheme) site investigation material, both for the NELWB. See also Fulstow Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/51. Derwent Reservoir, Co. Durham Denton Reservoir and Treatment Works, Lancashire (Greater Manchester). Client: Manchester Corporation Water Works. One letter, two graphs and related proving ring figures sheets, and one sheet of notes from a meeting 21 June 1967, concerning stability problem relating to reservoir embankment, and the remedial measures required, June to July 1967. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/] /39 Dates: 1956-1969 Extent: 87 folders. Scope and Content: Derwent Reservoir, Co. Durham. Client: Sunderland and South Shields Water Company. Correspondence, plans including geological sections, maps, site investigation material, bore-hole logs, calculations on stability, lab and other test data; reports including wells levels observations, 1960-1962, vibration soil settlement, 1963, and geological report, 1963, (Soil Mechanics Ltd), graphs, notes, contract, and client documents, relating to various projects and works: cracks in clay blankets, cut-offs and partial cut-offs (contract documents, final design, and stability), ground-water lowering, non critical slip analysis, fill control and site tests (including Birmingham to Preston Motorway material, South Cheshire section), observations, Bumhope Burn catchwater, outlet channel, fill site test data, cementation and North Hillside wells and piezometer, sand drains, grouting, yield hinges, dewatering, control measurements, supplementary exploratory work, and the Mill Hill bore-hole at Easington, etc. Includes photostat article from "The Contract Journal", dated 29 March, 1962, relating to the official opening of the Walton South Reservoir, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, UK, by H. M. The Queen; references to Selset Reservoir; material relating to Maihak Measuring Instruments. Derwent Reservoir was a major project, which Rowe worked on with Edgar Morton and Partner, concerning the site investigation, design, testing and construction of a large reservoir. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/40 Diamond Hill Reservoir and Dam, Pembrokeshire Diamond Hill Reservoir and Dam, Pembrokeshire. Client: Prescelly Water Board. Correspondence, plans, geological diagram, site investigation and test data, notes, calculations including relating to stability for concrete dam, and report (Edgar Morton and Partner) relating to results of trial borings at the site of the proposed reservoir at Diamond Hill. Scope and Content: Diddington Reservoir and Dam (Grafham Water), Huntingdonshire Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/41 Dates:1961-1962 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Dates: 1961-1967 Extent: 9 folders. Page 77 Diddington Reservoir and Dam (Grafham Water), West Perry, Huntingdonshire. Clients: Great Ouse Water Authority; Bedfordshire County Council. Plans, site investigation and test data, calculations, notes, and other client documents, including reports relating to site investigation, stability, lab test reports (Soil Mechanics Ltd), final reports on site investigation and design, and "Notes on the Instrumentation of the Dam", relating to proposed reservoir, pipeline, intake and treatment works. Includes Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers, Vol. 21 No. 1, February 1967, containing article on Diddington and the Great Ouse Water Supply Scheme. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/ 1/42 Digley Reservoir, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire Dates: 1982-1985 Extent: 16 folders. Scope and Content: Digley Reservoir, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire (constructed). Client: Yorkshire Water Authority, South Western Division (formerly Huddersfield Corporation Waterworks). Correspondence, plans including old Huddersfield Corporation Waterworks plan of the proposed reservoir showing geological sections, 1936, and later plans c. 1968, bore-hole logs, graphs, maps, calculations, notes, reports relating, among other matters, to ground investigation, the embankment, and the cause of [embankment] settlement and settlement prediction for the dam, New Civil Engineer article, site investigation and test data (Geo-Research Ltd), and jottings relating to observations prior to remedial works. (Copy of final report in Edgar Morton Papers). Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/43 Dates: 1963-1980 Extent: 48 folders. Scope and Content: Draycote Reservoir, Warwickshire samples and rock strata, c.1968), black and white photographs, 1968, site soils lab Draycote Reservoir, Warwickshire (constructed), including River Leam Project. Client: Rugby Joint Water Board, 1963-1969, and Severn Trent Water Authority, Avon Division, 1977-1978. Complete case history from site investigation to construction of the proposed reservoir to later embankment slip [movement], and later dam investigation, dredging construction, potential failure and monitoring and constructional claims. Correspondence, plans, geological sections, maps including exploratory bore-holes (Eathorpe site), and printed Ordnance Survey maps, site investigation and test data, calculations, notes, bore-hole logs, piezometer records including graphs and readings, reports on embankment investigation, drilling, Rowe's report, and progress reports, small colour photographs (bore-hole samples) and three black and white negatives (bore-hole Page 78 test reports, slope stability Atlas computer printouts, and client documents including contract No. 1 (exploratory bore-holes, River Leam project), 1963- 1969; Hensborough embankment remedial works material including site investigation, performance reports, minutes and notes of meetings, and inspection sheets, particularly 1978-1980. Related Units of Description: See also Waddesdon and Whitchurch Reservoirs, PWR/4/2/1/103. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/44 Dunham Park Reservoir, Altrincham, Cheshire Dates:1959-1961 Extent: 3 folders. Scope and Content: Dunham Park Reservoir, Altrincham, Cheshire (Greater Manchester). Client: Manchester Corporation Waterworks. Correspondence, bore-hole records, particle size distribution and other test data, calculations, plans, site investigation, and vibroflotation trials report on loading tests (The Cementation Co. Ltd) relating to building of proposed reservoir. Includes plan of Godley Reservoir, also under the above Corporation, and references to Rowe's help being sought regarding the Lostock Reservoir project near Bolton. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/45 Dates: 1962-1963 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Dunsop Valley and Langden Valley Reservoirs, Lancashire Extent: 4 folders. Dunsop Valley and Langden Valley Reservoirs, Lancashire: preliminary assessment and soil testing. Client: Flyde Water Board. Correspondence with Edgar Morton and Partner and others, notes, jottings, site investigation and test data, relating to proposed reservoirs. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/46 Eccles Lake, Maidstone, Kent Dates: 1965-1971 Scope and Content: Eccles Lake near Maidstone, Kent: River Medway Scheme including Burham Treatment Works, 1971, and failure. Client: Medway Water Board. Correspondence relating to Contract R.M. 1, test data, notes, maps, plans relating to the proposed Treatment Works and a tunnel between the Works and Eccles Lake, 1967. Joint material for Eccles Lake, Springfields Intake site (Moncktons Lane), Smallbridge near Goudhurst, and Bewl Bridge Reservoir, including exploratory bore-hole plans, test data, and report (The Cementation Co. Ltd). Related Units of Description: See also Bewl Bridge Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/9. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/47 Ewden Service Reservoir and Water Treatment Plant, South Yorkshire Dates: 1991-1992 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/48 Farndale Reservoir, North Yorkshire Ewden Service Reservoir and Water Treatment Plant, Stocksbridge, South Yorkshire. Client: Yorkshire Water, Southern Division. Correspondence, plans including Yorkshire Water Engineering plans dated 1991, maps, calculations, notes, bore-hole records, colour photographs (including soil strata), and site and ground conditions investigation and test data, and reports relating to the unexpected ground condition difficulties encountered during excavation by the Cronton Construction Co. Ltd at the Ewden clear water reservoir during pipeline construction (PWR), giving rise to a contractual claim. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/49 Farndale Reservoir, (North) Yorkshire (not built). Client: Yorkshire Ouse and Hull River Authority. Correspondence, plans, calculations, Contract YRD/1, laboratory results and other test data including report (Soil Mechanics Ltd), references to Rowe Consolidation Cell testing, relating to site investigation and analysis of the proposed reservoir on the River Dove. Incorporates much Edgar Morton and Partner material. Dates: 1968-1970 Extent: 5 folders. Scope and Content: Page 80 Foremark Reservoir and Dam, Derbyshire Dates: 1966-1985 Extent: 57 folders. Scope and Content: Foremark Reservoir and Dam, Derbyshire (constructed): long term project, 1966- 2000, necessitating the making watertight of Foremark Valley due to its geological formation, and additional site investigations. Client: River Dove Water Board; later Severn Trent Water Authority, Soar Division. Correspondence relating to geology, soils, instrumentation, testing equipment, and grouting; site investigation papers 1966 onwards, and additional site investigation 1970 onwards. Reports (Geo-Research Ltd and others), much Edgar Morton and Partner material, bore-hole logs, piezometer records, performance monitoring, test data including marl histogram, calculations, extensometer measurement summaries, settlement data; plans including geological sections; notes, calculations, chemical analysis of water samples 1978-1985, grout curtains specification and plan, extract from a German paper relating to construction of a dam on the River Nagold, near Erzgrube, West Germany, built on Bunter sandstone as found in the Foremark Valley, translated from the German; New Civil Engineer magazine article on "French [W & C French] in Foremark muck shift dilemma" (published 10 July 1975); Contract for Construction of Dam and Ancillary Works, June 1972, and related papers; Technical Memorandum report. Site meeting agenda, April 1974, refers to points for discussion relating to Foremark and Staunton Harold Reservoirs. Related Units of Description: Related Units of Description: See also Staunton Harold Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/92. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/50 Dates:1960 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Fruid and Talla Reservoirs, Tweedsmuir, Peeblesshire] See also Megget Reservoir and Dam, PWR/4/2/1/79, and West Water Reservoir, Fruid and Talla Reservoirs, Tweedsmuir, Peeblesshire (Borders), (constructed): [Upper Tweed Scheme]. Client: Edinburgh Corporation Waterworks. Correspondence, plans (including bore-holes), graphs, test data relating to Talla Reservoir, and notes, concerning soil testing relating to proposed Fruid Reservoir. Includes soil testing data relating to proposed West Water Reservoir. PWR/4/2/1/111. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/51 Fulstow Reservoir, Lincolnshire Dates:1964 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Fulstow Reservoir (also known as Covenham Reservoir), Lincolnshire. Client: North East Lincolnshire Water Board. Graphs, test data including lab tests (Soil Mechanics - Edgar Morton and Partner), calculations, notes, map, and jottings relating to proposed new reservoir at Fulstow. Related Units of Description: See also Covenham Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/37. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/52 Glenmassan Reservoir, Argyllshire Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/53 Gorhuish Reservoir, Dartmoor, Devon Dates: 1960 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Glenmassan Reservoir, Argyllshire (Argyll and Bute): Inellan High Dam. Client: Argyll County Council. Correspondence, test data including bore-holes, relating to proposed Inellan High Dam and Glenmassan (also referred to as Glenmasson, in error) Reservoir site investigation. the Dartmoor National Park, was abandoned in favour of the Meldon Reservoir Gorhuish Reservoir, Dartmoor, Devon (not built). Client: North Devon Water Board. Correspondence, plans, test data, bore-hole records, notes, and geological samples description, relating to site investigation of Gorhuish Reservoir: also question of "whether Meldon or Gorhuish [reservoir site] is to be developed." ( letter, May 1968). [In November 1968 Gorhuish, being situated in Dates: 1967-1969 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: site, which was officially opened in 1972]. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/54 Greenbooth Reservoir and Earth Dam, Lancashire Dates:1960 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Greenbooth Reservoir and Earth Dam, Rochdale, Lancashire (Greater Manchester) (constructed). Client: Heywood and Middleton Water Board. Correspondence, test data, notes, and Rowe's comments on clay samples, relating to Greenbooth Reservoir site including contract 'H'. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/55 Grimwith Reservoir, North Yorkshire Dates: 1965-1993 Extent: 242 folders. Scope and Content: Grimwith Reservoir, North Yorkshire (constructed). Client: Bradford Corporation Water Department; later Yorkshire Water Authority, Western Division. Correspondence, maps, plans including mineshaft workings and geological sections (East abutment), test data including main embankment hydraulic piezometers, under drain flows, dam drainage and seepage, core, deformation monitoring, mineshaft backfill (grout), flow measurement calculations, plastic grout trials and consolidation grouting, lab test results, etc., calculations relating to stability; embankment observations, piezometer readings, water level samples, Edgar Morton and Partner material, method statements, reports on embankment performance, and chemistry of ground and drainage waters in the vicinity of the Reservoir (Dr Nicholls' various reports), minutes of progress and site meetings, reports including Second Site Investigation, April 1972, and Hillside Stabilization - Inspection of Rock Anchors, June 1980, notes, contracts and tenders including Contract.No. 2 and related papers - site investigation material relating to proposed new dam, March 1966, Reservoir Enlargement Works, Oct 1981 site investigation reports relating to landslip, quarry area, infilling and sealing of old mineshafts and workings such as 'California adit' - horizontal entrance or approach to a mine or mines, termed after those in California (?) etc., relating to Grimwith Reservoir Development, including access road to the reservoir. Cardiff April 1980 (folder 239). Draft abstract of article "Aspects of Rock Grouting Practice on British Dams", (Grimwith), by D.A. Bruce, May 1981. Photostat article on "The Doe Park and Grimwith Reservoir", 27 April 1866, publication "...Engineer". Paper on "Hillside Stabilisation using Rock Anchors at Grimwith Reservoir", (various authors collaboration) for 2nd Conference on ground movements and structures, printed Page 83 Mineshaft investigation report, (Oilfield Inspection Services), including colour photographs, 1979; trial pit colour photographs, August 1989. Letter referring to graphs relating to various other dams, particularly Cow Green (not part of Rowe's geotechnical consultancy, but to Edgar Morton and Partner's consultancy), Oct 1982 (folder 123); letters and report relating to affect of new works at Grimwith Reservoir possibly flooding Stump Cross Cavern system, Greenhow Hill, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, 1983-1985. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/56 Hallgates Terminal Reservoirs, Leicester Dates:1960-1981 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Hallgates Terminal Reservoirs, Bradgate Park, Leicester. Client: River Dove Water Board; later Severn Trent Water Authority. Correspondence, plans, site investigation and test data, graphs, sketches, notes, and calculations, relating to construction of proposed service reservoir, 1960-1962, including design questions such as stability problem relating to concrete walls; correspondence, piezometer data, maps including geological, report (Edgar Morton and Partner), and contract No. 219/1 specification relating to site investigation relating to the proposed Hallgates Nos 5 and 6 service reservoirs, 1980-1981. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/57 Dates:1964-1978 Extent: 10 folders. Scope and Content: Hardham Pipe Culvert, Treatment Works and Pumping Station, Pulborough, West Sussex Havant Thicket Reservoir, Hampshire Hardham Pipe Culvert, Treatment Works and Pumping Station, near Pulborough, West Sussex. Client: North West Sussex Water Board; later Southern Water Authority. Correspondence, plans, site investigation, second site investigation, and test data, piezometer records, bore-hole logs, calculations, notes, reports on settlement, ground conditions investigation field work, and additional bore-holes and piezometer installations; water samples analyses, strata photographs, contract documents, and other client documents relating to investigation of settlement of the culvert. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/58 Dates: 1962-1963 Extent: 5 folders. Scope and Content: Havant Thicket Reservoir, Hampshire. Client: Portsmouth and Gosport Water Company. Correspondence, drawings, site investigation, test data including lab tests, analyses, calculations, notes, and geological material including report (Edgar Morton and Partner), relating to proposed storage reservoir at Havant Thicket (a classic Rowe design). Includes letter referring to proposed Dunsop Valley Reservoir, 27 Dec 1962. Related Units of Description: See also Dunsop Valley Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/45. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/59 Hay-on-Wye Area Water Supplies, Radnorshire Dates:1969 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/60 Dates:1965-1971 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Heaton Park Reservoir Scheme, Manchester Hay-on-Wye Area Water Supplies: intake at Lake Llanbwchllyn, Radnorshire (Powys). Client: Radnorshire and North Breconshire Water Board. Correspondence relating to proposed remedial measures to correct instability caused by landslip: observations, findings, conclusions, and recommendations by Edgar Morton and Partner as consulted. Reference to EMP and PWR's Telford Gold Medal award. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/61 Heaton Park Reservoir Scheme, Manchester. Client: Manchester Corporation Waterworks. Correspondence, diagrams, plans, sketch, notes, driller's bore-hole journal and sampling records, and reports including site investigation (South Lancashire Boring Company Ltd), relating to proposed new covered service reservoir and treatment works, remedial measures to combat leakages, etc., 1965- 1971. Includes copy letters and report, 1931, and plan, 1957. Hebden Valley Reservoir, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire Page 85 Dates:1967-1968 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Hebden Valley Reservoir, Hebden Bridge, (West) Yorkshire (not built). Client: Calderdale Water Board. Correspondence with Edgar Morton and Partner and others, plans, site investigation and test data, notes, and report on Additional Site Investigation at Overwood Cottage, Hebden Bridge (The Cementation Co. Ltd), relating to proposed dam, and stability of landslip at reservoir site. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/62 Highwood Reservoir, Southampton, Hampshire Dates:1974-1981 Extent: 13 folders. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/63 Holbeach Reservoir, Lincolnshire Highwood Reservoir, Allington Lane, West End, Southampton, Hampshire. Client: Portsmouth Water Company. Correspondence, plans including revisions and amendments; site investigation and analysis, test data, sketches and diagrams, calculations, site meeting notes, piezometer readings, and contract documents including contract No. 1121A relating to ground-water lowering; photographs, and reports on site investigation; relating to proposed reinforced concrete raw water storage reservoir at Highwood (mostly referred to seemingly incorrectly as High Wood) [and concerning problems of accidental pollution from River Itchen Sewage Works once constructed?]. Includes various copy readings, plan, etc., 1974. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/64 Holbeach Reservoir, Lincolnshire. Client: South Lincolnshire Water Board. Correspondence, test data (Manchester University), notes, calculations, and notes of meeting, including Rowe's comments and recommendations, relating to proposed Holbeach reservoir and booster station. Dates: 1967-1968 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Holbrook Treatment Works, Ipswich, Suffolk Page 86 Dates: 1962-1976 Extent: 9 folders. Scope and Content: Holbrook Treatment Works, Ipswich, Suffolk. Client: Ipswich Corporation Water Undertaking; later Anglian Water Authority, Ipswich Water Division. Correspondence, plans including geological sections, sketch plans, site investigation material including bore-hole plan, test data such as bore-hole logs, lab test results, piezometer graphs, sieve analysis graphs, etc., concerning the Alton Reservoir Scheme including Sproughton intake (pumphouse and weir), and Pettistree Pumping Station, Ipswich. Related Units of Description: See also Alton Reservoir Scheme, PWR/4/2/1/3. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/65 Hollingworth Reservoir and Lake, Greater Manchester Dates: 1978-1987 Extent: 31 folders. Scope and Content: Hollingworth [formerly Healees] Reservoir and Lake (one of the seven former Rochdale Canal Company reservoirs), Greater Manchester. Client: North West Water Authority. Correspondence, plans including relating to Hollingworth Lake south embankment (Shaw Moss dam) and Rakewood Road (north east dam), and photostat copies of old reservoir plans dated from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries (1793, 1920s to 1960s approx.), copy documents relating to very old Pennine dams (good case histories), 1794 to 1866; sketches, geological material (observations, plans, and diagrams), site investigation and test data (Geo-Research Ltd) including bore-hole logs, calculations and notes, reports on site investigation, 1985, draft report, 1981; material relating to mining position, 1981, contract documents and client documents, etc., relating to site investigation, design and construction of repairs: remedial works relating to embankment stability, etc. (Rakewood and Lake Bank dams). Related Units of Description: Also copy article, 1951, and memoranda, 1971 and 1979, relating to question of trees on embankments. Includes material for Blackstone Edge Reservoir, Chelburn (upper and lower) Reservoirs, Light Hazzles Reservoir, Ramsden Clough Reservoir, the Warland Reservoir scheme, and White Holme Reservoir. Page 87 See also Blackstone Edge Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/12, Chelburn Reservoirs, PWR/4/2/1/27, Light Hazzles Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/71, Ramsden Clough Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/85, Warland Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/106, White Holme Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/112. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/66 Hundred Foot Washes Reservoir, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk Dates:1967-1968 Extent: 6 folders. Scope and Content: Hundred Foot Washes Reservoir (part of the Ouse river washlands scheme), Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. Client: Great Ouse Water Authority. Correspondence, plans, site investigation and test data, proposals, feasibility studies, notes including geological, graphs, sketches, diagrams, preliminary site investigation material including report with accompanying drawings (Rofe and Rafferty), 1968, relating to proposed scheme to convert the washlands between the various Old and New Bedford Rivers (nearly 20 miles long) into raw water storage reservoirs, the Hundred Foot River becoming the New Bedford River. Related Units of Description: See also Abbotsley and Lutton Reservoir Sites, PWR/4/2/1/1. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/67 Jackhouse Treatment Works, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire Extent: 100 folders. Jackhouse Treatment Works, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire. Client: Calder Water Board. Correspondence, maps, and bore-hole logs relating to construction of proposed water treatment works at Jackhouse. Includes references to Warmwithens reservoir and Cocker Cobbs reservoir. Kielder Dam Scheme, Hexham, Northumberland Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/68 Dates:1973 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Dates: 1969-1990 Scope and Content: Kielder Dam Scheme, Hexham, Northumberland (constructed). Client: Northumbrian River Authority; later Northumbria Water Authority. Correspondence, plans, maps, contract documents including Contract No. 27 "Kielder and Bakethin Dams and Ancillary Works", September 1975 (Babtie Shaw and Morton), site investigation reports, including a report on proposed reservoirs on the Rivers North Tyne and Irthing, and proposed Otterstone, Falstone, and Bakethin dams, 1970s; test data including relief well pumping tests, piezometer readings, 1976-1983, plans, lab test data (including Soil Mechanics Ltd reports), bore-hole logs, drilling records especially 1976 and 1978, calculations dated 1978-1980 and recalculated 1990, geological reports, cross sections, plans, and notes; Babtie Shaw and Morton reports including feasibility study, January 1970 and follow-up, instrumentation operational status, September 1981, earthworks specification and compliance, December 1978, and strength requirements for the core and shoulder materials of the Kielder dam, April 1979; "Babtie News' publications, July 1977, January and August 1979, containing Kielder, Airy Holm and related news; 'Kielder News' publication, October 198; notes, aerial photographs of Otterstone (Kielder), Babtie Shaw & Morton, n.d; plans showing additional bore-holes and trial pits at Yarrow Moor; plans relating to Hawkhope Hill Colliery, and geological plan and section, Air(e)y Holm Reservoir (proposed), 1971. Consulting architects: Frederick Gibberd and Partners. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/69 Lanehead Reservoir, Lancashire Dates:1962 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Dates:1970 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Lanehead Reservoir [near Colne], Lancashire. Client: Calder Water Board. Correspondence comprising Morton's letter to Rowe and Rowe's reply, using an extended cricket match analogy, relating to bore-hole and design queries relating to the reservoir, September 1970. November-December 1962. Leckwith Reservoir, Cardiff, Glamorgan (Vale of Glamorgan). Correspondence relating to cause and suggested solutions to July 1962 reservoir column failure, Leckwith Reservoir, Cardiff, Glamorgan Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/70 Related Units of Description: See also Wenallt Reservoir, PWR/4/2/109, for standpipe water level readings for Leckwith Reservoir No. 2, 1963. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/71 Light Hazzles Reservoir, Greater Manchester Dates:1978-1981 Extent: 6 folders. Scope and Content: Light Hazzles Reservoir, Greater Manchester (one of the seven former Rochdale Canal Co. reservoirs). Client: North West Water Authority. Correspondence, plans, site investigation (including geology) and test data (Geo-Research Ltd), notes, draft report, photostat copies of old 19th century Light Hazzles Reservoir plans, colour photographs of bore-hole samples; bore-hole logs, drillers' logs, engineers logs, and lab tests relating to site no. 2381 (Light Hazzles Reservoir). Related Units of Description: See also the other former Rochdale Canal Co. reservoirs: Brushes Clough Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/18, Chelburn Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/, Hollingworth Reservoir and Lake, PWR/4/2/1/65, Ramsden Clough Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/85, and Warland Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/106. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/72 Dates: 1960-1984 Extent: 31 folders. Scope and Content: Llandegfedd Reservoir, Monmouthshire Llandinam Reservoir, Montgomeryshire Llandegfedd Reservoir, Monmouthshire (constructed). Client: Cardiff Corporation Waterworks. Correspondence (including Edgar Morton and Partners material), plans, site investigation and construction data, test data, rotary drilling daily reports, calculations, notes, tracings, jottings, progress reports, photographs (one loose, and two bundles), rainfall records, piezometer readings, graphs, Llandegfedd Water Scheme pamphlets, and contract documents and related papers, concerning investigation, dam design and construction, damage investigation of access bridge piers and valve (draw-off) tower (including bridge adjustment, 1983); and Sluvad Treatment Works. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/73 Dates:1966-1973 Extent: 6 folders. Scope and Content: Llandinam Reservoir, Montgomeryshire (Powys): Severn Valley Scheme. Client: Montgomeryshire Water Board. Correspondence with Alan Wood, Professor of Geology at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and others, plans, test data, client documents, calculations, report, photograph (May [19]68), relating to hillside drainage and stability problem (including cracking) originating during construction. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/74 Llyn Craigypistyll Reservoir, Cardiganshire Dates:1966 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Llyn Craigypistyll Reservoir, Cardiganshire. Client: Cardiganshire Water Board. Correspondence with Edgar Morton and Partner and others, and Ward, Ashcroft and Parkman material, plans, bore-hole logs, diagrams, notes, and jottings, relating to reservoir repairs, and investigation of the sub-stability of the old dam. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/75 Dates:1971-1978 Extent: 9 folders. Dates:1964-1970 Extent: 9 folders. Scope and Content: Llys-y-Fran Reservoir and Dam, Pembrokeshire Llys-y-Fran Reservoir and Dam, Pembrokeshire. Client: Pembrokeshire Water Board. Correspondence with Ward, Ashcroft and Parkman, and Edgar Morton and Partner material, plans, site investigation and test data, calculations, notes, minutes of meetings, and Contract No. 2 (Volume 1 only), September 1967, relating to proposed reservoir, including design of rock foundation profile and analysis of data, and use of Maihak rock pressure transmitter instrumentation. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/76 Lowman Reservoir and Dam, North Devon Page 91 Lowman Reservoir and Dam, Tiverton, North Devon. Client: South West Water Authority. Correspondence, plans, site investigation and test data including bore- hole logs, drilling records, and lab test results; geology report, graphs, tracings, diagrams, notes, jottings, soil survey preliminary report, October 1973, and contract documents including tender, relating to proposed flood relief reservoir and dam upstream of the North Devon Link road (Stage I Rifton Gate). - M5 motorway to Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/77 Lower Slade Reservoir, North Devon Dates:1970 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Lower Slade Reservoir, North Devon. Client: North Devon Water Board. Correspondence comprising copy of Edgar Morton and Partner letter to RKL (Rofe, Kennard and Lapworth) detailing his observations relating to the reservoir, 10 August 1970; reservoir diagram, n.d. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/78 Marriages Mill Gated Weir, Essex Related Units of Description: Dates: 1965-1967 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Marriages Mill Gated Weir, Essex: River Colne Development Scheme. Client: Colchester and District Water Board and Tendring Hundred Waterworks Company. Correspondence, jottings, map test data, and report (appendices only: boring records and test results, The Cementation Co. Ltd), relating to proposed gated weir at the Marriages Mill bore-hole site, including references to Ardleigh and Bourne Brook reservoirs, being also part of the River Colne Scheme. Extent: 12 folders. See also Ardleigh Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/5, and Bourne Brook Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/15. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/79 Megget Reservoir and Dam, Lothian Dates: 1965-1979 Scope and Content: Megget Reservoir and Dam, Lothian (Borders), Megget Scheme. Clients: South East of Scotland Water Board; Lothian Regional Council. Correspondence, plans including instrumentation, report, notes and jottings, diagrams, calculations, test data relating to site investigation; photographs at the site (depicting ?Rowe in the centre with his back to the camera), and published Notes on Rockfill Dams (Australia), and International Commission on Large Dams (British Section) paper on Megget Reservoir, both by R.H. Cuthbertson and others, draft paper by Rowe on the Correlation of the Angles of Repose of Sands with the Stability of Rockfill, n.d, and two colour booklets on "The Snowy Mountains Story" (Snowy Mountains Scheme including River Murray), New South Wales, Australia, n.d., published c1965, and the Chowilla Dam, River Murray, Australia, published March 1965, respectively. Reference to the Megget Scheme closely paralleling the Upper Tweed Scheme (Talla and Fruid Reservoirs etc.), noted in the information leaflet on the Megget Scheme, by Lothian Regional Council. Includes cross and longitudinal sections of Craigierig Dam, December 1970, reference to work on Coulter Dam, September 1969, and references to Paul Yuk Lun Tong, Commonwealth Scholar working with Rowe, 1969 [Paul Tong Associates - see Queens Road, Hong Kong PWR/4/5/93]. Related Units of Description: See also Fruid and Talla Reservoirs, PWR/4/2/1/50. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/80 Meldon Reservoir and Dam, North Devon Dates:1970 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Meldon Reservoir and Dam, North Devon. Client: North Devon Water Board. Plan only (Rofe and Rafferty), relating to drainage and instrumentation, May 1970. Board. Correspondence with the National Coal Board and others, plans, maps, site Miller Fold Treatment Works, Accrington, Lancashire Dates:1971 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/81 Miller Fold Treatment Works, Accrington, Lancashire. Client: Calder Water Page 93 investigation and test data including drilling logs, calculations, notes, contract, and reports on the coal mining position of the site, and site investigation, respectively, relating to proposed Treatment Works at Miller Fold including design of water supply bore-hole. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/82 Newsholme Dean, Clitheroe, Lancashire, and Slippery Ford, Keighley, West Yorkshire, Reservoir Sites Dates: 1966-1968 Extent: 5 folders. Scope and Content: Newsholme Dean [near Clitheroe, Lancashire], and Slippery Ford [near Keighley, West Yorkshire] reservoir sites (not built). Client: Craven Water Board. Correspondence, drawings, site investigation including report by Edgar Morton and Partner and Rowe, test data including bore-hole logs and lab test results, calculations, and Rowe's advice on soil mechanics aspects, relating to possible reservoir sites at Newsholme Dean and Slippery Ford. Includes references to Waddesdon Reservoir. Old Warke Dam, Worsley, Lancashire Ponden Reservoir, Keighley, West Yorkshire. Client: Yorkshire Water Board. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/83 Dates: 1971-1973 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Old Warke Dam, Worsley, Lancashire (Greater Manchester). Client: Mid Cheshire Water Board. Correspondence, plans, maps including street index of Worsley, calculations, notes, jottings, and bore-hole logs, concerning reconstruction of the dam and the outlet (twirl hole). Correspondence comprising copy letter from Rowe to Yorkshire Water Ponden Reservoir, Keighley, West Yorkshire Dates: 1992 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/84 Page 94 Engineering confirming his own advice relating to stabilising of potential slip area, February 1992. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/85 Ramsden Clough Reservoir and Dam, West Yorkshire Dates:1978-1982 Extent: 20 folders. Scope and Content: Ramsden Clough Reservoir and Dam, West Yorkshire (one of the seven former Rochdale Canal Company reservoirs, the Warland Reservoir Group). Client: North West Water Authority, Pennine Division. Correspondence relating to mining position, plans, geotechnical report, 1981 (revised 1982), two bound reports (G.H. Hill and sons), calculations, notes, jottings, photostat article relating to the opening of Todmorden Waterworks, 1885, graphs including settlement, colour photographs of bore-hole samples, copy of embankment survey, 1952- 1967, and site investigation and test data (including Geo-Research and Delft Soil Mechanics Laboratory), relating to site investigation of old Pennine dam, reservoir inspections, and proposed embankment improvements, etc. (Ramsden is alternately referred to as Ramsden or Ramsden Clough throughout these papers). Related Units of Description: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/86 Sedgley Beacon Service Reservoir, Staffordshire See also Brushes Clough Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/18, Chelburn Reservoirs, PWR/4/2/1/27, and Hollingworth Reservoir and Lake, PWR/4/2/1/65. Includes reservoir appraisals of all seven former Rochdale Canal Co. Reservoirs, 1982, and meeting notes concerning the reservoirs of Brushes Clough, Upper and Lower Chelburn, Sweetloves Dam, and Hollingworth [Reservoir and] Lake including South Dam (Shaw Moss), Lake Bank Dam, and Rakewood Road Dam. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/87 Sedgley Beacon Service Reservoir, Staffordshire (West Midlands): River Severn Scheme. Client: South Staffordshire Waterworks Company. Correspondence, reports including geological, lab tests, and contract no. 273, all being Edgar Morton and Partner material, relating to proposed reservoir. Dates: 1963-1969 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Page 95 Shavers End Reservoir No. 1, Dudley, West Midlands Dates:1982 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Shavers End Reservoir No. 1, Dudley, West Midlands. Client: South Staffordshire Waterworks. Plans drawn in 1977, bore-hole logs, (Geo-Research Ltd), and site investigation and inspection report, relating to remedial works to roof drainage: according to the original envelope label the work is an Edgar Morton and Partner job. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/88 Shuttington Pools Reservoir, Warwickshire Dates: 1966-1969 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/89 Siblyback Reservoir and Dam, Cornwall Shuttington Pools Reservoir, Warwickshire: River Anker Scheme. Client: North East Warwickshire Water Board. Correspondence with the National Coal Board and others, plans, test data, (Manchester University), graphs, jottings (bore-hole readings), and geological report concerning mining position: Edgar Morton and Partner's advice given relating to protection of stability of embankment for open cast working. Skerton Weir, River Lune, Lancaster Siblyback Reservoir and Dam, Bodmin Moor, Cormwall. Client: East Cornwall Water Board. Correspondence, notes, and Edgar Morton and Partner's geological (Final) report, relating to site investigation of the Siblyback site in relation to construction of an impounding dam. Dates:1965 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/ 1/90 Dates: 1976-1977 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Skerton Weir, River Lune, Lancaster. Client: North West Water Authority, Rivers Division. Correspondence, Rowe's observations, and two plans, concerning rebuilding of the weir, 1977. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/91 Stanford Reservoir, Northamptonshire Dates: 1982-1984 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Stanford Reservoir, Northamptonshire. Client: Severn Trent Water Authority, Avon Division. Correspondence, calculations, jottings, graphs, diagrams, drilling records, observations and conclusions, and site investigation and test data (Geo- Research Ltd), relating to investigation of 'distress' in the embankment of the old 1928 reservoir. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/92 Related Units of Description: See also data on Staunton Harold reservoir for use in lecturing, PWR/3/1/2. Dates: 1957-1974 Extent: 21 folders. Scope and Content: Staunton Harold Reservoir and Dam, Derbyshire Staunton Harold Reservoir and Dam, Derbyshire. Client: River Dove Water Board. Correspondence, plans, geological material, graphs, maps, diagrams, plots, notebook, client documents, reports including progress reports and soil test reports, site investigation and test data including piezometer readings, dam movements inspection and safety checks material, dam tunnel measurements, calculations, photographs, notes, and jottings, relating to construction of dam and other works, valve shaft failure, etc., 1957-1965. Includes Edgar Morton and Partner material; and letters, March 1974, relating to Rowe's visit to Staunton Harold including references to Foremark Reservoir. It seems this reservoir is a complete design, testing and construction study used by Rowe in lectures, 1958- 1963. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/93 Sulby Reservoir and Dam, Druidale, Isle of Man Page 97 Dates:1977-1984 Extent: 13 folders. Language:German Scope and Content: Sulby Reservoir and Dam, Druidale, Isle of Man. Client: Isle of Man Water and Gas Authority. Correspondence including letters in German, and a letter dated November 1967, plans including instrumentation, test data, observations, calculations, graphs, diagrams, instrumentation readings, Sulby Reservoir publicity leaflet and paper relating to the reservoir's design and construction, other published papers concerning various dams, notes of meetings, and University of Manchester Computer printouts, relating to the proposed scheme including site investigation and analyses. Consulting Engineers are G.H. Hill and Sons, Manchester. Includes Edgar Morton and Partner material, and Rowe's advice. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/94 Swinden No. 1 Reservoir, Burnley, Lancashire Dates:1971-1974 Extent: 3 folders. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/95 Talybont Reservoir, Breconshire Swinden No. 1 Reservoir, Burnley, Lancashire. Client: North West Water Authority, Calder Water Supply Unit. Correspondence, plans, diagrams, sketches, graphs, bore-hole logs, drilling logs, and site investigation report (Geo-Research Ltd) November 1971, and PWR's opinion given, relating to proposed restoration and raising on the reservoir. Consulting Engineers G.H. Hill and Sons. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/96 Talybont Reservoir, Breconshire (Powys). Client: Usk River Authority. Correspondence, plans including copies of plans of 1937, and of 1929 including borings done in 1917 and 1918, bore-hole cross-sections, jottings, calculations and readings, relating to proposed dam at Talybont. Dates:1970-1971 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Tamar Lake, Kilkhampton, North Devon Dates:1968-1970 Extent: 7 folders. Scope and Content: Tamar Lake, Kilkhampton, North Devon. Client: North Devon Water Board. Correspondence, Edgar Morton and Partner and other reports, aerial photographs taken in 1968, plans, some dated 1963, piezometer readings, maps, site investigation material, test data, contract documents, and analysis of old canal reservoir dam design and monitoring, relating to proposed remedial works and raising of the existing earth dam at the site. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/97 Thirlmere Aqueduct and Treatment Scheme, Manchester Corporation Waterworks Dates:1961-1988 Extent: 17 folders. Scope and Content: Thirlmere Aqueduct and Treatment Scheme: Pipe Bridge, Chorlton, Manchester; Lostock Reservoir, near Bolton, Lancashire; Middlebrook and Lostock Water Treatment Scheme. Client: Manchester Corporation Waterworks; later North West Water Authority. Correspondence, plans including of [pipe] bridges at Manchester Road and Nelstrop Road, exploratory boring records (Buckfast Close), calculations and notes relating to proposed remedial works concerning Thirlmere aqueduct 4th pipeline extension, Manchester Road, Chorlton railway bridge, 1970; correspondence, site investigation material, progress reports, meetings minutes and notes, contract documents, calculations, maps, black and white photographic negatives, and other documents, apparently relating to three phases of the Thirlmere Treatment Scheme. Also site investigation for proposed Lostock Reservoir, 1961; Thirlmere Treatment Scheme/Lostock Treatment Works, 1975-1976; Lostock Reservoir modifications, 1986-1988. Water Works. Correspondence, site investigation, test data, graphs, calculations, Thruscross Reservoir, Blubberhouses, North Yorkshire Dates: 1951-1966 Extent: 3 folders. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/98 Thruscross Reservoir, Blubberhouses, North Yorkshire. Client: Leeds Corporation Page 99 Edgar Morton and Partner material including geological report, 1951, and calculations, relating to proposed Eccup Filtration Works, with most of the material dating from 1958-1966. Includes Lindley Wood Reservoir landslip material, 1961-1962, under the same water authority, and reference to Derwent Reservoir Scheme, December 1958. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/99 Ticehurst Reservoir, East Sussex Dates: 1962-1973 Extent: 4 folders. Scope and Content: Ticehurst Reservoir, (East) Sussex: River Medway Scheme. Client: Medway Water Board. Correspondence, geological sections, test data including joint Bewl Bridge Reservoir material (George Wimpey and Co. Ltd), diagrams, and calculations, relating to proposed reservoir at Ticehurst, 1962 and 1967, being mostly Edgar Morton and Partner material. Related Units of Description: See also Bewl Bridge Reservoir for further joint material, PWR/4/2/1/9. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/1 00 Dates:1983-1984 Extent: 2 folders. Dates: 1960-1966 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Tittesworth Water Treatment Plant, Staffordshire Tittesworth Water Treatment Plant, Staffordshire: Tittesworth Reservoir Scheme. Client: Staffordshire Potteries Water Board. Correspondence with Edgar Morton and Partner and others, plans, calculations, piezometric and other readings, test data including Soil Mechanics Ltd, and for Leek site, relating to proposed Water Treatment Plant incorporating sedimentation tanks and wash water settling tanks, 1961-1962, and comments on prior reservoir slip, 1957-1960. Failure during raising of embankment. Scope and Content: Tunnel End Reservoir, Marsden, West Yorkshire Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/101 Page 100 Tunnel End Reservoir, Marsden, West Yorkshire. Client: British Waterways Board. Correspondence, plans, calculations, colour photographs of the aqueduct and railway with surrounding countryside, and ground conditions investigation report (Nicholls, Colton and Partners), relating to replacement overflow and spillway and proposed thrust bore under the railway tracks near Standedge Tunnel, Marsden. [Rofe, Kennard and Lapworth (RKL) were contracted by the British Waterways Board to lower the reservoir level and provide a waterway for floods]. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/102 Ullswater Pumping Station, Westmorland Dates: 1967-1969 Extent: 12 folders. Scope and Content: Ullswater Pumping Station, Westmorland (Cumbria): Ullswater and Windermere Scheme. Client: Manchester Corporation Waterworks. Correspondence, plans, calculations, site investigation reports (Ullswater and Windermere) including seismic etc. profiles, and test data including bore-hole logs, relating to Ullswater aqueduct settlement and pumping station; correspondence, plan, and test data (sieve analysis) relating to Watchgate Treatment Works (including design considerations). Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/103 Dates:1964-1970 Extent: 16 folders. Scope and Content: Waddesdon and Whitchurch Reservoir Storage Scheme, Buckinghamshire Wall Green Reservoir, Padiham, Lancashire Waddesdon and Whitchurch Reservoir Storage Scheme (not built), Buckinghamshire. Client: Buckinghamshire Water Board. Correspondence, plans, site investigation material, test data including bore-hole logs, calculations, notes, photographs, reports, Edgar Morton and Partner material, and client and contract documents, relating to the two proposed reservoirs, including slope stability. Duplicates in EMP Collection. Includes test data marked Aylesbury as name of site (Waddesdon and Whitchurch material), Ashendon Reservoir; EMP interim report on pumped storage reservoir sites, Cublington [Whitchurch area] and Winchendon respectively, November 1964. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/104 Page 101 Dates: 1972-1973 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Wall Green Reservoir, Padiham near Burnley, Lancashire. Client: Calder Water Board. Correspondence, plans, test data including drilling logs, relating to proposed 20 megalitres reinforced concrete service reservoir at Wall Green. Related Units of Description: See also Cocker Cobbs Reservoir - a proposed 10 megalitres service reservoir as above, for Calder Water Board - PWR/4/2/1/32. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/105 Walshaw Dean Lower Reservoir, West Yorkshire Dates:1981 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Walshaw Dean Lower Reservoir, West Yorkshire. Client: Yorkshire Water Authority. Letter, plans, calculations, diagrams, and notes, relating to "grouting the cut-off beneath the dam": settlement problem. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/106 Dates: 1978-1982 Extent: 14 folders. Scope and Content: Warland Reservoir, West Yorkshire Bank dam, and Rakewood Road dam. Warland Reservoir, West Yorkshire (one of the seven former Rochdale Canal Company reservoirs). Client: North West Water Authority, Pennine Division. Correspondence, site investigation material, reports, test data including bore-hole logs, photographs (originals taken c.1920s), calculations, meeting notes relating to the reconditioning of the dam in the 1920s, plans including copies of 19th century plans, relating to Warland reservoir and dam proposed remedial work and site investigation of the old Pennine dam; bound reports and other joint material relating to the Rochdale Canal Reservoirs (Blackstone Edge, Light Hazzles, Warland, and White Holme [the Warland Reservoir Group], used for water supplies; followed by Upper and Lower Chelburn Reservoirs, and Hollingworth Lake, being the group of 3 reservoirs used for statutory supplies to the Rochdale Canal), and other material referring to Brushes Reservoir, Ramsden Clough Reservoir, Upper and Lower Chelburn Reservoirs, Sweetloves dam, and Hollingworth [Reservoir and] Lake including South dam (Shaw Moss), Lake Related Units of Description: See also Blackstone Edge Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/12, Brushes Clough Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/18, Chelburn Reservoirs, PWR/4/2/1/27, Hollingworth Reservoir and Lake, PWR/4/2/1/65, Light Hazzles Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/71, Ramsden Clough Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/85, White Holme Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/112. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/107 Warmwithens Reservoir, Lancashire Dates:1971-1973 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Warmwithens Reservoir, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire. Client: Calder Water Board. Correspondence, plans, reports, diagrams, calculations, notes, test data including bore-hole logs for Warmwithens, relating to repairing and raising of the reservoir and dam. [During remedial works between 1964 and 1966, a 1.5 m diameter tunnel, formed in concrete segments, was driven through the 10 m high embankment to contain new outlet pipes. On 24 November 1970 the dam failed and it is thought that internal erosion took place along the line of the tunnel. The breach, 20 m wide at crest level, extended down to the tunnel, which was washed out, large sections of the concrete segments being deposited downstream]. Related Units of Description: See also Jackhouse Treatment Works, Oswaldtwistle, PWR/4/2/1/67. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/108 Dates:1970-1971 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: The Wash Estuary Storage, Lincolnshire Wenallt Reservoir, Cardiff The Wash Estuary Storage, Lincolnshire. Client: Water Resources Board. "Report on the Desk Study", relating to "The Wash: Estuary Storage", with plans included, London, HMSO, 1970, and feasibility study relating to trial embankments and proposed "series of bunded reservoirs along the south-west foreshore of the Wash", September 1971. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/109 Dates: 1965-1979 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Wenallt Reservoir, Cardiff. Client: Cardiff Corporation Water Works. Correspondence, plans, calculations, notes, Rowe's report, copy article relating to history of the reservoir, problems encountered during construction, etc., May 1929, and client documents, Edgar Morton and Partner material, relating to proposed covering of the reservoir 1965-1966, proposed deep cutting on the M4 motorway (from Castleton to Coryton) adjoining the Wenallt Service Reservoir, 1973-1975, and later relatively minor slip on the face of the cut, 1978, analysis and proposed remedial works and temporary works. Includes standpipe water level readings for Leckwith Reservoir No. 2, 1963. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/1 10 West Water Reservoir, West Lothian Dates: 1959-1966 Extent: 5 folders. Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: See also Fruid and Talla Reservoirs, PWR/4/2/1/50. Wet Sleddale Dam, Westmorland Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/111 West Water Reservoir, West Lothian (Borders): West Water Scheme. Client: West Lothian Water Board. Correspondence, plans, site investigation, test data particularly soil testing, calculations, instrumentation readings, graphs, and notes, relating to proposed West Water and Fruid Reservoirs. Includes references to Clunas reservoir site. Wet Sleddale Dam, Westmorland (Cumbria): Haweswater Scheme. Client: Manchester Corporation Waterworks. Correspondence, plans, site investigation and test data, graphs, geological material, diagrams, site inspection and meeting notes, report on Future Water Resources, January 1964, Haweswater Scheme booklet relating to Wet Sleddale Works, c.1963, calculations on stability, and notes, relating to particularly dam foundation problems. Dates: 1963-1965 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Page 104 Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/1 12 White Holme Reservoir, West Yorkshire Dates: 1978-1980 Extent: 6 folders. Scope and Content: White Holme Reservoir, West Yorkshire (one of the seven former Rochdale Canal Company reservoirs). Client: North West Water Authority, Pennine Division. Correspondence, plans including copies of old plans c.1927, draft report, March 1980, test data including bore-hole logs, calculations, instrumentation readings, notes, relating to site investigation of the old Pennine dam and remedial work. Includes references to Light Hazzles Reservoir, Blackstone Edge [Reservoir] Works, and Lower Chelburn Reservoir. Related Units of Description: See also Blackstone Edge Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/12, Chelburn Reservoirs, PWR/4/2/1/27, Light Hazzles Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/71. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/113 Wimbleball Reservoir and Lake Dam, Somerset Dates: 1974-1983 Extent: 31 folders. Scope and Content: Wimbleball Reservoir and Lake Dam, Somerset. Client: South West Water Authority. Correspondence, plans, test data including bore-hole records, instrumentation readings and results including collimator readings, calculations, reports, seismic refraction survey, March 1975, progress reports, black and white photographs and negatives, site meeting notes, computer printouts (samples analysis), and Edgar Morton and Partner material, relating to relief wells and monitoring of the reservoir water levels and flow, rock tests, foundation tests, grouting, etc. Includes Document No. 1 on Suggested Methods for Determining Shear Strength, February 1974, and article relating to Bhakra Dam, India. Scope and Content: Windmill Hill Service Reservoir, Swansea, Glamorgan Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/] 14 Dates:1963-1965 Extent: 1 folder. Page 105 Windmill Hill Service Reservoir, Glamorgan (Swansea). Clients: Swansea County Borough Water Department; Swansea Corporation Waterworks. Report relating to consolidation of old mine workings under the proposed reservoir, 1965, opinions, 1964, by Rowe and Edgar Morton and Partner, and jackhammer holes results diagram, 1963, relating to proposed reservoir at Windmill Hill. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/115 Winscar Reservoir and Dam, West Yorkshire Dates:1970 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Winscar Reservoir and Dam, (West) Yorkshire. Client: Mid Calder Water Board. Copy of Edgar Morton and Partner site investigation report on the proposed Winscar Reservoir, March 1970, with accompanying plans. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/116 Wirksworth Service Reservoir, Derbyshire Dates: 1969-1970 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/117 Withens Clough Reservoir, West Yorkshire Wirksworth Service Reservoir, Derbyshire. Client: South Derbyshire Water Board. Correspondence, test data including lab tests, site investigation and ground investigation reports, plans, and diagrams relating to proposed new storage reservoir. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/1 18 Withens Clough Reservoir, (West) Yorkshire. Client: Wakefield and District Water Board. Calculations and notes, and Appendix to Site Inspection Report by Edgar Morton and Partner, June 1965. Dates:1965 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Woodmancote Service Reservoir, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire Page 106 Dates: 1973-1974 Extent: 2 folders. Scope and Content: Woodmancote Service Reservoir, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Client: North West Gloucestershire Water Board; later Severn Trent Water Authority, Gloucester Supply Division. Correspondence, plans, site investigation and test data including bore-hole logs, colour photographs of soil samples, and Edgar Morton and Partner report and client documents, relating to proposed reservoir at Woodmancote. Includes Rowe's advice on soil testing at the site. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/119 Miscellaneous: Monks Bridge Raw Water Aqueduct, Egginton, Derbyshire Dates: 1965-1967 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Related Units of Description: See also Aberfan Tip Disaster, PWR/4/2/7/1. Monks Bridge Raw Water Aqueduct including Easements, [Egginton, Derbyshire]. Client: River Dove Water Board. Correspondence, calculations, and Hilton Gravel Co. documents relating to proposed gravel workings, being support for the old aqueduct [built in 1777]; correspondence, plan, and draft letter relating to easements - Rowe having regretfully to refuse to give his professional opinion and participate in the forthcoming public inquiry and legal dispute, as similarly when he was asked by the N.U.T. [National Union of Teachers] to help with the Aberfan case, and he again recommends Edgar Morton and Partner instead. Rushey Fields 27—inch diameter water distribution main crossing Rushey Fields Miscellaneous: Rushey Fields Water Distribution Main, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire Dates: 1960-1961 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/120 Page 107 Recreation Ground near Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire. Client: Leicester Water Department. Correspondence, drawings, calculations, test data, geological typed notes by C.A. Sizer, Keeper of Geology, Leicester Museum, 3 November 1960, and photographs relating to proposed remedial action concerning broken pipe producing major water mains burst, 21 October 1960, to avoid future re- occurrences. Includes letter referring to Staunton Harold Reservoir control measurements, April 1961. Related Units of Description: See also Staunton Harold Reservoir, PWR/4/2/1/91. Northern Ireland: Altnahinch Dam and Reservoir Dates:1958-1964 Extent: 3 folders. Scope and Content: Altnahinch Dam and Reservoir, Ballymoney, Northern Ireland. Client: Ballymoney Rural District Council. Correspondence, plans including geological sections, test data, graphs, calculations, interim soil test reports, notes, notebook including test progress record and other accompanying graphs, notes, etc. found with the notebook, client documents (Waterhouse and Roundthawite/Edgar Morton and Partner), and EMP material, relating to site exploration and design and construction monitoring of proposed earth ("bush river") dam at Altnahinch, and reservoir site. Dates:1960 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/122 Northern Ireland: Seagahan Reservoir and Dam Kerry Seagahan Reservoir and Dam, Tassagh, Armagh, Northern Ireland. Client: Armagh and Dungannon Waterworks Joint Board. Three letters, and sheet of discussion notes, relating to clay samples and instrumentation. [Test data - soil testing at Manchester University - and advice on design, and any other documents referred to: not found]. Republic of Ireland: Glashananoon Dam, Co. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/123 Page 108 Dates:1979 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Glashananoon Dam, near Listowell, Co. Kerry, Eire, and Smearlagh River Dam. Client: Fairclough Civil Engineering Ltd. Two letters, quantities and cost estimates, jottings by Rowe, and plan (programme model), relating to site investigation proposals, second Phase of the Programme. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/ 1 24 Additional material: Amlwch Dam, Anglesey Dates: 1966 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Amlwch Dam, Anglesey, North Wales. Client: Associated Octel Ltd. Copy letter from Edgar Morton and Partner to Ward, Ashcroft and Parkman [consulting engineers] relating to cofferdam problems concerning proposed dam at Amlych, dated 7 September 1966, and copy letter from EMP to Dr J.K. Alderman of Sub Soil Surveys Ltd relating to undisturbed soil testing samples and Rowe's involvement in the testing procedures. Both letters were found together and refer to Professor Rowe, and seem to have been sent to Rowe in order to give him his own copy of the correspondence. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/125 Dates: 1972-1974 Extent: 3 folders. Scope and Content: Additional material: Siwards How Reservoir, York Extent: 1 folder. Siwards How Reservoir Acomb Landing Treatment Works, York. Client: York Waterworks Company. Correspondence, site investigation material, test data, notes, calculations, plans, report by Rowe, and bore-hole logs relating to construction and other problems. Includes plan, calculations sheet, graph plot, and site investigation report relating to Acomb Landing Treatment Works, dated 1974 and n.d. G.H. Hill and Sons, Consulting Engineers. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/1/126 General: Devon River Board and C.E.G.B. Dates:1966 Page 109 Scope and Content: Devon River Board and C.E.G.B. (Central Electricity Generating Board). Edgar Morton and Partner brief meeting notes on meeting held at Telford House, 2 June 1966, dated 8 June 1966, concerning further site investigation on an unnamed site for an unnamed project. However, '... small freshwater reservoir’, Kinnerton Ridge, 'the 1959 drought’, Cranford Brook, Torridge River, '... the dam', and"... the tunnel and power station excavations' are mentioned. Representatives from the C.E.G.B. and the Devon River Board were present at the meeting. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2 Sea Closures Dates: 1967-1986 Extent: 4 sub-subseries (8 items). Scope and Content: Peter Rowe advised on proposals to create tidal barrages in Morecambe Bay and the Severn Estuary (PWR/4/2/2/1 & PWR/4/2/2/4), neither of which came to fruition. He was also involved in the feasibility studies for the Thames Barrier flood defence system, which became operational in 1982 (PWR/4/2/2/2), and in the construction of a removable cofferdam at the former Smiths Dock, Graythorp, Hartlepool, for the construction of major offshore oil installations (PWR/4/2/2/3). Related Units of Description: Morecambe Bay Barrage Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/1 Dates:1967-1970 Extent: | item. Scope and Content: See also the Oosterschelde Storm Surge Barrier, The Netherlands, among the International Construction Projects, PWR/4/3/23. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/1/1 Papers relating to the feasibility study conducted for the Water Resources Board. Between September and December 1970, Rowe provided his client, Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners, with information regarding the shear strength of the clays in Morecambe Bay. Client: Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners, Consulting Civil Engineers. Page 110 File Dates:1967-17 Dec 1970 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Inscribed 'Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners, Morecambe Bay’, comprising correspondence between Rowe and Alexander Gibb and Partners with MS and typed notes on the feasibility study. Also bore-hole logs (1967-1968) with later notes by Rowe and 12 colour photographs of soil samples, taken at the laboratory on the day of Rowe's visit. Conditions Governing Reproduction: The copyright on the photographs is owned by Taylor Woodrow Services. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/2 Thames Barrier Project Dates:1971—1973 Extent: | item. Scope and Content: Client: Sir Robert McAlpine and Sons Ltd, Engineering Contractors. File Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/2/1 Relating to the proposed Thames Barrier from Eastmoor Street, Woolwich on the south bank to Prince Regent Wharf, Silvertown on the north bank. The final design, dividing the river with 9 reinforced concrete pillars with 6 openings for ships, was provided by Rendel Palmer and Tritton. Construction work began in 1974. The barrier became operational in October 1982, and was first raised for flood defence on | February 1983. The Thams Barrier was officially opened in May 1984. Also a drawing of the section through the river along the barrier by the Inscribed 'McAlpine Thames Barrage’, concerning the site investigation at Woolwich, carried out between December 1971 and May 1972 by Rendel, Palmer and Tritton for the Greater London Council. Comprising a report, plan submitted with the tender, bore-hole logs and permeability test results. Dates:Dec 1971-1973 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Page 111 McAlpine Design Group, 1973, but nothing relating to Rowe's own work on the project. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/3 Graythorp, Hartlepool Dates:Jan—Apr 1974 Extent: 4 items. Scope and Content: Client: John Laing Construction Ltd. Relating to the construction of a removable cofferdam at the former Smiths Dock, Graythorp, Hartlepool, Cleveland. John Laing Construction Ltd formed a consortium, Laing Pipelines (Offshore) Ltd, with French partners for the construction of major oil installations in connection with the exploitation of resources in the North Sea. The platform at Graythorp for British Petroleum, was constructed in a basin behind floating gates. Rowe gave John Laing Construction Ltd advice concerning the horizontal resistance of the foundations to the floating gates. Related Units of Description: See also material on Offshore Structures, PWR/4/4. Drawings of relief wells Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/3/1 Dates:Jan-Apr 1974 Extent: | sheet and 2 design drawings. Graph of the relief well readings and 2 plans of the additional piling and relief wells to gate foundations, January-April 1974. Between Rowe and John Laing Construction Ltd, concerning foundations. Dates: Mar 1974 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/3/2 Correspondence Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/3/3 Record of the site investigation by Ground Engineering Ltd Dates:Mar 1974 Extent: 1 folder. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/3/4 Report on the site investigation Dates:n.d. [Mar 1974] Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: By Ground Engineering Ltd on the investigation of the sub-strata adjacent to both sides of the floating gate. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/4 Severn Barrage Dates: 1982-1986 Extent: 2 items. Scope and Content: Client: Rendel Palmer and Tritton, Consulting Civil Engineers. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/4/1 In 1978, the Severn Barrage Committee was set up to advise the Government on schemes for harnessing the tidal energy of the Severn Estuary. The committee recommended a barrage from Brean Down to the vicinity of Lavernock point on the Welsh coast. A more detailed study was then commissioned, funded jointly by the Department of Energy, the Central Electricity Generating Board and the Severn Tidal Power Group, a private organization representing construction companies. The designing and consulting engineers, Rendel Palmer and Tritton, submitted a scheme to the Department of Energy for the construction of embankments for the Severn Barrage using hydraulically placed sand fill within a structure of concrete beams and planks supported on piles. The scheme was vetted by Binnie and Partners, who raised several technical queries including the effect of water pressure within the sand fill and the effect of wave loading on the structure. Rowe was then consulted by Rendel Palmer and Tritton for guidance on these matters. Page 113 Correspondence Dates:19 Feb 1982—23 Feb 1986 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Between Rowe and Rendel Palmer and Tritton, concerning the designs. The file also includes a copy of the project brief, maps, notes and test results. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/2/4/2 Correspondence Dates:21 Jun 1985-18 Mar 1986 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Between Rowe and Rendel Palmer and Tritton, relating to the tests conducted at Manchester University to simulate the effects of wave loading. The file also contains an annotated copy of the initial appraisal by Binnie and Partners dated January 1982, and Rowe's notes. Docks Dates: 1958-1991 Extent: 18 sub-subseries (93 items). Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3 Peter Rowe acted as a consultant to a number of dock schemes, advising on the design and construction of quays and jetties and undertaking tests on the stability of sheet-pile retaining walls. Among the most extensive files are those relating to the construction of a general cargo quay at King George Dock, Hull (PWR/4/2/3/2); the construction of Grangemouth Dock on the Firth of Forth (PWR/4/2/3/5) and Hunterston Oil Terminal in Ayrshire (PWR/4/2/3/8); the investigation of ground movements behind the seawall at Faslane Submarine Base on the Clyde (PWR/4/2/3/16); the construction of a new lock entrance to Vickers Shipyard, Barrow-in-Furness (PWR/4/2/3/17); and the development of a deep-water berth at Immingham Dock (PWR/4/2/3/18). PWR/4/3/24 and PWR/4/3/31. The Litigation Papers include material relating to Clyde There is also information on Manchester, Salford and Runcorn Docks within the Manchester Ship Canal section of the archive: see PWR/4/1/23—24, PWR/4/1/27 and PWR/4/1/31—32. For Smiths Dock, Graythorp, Hartlepool, see PWR/4/2/2/3. The International Construction Projects section contains files relating to docks in Australia, Malaysia, Cyprus, Ecuador and Nigeria: see PWR/4/3/9, PWR/4/3/16, PWR/4/3/8, Related Units of Description: Bank Shipyard and Southampton Docks: see PWR/4/5/76 and PWR/4/5/99. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/1 Page 114 Avonmouth Dock Dates: 1958-1961 Extent: | item. Scope and Content: Client: Port of Bristol Authority. Relating to the extension of oil berth 8, as part of the improvements to the oil basin Avonmouth Dock by the Port of Bristol Authority. Rowe calculated the stability of the proposed sheet pile wall oil berths in 1959 for the Authority, but did not see the site or give further advice. Difficulties at the site arose later, when slips occurred in 1961. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/1/1 File Scope and Content: Dates:30 Jul 1958-10 Feb 1961 Extent: 2 folders. Condition: PWR/4/2/3/1/1 is affected by mould and use of adhesive tape to attach sheets. Inscribed 'Avonmouth Docks Sheet Piling', comprising the initial bore-hole tests conducted by Soil Mechanics Ltd in 1958, correspondence between Rowe, the Port of Bristol Authority and the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, calculations and 4 plans. Client: Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd. Dates: 1965-1966 Extent: 6 items. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/2 Arrangement: Divided into 2 folders: (1) 1958, (2) 1959-1961. King George Dock, Hull Page 115 Papers relating to the scheme for the British Transport and Docks Board to construct a quay for the loading of general cargo ships with a lock connecting the dock with the River Humber. The dock was later used as the terminal of North Sea Ferries in Hull. Rowe advised Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd on their tender documents and reports. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/2/1 Site investigation Dates:Dec 1965 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Made for the British Transport and Docks Board by GKN Foundations Ltd. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/2/2 Soil mechanics considerations Dates:Jun 1966 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Correspondence and calculations Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/2/3 Dates:6 Jul—-19 Aug 1966 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Supplied by Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd for the tender design for the construction of the south east arm. Extent: 1 folder. Correspondence between Rowe and Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd, concerning the revision of the soil mechanics considerations and Rowe's MS calculations. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/2/4 Correspondence and calculations Dates:7 Jul—2 Aug 1966 Page 116 Scope and Content: Correspondence between Rowe and Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd, concerning the soil mechanics considerations and subsequent design of the sheet piling, ties and wallings. With copies of the tender drawings and Rowe's MS calculations. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/2/5 Draft of tender calculations by Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd Dates: Aug 1966 Extent: | folder. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/2/6 Tender calculations by Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd Dates:Aug 1966 Extent: 1 folder. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/3 Seaforth Docks, Liverpool Client: Rendel Palmer and Tritton, Consulting Civil Engineers. Dates: 1966—1967 Extent: 1 item. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/3/1 Relating to a diaphragm quay wall for the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board at the Seaforth Works, Liverpool. F. Irwin-Childs' unconventional design for the quay for the Seaforth Docks, Liverpool was similar to a multi-arched dam. Rowe was invited to measure the pressure intensity and distribution. An initial site investigation was conducted by Wimpey and Co. Ltd and ICOS (Great Britain) Ltd constructed a trial wall. See also Seaforth Docks among the Litigation Papers, PWR/4/5/57. Related Units of Description: Page 117 Correspondence Dates:21 Jun 1966-18 Oct 1967 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Between Rowe and Rendel Palmer and Tritton, relating to the design of the wall and results of the in situ falling head permeability and concentrated load tests. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/4 North Tranmere Oil Jetty, Birkenhead Dates:1968 Extent: | item. Scope and Content: Client: Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/4/1 Dates:15 Jul-27 Aug 1968 Extent: 8 sheets. Scope and Content: Relating to the steep underwater slope behind the north berth of the terminal, which could become unstable leading to slips and loss of depth. Following a visit in May 1968, Prof. D.M. McDowell [of Manchester University] gave an initial summary of the problem to the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board and recommended obtaining expert advice on the soil mechanics problems. Extent: 9 items. Condition: some of the papers are affected by rodent damage. Inscribed "Mersey Dock to Harbour Board; North Tranmere Oil Jetty Slopes'. Comprising correspondence between Rowe and the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board with a copy of McDowell's report. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5 Correspondence file Grangemouth Dock Dates: 1966-1974 Page 118 Scope and Content: Client: Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd. Relating to the involvement by Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd in the construction of the Grangemouth Docks, Stirlingshire (Falkirk), adjacent to Grangemouth Harbour on the River Forth. Rowe was asked for advice on the ground problems in 1970. At the same time, the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) commissioned research on problems in quay wall design and began tests, the first of which were at Grangemouth. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5/1 Report on site investigation Dates:Aug 1966 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: By [Rendel Palmer and Tritton] for the British Transport and Docks Board, containing results of tests on samples carried out by George Wimpey and Co. Ltd. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5/2 Correspondence Dates:24 Nov 1970-Sep 1974 Extent: 2 folders. Between Rowe, Geo-Research Ltd and Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd. With calculations, graphs and notes on the triaxial test carried out at Manchester University. Extent: 2 sheets and 3 design drawings. Condition: rodent damage to plans. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5/3 Plans of the dock Dates:May 1971-n.d. Scope and Content: Arrangement: Divided into 2 folders: arranged as found. Page 119 Scope and Content: By Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd, showing the original ground-water level and variation in observation wells, the settlement recording points and piezometers and the proposed layout of the dewatering system. With 2 graphs. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5/4 Letter/report Dates:23 Jun 1971 Extent: 13 sheets. Scope and Content: From Rowe to Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd, giving details of the laboratory tests and in situ examination of the site. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5/5 Test results using the consolidation cell Dates:Jul-Sep 1971 Extent: 1 folder. Letter Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5/6 Dates:6 Oct 1971 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: From Rowe to Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd with the consolidation test data on 260 mm samples. With some copies of The letter was in an envelope inscribed 'P3'. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5/8 Piezometer settlement readings Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5/7 the sheets of test results. Dates:Oct 1971—May 1972 Extent: | folder. Page 120 Report on the additional investigations for the site of the new lock [by Rowe] Dates:n.d. [1970s] Extent: 11 sheets. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/5/9 Photographs of soil samples Dates:n.d. [1970s] Extent: 15 photographs. Scope and Content: Numbered 4—5 and 9-21. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/6 Montrose Harbour Scope and Content: Clients: Babtie Shaw and Morton, Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers Dates:1972—1975 Extent: 7 items. Condition: damp has affected the majority of papers, photographs and plans in the box. Relating to the movements in the new quay (constructed in 1973) and reconstruction of old quay in Montrose Harbour, Angus, for a commercial quay for the Harbour Trustees. Rowe gave advice to his clients concerning the design of the sheet pile wall. Scope and Content: As there was no inherent arrangement to the loose papers, they have been split by type —1.e. plans, correspondence, test data. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/6/1 Plans of Montrose Harbour development Arrangement: Dates:Nov 1972—Apr 1975 Extent: 4 folders. Page 121 Mostly by Babtie Shaw and Morton. Arrangement: Divided into 4 folders: (1) November 1972—March 1973, (2) August- November 1973, (3) 1974, (4) 1975. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/6/2 Report Dates:Dec 1972 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: By Dredging Investigations Limited on the site investigation for development at Montrose Harbour. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/6/3 Correspondence Dates:30 Jul 1973-5 May 1975 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/6/4 Site investigations and test results Between Rowe and Babtie Shaw and Morton, relating to the design of the sheet piled quay wall. With minutes of meetings between Rowe and representatives from the firm and Rowe's MS calculations. Also 4 photographs and 3 overheads, with notes on the history of the quay. Form of tender for soils instrumentation Daily logs, bore-hole logs and laboratory tests conducted by Wimpey Laboratories Limited for Babtie Shaw and Morton. Dates: Aug-Dec 1973 Extent: | folder. Condition: damage from water and rust. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/6/5 Scope and Content: Dates:Aug 1973 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: With conditions of contract, specification and bill of quantities issued by Sea Oil Services Ltd, Montrose. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/6/6 Form of tender for installation of vacuum wells Dates:Jan 1974 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: With conditions of contract, specification and bill of quantities issued by the Montrose Harbour Trustees. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/6/7 Drawings for the report Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/7 Belfast New Outfitting Quay With details of triaxial tests and bore-holes. Dates:1973 Extent: 1 item. Scope and Content: Dates:Mar 1974 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/7/1 Relating to the new building dock at Belfast for the shipbuilding company Harland and Wolff Ltd. Although incomplete, the dock was put into service in May 1969. Client: Babtie Shaw and Morton, Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers. Page 123 Correspondence Dates: 12—24 Nov 1973 Extent: 4 sheets. Scope and Content: Between Rowe and Babtie Shaw and Morton, concerning the stability of the sheet pile wall at the quay for Harland and Wolff Ltd. With 1 page of calculations. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/8 Hunterston Oil Terminal Dates:1971—-1975 Extent: 5 items. Scope and Content: Client: Wimpey Laboratories Ltd. Relating to the proposed construction of a stockyard to accommodate iron ore and coal for a terminal at Hunterston, Near Fairlie, Ayrshire. Site work was carried out by Wimpey Laboratories Ltd on the instruction of the engineers, Crouch and Hogg. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/8/1 Dates:Jul 1971 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Scope and Content: Plan of the stockyard, land purchases and bores Dates:Oct 1973 Extent: 1 planimetric map. 65 x 100 cms (h x w). 1:1500. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/8/2 Report on the site investigation By Wimpey Laboratories Ltd. Page 124 By Crouch and Hogg for the British Steel Corporation. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/8/3 Correspondence Dates:9 Nov 1973-29 Jan 1975 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Between Rowe and Wimpey Laboratories Ltd, relating to in situ permeability tests and cyclic consolidation tests. With copies of the test results, photographs of samples, plans of the bore-holes and Rowe's notes and calculations. Arrangement: Divided into 2 folders: (1) 1973—May 1974, (2) June 1974-1975. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/8/4 Preliminary bore-hole logs With covering letter from Wimpey Laboratories Ltd. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/8/5 Dates:Dec 1973 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Report on the site investigation Extent: 6 items. Clydebank Ship Yard Dates:May 1975 Extent: 1 file, 1 sheet. Scope and Content: With covering letter from Wimpey Laboratories Ltd. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/9 Dates:1974-1976 Scope and Content: Client: Frank Saynor and Associates Ltd, Consulting Geotechnical and Testing Engineers. Relating to the Clydebank stability analysis report for John Brown Engineering (Offshore) Ltd. The original brief was given to A. P. Mason Pittendrigh and Partners, whose Geotechnical and Testing Services were taken over by Frank Saynor and Associates in May 1975. With the agreement of John Brown Engineering, Frank Saynor and Associates assumed responsibility for the report and continued to retain Rowe in an advisory capacity. The stability analysis was necessary in order to develop Rothesy Dock at Clydebank ship yard, Glasgow (West Dunbartonshire) for the construction of modules for drilling platforms in the North Sea. Related Units of Description: See also Clydebank Ship Yard among the Litigation Papers, PWR/4/5/76. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/9/1 Bore-hole logs and test results Dates:Sep-Nov 1974 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: For test conducted by A. P. Mason Pittendrigh and Partners. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/9/2 Dates:3 Apr 1975 Extent: 1 soft-back volume. Quay wall stability analysis phase 1 Extent: 4 soft-back volumes. Quay wall stability analysis phases 1, 2 and 3 — part 2 Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/9/3 Scope and Content: Prepared by A. P. Mason Pittendrigh and Partners. Dates:11 Sep 1975-12 Jan 1976 Page 126 Scope and Content: Prepared by Frank Saynor and Associates. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/9/4 Correspondence Dates:12 Sep 1975-25 May 1976 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Between Rowe and Frank Saynor and Associates, relating to the stability of the retaining wall. With calculations by Rowe and Saynor. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/9/5 Quay wall stability analysis phases 1, 2 and 3 — part 2 Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/9/6 Correspondence Dates:20—26 Aug 1976 Extent: 1 soft-back volume, | sheet. Scope and Content: Dates:15 Jun-29 Jul 1976 Extent: 5 sheets. Scope and Content: Final report, prepared by Frank Saynor and Associates with a covering letter. Dates: 1981—1982 Between Rowe, Frank Saynor and Associates Ltd and J.B.E. Offshore Ltd, concerning the preliminary report on the stability of the quay wall. South Shields Coal Terminal, South Tyneside Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/] 0 Extent: 5 items. Scope and Content: Client: Crouch and Hogg, Consulting Engineers. Relating to the development of Jarrow Slake, South Tyneside, Tyne & Wear, as a iron ore reduction plant for Sheerness Steel Company Ltd (and later Consolidated Goldfields Ltd) acting on behalf of the North Sea Iron Company Consortium. This necessitated the design of a jetty, dock and foundations for the direct reduction plant on the banks of the Tyne, west of Sunderland Quay. Crouch and Hogg were responsible for the civil engineering design and overall design co-ordination within the consortium, which was led by F.J.C. Lilley Ltd. Rowe gave assistance on the soils and foundation problems. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/10/1 Site investigation reports Dates:18 Nov 1977-9 Oct 1982 Extent: 2 soft-back volumes, | folder. Scope and Content: Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/10/2 By Norwest Holst Soil Engineering Ltd for the Port of Tyne Authority (part 1, 18 November 1977 and part 2, 17 November 1981). This used some of the bore-hole information previously compiled from the Port of Tyne Authority records. With Rowe's MS notes and draft report on the site investigation. Extent: 1 soft-back volume. Preliminary form of tender for the design and construction of the coal handling plant Showing the location of bore-holes and proposed plant, drawn by Crouch and Hogg. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/10/3 Plans of the Tyne Dock Dates:Nov 1981—Sep 1982 Extent: 6 design drawings. Scope and Content: Dates:Jan 1982 Page 128 Scope and Content: With conditions of contract, specification and bill of quantities. Prepared by the Port of Tyne Authority. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/10/4 Correspondence Dates:15 Apr—13 Oct 1982 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Between Rowe and Crouch and Hogg, relating to Rowe's consultancy arrangements and inspection of bore-holes. With Rowe's MS calculations. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/] 0/5 Site investigation, journals and test results Dates:May-Jul 1982 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Prepared by Preconstruction Services and Foundations Ltd (PSE). Cork Harbour Development Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/11 Dates:1974—-1982 Extent: 4 items. Scope and Content: alternative caisson scheme. Relating to a tender by Irishenco for work on Cork Harbour, Republic of Ireland. The work was to be carried out on the instructions of the Cork Harbour Commissioners in the area between Haulbowline Island and Pfizer Jetty as part of the Ringaskiddy Development Project. Bush and Rennie International assisted Irishenco Ltd in the appropriating of the tender by studying alternative methods of quay construction using monoliths and commenting on the design of an Client: Bush and Rennie International Associates, Project Management and Engineering Consultants. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/1 1/1 Page 129 Soil investigation reports Dates:May 1974—-Sep 1979 Extent: 6 soft-back volumes. Scope and Content: For stage 1 contract 8. Comprising: /1 Report reference 27360, prepared by Low Parsons and Brown, May 1974, /2 Report at Ringaskiddy Area prepared by SOLMEC Ltd, November 1977. /3 Report for proposed Ro/Ro and deepwater berth at Ringaskiddy prepared by SOLMEC Ltd, May 1979. /4 Report at Splitbank, Ringaskiddy prepared by Ballast-Nedam Group, September 1979. /5 Report at Splitbank, Ringaskiddy prepared by Ballast-Nedam Group, September 1979. /6 Tender and conditions of contract, n.d. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/1 1/2 Dates:25 Aug—30 Sep 1982 Extent: 2 folders. Inscribed 'Bush and Rennie reports, see also black document case’. Comprises correspondence between Rowe and Bush and Rennie International Ltd, with calculations by Rendel Palmer and Tritton and draft reports to Irishenco Ltd. Letters Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/11/3 Arrangement: Divided into 2 folders: (1) 1982, (2) undated. Correspondence file Scope and Content: Page 130 Dates:25 Aug-3 Sep 1982 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: From Rendel Palmer and Tritton and Bush and Rennie Associates to Rowe, relating to calculated foundation pressures. With Rowe's MS calculations. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/1 1/4 Plans of Cork Harbour Dates:n.d. Extent: 1 sheet. 27 design drawings. Scope and Content: By Bush and Rennie International Associates. With 1 sheet of calculations by Rowe. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/12 Liverpool Docks Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/12/1 Correspondence Client: W.A. Fairhurst, Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers. Dates: 1960-1982 Extent: 2 items. Scope and Content: Concerning the Regeneration Merseyside Project for Merseyside Development Corporation. The papers relate to the examination of Herculaneum, Harrington and Toxteth Docks. Rowe worked with W. A. Fairhurst and Partners to compile a report for joint submission with Fairclough Civil Engineering. report on the proposed embankments over Stratham Deposit Ground on Between Rowe, Fairclough Civil Engineering Ltd and W. A. Fairhurst and Partners, relating to the treatment of silt in situ. With report on Preston Dock, maps, test results and calculations. Also contains a copy of Rowe's Dates:Jul 1960—17 Feb 1982 Extent: | folder. Scope and Content: Page 131 behalf of the Manchester Ship Canal Company, 1960. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/12/2 Correspondence file Dates:26 Feb-9 Mar 1982 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Inscribed 'Fairhurst with Fairclough, Liverpool Docks'. Comprises correspondence between Rowe and W. A. Fairhurst and Partners, relating to the site inspection in Liverpool. With the report on the south docks silt — "Removal or retention’, 4 March 1982. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/13 Devonshire Dock, Barrow-in-Furness Dates: 1982-1983 Extent: 1 item. Scope and Content: Client: R. T. James and Partners, Consulting Engineers. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/13/1 Relating to the proposed extension to the shipbuilding works at Barrow-in- Furness, Cumbria, and the construction of new workshops on the land to be reclaimed in the northern part of Devonshire Dock. Rowe was acting as a constant to R. T. James and Partners, who were consulting engineers to Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/14 Inscribed 'R. T. James, Vickers Shipbuilding’. Comprising reports on laboratory tests, 3 plans, correspondence between Rowe and R. T. James and Partners and calculations. File Dates:Jul 1982—24 May 1983 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: Page 132 Crombie Jetty, Firth of Forth Dates: 1983-1984 Extent: 1 item. Scope and Content: Client: Crouch and Hogg, Consulting and Structural Civil Engineers. Relating to a proposal to construct a jetty at RNAD Crombie, on the north shore of the Firth of Forth near Rosyth (Fife) for the Property Services Agency. Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/14/1 Site investigation Dates:Feb 1983-15 Oct 1984 Extent: 1 folder. Scope and Content: By Wimpey Laboratories Ltd, February 1983. With a letter from Crouch and Hogg to Rowe relating to their piling proposal, dated 15 October 1984 and Rowe's calculations. Client: [J.F. and Co. Ltd?] Bore-hole logs Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/15 Reference and contact details: PWR/4/2/3/15/1 Dates:1986 Extent: | item. Scope and Content: Royal Albert Dock, Liverpool Ltd. File inscribed ', Royal Albert Docks log’, relating to the dock at Liverpool and comprising 2 sheets of a bore-hole log prepared by Soils Engineering Dates:26—27 May 1986 Extent: 2 sheets. Scope and Content:
ROWE, Peter Walter Vol1 v2
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin