NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of John Read (1908-1993) NCUACS catalogue no. 131/4/04 by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Title: Compiled by: Description level: Fonds Deposited in: Date of material: late 1920s-1994 Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Extent of material: 25 boxes, ca 400 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of John Read (1908-1993), radiobiologist NCUACS catalogue no. 131/4/04 © 2004 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Archives and Manuscripts section, Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine, London Reference code: GB 0120 PP/JRE J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists and the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Computer Society The British Crystallographic Association Girton College Cambridge The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Royal Astronomical Society The Wellcome Trust St John’s College Cambridge Trinity College Cambridge J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS SECTION UNDERSTANDING OF MEDICINE WELLCOME LIBRARY FOR THE HISTORY AND LONDON J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.365 SECTION C PUBLICATIONS SECTION D LECTURES SECTION E SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from the British Institute of Radiology in 2000. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF JOHN READ John Read was born in Hendon, Middlesex on 31 March 1908. He left school at 16 to work as a clerk in the Derbyshire County Council Education Department. Studying in the evenings, he took the University of London external B.Sc. in Physics and Applied Mathematics in 1929 and then won a scholarship to Nottingham University College where he took a B.Sc. in Special Physics in 1931. Read then won a teaching fellowship at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and worked for his Ph.D. on the attenuation coefficients of scattered radiation from a range of elements. He returned to the UK in 1934, joining the Radium Beam Research Unit as Assistant Physicist working with L.H. Gray at Mount Vernon Hospital in London. Gray and Read were awarded a grant from the neutrons. In the words of John Haggith's obituary of Read in Scope vol 3 (1994), 'The next five years were remarkable. It took them two years of toil and brilliant improvisation to build the neutron the RBEs [Relative Biological Effectiveness] for neutrons, alpha particles, X- and gamma-rays’. Physicist at the London Hospital. In the same year he played a leading role in the establishment of the Hospital Physicists Association. In 1946 he was made Head of the British Empire Cancer Campaign’s Biophysics Research Group at the Mount Vernon Hospital and the Radium Institute, from 1948 serving as Combined Head of the Research Group and Physics Department. In 1939 Read moved to the British Institute of Radiology. In 1941 he was seconded to British generator and then just three years to put neutron and alpha dosimetry on a sound footing and obtain British Empire Cancer Campaign to build a neutron generator for study of the biological action of Thomson-Houston Co. in Rugby for war work, after which in 1943 he took up the post of Hospital other factors. He retired in 1974. biology in Christchurch, New Zealand (moving to Dunedin in 1952). Read was appointed Director of research into how ionising radiations destroy tumours and how this action could be influenced by the Radiation Biology Group. He remained in New Zealand for the rest of his life, making occasional return visits to Britain. As head of the Radiation Biology Group, with limited resources, Read pursued In 1950 the British Empire Cancer Campaign established a laboratory for research into radiation J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Read was awarded the Royal Society of Edinburgh's Anderson-Berry Gold Medal in 1953 and gave the Douglas Lea Memorial Lecture in 1957. He died in Dunedin on 10 October 1993. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material in this collection is presented in the order given in the list of contents. It covers the period from the late 1920s to 1994. The bulk of the material dates from the 1950s to the 1970s and the collection is dominated by Research material. Section A, Biographical, is slight. It includes two obituaries, incomplete lists of publications, and a little material relating to Read’s early career in New Zealand. There are also some undergraduate notes from Derby Technical College and University College Nottingham from the late 1920s to 1931. Section B, Research, is by far the largest component of the collection. It is also the most comprehensive, covering Read’s entire research career from his postgraduate study at Caltech, work with L.H. Gray at the Mount Vernon Hospital in London and research while Hospital Physicist at the London Hospital, to his move to New Zealand in 1950 and ongoing work up to retirement in 1974. Following Read’s own arrangement, the section is divided into a number of sequences. In addition to postgraduate notes from the early 1930s, there is a run of notebooks for the period 1936-1974. The and results. The largest component of the section is Read’s chronological sequence of folders identified by year and (generally) also by topic. The contents of the folders may include manuscript of his offprints 1934-1976. with C. Cowell, 1965-1967; and a little miscellaneous material. data, drafts of publications, correspondence on work in progress, supply of chemicals, figures, Section C, Publications, includes documentation relating to Read’s book Radiation Biology of Vicia Faba in relation to the General Problem (Oxford, 1959), a number of miscellaneous drafts and a set notebook entries are detailed, with dates and often times of experiments, descriptions of techniques topic - mostly undated research notes and data; documentation of research on E. Coli carried out calculations and graphs. The remainder of the section comprises Read’s alphabetical sequence of folders, chiefly extensive notes on the literature; a general series of folders arranged by research indication of occasion upon which they were delivered or of intended audience. Read’s John Strong Memorial Lecture of 1961 and a sequence of numbered lectures, probably relating to a course of seminars in radiobiology delivered in 1962. Few of the other drafts have any Section D, Lectures, is not extensive. The material, drafts and notes relating to lectures delivered, is from the 1960s. It includes 'The physics of radiotherapy and radiation biology in the early 1930s’, J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Section E, Societies and organisations, is also slight. There is material relating to nine, mostly New Zealand, organisations. They include the British Empire Cancer Campaign Society, with material chiefly relating to terms of employment; the New Zealand Department of Health Dominion X-ray and Radium Laboratory, with papers and correspondence on radiological equipment, supply of radioactive substances, monitoring of radioactivity etc; and the New Zealand Medical Physicists Association, of which Read was chairman in the early 1970s. Section F, Correspondence, presents an alphabetical sequence of correspondence with individuals and companies, covering a wide range of topics, including laboratory equipment and chemicals, progress of research, visits, the launch of new journals, as well as social and personal news. There are a few extended sequences. Correspondence of particular note is that with L.H. Gray, G.E. Roth and H.C. Sutton, and companies including George W. Wilton & Co. Ltd, Kempthorne Prosser & Co. and W. & R. Smallbone Ltd. The correspondence postdates Read's relocation to New Zealand and continues up to retirement in 1974. There is also an index of correspondents. Peter Harper Timothy E. Powell Bath, March 2004 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.19 late 1920s-1994 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL c 1952-1994 Obituary by J.W. Boag for the British Institute of Radiology Obituary for Scope vol 3 (1994) by John Haggith Photocopy of photograph and recollection of John Read author not known Curriculum vitae Bibliography of publications 1934-1963; list of publications 1950-1958 1958, c 1963 late 1920s late 1920s-1931 UNDERGRADUATE Contents of Read’s binder: manuscript notes, duplicated manuscript College examination questions 1909-1926. ‘John Read Solid Geometry. Calculus. Derby Technical College’ 1930-1931 Loose at back is figure titled ‘Experimental traces of bubles shadows’. ‘Special Physics B.Sc. Course Second Year 1930 1931’ 4 folders. Hardback experiments, with index of experiments on front page. notebook labelled used for so physics J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Biographical, A.1-A.19 A.11-A.13 Contents of Read’s ring binder Used for notes while studying at Nottingham University College. The binder, with list of subjects and dates of study inside front cover, is retained at A.13. 65pp duplicated typescript lecture notes on mathematical physics Manuscript mathematics notes Ring binder Contents of Read’s untitled folder Manuscript physics notes and calculations. 2 folders. A.16-A.19 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1952-1972 Applications for sabbatical leave in England 1956-1957 Correspondence and papers re move of Read and his research unit from Christchurch to Dunedin, New Zealand Radiology Appointment as Honorary Lecturer in Physics University of Otago, New Zealand 1952-1956 Election as Honorary Member of the British Institute of J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 SECTION B RESEARCH, B.1-B.365 1930s-1970s B.1-B.32 POSTGRADUATE WORK B.33-B.67 NOTEBOOKS B.68-B.249 FOLDERS: CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE B.250-B.287 FOLDERS: ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE B.288-B.340 GENERAL RESEARCH TOPICS B.341-B.355 WORK ON E. COLI B.356-B.365 MISCELLANEOUS POSTGRADUATE WORK from at the of High Frequency Electromagnetic California is It absorption ‘The Radiation’ by Read The notes may include Read’s notes used for lecturing at Caltech and on his return to the UK. This work dates Institute of Technology (Caltech) in the early 1930s. principally rough manuscript notes. Read’s time and calculations. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, California Institute of Technology [...] 1934. Contents of springback binder so inscribed on spine, divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes early 1930s ‘General’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘Electric’ early 1930s Contents of springback binder so inscribed on spine, divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes and calculations. ‘Interfaces’ early 1930s Contents of springback binder so inscribed on spine, divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes and calculations. B.11-B.13 ‘Light’ early 1930s spine, Contents of springback binder so inscribed on divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes and calculations. B.13 is notes on optics, with duplicated typescript question sheet 1931. the molecular cross section 26pp typescript translation, ‘For use of Honours B.Sc. 3’. 3 folders. B.14-B.17 ‘Light’ early 1930s B.15-B.17 Manuscript and duplicated typescript notes Contents of springback binder so inscribed on divided into four for ease of reference. spine, ‘On measurements of of gases (other than the inert gases) with respect to slow electrons’ by H.L. Brose and E.H. Saagman ease of reference Contents of untitled springback binder divided into two for ease of reference Contents of untitled springback binder divided into six for B.18, B.19 B.20-B.25 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Duplicated typescript related topics (B.20); manuscript notes and calculations. question sheets optics on and B.26-B.28 Contents of untitled springback binder divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes and calculations early 1930s ‘Miles A. Rettie - Hist Notebk’ mid 1930s Exercise book so inscribed, used from the front by Read for notes on ‘W & W Chapter XVIII’ and from the back for notes on the literature c 1936. ‘W & W’ is A Course of modern analysis: an introduction to the theory of infinite processes and of analytic functions by E.T. Whittaker and G.N. Watson. Manuscript Wilson’s Advanced Calculus’ notes titled ‘Math. Analysis. Notes from 2 folders. B.33-B.49 1936-1974 B.33-B.67 NOTEBOOKS 1936-1974 Paginated 1-85. Laboratory Notebooks Manuscript notes on thermodynamics 1936-1937 This is a continual sequence of laboratory notebooks with experimental data 1936-1974, numbered 1-17. The notebooks are well detailed, with dates and often times of experiments, descriptions of techniques and results. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘[...] John Read Mount Vernon Hospital Northwood Middlesex. Laboratory Notebook. Book 1’ Used 3 January 1936-8 October 1937. intercalated throughout. Loose material J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘J. Read Mount Vernon Hospital Northwood Middlesex. Book 2’ Used 6 July-14 October 1938. Paginated 1-187. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘J. Read Mount Vernon Laboratory notebook 3’ Northwood Middlesex. Hospital Used 19 October 1938-5 May 1939. Paginated 1-104. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘J. Read Mount Vernon Laboratory notebook 4’ Northwood Middlesex. Hospital Used 16 May 1939-23 February 1940. Paginated 1-95. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘J. Read Mount Vernon Laboratory notebook 5’ Northwood Middlesex. Hospital 1938-1939 1939-1940 1940-1941 Hospital Middlesex. Northwood Loose material intercalated throughout. Used 26 February 1940-9 January 1941. Paginated 1-94. Used from the front 14 January-25 May 1941 and (titled ‘London Hospital’) 6 August-12 December 1943; used from the back for notes. Paginated 1-90. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘J. Read Mount Vernon Laboratory notebook 6’ 1941-1943 Read. Hardback notebook inscribed on Laboratory notebook 7. Dec 29th 1943 Sept 11th 1945. Radiotherapy Dept. The London Hospital [...] first page ‘J. Loose material intercalated throughout. Paginated 1-104. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘John Read. Laboratory notebook 8. Radiotherapy Dept. The London Hospital [...] 1945-1947 Used 12 September 1945-3 April 1947. Paginated 1-94. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘John Read. and Mount Hospital Institute Northwood Middlesex [...] Laboratory notebook 9. April 11th 1947 - May 9th 1949” Radium Vernon the Paginated 1-165. Hardback notebook inscribed Hospital Mount Northwood Middlesex [...] 1949- October 27 1954’ Vernon on first page ‘J. Read. Institute and Laboratory notebook 10. April Radium the Used from 11 June 1949. Paginated 1-285. 1947-1949 1949-1954 Titled on p 57 (17 November 1950) ‘Christchurch New Zealand’. Empire Otago, Dunedin, School, 1955-1960 Cancer Campaign Printed pagination 1-287. Hardback notebook inscribed inside frontispiece ‘J. Read. of Medical N.Z. Laboratory Notebook No. Feb 22 1955 to June 24 1960’ University 11 Hardback notebook inscribed inside frontispiece ‘J. Read British Biology Group, Wakari Public Hospital Dunedin New Zealand. Laboratory notebook No. 12. September 19 1960 - March 23 1964’ 1963-1967 Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘John Read, Wakari Public Hospital Dunedin New Zealand. Laboratory notebook 13. November 5 1963-August 30 1967’ Unpaginated. 1960-1964 Radiation J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘John Read, Wakari Public Hospital Dunedin New Zealand. Laboratory notebook 14. August 31st 1967-October 28 1968’ 1967-1968 Printed pagination 1968. A little loose material intercalated throughout. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘John Read, Wakari Public Hospital Dunedin New Zealand. Laboratory notebook 15. October 28 1968-April 14 1970’ 1968-1970 A little loose material intercalated throughout. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘John Read, Wakari Public Hospital Dunedin New Zealand. Laboratory notebook 16. June 15 1970-January 10 1973’ 1970-1973 Paginated 1-199. Loose material intercalated throughout. B.50-B.65 1973-1974 1946-1967 ‘Accessory Books’ Printed pagination 1-284 (used to p 105, 20 June 1974). This sequence was found so titled. It runs from 1946 to 1967 and comprises results of experiments on irradiation of beans (B.50-B.62) and 1960s work on tissue cultures. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘John Read, Wakari Public Hospital Dunedin New Zealand. Laboratory notebook 17. January 10 1973-’ 1947-1949 Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘November 2nd 1947 to February 13th 1949’ Used for data from irradiation of beans 28 January 1946- 21 October 1947. Hardback 1946/47’ notebook labelled on front cover ‘Beans 1946-1947 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Hardback February 20th 1949. Feb 26 1951’ notebook inscribed on first page ‘Beans 1949-1951 Data continues to ‘Christchurch January 11th 1951’. 23 June 1950 and then restarts Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Beans Feb 26 1951 to Aug 9 1951’ Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Beans August 20 1951 Feb 11 1952’ 1951-1952 Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Beans Feb 19th 1952 June 5th 1953’ 1952-1953 Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Beans June 15th 1953 March 8th 1955’ 1953-1955 1955-1956 Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘February 4th 1956 -March 20 1959’ Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘March 24 1959 to May 25 1959’ Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘March 15th 1955 - Feb 1st 1956’ 1956-1959 ‘Cancer Softback notebook inscribed Research Dept Wakari Hospital April 29 1959 - Sept 11 1959’ Used for summaries experiments 1951-1957 Softback notebook on front cover of research results on bean J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Softback notebook for summaries Used experiments 1947-1959. of research results on bean Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Book | August 14 1959 to Feb 19 1961 Continued in Book 2 [...]’ 1959-1961 Used for notes in a number of hands, including Read’s and include a few notes that appear to postdate February 1961. Printed pagination 1-190. Hardback notebook inscribed on spine ‘Tissue cultures. Methods, materials, results’. 1960-1963 Inscribed inside ‘D.C. Hop. Radiation Biology Research B.E.C.C. Wakari Hospital’. Used for pagination 1-194 with index to contents at pp 183-194. work 1960-June 1963. notes on Printed 1966-1967 A little material clipped to pages of the notebook. Used from the front (1966-1967) and at the back (1966) for notes in a number of hands. Printed pagination 1-190. This does not appear to be the ‘Book 2’ referred to by the notebook at B.63. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Experiments 1966-1967’ 1940s-1950s Used for notes on the litarature of radiation action on cells. Paginated 1-93 (most pages not used). Intercalated material including photographs. Hardback notebook inscribed London Hospital [...] Biophysical notes’ on first page ‘J. Read Miscellaneous notebooks 1940s-1950s, n.d. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Small clothback address book The notebook is divided by alphabetical index pages. of Used for chemical and companies, and telephone numbers. miscellaneous elements, notes addresses characteristics individuals on of B.68-B.249 FOLDERS: CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE 1938-1975, n.d. This substantial sequence was found in Read’s bundles arranged by group of years (or in one case, by year). The individual folders are identified by year and generally also have an inscription of the contents. The contents of the greatly. They may include complete or folders incomplete manuscript of publications; correspondence on work in progress, Read’s drafts sent to others for comment or supply of chemicals, etc; figures; manuscript data, calculations and graphs. typescript drafts vary and _ The material has been retained in the chronological order in which it was found with the subject inscription on the folder used as title. B.68-B.87 B.68 1938-1950 ‘1938-1949’ ‘1939’, no subject Typescript results; graphs. ‘1938’ and ‘Transmission of radium gamma rays through filters’ 1938 Letter from W.V. Mayneord with typescript data on Klein- Nishina and manuscript data and calculations. Manuscript notes and data. ‘1939’ and ‘Skin reactions’ 9 January 1939; coefficients, typescript J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B.71-B.73 1940’, no subject 1940-1948 Manuscript notes and data; two letters, 1940 and 1942 (B.73). 3 folders. B.74-B.76 ‘1944’, no subject 1940, 1944 B.74 ‘Notes on the action of radiation on tissue cultures’ 43pp manuscript and graphs. Correspondence with F.G. Spear on cell tissue analysis 1940, 1944 15pp Includes Strangeways Laboratory, Cambridge, on the effect of radiation on tissue culture. typescript work on at ‘1946’, no subject 2 folders. Manuscript notes and graphs ‘1944’ and ‘Checked diagrams’ Manuscript notes, photographic data and graphs. Manuscript notes; mounted and captioned photographs ?for poster session. re work with thorium. Manuscript notes and data, and correspondence, chiefly Manuscript data and graphs. *1946-1949’ and ‘Micronuclei’ 1946-1949 ‘1947’, no subject 1946, 1947 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘1947’ and ‘Water and Ice’ Manuscript notes. ‘1948’ and ‘Lateral distribution of ions across the track of an alpha-ray in water ‘First draft’ of typescript so titled, 28pp + figures; related correspondence; manuscript notes. ‘1949’ and ‘Electronuclei Valve Circuits’ Two letters; manuscript notes. ‘1949’ and ‘Natural radioactivity’ Typescript papers and gamma rays, absorbed during ‘1949-1950’ and ‘Primary Positive lons - Gaunt’ Correspondence with Radium Department of Derby & Co. Ltd, manuscript notes. ‘Discussion of the relative energies of alpha rays, beta rays, a thorium-x treatment of the skin (a) by the whole body, (b) by the skin layer under treatment’ by Read, 7pp; reports numbered 1, 2, 4 and 6 on research on thorium-x. on oxygen in irradiated systems; manuscript notes. Letter from W.J. Meredith reporting on H.H. Dale’s views Manuscript correspondence, chiefly with C.A. Coulson. typescript notes and and _ B.88-B.112 ‘1950-1954’ B.88 ‘1950’ and ‘Dale’s work on enzymes’ calculations; 1949-1950 1948-1958 1950 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 1950’ and ‘Equilbrium distribution’ particle. ‘The lateral distribution of ions across the track of an ionizing the equilibrium distribution’ by Read, 9pp typescript + figure; manuscript calculations; brief correspondence from E.A. Baggott. Further consideration Part of Il B.90, B.91 ‘1950’ and ‘lonising radiation on broadbean root’ B.90 ‘The effect of ionizing radiations on the broad bean root. Part X’ by Read, 51pp Correspondence with comments on paper; figures. ‘1951’ and ‘Mixture of O2 and H2’ Chiefly manuscript data from experiments. ‘1951’, no subject 2 folders. 1951-1952 B.94-B.96 B.94 1951-52’ and ‘Nitrogen mustard (with B. Wolff)’ Manuscript graphs and data from experiments on sperm. 3pp typescript; 3pp manuscript; letter from Wolff to Read. ‘Inhibition of mitosis in the root of the broad bean (Vicia faba)’ by Read and B. Woolf Graphs and results of experiments, January 1952. ‘1952’ and ‘KCN and X-ray sensitivity’ Results of experiments J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B.98-B.100 ‘1952’ and ‘KCN. M/8000 only’ Results of experiments, February-December 1952. 3 folders. “1952” and ‘KCN. M/4000 only’ Results of experiments, August-September 1952. ‘1952-53’ and ‘Comparison of oxygen consumption of bean roots in water and cyanide. Control tests in cyanide’ 1948-1953 Includes ‘The effect of cyanide on the X-ray senstiviity of the broad bean root’ by Read and R. Walton, duplicated typescript report of the Cancer Research Laboratory of the New Zealand Empire Cancer Campaign, 1953. branch British the of 1952-53’ 1952-1955 1953-1954 B.105, B.106 2 folders. Results of experiments May-September 1953. ‘1953’ and ‘Control tests M/8000 cyanide’ Results of experiments February 1952 -June 1955. ‘1953’ and ‘Drosophilia. Chromosome rearrangements’ Includes 13pp typescript ‘First draft’ of ‘The influence of oxygen on the X-ray production of chromosome breaks in drosophilia’, with 16pp typescript sent for publication. rectifier units and associated equipment. Correspondence and papers chiefly re supply of metal B.108-B.110 ‘1953-54’ and ‘Rectifier 1953-1958 ‘Nov to Dec 1953’ and ‘Peas in cyanide’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Read was assembling a 50kv full wave rectifier. Correspondence with suppliers etc. 1953-1958 rectifier outfit ‘Comments on described 2pp by typescript; ‘Memorandum on tests conducted on one half of the 50kv full-wave rectifier and other manuscript notes the specifications on Messrs Salvesen Wooff Ltd’, the & Miscellaneous notes etc. ‘1954’ and ‘Combined MM plus X rays’ Results of experiments February-June 1954. 1954’ 1954-1956 B.113 3 folders. 1954-1961 1954-1956 1954-1955 1954-1956 B.113-B.116 B.113-B.135 1955-1959’ Results of experiments. “1954-56 Nitrogen mustard’ Correspondence re nitrogen mustard Includes correspondence with Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd. re samples. notes and data. Manuscript draft of letter to J.B.S. Haldane; manuscript ‘1955’ and ‘Linearity of mutations’ Summaries of research results B.114-B.116 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘1955’ and ‘Manganous and cobaltous ion’ Results from experiments May 1955; manuscript notes on the literature. B.119-B.121 ‘1955’ and ‘Split x-ray B.119 ‘The effect of fractionation of x-ray doses given under aerobic and anaerobic conditions to roots of the broad bean (Vicia faba)’ Typescript text of lecture. 1954-1956 1950s B.120-B.121 Research results 1954-1956 2 folders. B.122-B.124 1955/56’ 1955-1956 B.125 3 folders. 3 folders. 1954-1955 1955 B.125, B.126 ‘1955/56’ and ‘Indirect effect’ Manuscript and 26pp typescript drafts. Results and summaries of experiments. ‘“Template molecules” and radiation biology’ Possibly Read’s essay in the British Journal of Radiology Barclay Prize Competition. 1955-1957 Correspondence of research on 8-ethoxycaffeine (EOC); 10pp typescript draft of findings of Kihlman on the effect of EOC on the root tip chromosomes of Vicia faba, sent to Read 21 May 1956. with B.A. Kihlman re progress B.127-B.129 ‘1955-56’ Correspondence 1954-1955 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘1957-58’ and ‘X-Ray miscroscope’ 1956-1958 Correspondence microscopy; Microscopy and August 1956 with suppliers re equipment programme of Microradiography, Symposium on Cambridge, for X-ray 16-21 ‘1958-59’ Miscellaneous jottings etc. 1958-1959 ‘1958/61’ and ‘Ebert-Howard Effect with solutes’ 1958-1961 Manuscript notes and results of experiments. B.133-B.135 ‘Summary 1948-56’ Manuscript notes on over the period 1948-1956. results of numbered experiments 1950-1965 1950-1960 1960 B.136 3 folders. B.136, B.137 B.136-B.163 *1960-1962/65’ ‘1960’ and ‘Nitrogen mustard. Effect of oxygen’ Some refer to the notebook series at B.33-B.49. Exchange with L.H. Gray, re nitrogen mustard results, 1960; typescript draft ‘Effect of oxygen on the damage sustained by roots of the broad bean (Vicia faba) from Nitrogen Mustard’ 1961 Letter re value of the rad; typescript and manuscript drafts of ‘Use of the broad bean root as a biological dosimeter’ by Read and H.D. Jamieson; manuscript notes. ‘1961’ and ‘British and New Zealand rad.’ Earlier research data referred to by Read 1950, 1955, 1956 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B.139-B.141 ‘1961’ and ‘Carcinogens and chromosome aberrations’ 1959-1961 B.139 Correspondence chromosomal aberrations in the presence of light Kihlman B.A. with re work on 1960-1961 B.140, B.141 Manuscript notes, results of experiments 1959-1960 2 folders. cell ‘1961’ chromosomes in squash preparations’ ‘Deformation and of nuclei and of Two slightly different typescripts so titled; manuscript data. B.143-B.147 ‘1961/62’ and ‘Comparison of TEM and X-rays. Growth and chromosome aberrations’ 1960-1962 1960-1961 and re 13pp and 27pp. Correspondence reduction, chromosome damage and mitotic inhibition produced in roots of Vicia faba by x-rays and by triethylene melamine’, by Read and Resa Wakonig, University of Adelaide. ‘Growth papers See also B.152-B.154. Correspondence with co-author Typescripts of ‘Growth reduction, chromosome damage and mitotic inhibition produced in roots of Vicia faba by x- rays and by triethylene melamine’ 1957-1962 Manuscript notes, typescript and manuscript drafts etc. ‘Puck’ Department of Biophysics, University of Colorado. Professor Theodore T. “1962’ and ‘Puck. Notes on technique’ earlier pages of B.145-B.147 B.148-B.150 calculations, Puck of the data, 1960-1961 3 folders. refers to J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Correspondence and papers 1957-1960 Includes laboratory glassware. correspondence re techniques for cleaning Correspondence and papers 1961-1962 Chiefly re preparing HeLa cultures. Miscellaneous papers Includes manuscript draft of ‘Some aspects of techniques of cell cultivation and materials used by the Radiation Biological Research Group of the B.E.C.C.’ by D.C.Hop. ‘1962’ and ‘Correlation between macroscopic damage and chromosome damage by ionising radiations’ B.152-B.154 1961-1962 ‘Growth B.153, B.154 Typescript draft summary. so titled, with figures and manuscript Correspondence re joint paper ‘1962’ and ‘Wakonig and Read’ Refers to work by R. Wakonig and Read for their joint paper reduction, chromosome damage and mitotic inhibition produced in roots of Vicia faba by x-rays and by triethylene melamine’ (see B.143-B.147). Exchange with G. Hevesy, typescript pages of draft etc. Manuscript data, notes and calculations. 2 folders. 1962’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B.156-B.163 ‘1962-65’ and ‘Barley Seed Research’ 1960-1965 B.156 Correspondence re experiments on barley seeds 1960-1962 ‘Semi-conductor phenomena in Barley seed’ by Read normal and _ irradiated Typescript draft; referees’ reports; correspondence from editor. ‘Induction of photoconductivity in Barley seeds by ionizing radiations’ by Read 1963, 1965 Typescript correspondence from editor. proof draft; copy; referees’ reports; B.159-B.163 Manuscript notes, research results, graphs etc 1961-1963 5 folders. Miscellaneous notes and data etc. 3 folders. B.164-B.166 ‘1963’ and ‘Base analogues’ B.164-B.200 ‘1963-1965’ ‘1963’ and ‘Cobalt 60 gamma rays and bean roots’ 1960-1966 Miscellaneous notes and data etc. table of calculations etc, paginated [1]-33. Results of experiments April-August 1963. B.168, B.169 ‘1963’ and ‘Hydrogen bond’ At B.168 is manuscript 2 folders. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B.170, B.171 ‘1963’ and ‘Isotope Developments Ltd’ 1963-1966 Chiefly correspondence with Isotope Developments and other equipment suppliers re scintillation apparatus. 2 folders. ‘1963’ and ‘Platzman’ Letter to R. Platzman; manuscript notes. B.173-B.176 ‘1963’ and ‘Red far red light’ 1960-1963 Material re joint paper with D.C. Hop ‘The influence of the red-far red light system on the sensitivity of HeLa cells to ionizing radiations’ Correspondence re supply of dyes Typescript draft of ‘The influence of the red-far red light system ionizing radiations’ of HeLa cells sensitivity the on to 1962-1963 Manuscript tables, data etc Correspondence re spectral absorption curves of dyes Manuscript results of experiments. Summaries of joint paper with D.C. Hopp ‘The influence of the red-far red light system on the sensitivity of HeLa cells to ionizing radiations’ in English, French and German; correspondence from K. McCree. ‘1963’ and ‘Results Far-red and Red - With X and gamma rays on HeLa. + ATP’ ‘1963’ and ‘Red-Far red’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘1963’ irradiated Amoebae’ and ‘Restorative particles for supra lethally Read’s Letter on nuclear damage in irradiated cells, for publication of Radiation Biology. With correspondence arising, including further contributions to the journal. /nternational Journal the in B.180-B.183 ‘1963’ and ‘Tritiated thymidine’ B.180 Correspondence examination of University of Auckland) re _ supply samples of (chiefly tritiated with thymidine, Olliffe, R.W. Typescript draft thymidine and x-rays on the growth of roots of Vicia faba’ of ‘Comparison of effects tritiated of Sent to R.W. Olliffe for comments, with Olliffe’s reply. 1960, 1963 1960, 1963 B.182, B.183 2 folders. 1962-1965 1962-1965 B.184, B.185 Manuscript notes, data etc ‘1963’ and ‘Work with Vaartaja’ R. Wakonig-Vaartaja, ‘The Material re joint paper with chromosomes of Allium cepa’. Correspondence with R. Wakonig-Vaartaja, J.T. Randall and editor; two slightly different 5pp typescripts 1964-1965 of Typescript draft and chromosome exchange aberrations by ionizing radiations’ Material aberrations by ionizing radiations: the “Site Concept” ‘ of chromosome exchange Manuscript notes and data ‘The induction proof copy of re ‘The induction B.186-B.189 ‘1964-65’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Correspondence re publication 1964-1965 B.188, B.189 Miscellaneous material 2 folders. B.190-B.193 ‘1965’ and ‘Irradiated growth medium’ 1964-1966 Material re ‘Reduced multiplication of mouse lymphoma cells (L 5178 Y) when inoculated into irradiate growth medium’ by Read and C.A. Diss. and This publication but received unfavourable referees’ reports. associated submitted paper were an for Correspondence re papers 1965-1966 notes, 2 folders. and of ‘Reduced results of 1964-1965 manuscript notes and B.195-B.197 B.192, B.193 Typescript drafts multiplication of mouse lymphoma cells’ manuscript ‘1965’ and ‘Autoradiography’ Typescript experiments etc Correspondence and papers re liquid emulsions for auto- radiographic technique. 1963, 1965 ‘1965’ and ‘Barley seed experiments 15th March-30th June 1965 (Fergus J. Thomson)’ ‘Report on experiments conducted from March to June 1965 at B.E.C.C. Radiation Biology Section, Wakari’ 6pp typescript. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B.196, B.197 Results of experiments 2 folders. B.198, B.199 ‘1965’ B.198 Correspondence re supply of bovine plasma samples Typescript instructions on ‘Lymphoma (sensitive) Human Liver. Preparation of stock solutions. Completion of media. Method of subculture’ Also includes manuscript notes. ‘19652?’ Manuscript notes. ‘1966’ and ‘Golden Kiwi’ Correspondence re supply of apparatus and chemicals. grant money from B.201-B.217 ‘1966’ 1966’ and ‘Exhibition’ 1965-1966 1965-1967 1966-1967 material was purchased with This Read’s Golden Kiwi award. 1966-1967 Material re Radiation Biology Research Group’s display at New Zealand Symposium of Geographical Haematology, Dunedin, August 1966. Material re monograph by Read for Masson et Cie series on ‘Actions Chimiques et Biologique des Radiations’. See also B.210, B.211, B.212, B.213, and B.220-B.222. B.203, B.204 ‘1966’ and ‘Repair of radiation damage by cells’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Editorial correspondence is Read was asked to prepare a 25,000 word monograph on the subject. at B.220 and there three sections of the paper at B.203, B.204, and B.210, B.211 and B.212, B.213. preparation material relating his of to is Draft of ‘Repair of radiation damage by mammalian cells’ by Read 23pp typescript. Correspondence with colleagues re comments on and bibliographical references for the paper etc 1966-1967 ‘1966’ and ‘Scintillation counting’ Correspondence and papers re liquid scintillators. B.206-B.209 ‘1966’ Proof copy 17pp typescript + figures Earlier corrected typescript drafts re paper by Read ‘The dependence of the Material numbers of 2-break chromosome aberrations on the size of the dose of ionizing radiation’ See also B.203, B.204 and B.212, B.213. Material re monograph by Read for Masson et Cie series on ‘Actions Chimiques et Biologique des Radiations’. Correspondence with referees’ reports B.210, B.211 publication, editors re including ‘1966’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Draft of ‘The repair of chromosome breaks produced by radiations’ by Read 11pp typescript. Correspondence with colleagues re comments on and bibliographical references for the paper etc B.212, B.213 ‘1966’ 1966-1967 Material re monograph by Read for Masson et Cie series on ‘Actions Chimiques et Biologique des Radiations’. See also B.203, B.204 and B.210, B.211. Draft of ‘The repair of lesions which otherwise lead to point mutations’ by Read 29pp typescript draft, with typescript additions. See also C.26. B.214-B.216 ‘1966’ was This Radiation Biology but not published. submitted the to Correspondence with E.M. Witkin re the paper Material re paper by Read ‘The distribution between cells of primary chromosome breaks produced by straight track radiations’ 1966-1967 Incomplete typescript draft, with letter from editor Manuscript draft chromosme breaks’ Manuscript notes and calculations /I/nternational Journal ‘The distribution of radiation-induced 1966-1967 of J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘1966/67’ and ‘Oil shales’ 1966-1967 Correspondence and papers re Read’s work on extracting protein from oil shale. Includes 2pp typescript note on ‘Protein from Petroleum’ for Regional Pugwash Conference, Melbourne, Australia, January 1967 B.218-B.233 ‘1967-1969’ B.218 ‘1967’ and ‘Nalidixic acid’ 1965-1971 1967 Letter re supply of nalidixic acid; manuscript notes. ‘1967’ and ‘Repair processes’ Letter, 1969; manuscript notes on the literature. B.220-B.222 ‘1967’ 1965-1967 1965-1967 for Masson et Cie series Material damage by cells’. re Read’s monograph on repair of ‘Radiation material There is his preparation of three sections of the paper at B.203, B.204, and B.210, B.211 and B.212, B.213. relating to M. Haissinsky invited Read to prepare a 25,000 word monograph on ‘Actions Chimiques et Biologique des Radiations’ on repair of radiation damage by cells. 1967-1971 Correspondence with M. Haissinsky, Institut du Radium, Paris, France Manuscript and typescript drafts of index to ‘Repair of radiation damage by cells’. ‘1967-1971’ and ‘Di-ethyl nitrosamine’ B.221, B.222 B.223-B.227 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Annual Reports of the Radiation Biology Research Group 1968-1969 Typescript draft Annual Report 1967-1968; manuscript draft Annual Report 1968-1969; typescript Annual Report 1968-1969 lethal ‘The bacteria’ effect of dimethyl nitrosamine on certain 10pp typescript. Correspondence 1968-1971 B.226, B.227 Manuscript notes, calculations etc. 1967-1970, n.d. 2 folders. ‘1968-1969’ and ‘Amoeboid cells’ 1967-1969 1969-1970 Correspondence. ‘1969’ and ‘DNA’ 1966, 1969 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers. B.230, B.231 ‘4969’ and ‘Mitosis [...] Material re paper ‘The inhibition of mitosis by radiations’ by Read. 1969-1970 This was submitted to the British Journal of Radiology. ‘The inhibition of mitosis by radiations’ 17pp typescript + figure. Correspondence, manuscript notes etc. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘1969’ and Thermocouple and chart recorder calibration’ Manuscript data. 1969” Two letters only. B.234-B.249 1970-1975’ 1968-1975, n.d. inscription material An ‘Relates to work on lethal effect of dimethylnitrosamine on E. Coli bacteria’. this bundle stated the the on ‘1970’ and ‘Nitrosoguanidine’ 1969-1970 Manuscript data etc B.236 1970-1971 1970 ‘1970’ and T2 Phage’ B.236, B.237 Manuscript data. ‘1971’ and ‘Reports’ Report for British Empire Cancer Campaign, 1970 Includes photocopy of research report 1968-1969 and manuscript notes. Correspondence; manuscript notes. Read spent the year November 1970-November 1971 attached to the Cancer Research Campain Research Unit for Radiobiology, Northwood, Middlesex. Research Sabbatical leave 1970-71’ ‘1971’ and ‘General biology’ report 1970-1971, and Read’s Report on J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘1971’ and ‘HCOH by basic fuchsine + sulphate Manuscript notes. B.240, B.241 ‘1971’ and ‘DMN’ 1968-1973 Chiefly manuscript notes, data and calculations. 2 folders. ‘1972’ and ‘Cals on back of letters’ Manuscript correspondence received by Read. calculations, some on verso of routine ‘1972’ and ‘HCOH by chromotropic acid Nov 2 1972’ Letter re results; manuscript results of experiments. and ‘Sept 14th and 15th 1972. 1972’ Sy Not sufficient ‘1972’ dialysis’ Manuscript graphs. Manuscript notes and graphs. Manuscript notes and graphs. ‘Induction of lambda phage in lysogenic Escherichia coli K12 (lambda) by X-rays and alpha particles’ by G.M.F.H. Wynn-Williams, 29pp typescript. ‘1974’ and ‘October 2nd and 3rd with good dialysis’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘1975’ and ‘Transformation by DNA of organisms’ cells on higher 1974-1975 Correspondence and papers re possible transformation of mammalian cells by extracted DNA. This arose from an advertisement in Scientific American which featured work of T.M. Tomilo of Comstock High School, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. Undated. ‘Barley seeds.Second series’ Manuscript data. B.250-B.287 FOLDERS: ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE mid 1940s-mid 1970s This sequence of material was found in Read’s boxfiles arranged in an alphabetical sequence. It is nearly entirely notes on the literature arranged alphabetically by author, with occasional notes by topic title interpolated into the sequence. B.250-B.259 B.250, B.251 Subjects range from genetics, cancer treatment, proteins, Although the material includes notes on work in the early part of the twentieth century, the notes appear to have been made over a period from the mid 1940s to the mid 1970s. B.252-B.254 A B C B.255-B.257 2 folders. 3 folders. 3 folders. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B:258;7-B:259 D 2 folders. B.260-B.266 B.260 B.262,B.263 G 2 folders. B.264-B.266 H B.267 2 folders. K L 2 folders. 3 folders. B.267-B.275 B.268, B.269 3 folders. B.270, B.271 B.272-B.274 M J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B.276-B.287 B.276, B.277 P 2 folders. B.279-B.283 Ss 5 folders. B.285, B.286 W 2 folders. B.288-B.340 GENERAL RESEARCH TOPICS Manuscript rough lists of equipment and papers The manuscript calculations, graphs, notes on the literature. Much of the material is undated. This is the contents of Read’s individual research folders arranged in an alphabetical sequence by topic. 1942-1960s and n.d. ‘Apparatus brought to Dunedin’ majority of the folders contained J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘Bethe’s Theory of [illegible]’ Calculations. ‘Bi-nucleate cell counts’ Calculations. ‘Brownian Movement’ Calculations and notes. ‘Boltzmann distribution of ions near charged interface’ Calculations. ‘Cell clumping in plating experiments’ Calculation. ‘Chloramphenicol’ Calculations, notes. ‘Chromosome rearrangements. Theoretical’ late 1960s ‘Comparison of Read’s absorption coefficients with Nat. Bur. St. Report 1003’ Notes. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘Diffusion from a line’ Calculations. B.299-B.301 ‘Distribution of ions. Early papers’ ‘Typescript tables [...] relating to the distribution of ions along the tracks of electrons in tissue’; manuscript notes and graphs. 3 folders. This material is continued in B.302 and B.303. ‘Distribution of ions. Alpha rays’ ‘Typescript tables [...] relating to the distribution of ions along the tracks of alpha rays and their associated delta rays in tissue’; manuscript notes and graphs. This material continues from that at B.299-B.301. ‘Distribution. Protons’ ‘Field at discontinuity’ Calculations. This material continues from that B.302. at B.299-B.301 and Typescript ‘Notes on the calculation of Tables XVI-XX. Distribution of ions created by protons’ and ‘Notes on the calculation of Tables XXI-XXIll. Distribution of ions due to protons recoiling from neutrons produced by the D-D reaction’; manuscript notes and graphs. Notes. ‘Comments on Haldane and Lea’ ‘Giant cells’ Data, notes, photographs. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘Heitler’s Quantum Theory of Radiation’ 33pp manuscript notes Relativity by W. Heitler. on The Quantum Theory of ‘Inactivation of Catatase’ Calculations. B.309, B.310 ‘Inactivation of transforming principle’ ‘22pp manuscript draft on ‘The activation of Hemophilus influenzae transforming DNA by ultra violet irradiation’; calculations. 2 folders. ‘Molecular biology’ Notes, calculations etc. 3 folders. ‘Paper on Nucleoli’ Notes. ‘Mutations’ B.313-B.315 ‘Neutrons’ Results of experiments. Results of experiments. Includes manuscript ‘Draft 1’ of ‘The effect of x rays on the nucleoli of HeLa cells’, latest bibliographical reference 1960. ‘Oxygen in urine’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B.318-B.320 ‘Physical processes’ Notes, calculations etc. 3 folders. ‘Radiations’ Notes. ‘Radiations on bacteria and viruses’ Notes etc. ‘Radioactive atoms’ Notes etc. Calculation. Calculations and notes, including ‘Radioactive ointment. Mathematical of radioactive atoms’ investigations’ diffusion ‘The and ‘Rescue by b/r of irradiated B’ ‘Sea urchin eggs and radiation’ ‘Resolution of O2 into O2 Free Water’ Notes, calculations. Resuls of experiments, calculations. ‘Secondary Positive lons’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 ‘Spectrophotometer measurements chloramphenicol’ of thymidine and Notes. Not in Read’s hand. B.329, B.330 ‘Standard Bean Response Curve’ Results of experiments. 2 folders. B.331-B.333 ‘Notes & papers re target theory’ 1942-1943 Notes, calculations etc. Includes work titled ‘London Hospital’ and exchange of letters with L.H. Gray, 1942 (B.331). 3 folders. B.334-B.336 ‘Thorium-X’ B.334 11pp typescript + figures. the retention and excretion ‘Preliminary physical investigation of the use of thorium x solution for the alpha particle irradiation of the bladder wall’ of Typescript ‘Report on patient's bladder on Thorium X solution Thursday, 21st June 1945’; and ‘Report on the Thorium X in bladder experiment’ 1945-1946 Results of experiments, calculations ‘Tissue cultures. Media etc’ Typescript note. injection into J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 Contents of untitled folder 8pp manuscript note on probability of ‘radioactive parent atom, found therewith. calculations product’, decay with first Contents of untitled folder Notes and calculations. Includes manuscript notes on ‘Interaction at and polarization of surrounding molecules’ a slow electron of energy of ‘Loss a distance’ due to the Contents of untitled folder ‘Notes on individual papers’. with T. Alper of Read’s boxfile inscribed ‘Notes E. Coli Research 1965-1966 1965-1967 B.341-B.355 WORK ON E. COLI the MRC Unit, Correspondence, Experimental Hammersmith Hospital, London chiefly Radiopathology Contents of Salmonella’. Research work with C. Cowell. Alper’s letter of 22 April 1965 begins, ‘| am pleased to hear that you are interesting yourself in radiomicrobiology once more’. 1965 July Experimental results B.342-B.354 1965-1967 1965 June B.342 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 1965 August 1965 September 1965 October 1965 November-December 1966 February-March 1966 April 1966 May 1966 June-July 1966 August-October 1967 May-June 1967 July-September 1965-1967 Miscellaneous manuscript notes and data J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Research, B.1-B.365 B.356-B.365 MISCELLANEOUS 1944-1970s B.356-B.358 Manuscript notes on Statistics Include 1-5, Elementary Statistics Homework. Statistics notes Advanced Statistics, 3 folders. These notes were taken by Read while studying statistics 1944-1945. ‘The breakage of chromosomes by ionizing radiations’ by J.M. Thoday Dissertation submitted by Thoday for election as Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, August 1947. 146pp typescript. ‘Co-operation Read Geneticists in the Microbiology Dept’ between Dr ‘Some experiments of J.C. Mottram: reconsideration in 1971’ by Read 9pp typescript referring to experiments of Mottram in 1944 and 1945. Refers to work of L.H. Gray and Read, whom Thoday thanks ‘for carrying out the irradiations and providing the growth rate curves’. 3 folders. Manuscript note beginning ‘Ultra-violet light and ionizing radiations have a group of similar properties’ Miscellaneous notes on the literature re cancer 1p typescript outlining Read’s work. and the Bacterial B.363-B.365 1960s and 1970s J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 SECTION C PUBLICATIONS, C.1-C.57 1930s-1976 C.1-C.40 DRAFTS C.41-C.45 FIGURES C.46-C.48 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS C.49-C.57 OFFPRINTS DRAFTS 1930s-1974, n.d. Further drafts of publications can be found in Section B, Research, Folders sequence. Chronological particularly the in ‘Book II’ 1952-1959 ‘Chapter 6 Chromosome Aberration’ ‘Chapter 7 Chromosomes aberrations. Revised copy’ Contents of Read’s boxfile so inscribed: folders of drafts, figures and notes relating to the later chapters of his book Radiation Biology of Vicia Faba in relation to the General Problem (Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1959). ‘Chapter 10 Nucleic acids’ ‘Chapter 9 Dose rate and fractionation’ ‘Chapter 8 Chromosome aberrations’ 1957-1959 3 folders. 2 folders. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Publications, C.1-C.57 ‘Chapter 11. RBE and LET’ Includes later notes on work carried out 1939-1941. 2 folders. Cal, GA2 ‘Chapter 12 Oxygen’ 2 folders. ‘Chapter 13. Influence of cyanide on radiosensitivity’. 1952-1953, c1959 2 folders. ‘Chapter 14. Gases at high pressure’ 1958-1959 ‘Chapter 16’ ‘Chapter 18’ ‘Chapter 17 Conclusions’ 1930s-1974, n.d. ‘Chapter 15. X-rays and EOC’ C.20-C.33 ‘Possible articles’ most there is no evidence of publication. These are undated and have been arranged in order of latest bibliographical reference as far as possible. For Contents of Read’s boxfile so inscribed: drafts of articles. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Publications, C.1-C.57 ‘The interaction of radiation and matter’ 15pp typescript. Read drafted this as Assistant Physicist at the Radium Institute, London, where he worked 1934-1939. ‘Linear ion density and the biological effect of ionizing radiations’ 21pp typescript; graphs; referee’s comment. ‘The influence chromosome breaks in Drosophilia’, Journal of Genetics the X-ray production of of oxygen on Letter from editors; 13pp typescript. reference 1952. Latest bibliographical 15pp typescript; summaries in English and German. ‘The response of mammalian cells to radiation’ figures; comments on draft. Latest Latest ‘The x-ray dose-response curve of Vicia faba roots’ Manuscript draft of first two pages; notes and data. bibliographical reference 1959. ‘Comparison of effects of tritiated thymidine and x-rays on the growth of roots of Vicia faba’, with R.W. Olliff See also B.212. ‘Repair of lesions which might otherwise lead to point mutations’ typescript; 19pp bibliographical reference 1962. Typescript draft. Latest bibliographical reference 1966. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Publications, C.1-C.57 C.27, C.28 ‘Repair by cells of damage caused by radiations or by radiomimetic chemicals’ 61pp typescript; figures. 2 folders. Possibly for monograph by Read for Masson et Cie series on ‘Actions Chimiques et Biologique des Radiations’, see B.203, B.204 etc. Letter to the editor, British Journal of ‘Excision repair’, Radiology 3pp typescript. ‘Speculation on the cause of cancer’ 30pp manuscript draft. 1969. Latest bibliographical reference manuscript corrections. Latest photocopy 13pp bibliographical reference 1972. with ‘The lethal effect on bacteria of dimethylnitrosamine used without an activating agent’ ‘The attack of dimethyl nitrosamine (DMN) on bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)’ 5pp typescript + captions for figures; manuscript notes; correspondence. 1961 ‘A histological study of the effect of oxygen on the x-ray sensitivity of the broad bean root’, with B. Wolff ‘The deformation of cell nuclei and of chromosomes in squash preparations’, submitted to Journal of Biophysical 1p typescript summary. C.34-C.40 Other drafts 1961-1974 C.34 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Publications, C.1-C.57 and Biochemcal Cytology but not accepted for publication App typescript; editorial correspondence. C.35-C.38 ‘The effect of radiations on the living cell’ 1965-1969 This was a series of fifteen short articles by Read which appeared in the Cancer Society of New Zealand journal Cancer News between volume 10 (1965) and volume 23 (1969). Typescript drafts 2 folders. Copies of Cancer News with Read’s articles 1-14 2 folders. ‘Two-break (or lesion) chromosome aberrations’, Letter published in British Journal of Radiology, July 2pp typescript; editorial correspondence. ‘Radiation damage to fingers’, submitted to British Journal of Radiology 1974 but not published at that time 1p typescript summary; editorial correspondence. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Publications, C.1-C.57 C.41-C.45 FIGURES Contents of Read’s folder: photographs and illustrations for figures for articles. laboratory and equipment, broad bean Includes cultivation. 5 folders. C.46-C.48 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS 1950-1958, n.d. Correspondence with Excerpta Medica 1953-1958 Read prepared abstracts of articles on radiological and related subjects for Excerpta Medica, see C.47 below. 1950-1958 1953;.1957, n.d Offprints of papers by Read. C.49-C.57 OFFPRINTS Abstracts for Excerpta Medica Miscellaneous editorial correspondence and papers 1934-1976 1934-1935 1936-1937 1938-1941 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Publications, C.1-C.57 1942-1947 1948-1950 1951-1952 1954-1958 1959-1963 1965-1976 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 SECTION D LECTURES, D.1-D.20 1960s, n.d. Contents of Read’s boxfile. D.1-D.9 NUMBERED LECTURES D.10-D.20 OTHER LECTURES NUMBERED LECTURES This is the number and title of the lecture inscribed thereon. a series of lectures found in Read’s binders with The material includes, in addition to lecture drafts for most of the lectures, bibliographical references, notes on the literature, photographs and other material. ‘No 1 Introduction’ ‘No 2 Indirect effects’ ‘No 3 Inhibition of mitosis by radiations’ Includes 15pp typescript of second lecture ‘Indirect effects on an irradiated tumour. Early experiments and ideas’. Includes syllabus for ‘Seminar in Radiobiology. Autumn Quarter, 1962 - Dr John Read’ and 16pp typescript of first lecture ‘Radiation biology related to the radiotherapy of malignant diseases’. the promotion of differentiation’. Includes 13pp typescript of fourth lecture ‘The relation between cell degeneration and division after irradiation; Includes 23pp typescript of third lecture ‘The inhibition of mitosis by radiations’. 4 Cell degeneration and division ‘No Promotion of differentiation Mammalian cells’ after irradiation. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Lectures, D.1-D.20 ‘No 5 Spatial distribution of ions’ Includes 11pp typescript of fifth lecture ‘The distribution of ions in relation to cell structure’. Correlation between nuclear 6 No damage’ and chromosome ‘No 7 Chromosome aberrations qualitative’ ‘No 8 Chromosome aberrations quantitative’ Includes 7pp typescript of Letter to unidentified journal on ‘2-break chromosome aberrations’. ‘9. O2 and NO’ D.10-D.20 OTHER LECTURES 1961-1966, n.d. Includes 8pp manuscript draft ‘Oxygen and Nitric Oxide’. ‘The physics of radiotherapy and radiation biology in the early 1930s’, The John Strong Memorial Lecture, New Zealand, 1961 alphabetical order by topic, with untitled material at the ‘Brief notes on radiation biology’ for ‘Second lecture’ Found in Read’s binders with inscribed thereon. The 5pp and 4pp typescripts; covering letter. title is of the subject presented in Miscellaneous lectures the material 12pp typescript. D.12-D.20 c 1966, n.d. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Lectures, D.1-D.20 end of the arrangement. The material includes few lecture drafts. bibliographical photographs and other material. references, notes on_ It is chiefly literature, the Mostly undated. ‘Chromosome size and structure’ ‘Mammalian Cell Work’ ‘RBE and LET Direct and Indirect effects’ ‘Radiation chemical effects. Effects in enzymes. Radicals. Protection’ ‘Final survey’ Includes 5pp manuscript rough draft. ‘Theory lecture. Effects on E. Coli’ ‘Synthesis of DNA. Nature of DNA’ Includes exchange with B.G. Cox re computer program. Lecture’. Includes 2pp manuscript ‘Comparison of the RBE for the lethal effect with the RBE for mitotic inhibition’. Manuscript notes for lectures on ‘L.H. Gray’, ‘Indirect and indirect effects Lecture’ and ‘Public on cells’, ‘B.M.A. ‘Lecture’ ‘Lectures c 1966’ J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, E.1-E.16 1951-1976 BRITISH EMPIRE CANCER CAMPAIGN SOCIETY COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGISTS (AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND) HOSPITAL PHYSICISTS ASSOCIATION NEW ZEALAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH NEW ZEALAND GENETICAL SOCIETY NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL PHYSICISTS ASSOCIATION NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY FOR ONCOLOGY OTAGO MEDICAL SCHOOL RESEARCH SOCIETY WORKERS EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION BRITISH EMPIRE CANCER CAMPAIGN SOCIETY 1952-1963 Chiefly correspondence and papers relating to terms of employment. August 1960. This was the New Zealand branch of the British Empire Cancer Campaign. Read reported to them but was also a member of the Society's Canterbury, Marlborough, Nelson and Westland Division. 1952-1953 1955-1963 Includes report on visit to Karlsruhe, West Germany, 8-12 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.16 COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGISTS (AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND) Membership. HOSPITAL PHYSICISTS ASSOCIATION 1952-1963 Membership etc. includes Also Association’s D.H. Lea Memorial Lecture for 1956. (accepted) invitation to give the Read was Association. one of the founding members of the of supply 1953-1963 1953-1956 Subjects include supply and maintenance of radiological equipment, and monitoring of radioactivity. substances radioactive NEW ZEALAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Chiefly correspondence and papers from the Dominion X- ray and Radium Laboratory, Christchurch (Director G.E. Roth). 1961-1963 1958-1960 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.16 NEW ZEALAND GENETICAL SOCIETY Invitation to meeting. NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL PHYSICISTS ASSOCIATION 1963-1973 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1963-1968 Includes correspondence re salaries of hospital physicists. Correspondence and papers re 14th AGM and Scientific Meeting the 4-6 December 1968 Association, Wellington Hospital, of Includes typescript summary of Read’s contribution, ‘The lethal effect of dimethyl nitrosamine on certain bacteria’. Includes manuscript notes of Read’s speech of welcome. Read was chairman of the Association at this time and welcomed the conference Correspondence and papers re AGM and conference of the Association, Waikato Hospital, 14-16 November 1973 Correspondence and papers re 18th AGM and Scientific Conference of the Association, Dunedin Public Hospital, 23-25 August 1972 Read gave two papers at the conference. Includes manuscript contributions to the conference. Read’s his notes for one of J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.16 NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY FOR ONCOLOGY 1969-1976 Papers of inaugural meeting of the Society, 22 February 1969 Chiefly papers of meetings of the Society 1973-1976 OTAGO MEDICAL SCHOOL RESEARCH SOCIETY 1966, 1967 Membership. WORKERS EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION Programme for Summer School, Dunedin, 27 December 1958-5 January 1959. Read was a lecturer on Nuclear Energy. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE, F.1-F.40 1949-1974 An alphabetical sequence. a wide range of The correspondence covers topics, including laboratory equipment and chemicals, progress of research, visits, the launch of new journals, but the letters may also contain social and personal news. There are a few extended sequences with of particular note are with L.H. Gray, G.E. Roth and H.C. Sutton - and companies including George W. Wilton & Co. Ltd, Kempthorne Prosser & Co. and W. & R. Smallbone Ltd. The correspondence postdates Read’s relocation to New Zealand and continues up to retirement in 1974. individuals those - Ath, E.F. d’ d’Ath, of the University of Otago Medical School, was Read’s superior. 1951-1968 1956-1965 1952-1967 1951-1962 Re career. Boag, J.W. Begg, C.G. Progress of research etc. 1960-1961 Clark wrote from Cashmere High School, Christchurch. Re school X-ray experiments. Clark, G.G. 1951-1967 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Correspondence, F.1-F.40 1949-1969 1963-1971 1955, 1970 1954-1965 1953-1967 George W. Wilton & Co. Ltd Re supply of apparatus etc. New Zealand company manufactured This apparatus, testing equipment and chemicals. scientific Gray, L.H. 1951-1965 at the Radiotherapeutic Research This correspondence covers progress of research (with some very detailed accounts of work in progress and prospect), personal news and news of colleagues and students. Gray, Read’s friend and early research collaborator was based Unit, Hammersmith Hospital, London before being appointed Director of the British Empire Cancer Campaign Research Unit in Radiology. He died in 1965. 1955-1974 This New Zealand electrical and mechanical engineering company also imported equipment. Re supply of Isotope Developments Ltd (IDL) Scintillation Counter and related equipment. 1955-1974 1966-1969 Homersham Ltd J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Correspondence, F.1-F.40 Kempthorne Prosser & Co. Re supplies of chemicals etc Kodak Ltd Re supply of films and filters. 1958-1967 1959, 1965 1957, 1960 1958-1971 1959-1967 Martin, J.H. 1954-1959 re radiation biology conference to be held in Chiefly Australia. the Physics Department, Cancer Martin was Head of Institute Board, Melbourne, Australia. 1960-1963 Re launch of new journal. Radiation Botany 1960-1968 1952-1967 1952-1960 1959-1972 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Correspondence, F.1-F.40 Roth, G.E. 1953-1962 Roth was head of the New Zealand Dominion X-Ray and Radium Laboratory. 1951-1973 1962-1972 Scott, O.C.A. re Includes publications and personal news. correspondence progress of research, Scott was based at the Research Unit in Radiobiology at Mount Vernon Hospital, Middlesex. Sparrow, A.H. 1955-1960 Includes correspondence re Sparrow’s bibliography on effects of radiations on plants. Sparrow was Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, USA. Department of based Biology, the in 1952-1958 Sutton, H.C. Spear, F.G. Spear was based at Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge. 1952-1968 Sutton was a New Zealander who, following study under F.S. Dainton at Leeds and J.S. Mitchell at Cambridge, returned to New Zealand to work with Read in 1953. He later moved to the Institute of Nuclear Sciences at Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Includes extensive correspondence re research at Leeds and Cambridge for the period 1950-1952. 1950-1968 2 folders. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Correspondence, F.1-F.40 1961, 1963 1951-1967 1962-1965 W. & R. Smallbone Ltd Re supply of serum. This was a New Zealand wholesale distribution company who supplied Read with samples from the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories. W.G. Leatham Ltd 1961-1965 Re supply and operation of Electrometer. This New equipment. Zealand company’ imported electrical Y., Z. and unidentified 1951-1974 J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AEBERSOLD, Paul C. ALEXANDER, P. ALLEN, Grant A.J. ALPER, Tikvah AMERICAN TYPE CULTURE COLLECTION ARMSTRONG, W.E. AGH E-Fed: ATKINS, Elizabeth ATKINSON, Hugh R. AUSTRALIAN PUGWASH COMMITTEE BP TRADING LTD F.14 B.238, B.341, F.1 El B.229 B.170, F.2 Et EOE 6akki B.217 B.217 Bil08; 15 B.89 B.204 F.3 BEAM, Carl A. BEGG, Campbell G. BELISARIO, John C. BAGGOTT, Edward A. BENNETT, L.A. BERRY, Roger J. F.3 F.4 F.3 F.3 BIELSCHOWSKY, Franz David B.R. HOMERSHAM LTD ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS B.113, B.126, B.231, C.39 BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY BRIMSDOWN CHEMICAL WORKS BOOTS PURE DRUG CO. LTD B.113 B.148 B.81 BRENK, H.A.S. van den A.18, B.146, F.5 B.127-B.129, F.3 BOAG, Jack W. BONNER, James J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 BROWN, D. BROWN, R. BROWNE, E.J. Index of correspondents BURROUGHS WELLCOME AND Co. (N.Z.) LTD BUTTERWORTHS PUBLISHERS CAIN, Bruce F. CALDECOTT, Richard S. CATCHESIDE, David Guthrie CHAPMAN, V.J. CIBA CO. (PTY) LTD CLARK, Gordon G. COCKCROFT, Sir John Douglas COSSLETT, Vernon Ellis COULSON, Charles Alfred COLLINS, W. (‘Eddie’) COLLINSON, Edgar CONGER, Alan D. COPP, L.G. COWELL, P.L. COX, Brian J. COMMONWEALTH SERUM LABORATORIES DAY, M.J. DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron DANIELS, Edward W. DAVIS GELATINE (N.Z.) LTD DAVIS, L.J. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Index of correspondents DISS, Carol A. DENTAL AND MEDICAL SUPPLY CO. LTD, WELLINGTON DERBY & CO. LTD DEWEY, David L. DOMINION PHYSICAL LABORATORY, NEW ZEALAND DREW, Ruth M. DUFFIN, P.M. DUNCAN, James F. DUNCKLEY, J.W. DUNEDIN METROPOLITAN FIRE BRIGADE EBERT, Michael F.8 B.174 B.148, B.149, F.8 B.225 F.8 F.9 ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS LTD EDSON, [?] EDWIN A. PIPER LTD ELKIND, Mortimer M. EVANS, H. John EXCERPTA MEDICA B.156, B.211 9 ELECTRICAL AND MUSICAL INDUSTRIES (EMI) LTD ELECTRONIC DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS LTD GARRETT, R. GARRETT, DAVIDSON & MATTHEY (NZ) LTD FAHMY, O.G. FLANDERS, Paul HOWARD- FOWLER, Jack F. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Index of correspondents GEORGE W. WILTON & CO. LTD GLOVER, Stuart W. GORDON, Solon A. GRAY, Louis Harold (‘Hal’) GREENSTEIN, Jesse L. GUNTHER, Ralph L. GUNZ, Fred HADDOW, Sir Alexander HAIR, J.B. HAISSINSKY, M. HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson E12 B.238 B74; El B.83, B.91, B.126, B.136, B.187, B.190, B.331, F.13 ae. F.11 alt HALL, Eric J. HAYNES, R.B. HOP, D.C. HAMILTON, William HERVE, A. HEVESY, G. HARVEY SIMS LTD HEROUS, Sir Charles HELMSTETTER, Charles E. HUMPHREY, Ronald M. HOWARD, Alma HOWARTH, [7] B.174, B.228, F.14 B.126, C.15, F.14 HEWITT, Harold B. HJERTAS, O.K. HOLMES, Barbara F.14 B.126 F.14 Index of correspondents J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 IBBOTSON, [?] ICI (N.Z.) LTD INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY E16 B.173, F.16 C.21 B.146 B.179, B.187, B.190, B.206- B.209 ISOTOPE DEVELOPMENTS LTD B10; 5.16 JAMES A. JOBLING & CO. LTD JAMIESON, Hugh Douglas JENSON, William JONES, Denis E.A. JOURNAL OF GENETICS E16 F.16 F.16 F.4, F.16 B.93, B.104 7, Be KALLMAN, Robert F. KAPLAN, Henry S. KIHLMAN, Bengt A. KLEIN, William H. KNOX, [?] KODAK LTD B.173 aeite, E19 KOLLER, Pius Charles B.127-B.129, B.139, F.17 B.180, B.198, B.201, F.18 KODAK NEW ZEALAND LTD KEMPTHORNE PROSSER NEW ZEALAND DRUG CO. LTD F.20 LAMERTON, Leonard F. B.194, F.19 B.113 B15; alt LAJTHA, L.G. LAFONTAINE, J.G. B.248, F.20 F.20 F.20 KONZAK, Calvin F. LINDOP, Patricia J. Index of correspondents J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 LITTLE, John B. LUZZATTO, L. McCREE, Keith J. McLEISH, John MAGIER, A. MARSDEN, Sir Ernest MARTIN, Jack H. MATTHEWS, [7] MAYNEORD, William Valentine MEREDITH, W.J. MONKS, Gordon K. MOTTRAM, J.C. B.174, B.177 B.231 21 F.21 .22 D.11 B.69 B.88 2 See B.360 F.23 B.228, F.38 NEALE, Stella NEARY, Gerard J. NEW ZEALAND DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE B.225, B.240 B.71-B.73, F.23 NEW ZEALAND INDUSTRIAL GASES LTD N.M. PERYER LTD, MEDICAL PUBLISHERS NEW ZEALAND BROADCASTING CORPORATION B.180, B.181 NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Go B.180 F.23 B.202 NUCLEAR ENTERPRISES (G.B.) LTD B.81, F.23 F.23 B:2297 5.23 NIGHTINGALE, Alfred NILAN, R.A. NEW ZEALAND DRUG CO. LTD OLLIFF, Ray W. Index of correspondents J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 OSHRY, Eleanor OSTER, Irwin I. PARKE, DAVIS & CO. PERGAMON PRESS PERRY, John PETERSEN, George B. PHARMEDICA PTY LTD PLANT RADIOBIOLOGY PLATZMAN, R. PLAUT, Walter POUND, Allan W. B.180, B.201 RALPH, Ray RASCH, Ellen REVELL, Stanley H. ROBINSON, D.M. RADIATION BOTANY B.152) B:157, Bei56 B.206-B.209, F.27 PUCK, Theodore Thomas RADIATION BIOLOGY RANDALL, Sir John Turton RADIOCHEMICAL CENTRE, AMERSHAM, BUCKS. F.26 S. GOODFELLOW, METALS AND METAL PRODUCTS F.26 B.184 F.26 F.26 F.26 B.217 ROE, Edna M.F. ROPER, G.H. RUR, [?] BELL- C21; B13; 5-26; 2-35 Index of correspondents J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 SAVAGE, John R.K. SCOTT, B.I.H. SCOTT, Oliver C.A. SETLOW, Richard B. SHEPHERD, [?] SINCLAIR, Warren K. SMELLIE, R.M. SMETHURST HIGH-LIGHT LTD AERO RESEARCH LTD SPALDING, John F. SPARROW, Arnold H. SPEAR, Frederick Gordon STEAD, [?] STEFFENSEN, Dale M. 29 F.29 B.190, F.30 B.219 B.243 B.204 B.180 B.130 F.29 B:1525 B57, B:158 B:/3)B.75; bis2 B.81 D.14, F.29 STEIN, Gabriel TAKATS, Stephen THOMPSON, [?] 29 B.218 B.229, F.33, F.34 SUTTON, Harry C. SWANSON, C.P. TERASIMA, Toyozo THOMPSON, Sheila STERLING PHARMACEUTICALS (N.Z.) LTD F.29 ULTIMATE-EKCO (N.Z.) CO. LTD TOBIAS, Cornelius A. TOMILO, Theresa M. TRAUT, H. J. Read NCUACS 131/4/04 Index of correspondents VAARTAJA, Resa WAKONIG- B.143, B.152, B.184, F.37 VILLALOBOS, Rafael F.36 W. & R. SMALLBONE LTD W.G. LEATHAM LTD WAKONIG, Resa WALTON, R. WEISS, Joseph J. WESTINGHOUSE BRAKE & SIGNAL CO. LTD WEYER, H. WHILLANS, D. WHITE, John B.149, F.6, F.38 F.39 See VAARTAJA 37, 237, B.108 B.81 B.148 B.149 WILSON, Rowland P. ror B.213 B.95 F.37 WITKIN, Evelyn M. WOLFF, Bridget YEABSLEY, Bert WOLFF, Sheldon B.211 B.108 WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION WOOFF & SALVESEN LTD (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS) ZONZAK, C.F. ZIEG, Roger G. ZIMMER, K.G.
READ, John
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin