Peters, Rudolf Albert

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on correspondence and papers of SIR RUDOLPH ALBERT PETERS (1889 - 1982) biochemist deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (CSAC 85/3/82) by London WC2A 1HP Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, No 82/35 All rights reserved 1982 CSAC 85/3/82 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC. ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the correspondence and papers of SIR RUDOLPH ALBERT PETERS, FRS (1889 - 1982) Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Julia Latham- Jackson All rights reserved 1982 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland The Biochemical Society The British Pharmacological Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Physiological Society The Royal Society of London R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: BODLEIAN LIBRARY, THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS, OXFORD. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1 -A.21, A.42 Miscellaneous items of biographical interest A.22-A.41 Membership of committees, societies, organisations SECTION B OXFORD UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY SECTION CC VITAMINS AND NUTRITION C.1 -C.45 Work on vitamin B, 1925-39 C.46-C.77 Wartime and Post-War work on nutrition SECTION D BRITISH ANTI-LEWISITE D.1 -D.19 Research reports, drafts, lectures, c.1939-50 D.20-D.27 E.1 -E.41 F.1 -F.32 F.52-F.55 E.42-E.84 Correspondence, 1948-77 SECTION E =F COMPOUNDS AND OTHER LATER RESEARCH D.28, D.29 Reports and papers on mustard gas SECTION F —_ LECTURES, DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS Laboratory records, drafts, data, 1952-74 Correspondence on BAL and related research, 1940-67 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS Shorter unindexed correspondence re lectures and publications Lectures, drafts, publications, 1945-70 SECTION G GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE F.33-F.51 Undated material R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE Through the good offices of Lady Chain the majority of the collection was passed to the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre for cataloguing by Sir Rudolph himself after his final retirement from scientific work in July 1980 at the age of 91. A small number of letters and papers, chiefly relating to the Oxford University Department of Biochemistry, were added to the main collection by Lady Peters after Sir Rudolph's death in January 1982. Item B.24 is included in the collection by kind permission of Dr. L.A. Stocken. SUMMARY OF THE CAREER AND WORK OF SIR RUDOLPH PETERS Peters who practised in Petersfield. Rudolph Albert Peters was born in Hampshire in 1889, the son of Dr. A.E. He was educated at Wellington College and Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and became a research Fellow of Caius in 1911. In 1913 he went to St. Bartholomew's Hospital to complete his medical train- ing, and after graduating in 1915 he joined the Royal Army Medical Corps. His service in the field gained him the Military Cross and bar (see A.3) but in 1917 he was recalled to start work on chemical defence under J. (later Sir Joseph) Barcroft at Porton Down. After the war he into a Fellowship at his old college and joined the Department of Biochemistry as Senior Demonstrator. In 1923 he was appointed to the recently founded Whitley Chair of Biochemistry at Oxford University, where he built up a flourishing depart- ment and began investigations into the structure and mode of action of Vitamin By. One of the results of this work was the firm establishment of the concept of ‘biochemical lesion’ in relation to deficiency disease. defence against chemical weapons. Department at Oxford working mainly on mustard gas and the arsenicals and his main success was the discovery of British Anti-Lewisite (BAL). He directed a small research team in his After the First World War, Peters returned to Cambridge where he was elected During the Second World War, Peters returned once again to problems of R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 continued to work on toxicological problems with particular reference to the bio- chemical mechanism involved in poisoning by fluoroacetate. In 1954 he retired from the Chair at Oxford and moved to the Agricultural Research Council Animal Physiology Unit at Babraham where he remained for 5 years before joining the Cambridge University Biochemistry Department as Senior Visiting Fellow in 1959. Here he continued his research on F compounds and other related problems until his final retirement in July 1980. He was knighted in 1952. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The collection documents some aspects of Peters's life quite fully while in There is, other respects there are large gaps. for example, nothing about his early life and indeed very little 'biographical' material at all, and almost nothing in the way of conferences and lecture tours, etc., although it is clear from odd references in the correspondence that he did travel, particularly after the Second World War. On the other hand, Section B has some interesting material relating to the building and funding of the new Department of Biochemistry at Oxford in the 1920s, while Sections C and E contain extensive laboratory notes and correspondence documenting his scientific research before and after the Second World War. There are also quite letters remain with the relevant notes and data in Sections C - E, but there are nevertheless a few interesting exchanges. The correspondence in Section G is less substantial, since most of the scientific substantial sequences of correspondence and papers on the formation of the Inter- national Union of Biochemistry (see A. 24- A.37) and on Peters's service on various Sub-Committees of the Medical Research Council Accessory Food Factors Com- mittee (see C.46ff.). for the library of the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, Oxford. Committee papers relating to Peters's service on the M.R.C. Accessory Food Some offprints and printed items of historical interest have been accepted Factors Committee have been returned to the Council. LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 6 An aerial photograph, taken in December 1917, of a section of the Western Front between Albert and Peronne, was passed to the Department of Photographs of the Imperial War Museum, London. Two notebooks and a tape-recording of early and wartime reminiscences remain in family hands. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to: Dr. L.A. Stocken and Mr. B. Taylor of the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford University, for advice and information and for making available item B.24. Professor R.H.S. Thompson for comments on the draft catalogue and for making available item A.42. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 SECTION A BIO GRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1 - A.42 The collection contains little in the way of biographical material. In particular there are only a few surviving papers to document the many honours and awards received by Peters in the course of his long scientific career. The material is presented in two sequences: A.1-A.2]1 consists of miscellaneous items of biographical interest, presented in chronological order from 1913-19380. A.22-A.41 is a second, roughly chronological, sequence documenting Peters's member- ship of various committees, societies and organisations, including extensive correspondence on the foundation of the International Union of Biochemistry in which Peters played an active part. Correspondence and papers relating to the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford University, where Peters was Whitley Professor of Biochemistry, 1923-54, is to be found in Section B. Attention is drawn to item A.42 which was added to the It consists of a rough transcript of an containing reminiscences of his career and scientific work. collection by Professor R.H.S. Thompson when the catalogue was already in typescript. interview of Peters conducted by Thompson on behalf of the Biochemical Society and the Open University in March 198] See also F.6. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Biographical and personal MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS OF BIOGRAPHICAL INTEREST Obituaries and tributes. Photocopies of obituaries published in the Times, Lancet and British Medical Journal. 2 pp. typescript written for the Royal Society of Chemistry by L.A. Stocken. Also included here is prepared by Peters for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre in July 1980. 3 pp. ms. summary of his career Programme of 'IX Congrés International des Physiologistes', Groningen, 2-6 September 1913. A note attached to the programme reads 'My First Congress in Physiology ... | was wrongly listed as Teters. R.A.P.' Photocopy of press-cutting and ms. note re award of a bar to the Military Cross to Capt. Rudolph A. Peters for services during battles on the Ancre, April 1917. The original is held by Lady Peters. Letter announcing the award of the Medal of Freedom with Silver Palm 'for meritorious service in the field of scientific research and development', 10 June 1947. Letter and press-cutting announcing the award of the Royal Medal, November 1949, with one letter of congratulation from the Cosmopolitan Club, Madras. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, July 1950. Letter re election as a Foreign Honorary Member of the Letters announcing the award of the Cameron Prize of Edin- burgh University, February 1950, and correspondence re the Cameron Lecture delivered by Peters in November. Letters of congratulation on the award of the Cameron Prize. In alphabetical order. Correspondence re election as a Foreign Member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, May-June 1950. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Biographical and personal Correspondence re award of Honorary Doctorate by the University of Ligge, May 1950, and arrangements for the conferment of the degree on 30 September. See also A.10. Ms. and typescript drafts in English and French for speech delivered by Peters as representative of recipients of honorary degrees at Liége. Letters from I. de Burgh Daly and others, 1952-53, re Peters's proposed move to Cambridge after retirement from the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford, in 1954. Letters from H.A. Freeth, April-May 1954, re his portrait drawing of Peters for the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford. A later letter from Freeth is also included here. 4 pp. ms. review of the highlights of his scientific work, written by Peters at the request of J. Yudkin, 1959. Correspondence with Yudkin and some background material are also included in the folder. (Peters was knighted in 1952.) Correspondence re arrangements for visit to U.S.A., 1968. Draft letter of thanks from Peters to the Registrar, Australian National University, accepting award of honorary doctorate, November 1960. 2 letters from the Editor of The Armorial, 1968, requesting information on Peters's Coat of Arms and enclosing a description of the blazon. Letters from the Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge and the Biochemical Society, 1969, re arrangements for celebrating Peters's eightieth birthday. Miscellaneous photographs, some identified on verso. Letters of congratulation on the award of the British Nutrition Foundation prize, 1972. Correspondence re lunch in honour of Peters held at Trinity College, Oxford, 21 April 1979. Includes a to attend. list of guests and regrets from those unable Letter from the Science Museum, London, 8 August 1980, re presentation by Peters of 2 resistances boxes. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Biographical and personal A.22-A.4]1 MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES, SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS A.22 Membership lists for the Medical Research Council Accessory Food Factors Committee and its various Sub-Committees, n.d., c.1945-46. Peters is listed as Chairman of the main committee, the Vitamin B Sub-Committee, Vitamin C Sub- Committee, Vitamin Claims Sub-Committee, and Sub-Committee for Post-War Opportunities for Research in Occupied Europe, and member of the Sub-Committee on Tables of Food Composition. See Section C for correspondence and papers re the Vitamin B and Vitamin C Sub-Committees. Letters of thanks at the conclusion of Peters's period of service on the Medical Research Council, September- October 1950. A.24-A. 37 Correspondence and papers, 1951-54, te the formation of the International Union of Biochemistry. The material documents the progress of negotiations with 1.C,.S.U., I1.U.P.A.C. and others in which Peters played an active part. Correspondence, June-July 1952. Correspondence, December 1951-June 1952. Mainly copies of letters sent to Peters for information. Mainly replies to a circular letter from Peters, 28 June 1952, to members of the Biochemical Society Committee re delegates to the International Committee for Bio- chemistry and the Section of Biological Chemistry of EU ,P4.G, 21 August 1952. Draft minutes of meetings of the International Committee on 23 and 26 July, and minutes of a meeting of the Section of Biological Chemistry of 1.U.P.A.C. on 23 July, sent to Peters by J.N. Davidson with accompanying correspondence, Correspondence and papers, July 1952. Mainly re arrangements for a meeting of the Inter- national Committee for Biochemistry with the Section of Biological Chemistry of |.U.P.A.C., Paris, 23 July 1952; R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Biographical and personal Correspondence with J.N. Davidson, L. Young and others, August-September 1952. meeting of the International Committee with the Executive Board of 1.C.S.U. (see A.29 below). Includes arrangements for a 'Notes on representations made to the Executive Board of the International Council of Scientific Unions (1.C.S.U.) by delegates from the International Committee of Biochemistry in Amsterdam on 30th September, 1952'. 4 pp. duplicated typescript by J.N. Davidson. Correspondence commenting on the Amsterdam meeting is also included here. Correspondence and papers, October 1952. Includes a letter from L.J. Harris re the International Union of Nutrition Sciences. Correspondence with M. Florkin and J.N. Davidson, November- December 1952, with a letter from Peters to A.V. Hill, 4 December. Chairman's Agenda for meeting of the Biochemical Society Committee, 18 December 1952. Correspondence, December 1952-February 1953. Correspondence, March-May 1 953. Correspondence, June 1953-January 1954. Correspondence with Florkin includes an account of an informal meeting between Peters, A.V. Hill, R. Frazer and G.L. Brown to discuss proposals for an International Union of Biochemistry. Committee (on fisheries sesnareh) to the Development Commission. re arrangements for the establishment of the Inter- national Union of Biochemistry, and the British National Committee for Biochemistry. Correspondence and papers, February-July 1954. Includes draft answers to a questionnaire by M. Florkin re the activities of the International Union of Biochemistry. Miscellaneous circulars and printed matter. Brief correspondence, 1959, re membership of the Advisory R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Biographical and personal Natural Environment Research Council. Research Committee. Fisheries Biochemical Correspondence re expenses for attendance at a meeting of the Committee, 1968. 2 pp. ms. draft written by Peters in 1972 to describe his part in the origins of the International Biological Programme. Folder also includes correspondence from E.B. Worthington (Scientific Director, 1.B.P.) enclosing 8 pp. typescript note by C.H. Waddington on 'The Origin of I.B.P.' Brief correspondence, etc. arising from membership of other committees, societies and organisations, 1926-80. Not indexed. ADDITIONAL BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL ‘Sir Rudolph Peters interviewed for the Biochemical Society on 6th March 1981' 19 pp. typescript of interview containing reminiscences of Peters's career and scientific work at Cambridge and Oxford and during both World Wars. The interview was conducted by R.H.S. Thompson on behalf of the Biochemical Society and the Open University and this roughly edited transcript was kindly made available by him in June 1982 for incorporation into Peters's manu- script collection. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 SECTION B OXFORD UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY B.1 = 8.24 Peters was elected to the Whitley Chair of Biochemistry in 1923 in succession to B. Moore. At that time the Biochemistry Department was accommodated in 3 rooms in the Department of Physiology, but Peters was asked to submit estimates for a new building with extended staff and facilities. This was duly completed in 1927 with the aid of a generous grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. The following papers include Peters's first draft estimate and miscellaneous other correspondence re the new Biochemistry building and the further expansion of the Department in the 1930s, including various applications for grants towards the costs of staff and equipment. Also included here is a set of notebooks (B.13-B.15) belonging to R.W. Wakelin who was Peters's technician during most of his time at Oxford. The final item in this Section (B.24) is a speech delivered by Peters in 1966 containing historical reminiscences of the Oxford Department of Biochemistry. Ms. and typescript drafts of estimated cost of proposed new Department of Biochemistry, sent to Sir Archibald Garrod in February 1923. the Rockefeller Foundation. Letter from Sir Charles Sherrington, 12 February 1923, commenting on the estimates submitted to Garrod, witha letter from Peters to Sherrington, 19 March 1923, enclosing a further revised estimate and an outline of the proposed development of the Department of Biochemistry. 3 letters from Garrod, March-September 1923, mainly re progress of negotiations with R.M. Pearce for a grant from R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Oxford University, Department of Biochemistry Ms. and typescript notes on the financial position of the Department of Biochemistry (one dated 7 October 1923), and brief correspondence with staff. 3 letters from the Architect of the Biochemistry Department (H. Redfern), July and October 1924. Application from Peters to the Oxford University Chest for a grant of £75 to purchase a Super-Centrifuge, 24 November 1924. 3 pp. typescript report on research in the Department of Biochemistry, n.d., ¢.1924-25. Undated ms. of letter addressed to 'All who have been engaged in the building of the new Rockefeller Laboratory’, with a later annotation by Peters 'Letter which | had to write when a strike was threatened’. Letters from the Rockefeller Foundation, 1925-28. requests for an article by Peters describing his new Department and arrangements for a visit to Oxford by R.M. Pearce. Includes Notebooks of R.W. Wakelin, 1931-51. Correspondence with the Medical Research Council re arrange- ments for various research grants, 1926-30. Table plan for Vice-Chancellor's Dinner on the occasion of the Opening of the School of Biochemistry, Oxford, 21 October 1927, Pages from a printed pamphlet describing the Biochemistry Department, with ms. and typescript corrections and additions, perhaps prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation (see B.9). 6 June 1945-September 195] Wakelin was Peters's technician at Oxford and published several collaborative papers with him, 1938-56. notebooks include some entries in Peters's hand. The For Peters's own notebooks for this period see C.2, C.3. c. Spring 1931-4 October 1940 (in poor condition) 8 October 1940-25 May 1945 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Oxford University, Department of Biochemistry 2 pp. ms. on ‘Proposed constitution of new Biochemical departments (Nuffield)', n.d. Brief correspondence, 1935-36, re proposed extension to the Department of Biochemistry. Correspondence, 1937. grant to S. Ochoa, and miscellaneous re funding, staff, equipment, etc. Includes letters of application for a Correspondence with the Rockefeller Foundation, 1937-39, te various grants for research on brain metabolism at the Department of Biochemistry. Brief correspondence with A.D. Lindsay, 1938-39, re staff salary arrangements. Folder also includes 3 pp. undated ms. notes re the Department of Biochemistry. 2 pp. typescript, n.d. "Some historical remarks on the occasion of a dinner in Oxford in February 1966'. Miscellaneous correspondence and notices re wartime administrative arrangements. in reply to suggestion by Peters that the roof of the Bio- chemistry Laboratory should be used for the mounting of an Anti-Aircraft gun. Includes letter, 15 May 1940, "Application for Grant for teaching post in Biochemistry of Microorganisms and Fermentations'. Brief correspondence, 1945, te establishment of Research Fellowship for the study of problems of brain metabolism in relation to nervous and mental disease. of Biochemistry, Oxford. Photocopy of 11 pp. typescript with 5 pp. addenda containing detailed reminiscences of the expansion of the Oxford Department of Biochemistry and the early work on vitamin B. This item is inctuded in the collection by kind permission of Dr. L.A. Stocken. in the Department The original is R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 SECTION C VITAMINS AND NUTRITION | C.1 - C.77 The material is presented as follows: Cota 45 Work on vitamin B, 1925-39 C.46- C.77 Wartime and Post-War work on nutrition Peters became interested in vitamin B in the early 1920s and much of his early work in the Department of Biochemistry at Oxford was concerned with large- scale attempts to prepare vitamin B (thiamine) from yeast, and with studies of its nature and mode of action. This led him to the demonstration of a 'biochemical lesion' in the pyruvate oxidase system of pigeons suffering from vitamin By deficiency. Although by no means all the records of Peters's work during this period have survived, there are two notebooks (C.2, C.3) containing detailed accounts of experiments by Peters 1926 - 33 and further documentation is to be found in the notebooks of R.W. Wakelin in Section B. During and after the Second World War, Peters served as Chairman of various Sub-Committees of the Medical Research Council Accessory Food Factors Committee, including the vitamin B and C Sub-Committees. The material in C.46 - C.77 Ree Ce) «Ceo Later (i.e. post-1953) correspondence on vitamin B consists mainly of correspondence and papers connected with this work (see also is in Section G. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition WORK ON VITAMIN B, 1925-39 ‘Animal Quinoidine' 21 pp. typescript draft with ms. corrections of paper published in Biochem. J., 19, 404 (1925). Blue hard-cover notebook containing records of experiments c.April-November 1926, with an index by Peters at the back of the book. 1 p. loose ms. notes is tucked inside the rear cover. Blue hard-cover notebook, labelled on spine 'Notes 1. R.A.P.' The notebook opens with The pages, which are numbered 1-174, were originally loose-leaf notes on experiments which Peters evidently had bound at some later date. some unpaginated notes on 'Problems' (March 1928) and 'Revision of Problems' (August 1930) containing lists of experiments to be undertaken under headings such as 'B] isolation', 'Birds' tests', ‘Fermentation tests', ‘Other sources of vitamin B'. March 1927-October 1932 and October-December 1933 and include evidence of Peters's early interest in Bence- Jones protein (p.40). notes for 1934. The book ends with some brief Records of experiments run Undated ms. note describing work by Kinnersley and Peters on the anti-neuritic properties of Vitamin B. Some of the entries open with brief diary notes, often partly in shorthand, combining personal observations such as 'l May. Very sunny day tho! rather cold' "12 April ... Camb. won boat race by 4 lengths’ (p. 129) with accounts of scientific work planned or in progress, attendance at meetings and conferences, visits to other laboratories, letters and publications read, etc. ¢.1934. "Avian Polyneuritis, a Study of the Relation between Vitamin B} and the Metabolism of the Brain in the Pigeon. A thesis by A.P. Meiklejohn, Magdalen College, July 1933'. “typescript. 2 pp. typescript reviewing work on Vitamin B arising from a paper by Jansen and Donath in 1926. "Prof. Robinson', n.d. Offprint of a paper by Peters, Meiklejohn and others, 1932, is also included in the folder. (p.132) 25 pp. The typescript is headed R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition Notebook containing records of patient treated with vitamin B tablets, 1936. Correspondence with hospital staff, general practitioners, and consultants re treatment of Pink Disease with vitamin B, 1934-39. This correspondence was set aside by Peters from the rest of the vitamin B correspondence so it has been retained as a separate sequence. cerned with arrangements for clinical trials with some case histories and comments on results. Many of the letters bear Peters's annotation 'PD' in the top right-hand corner. is mainly con- It The correspondence is arranged in alphabetical order. Aubrey I. : Bell, A. D. Brathwaite, J.°.V,.: C; Cruchet, R. 1939 1937-38 1935 1935, 1939 Hutchison, R. Leys, D. C. 1935 1938 1935-36 1935 Moncrieff, A. 1938 1934-36 Garrett, E.°. 6. O'Reilly, J. oN. Paragns Us ~ 26>. Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street 1935 Royal Waterloo Hospital, London St. Thomas's Hospital, London Radcliffe Informary, Oxford Radford, M. 1939 1936 1937-39 1935-37 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition Spence, J. C. Wright, J. n.d. Folder also includes 1 matter re Pink Disease. p. ms. notes and printed C.16-C.45 General correspondence on Vitamin B, 1926-39 In alphabetical order. Many of the letters bear Peters's annotation 'S in the top right-hand corner. Aykroyd, W. R. Enclosing report on League of Nations Second International Conference on Vitamin Standardisation. Bacharach, A. L. Includes exchange re quality of rats supplied by Glaxo Laboratories. 1935 1934-35 1927, 1935-36 1936 Bertrand, Banga, I. Barger, G. Barnett, H. M. re formaldehyde-azo test for vitamin B. te details of experimental methods and results. Peters's carbon only, re arrangements for publication of collaborative papers. Peters's ms. draft and carbon only. y. re analysis of vitamin By crystals. Bemax Vitamins Limited Peters's carbon only. Bernal; J. =D. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition Boyland, E. Includes comments on draft paper by Boyland. British Drug Houses Limited re supply of yeast extract. Buchman, E.R. re vitamin B] analogs. mains. Wo. Wi 8. Carmichael, E. A. Mainly re clinical trials with vitamin B. ' Chick, H. ' 1925, 1930 1938 1935-36 1926-37 It includes exchanges of information The correspondence consists mainly of incoming letters to which Peters probably replied in manuscript. and samples, comments on experimental results and material relating to meetings of the Medical Research Council Accessory Food Factors Com= mittee of which Harriette Chick was Secretary. 1926-30 1931-37 Coward, K. H. Cramer, W. Davies, W. re meeting of Accessory Food Factors Committee. Includes material te nomenclature of vitamin B constituents. 1935-36 Enclosing 4 pp. typescript on 'Flavine from Yeast. Frankonite’. Arrangements for clinical trial of vitamin B. Large Scale operation with 1933 1930 1935 Denny-Brown, D. 1937 Dey, A. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition Dhéré, C. Drummond, J. C. Dudley, H. W. iron 3, 4; Fairley, N. H. re tropical sprue. Gavrilescu, N. 1931-32, 1937 re experimental results and preparation of papers for publication. Gibson, A. C. Enclosing data on pigeons’ hearts. Graham, G. re Clinical trial of vitamin B. Granit, R. Gy&rgy, P. Halliday, M. Harden, A. 1933, 1934 1933 1930 1930 re lactoflavine. Hardy, W. ; preci, to 3 F. Peters's ms. draft only. Martfatt,; S.J. Herbert, F. K. reard, Ke. .D, 1934 1933 1934, 2 4997 Heyroth, F. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition Hobson, F:. °° G, Arrangement for clinical trial of vitamin B. Hobson; Ric. ®t, AAs re samples and methods for vitamin B experiments. Hoffman-La Roche & Company 1936 te supply of lactoflavine. Hogan, A. G. re vitamin By. Holiday, E. Moret A, oe. re various clinical trials with vitamin B. nes, Cs. oe GUNSON,. hia Nees aes Kjerrman, B. Knight, Comparison of experimental results. a letter from J.L. Drummond re possible visit to Jansen in Amsterdam. Includes Johnson, RR. E. Peters's carbon only. re vitamin B. concentrate. for vitamin By. Peters's carbon only, re International Unit 1935-36 1937 Kogl, F. Kony o.: Ke R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition Kuhn, R. re thiochrome. Lohmann, K. 1937 Comparison of experimental methods and results. McMullan, G. re Clinical trial of vitamin B. Macrae, T. F. 1936-37 1938 (Secretary, Vitamin B} Sub-Gmmittee of the Accessory Food Factors Committee) Includes copy of memorandum on ‘Proposed Adoption of Pure Synthetic Vitamin B] (Aneurin) Hydrochloride as International Vitamin By Standard’. Mortin, oar: J, 1926 Comparison of experimental methods and results. Mellanby, E. Merck, E. Moncrieff, A. 1935 1938 1936 Moore, D. F. te vitamin Bo. Moore, G5 4); re Clinical trial of vitamin B. Middlesex Hospital, London pellagra. re use of B vitamins in the treatment of R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition h IN Ye! os Needham, J. Norris, T.-C. O'Brien, J. R. P. Reports on work in progress during Peters's absence from the Department of Biochemistry. Ogston, A. G. 1935, n.d. re work on thiochrome. Passmore, R. Paters, AE. (Peters's father) 1936 1935, 1939 re Clinical trials of vitamin B. correspondence, family news, etc. Includes personal Fiat: By: 3S 1936, 1938 Prener, S. 1935 Reader, V. Rosedale, J. L. n.d. 1935-36 te chemical test for vitamin B. te methods for extraction of pure By concentrate. Includes arrangements to work in Peters's laboratory. I. Peters's ms. drafts only. 1936 1935 1933 Selfridge, G. Smith, M. St. Johnstone, H. Schopfer, W.-H. Rydin, H. 1934-36 Seidell, R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition Sure, B. Surrey County Council te Clinical trial of vitamin By. Thomas, G. Todd, A. R. re experiments with synthetic vitamin B preparations. Ungley, C.:. 2G. 1935-38 te Clinical trials of vitamin B] and estimation of blood pyruvates in cases of polyneuritis. Includes typescript of paper presented to the Association of Physicians (1936) on 'Polyneuritis in a case of Pernicious Anaemia: treatment with vitamin B] parenterally’. Van Veen, H. Verzar, F. acd. 1933, 1937 1934 1937 1933 1937 1937 Warburg, O. Von Euler, H. Vorhaus, M. G. Wagner-Jauregg, T. Request for samples for experiments. re experimental methods and results, exchange of samples. Requests for samples for experiments, Comments on methods and results. by Peters to Amsterdam. Account of work undertaken following a visit Westenbrink, H. G. K. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition Williams, R. R. 1930-38 Comments on experimental results and publications. Correspondence 1930 is re nomenclature of vitamin B. Correspondence 1934 is mainly re vitamin Ba. Wits, 40: ae Arrangement for clinical trial of vitamin B. Wood, I. Arrangement for clinical trials of vitamin B. Voile, 1.2.F. Request for information re commercial vitamin B preparations. legible signatures. notes are also included in the folder. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition WARTIME AND POST-WAR WORK ON NUTRITION Much of this work was done under the auspices of the Medical Research Council Accessory Food Factors Committee and its various sub-committees. The following papers consist of correspondence, committee papers and reports on nutrition, 1940-53. C.46-C. 50 Correspondence, 1940-42 In alphabetical order. Chicks, bf, 1941, n.d. re arrangements for experiments to determine the vitamin B content of National Flour. Dixon, M. Drummond, J. = C. 1940 1940 re organisation of wartime nutrition research. Morris, te: od 1940-42 KOM, Sih. Mactaue, T...°F. Magee, H. E. 1940 1941 Includes correspondence re methods of determining vitamin B content in flour and bread. re organisation of wartime nutrition research. re arrangements for tests to determine the nutritional effects of yeast. (Secretary, Accessory Food Factors Committee, Vitamin B Sub-Committee) Peters's carbon only. te arrangements for tests to determine the nutritional effects of yeast. Moore; D; ° Fi Moran, T. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition - Vigor, H. D. 1941-42 (Chairman, Flour (Vitaminisation) Advisory Committee) Filva, aS re effect of cooking methods on vitamin C loss in potatoes. "Interim Report on Heythrop College Nutritional Trial! 2 pp. typescript by F.L. King, R.A. Peters and Him eSingigin: i... 2.1 eeae, 2 letters referring to this report, August and September 1951, are also included in the folder. 'The Vitamin By Content of National Flour and Bread - the Results of Comparative Tests by Various Methods' . Report of the Vitamin B] Sub-Committee, published in Biochem. J., 37, 3 (1943). Offprint. Miscellaneous notes and data associated with the preparation of the report are also included in the folder. "Memorandum on the British National Standard for Vitamin By' Duplicated typescript, September 1943. Correspondence arising from the Memorandum with the Secretary, British Pharmacopoeia Commission, 1944-45, is also included in the folder. Agenda, minutes, etc. for meetings of the Vitamin B Sub- Committee on 14 December 1943 and 10 January 1944. included in the folder. Correspondence with S.K. Kon re arrangements for a meeting of the Vitamin B Sub-Committee with other participants in collaborative assays of riboflavin in samples of food- stuffs, ‘| June 1944, Correspondence with S.K. Kon (Acting Secretary in the absence of T.S. Macrae), March-May 1944. Includes arrangements for a meeting of the Vitamin B Sub-Committee, 16 May 1944, A letter from the Secretary (T.F. Macrae), 26 February 1944, is also included here. Minutes and reports arising from the meeting are also RA. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Vitamins and nutrition "Human Nutrition in War-Time' 1 p. typescript outline of memorandum 'to outline contribution of science of nutrition to success of war-time food policy', with annotation 'copy handed to Prof. Peters, 22 Mar. '44', 'Case History Relating to Suggested Vitamin B Deficiency. (Cambridge Hospital, Aldershot}! Folder containing correspondence re 2 case histories, 1944-45 Correspondence with S.S. Zilva, 1944-45. Mainly re vitamin C requirements. An undated note from E. Holiday re aneurin is also included here. Correspondence with T.F. Macrae, June 1944-March 1945. Includes draft minutes of a meeting of the Vitamin B Sub-Committee, 18 January 1945. ] p. typescript by Peters on 'Proposed Nutritional Trial’, 26 April 1945. Correspondence with $.K. Kon, April 1945, re supply of casein for vitamin B tests. Minutes, correspondence ‘and other related papers for meetings of the Vitamin B Sub-Committee, July 1945- May 1946. Ms. and typescript drafts outlining the wartime activities of the Vitamin B Sub-Committee, n.d. included in the folder. 30 pp. duplicated typescript containing a summary of results of collaborative experiments organised by the Vitamin B Sub-Committee. headed 'Draft No.1', n.d. "Estimation of B Vitamins in Dried Yeast, Dried Beef, Skimmed Milk Powder and 85% Extraction Flour' The title page is A letter from S.K. Kon, 12 September 1951, is also R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 C.66-C.76 Vitamins and nutrition Correspondence and drafts exchanged with members of the Vitamin C Sub-Committee and others, 1948-53, re preparation of report on 'Vitamin C Requirements of Human Adults’. ‘Vitamin C Requirements of Human Adults. Study of Vitamin C Deprivation in Man. Report" An Experimental Preliminary 20 pp. duplicated typescript with several ms. annotations and corrections, 1948. Correspondence, January-May 1948. Includes minutes of meetings on 12 February and 11 March. Correspondence, June-September 1948. Includes draft lay-out for the final report with schedule of chapter headings, authors, etc. Correspondence, March-November 1949. Correspondence, July-December 1950. Correspondence, January-November 1951. Correspondence, January-February 1952. Correspondence, April-May 1952. Correspondence and papers, June 1952. Includes minutes of meeting on 10 June, and reports, etc. re the Vitamin C intake of children under 5. Accessory Food Factors Committee. Includes 2 typescript drafts, 8 pp. and 2 pp. headed "Introduction. Previous Trials' and 'Vitamin C Trial’. Ms. letter from H. Chick, 15 May 1956, re the future of the Correspondence and papers, July-December 1952. Correspondence, January-May 1953. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 SECTION D BRITISH ANTI-LEWISITE D.1 - D.29 The material is presented as follows: D.1 -D.19 Research reports, drafts, lectures, c. 1939-50 D.20-D.27 Correspondence on BAL and related research, 1940-67 D.20, D2? Reports and papers on mustard gas. With the outbreak of the Second World War, Peters was invited by the Ministry of Supply to engage in research on the medical aspects of defence against chemical weapons. He therefore organised a small group of workers whose investigations led to considerable information about the action of mustard gas and to the discovery of British Anti-Lewisite (BAL). The initial members of this team were H.M. Sinclair and R.H.S. Thompson (working on arsenicals) and E. Holiday, A.G. Ogston, J.St.L. Philpot, L.A. Stocken and R.W. Wakelin (on mustard gas). | Wakelin's notebooks for this period are to be found in Section B. In the later years of the war, work was also done on burns, but most of the surviving material from this period relates to BAL. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 British anti-Lewisite RESEARCH REPORTS, DRAFTS, LECTURES, c.1939-50 ‘Arsenic compounds and -SH groups' 4 pp. typescript with ms. note by Peters 'Copy of document prepared for Sir RDobert.] Robinson early in the war'. and contains a review of previous work on arsenic compounds with a brief discussion of future research plans. The typescript is dated 6 October 1939 An earlier draft of the typescript with related ms. notes is also included in the folder. pp- 24-36 of a lecture or paper on BAL. ms. corrections, n.d. Typescript with Folder also contains a few unnumbered pages which were found with the above. 2 research reports on BAL by members of the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford, as follows: ‘The Antidotal Activity of BAL against Therapeutic Compounds of Antimony, Gold and Mercury', by V.P. Whittaker. September 1945. 7 pp. duplicated typescript, 4 pp. duplicated typescript, "Sul fhydryl compounds as antidotes to the toxicity of mercury Compounds’. Ms. draft written for publication in The Lancet, 1946. Brief correspondence from the Assistant Editor is also included in the folder. ‘The use of BAL in the treatment of mercury poisoning’, by L.A. Stocken. October 1945. of the year. ‘The Treatment of Arsenical Dermatitis with Dimercaptopropanol (BAL). A.B. Carlton, R.A. Peters and R.H.S. Thompson. 'B.A.L. R.H.S. Thompson (delivered by Professor Peters)' Prof. R.A. Peters, Dr. L.A. Stocken and Dr. 8 pp. typescript +figures. The title page of the lecture bears the date 'Mar. 19' but no indication Areport to the Medical Research Council’, by 37 pp. duplicated typescript, n.d. ¢.1947. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 British anti-Lewisite 'The development of British anti Lewisite and its scientific interest for biochemistry’ 16 pp. typescript with ms. corrections and additions, n.d., but with a note on the title page 'Italy and Norway in March'. "Lecture Il. The Arsenical lesion and its antidote’ 24 pp. typescript, n.d. "La lesione biochimica nell' intossicazione arsenicale ela B.A.L.' 15 pp. typescript for lecture in Italian, n.d. D.10 Miscellaneous ms. notes and data on BAL, mostly undated. D.11-D.18 Copies of research reports from other laboratories sent to Peters for information, 1946-50 and n.d. See also D.21, D.23 'The Toxicity of DTH', by E.C. Webb and Ruth van Heyningen. 8 pp. typescript, n.d. "Unofficial copy, minus figs.'. ¢.1941, with a ms. note 12 pp. duplicated typescript, n.d. ¢.1944. 15 pp. duplicated typescript, January 1946. ‘lodine Titration and Toxicity of Balintrav Solutions’, by M. Weatherall. 5 pp. duplicated typescript, 1946. ‘Prevention of Mapharside Poisoning by Balintrav in Mice’, by M. Weatherall. 'Bal-Intrav: a new non-toxic thiol for intravenous injection in arsenical poisoning', by J.F. Danielli, Mary Danielli, P.D. Mitchell, L.N. Owen and G. Shaw. 1946. ‘The comparative Efficacy of BAL, Na2$203 and NaI against Thallium Acetate Poisoning in Rabbits', by B.P. McNamara and F.H. Hopkins. 'A new Method for the Determination of 1,2 Dithiols', by W.N. Aldridge. 20 pp. duplicated typescript + 2 pp. figures, 24 June 5 pp. printed report, 3 May 1946. R.A. Peters " CSAC 85/3/82 British anti-Lewisite "BAL in Antimony Intoxications', by D.A.W. Rittey. 8 pp. duplicated typescript, January 1950. ‘Communiqué du Ministére du Travail et de la Prévoyance Sociale aux Membres du Corps Médical Belge concernant L'Intoxication Professionnelle par L'Hydrogéne Arsénié'. 19 pp. duplicated typescript with ms. note '1950'. Miscellaneous offprints and press~cuttings re various aspects of BAL, 1946-51. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 British anti-Lewisite CORRESPONDENCE ON BAL AND RELATED RESEARCH, 1940-67 Albert, A. 1955 Includes note from N.V. Sidgwick. Arvy, L. Boca, 7:4. .¢ Ms Mel B re Melarsen Oxide and BAL). (a product of the interaction of Also included here is a typescript by Bacq and others on 'Action du B.A.L. sur les accidents ophthalmiques de la thérapeutique 4 la tryparsamide', headed 'To be read at the Royal Belgian Academy of Medicine, September 1948'. Berner, E. Cohn hs aS, re nomenclature. 1950 1952 1945-46 1948 1949 1950, 1951 Findlay, H. ; Prieanéim, B -Ac > 4. Cameron, G. R. Gibsons: Ges: Part of letter only. Includes copies of reports by Friedheim and others on compounds introduced by Friedheim including Mel B (see also D.21, D.27). re use of BAL against Mapharside poisoning. re reference to BAL in the Official Medical History of the War. Grea, Jo 7; Harrison, K. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 British anti-Lewisite Keilin, D. (Peters's carbon only) Mellanby, E. Miller, H. re use of BAL in treatment of muscular sclerosis. Moureau, P. Stocken, La “A. Tahourdin, P. A. re wider therapeutic use of BAL. Thompson, 2 He <5. Uffelman, F. B. te publication of work on BAL. 1950, 1952 1955, 1961 1953 Waugh, G. Dz 1961-62, 1964 (Signature illegible) re treatment of copper tainted oysters with BAL. re Mel B. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 D.28, D.29 * REPORTS AND PAPERS ON MUSTARD GAS British anti-Lewisite D.28 "Skin Proteinase and Mustard Gas', by A. Beloff, R.A. Peters and R.W. Wakelin. Duplicated typescript report, July 1945. 2 pp. typescript by A. Beloff, 27 February 1945, entitled ‘Report on the Protease Activity of Sheep Skin' is also included in the folder. 'The Chemical Reactions of Mustard Gas in aqueous solution’. 12 pp. typescript by A.G. Ogston, n.d. ¢.1946. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 SECTION E F COMPOUNDS AND OTHER LATER RESEARCH E.1 - E.84 The material is presented as follows: E<¥ “E41 Laboratory records, drafts, data, 1952-74 E.42-E.84 Correspondence, 1948-77 The work on F compounds (in particular the biochemical mechanism involved in fluoroacetate poisoning) began after the Second World War as an extension of Peters's continued interest in toxicological problems. It was continued in Cambridge after his move to the Agricultural Research Council Animal Physiology Unit at Babraham in1954, and remained his chief research interest until the end of his working life. During the 1960s he also collaborated with J.M. Walshe in a study of the mechanisms of copper toxicity for the brain enzymes. Peters's experimental work for this period is well documented with an extensive series of laboratory notes and records. There are also some substantial sequences of correspondence as, for example, E.42-E.46 (R. Allcroft), E.51-E£.56 (P. Buffa), LABORATORY RECORDS, DRAFTS, DATA, 1952-74 Bundle of loose-leaf records of experiments, mainly 1952-54. This represents Peters's last work at the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford, before his retirement in 1954. E.72, E.73 (L.R. Murray). Entries date from 1955-62. Dark green loose-leaf binder containing laboratory notes. The index at the front of the binder lists 5 series of experi- ments, but only no.3 'Guinea pig Kidney Experiments’ and no.4 'In Vivo Experiments on Rats' now remain in the binder (but see E.3 below). R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Bundle of laboratory notes, some of which were originally contained in thebinder at E.2 above. divided and labelled as follows: The notes are 5, ‘he “2s Pigeon Brain Experiments! (1955-57, 1959, 1961) Sheep Heart Experiments’ (1955) Rat and Guinea Pig Heart Experiments' (1955) "Pyruvate Experiments' (1958) "Miscellaneous Animal Experiments / Miscellaneous Experiments and Methods' (1955-58) p Bundle of laboratory notes from a loose-leaf binder, 1955-59, 1962 Bundle of laboratory notes from a loose-leaf binder, 1956-58 Envelope containing loose laboratory notes labelled 'Rat results (antidote) to end of 1959'. date from February 1957. Records of experiments Bundle of laboratory notes from a loose-leaf binder, 1957. "Report for 1961/62" Similar notebook labelled 'Citric Dets.', containing experimental data, 18 September 1958-16 November 1959. Small notebook labelled 'Citric Acid Determinations' containing experimental data, 16 September 1957-30 May 1958. Similar notebook labelled 'Citrates' containing experimental data 16 October 1957-12 September 1958. Similar notebook labelled 'Aconitase Experiments I' containing experimental data 15 September 1958-13 February 1959. etc., dated 11 October 1962. Envelope containing bundles of laboratory notes in Peters's hand, 1959-66. 1 p. typescript account of research, lectures, publications, 'Aconitase Experiments II', 16 February 1959-28 May 1959. ‘Aconitase III', 15 June 1959-24 November 1959. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Bundle of laboratory notes, 1962-64. Includes a long series of experiments with Acacia georginae (Gidyea). Laboratory notes and drafts te work on Acacia georginae, c.1964-66. These were originally contained ina single envelope, but they have now been split up into 3 units for ease of reference. annotations is now at E.19. The original envelope bearing Peters's Records of chromatography, with some related ms. notes and drafts and a letter from D.J. Silvester re supply of 18F 4 December 1964. Bundles of laboratory notes, 1965-66 by M. Shorthouse, some with annotations by Peters. ‘Experimental attempts to delineate the path for the synthesis of the C-F bond in Acacia georginae' 7 pp. ms. draft, n.d. original envelope, accompanied by a few more fragmentary drafts. This has been left in Peters's Miscellaneous notes by Peters and others, some dated 1966. Laboratory notes, 1966 labelled ‘Microsomal membranes’. and n.d., contained in an envelope Bundle of laboratory notes, January-November 1965, contained in an envelope labelled 'Pyruvate kinate etc. experiments’. Miscellaneous loose laboratory notes, c.1965-68, including some in Peters's hand; contained in an envelope labelled "Important sheets. Older work’. Miscellaneous data, mainly 1968. 2 small bundles of laboratory notes, 1968 and n.d., contained in an envelope labelled 'Peterborough grass’. Small bundle of laboratory notes, 1967, labelled 'Ghosts with Dr. CJ.M.J Walshe’. Bundle of laboratory notes, December 1967-March 1968, te experiments with brain microsomes. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Bundles of laboratory notes, mainly in Peters's hand, 1968-69, contained in an envelope labelled 'DK Analysis’. some new observations with especial 'Aconitate hydratase; relation to its use as a test system for fluorocitrate, together with studies on the electrophoretic separation of components of the crude enzyme’, by R.A. Peters and M. Shorthouse. Photocopy of typescript draft for paper published in Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 220 (1970). Background material for E.29 above. Includes drafts for correspondence with publishers re corrections, ms. notes, data, lists of references, etc. Envelope labelled 'New experimental details! containing laboratory notes, 1970-71 (some in Peters's hand) and lp. ms. draft headed 'The reactions of some thiols with CF compounds and their significance’. Envelope labelled 'Rats, expts. for Cvivisection] returns’ containing laboratory notes in Peters's hand, 1970-71, 1975. Envelope labelled 'F cit in bone. laboratory notes, 1972, and 1 citrate and bone’. Heroin results' containing p. ms. draft headed 'Fluoro- Small notebook labelled 26/1/71 Weighing Book’. F cit in tea' containing laboratory notes, Envelope labelled 'Some later results! containing laboratory notes and graphs, 1972-73. Envelope labelled ‘Important oddments connected with F cit. Analysis. 1970, 1971. Envelope containing further laboratory notes, June-July 1973. Envelope labelled '-SH results' containing laboratory notes, June-July 1973. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Miscellaneous loose ms. notes, drafts and data, 1950-74 and n.d. 1950-69 1971-74 n.d. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research CORRESPONDENCE, 1948-77 In alphabetical order. E.42-£.46 Allcroft, R. 1963-68 Correspondence, notes, drafts and laboratory records re investigation of a case of fluoro- acetamide poisoning at a farm in Smarden, Kent. See also E.50, E.62 Bundle of ms. notes on laboratory tests conducted by Peters, September-October 1963, some headed 'Mrs Allcroft'. p. typescript with ms. note by Peters ‘Results 1 from Mrs Allcroft ?1963'. Ms. and typescript drafts for ‘Report upon material supplied by Mrs R. Allcroft O.B.E.', n.d. (19631. Correspondence, December 1963-September 1964, including copy of report on investigation into the poisoning incorporating Peters's results, and 2 letters from E.W. Bentley. Armstrong, W. Dz Correspondence, 1965-67. by Allcroft on 'Effect of fluoroacetamide on testicular germinal epithelium’. Includes 1 p. typescript note re use of FI8 i, experiments. Correspondence, June-September 1968. Includes drafts for 2 papers on fluoroacetamide poisoning for publication in the Veterinary Record. Balazs, R. Several letters re various aspects of work on F compounds and other related research. Backholer, J. R. Bacq, Z. M. 1967 1977 1948-52 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Bartley, W. Beaconsfield, P. te work on drug addiction. Belly be. Ms Binns; hy & oR; re genus Dichapetalum. Rites’. 4% Boyland, E. Includes copy of typescript re toxicity of a pesticide produced by the Nippon Soda Co. Ltd., October 1968. Brady, R. O. Bremer, J. Brentnall, E. W. 1953 1967-68 1955, 4907 1966 1964 Brown, R. E.GI*E 256 Buffa, P. 1955, 1965 1949-69 See also E.42-E.46, E.62. te methods for detection of fluoroacetamide poisoning. Buffa worked for a time in the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford, and continued to maintain close contact with Peters after his return to Italy in July 1950. They published several collaborative papers on fluoroacetate poisoning from 1949 onwards. for ease of reference. The correspondence is extensive, much of it containing detailed descriptions of experiments and interpretation of results. Incoming letters predominate, as Peters's replies would often have been in manuscript, but there are a few letters from Peters in the sequence. The material has been divided into several folders R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research 1949-50 Buffa's letters only, apart from 1 ms. draft by Peters, July 1950, almost all written from the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford, during Peters's absence on holiday or lecture tours, and describing work in progress. note to Nature by Buffa and Peters; 1950 follows Buffa's return to Italy. Letter of 18 March 1949 encloses draft for letter of 28 July 1951-53 1960-62 1964-65 1966-67 Includes arrangements for Peters to lecture in Modena, March 1967. 1968-69 Burgstahler, A. W. list of Carmichael, E. A. re Dichapetalum toxicarium. te American Society for Fluoride Research (later the International Society for Fluoride Research) including invitation to Peters to join the Board of Directors. Also includes 1 p. typescript describing Peters's work with M. Shorthouse and others on fluoride metabolism in Acacia georginae with a publications to August 1966. re Dichapeta lum cymosum. re Dichapetalum cymosum, (Peters's carbon only) Cheesman, E. E. Corkey, B. E. Chenoweth, M. ’ Coviny, t. . Ge 1955 1977 1969 Crawford, M. Coman, B. J. 1952-53, 1967 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Dagley, S. Davies, D. OD. Ds Olivelia MM. M: re supply of seeds of Palicourea marcgravii. Dyer, R.A. re supply of Dichapetalum cymosum. 1955 1954 1967-68 1959, 1961 Emeleus, H. J. (Peters's carbon only) Ennor, A. —H. Fell, Hy 2: Enclosing 3 pp. typescript 'Résumé of Experiments on the Toxic Effects of Methy!| Fluoroacetate, 1943-44', Folkes, B. Fowden, L. Friedmann, H. = C. Games, W. Garattini, S. (Peters's carbon only) (Peters's carbon only) re collaborative research. East Africa. Includes drafts of article on 'Pesticides and the Smarden Affair’. re distribution of the genus Dichopetalum in See also E.42-E.46, E.50. og; t, et. Greenway, P. J. 1953 1964 Soale ta. &, Goldman, P. Grant, Fo T, 1965, 1969 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Mat Re 1964, 1967-73 Correspondence, 1964-73, mainly re methods of fluoride analysis. Includes detailed comments by Peters on a draft paper by Hall, now at E.64. 2 typescript drafts and final version of paper by Hall on determination of fluorine compounds in biological materials. Haves, C. Hebb, C. re use of toxic stabilisers in plastics manu- facture. Hele, P. Hoare, DO, 2S, Rent Ps = OW Koenig, H. 1954 1962 VW, \ tee, 0974 1965, 1968-69 Kun, E. Lewis, G. Long, 1969 1968-69 1948-50 Littie; Mor ° &, Kuzemko, J. A. Liebecq, C. 1963, 1965, 1978 Mainly comments on experimental results and publications. See also E.78 (Saunders) re supply of samples for experiments. re Palicourea marcgravii. Neca, 1.25, R: McFarlane, A. S. 1948-49 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Mcllwain, H. 1965-66 re experiments to examine the action of copper on brain tissue. on 'A Study of the Toxic Action of Copper on Brain Tissue in vivo and in vitro’. Includes typescript draft by Peters Maizels, M. Meyer, H. (Peters's carbon only) Miles, A. (Peters's carbon only) Miller, G. Mills-C.2 W. E, 1967 1972, 1977 1969 re Symposium on Trace Element Metabolism in Animals, Aberdeen, July 1969. Mitchell, P. 1960, 1962-63 Muir, A. Murray, L. R. 1962, 1965-67 1959, 1968 1952 Morrison, J. F. Includes arrangements for Peters to open British Biophysical Society Meeting, Edinburgh, April 1962. Correspondence 1962 re arrangements for Murray to spend a year at the Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge. Includes domestic arrangements and discussion of scientific work to be undertaken (on Gidyea - Acacia georginae). Noguchi, T. Correspondence, 1965-67, including accounts of experi mental work in progress and comments on results. re effects of fluoroacetate and fluorocitrate on fish. re fluoridation of public water supplies. National Pure Water Association Nettet, Ke Nimmo, |. a. A. 1967 1967 1974 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Ochoa, S. (Peters's carbon only) te fluoroacetyl CoA. Oelrichs, P. B. 1972 re Acacia georginae seeds. Also included are 3 reports on research conducted by Oelrichs in Cambridge, 1966-67, 1968 and n.d., and brief correspondence with D. Williams and others re research and publication arrange- ments, 1967. Parr, W. H. re Gastrolobium grandiflorum. Pasternak, C. A. 1968 1962 Enclosing 3 pp. typescript by J. Dearnaley on 'Effect of Fluoracetate on 7!Y Uptake in Rabbits’. Pattison, F. Lb. M. 1959-60, 1966 Porter, K. ee 1962 Ratcliffe, F. N. (Peters's carbon only) Correspondence 1959 includes drafts for foreword by Peters to book by Pattison on F compounds. Correspondence 1966 is re joint contribution by Peters and Pattison to a book on the pharmacology of fluorides, and includes a letter from Springer- Verlag. Continued re Dichapetalum cymosum and D. toxicaria. (Peters's carbon only) salibory, &. >. J. Rivett, D. E. A. Rimington, C. 1952, 1953 195] 1968 1949, 1951 Ruffo, ; R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research E.77 (Cont'd.) Sapiro, M. — L. re Dichapetalum stuhlmanni. Saunders, B.C, te preparation of carbon-labelled sodium fluoroacetate. See also E.68 (McFarlane) 1964, 1968 "1949-53 Shorthouse, M. 1955-69 Various letters written from the Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge, during Peters's absence abroad, containing reports on experi- mental work in progress. Siesjd, B. K. Simonsen, J. L. Simpson, A.C. te fluoroacetamide poisoning. 1964 1952-53 1964, n.d. Smith, Fis 4G, Smith, Msi J. Stoner, H. B. Suttie; do: « W:; faves, 0. © Be (Peters's carbon only) te evidence for honey bee deaths from fluoroacetate. work on Acacia georginae. Correspondence 1953 includes draft for letter to Nature, by Peters, Thomas and others. Correspondence 1968-69 is re collaborative 1953, 1968-69 Thomas a, 1968 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 F compounds and other later research Treble, De. Ha Van Heyningen, R. Verney, E. B. Wakelin, R. W. 1968 1952 1952 1950, 1954 1954 letter is re Peters's move to Cambridge. Ward, Poe Fs ay; Includes 4 pp. typescript draft on metabolism of fluoroacetate by plants. Weinstein, L. H. 197] Copy of letter to M.-H. Yu re Acacia georginae. Wellcome Trust Whittem, J.-H. re Acacia georginae. Moms, ashe, 1961, 1966 Williamson, J. Worthy, T. Young, Ps oS. Woolley, D. W. Copy of letter to E. Bursell. Unidentified correspondents. exchange of reprints, etc., 1951-75. Shorter, unindexed correspondence: exchange of specimens and cultures, brief requests for information, 1967, n.d. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 SECTION F LECTURES, DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS F.1 - F.55 The material is presented in 2 sequences. F.1] - F.32 contains drafts, etc. which are dated, or to which a date can be assigned with reasonable certainty; F.33 - F.55 consists of undated material, followed by a few folders of shorter correspondence with publishers, invitations to lecture, requests for reprints, etc. See also Section D for material on British Anti-Lewisite. LECTURES, DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS, 1945-70 Opening remarks at joint meeting of Nutrition and Biochemical Societies, 28 April 1945. 2 typescript drafts, one with extensive ms. corrections. Brief correspondence with S.K. Kon is also included in the folder. Bundle of ms. notes, labelled by Peters 'Various lecture notes, mainly aimed at understanding cell surfaces’. Some pages bear dates between 1947 and 1952, the rest are undated. Lecture delivered in Norway, 3 April 1950. pondence only. Corres~ "Some recent work upon the biochemistry of fluoroacetate poisoning' 'Fluoroacetate poisoning and 'jamming' of the tricarboxylic acid cycle; mode of action of an 'active' fluorocompound synthesised via this cycle', by P. Buffa, W.D. Lotspeich, R.A. Peters and R.W. Wakelin. probably early 1950s. Typescript summary of paper presented at a meeting of the Biochemical Society, 19 May 1950. ‘Bristol. to pharmacology’. June 1950. Modern biochemical approaches 5 pp. ms., brief correspondence. Draft for autobiographical article. 25 pp. typescript with ms. corrections, n.d., R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Lectures, drafts, publications Ms. notes for lecture on Fluoroacetate delivered in Boston; n.d,, o. 1952. 'Fluoroacetate poisoning: comparison of synthetic fluorocitric acid with the enzymically synthesized fluorotricarboxylic acid', D.E.A. Rivett and L.C. Thomas. by R.A. Peters, R.W. Wakelin, 5S pp. typescript, March 1953. Ms. notes for 2 lectures on fluoro~compounds headed as follows: "3rd lecture. 11 May 53' 'U.S. May '53. Lecture 4' ‘Hormones and the cytoskeleton' 2 typescript drafts with ms. corrections. second of these is dated 9 December 1955. The "Biochemical lesions, keto acids and the citric acid cycle’ 10 pp. typescript of lecture, possibly delivered at a meeting of the Association of Clinical Biochemists, n.d., 1956. Newsletter is included in the folder. A letter from the Editor of the Association's Correspondence with the organiser of the Symposium (E. M. Crook) is also included in the folder. Ms. and typescript drafts for introductory remarks at Biochemical Society Symposium on 'The Structure and Function of Sub-Cellular Components', 23 February 1957. Notes and drafts for report to the Agricultural Research Council on visits to various laboratories and institutions in U.S.A. and Canada, July-September 1957. 15 pp. typescript for lecture, n.d., ¢.1957. "Vitamin B Group of Disorders' R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Lectures, drafts, publications "Some reminiscences upon Sir Charles Sherrington' Article published in The Caian, Michaelmas Term 1957. 2 typescript drafts, one with corrections by Peters, the other annotated by the editors of The Caian. Folder also contains 2 letters from Sir James Chadwick, 1952, asking Peters to write an obituary of Sherrington for The Caian and brief correspondence re permission to quote, etc., 1957 ae Letters from family and colleagues, 1955-57, in reply to requests for reminiscences of Sherrington. Various printed obituaries and tributes to Sherrington, including a volume of 'Memories' by C.E.R. Sherrington (son) printed for private circulation. A photograph of Sherrington is also included here. Ms. drafts for speech at dinner celebrating the centenary of Sir Charles Sherrington, 23 November 1957. Folder also includes a letter from R.E. Threlfall, 30 October 1957, containing anecdotes about Sherrington, and the menu and seating plan for the dinner. Correspondence, 1956-58 F.19-F.21 Memoir of J.B. Leathes, published in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4, 1958. ry Two typescript drafts of the Memoir, one with ms. corrections. Includes request from the Royal Society for Peters to write the Memoir in collaboration with G.A. Clark and replies from family and colleagues to requests for information and reminiscences. by others. Miscellaneous background material: ms. and typescript notes and drafts; copies of printed obituaries of Leathes A letter from Sir Robert Platt about Leathes's ancestry, June 1964, is also included here. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Lectures, drafts, publications ’ 2pp. typescript beginning 'The object of this communica- tion is to draw attention to one point, viz. that it possible to get a soluble preparation of aconitase which behaves very sensitively to inhibition by fluorocitric acid’. is The first page is annotated ‘Biochem. Soc. Oxford, Mar. 1959', p. typescript résumé of 'Talk to Enzyme Unit - 14th 1 November 1959". Script of talk on thiamine broadcast on Australian radio, 14 May 1961. "Speech as President of Clinical Chemistry Congress in Edinburgh’ 10 pp. typescript, n.d. c¢.1962. Correspondence re arrangements for Peters to give a lecture at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1962. Speech at the opening of Fisheries Biochemistry Laboratory, Aberdeen, ¢.1966. 12 pp. ms. 6, tps. 'The metabolism of fluoroethanol by A.georginae in the presence of fluoroacetate' 2 pp. ms. draft with later annotation by Peters '1967. A fragment not written up’. "Structure and Function in cells' Ms. and typescript drafts, n.d. ¢.1966. Correspondence arising from a letter to the Times by Peters, 18 August 1966. One of the pages is headed 'Chicago '70'. Ms. and typescript drafts, possibly for letter to Nature, Wide: Bundle of ms. notes taken at a conference, including outline of address by Peters and notes on papers delivered by others. 'An organically combined fluorine compound in bone', by R.A. Peters, M. Shorthouse and P.F.V. Ward. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Lectures, drafts, publications PF. door. Ot UNDATED MATERIAL F.33 ‘Vitamin By] and scientific endeavour' 2 drafts for review of book by ER.R.2] Williams, n.d. 2 pp. ms. notes headed 'Fluoroacetates. Lecture 3', n.d. 2 pp. ms. notes for brief lecture on 'Metals and living systems', ned: 5 pp. typescript draft with ms. corrections for foreword to a volume of essays on the chemistry and biochemistry of the nervous system, n.d. Ms. and typescript drafts for paper given at International Symposium on 'Enzimi in Medicina’, n.d. Folder also includes an Italian translation of the paper under the title 'Significance for Medicine of Biochemical Lesions in Pyruvate Oxydase System including Tricarbossilic Acid cycle’. "Further study of the toxic principle in the seeds of Dichapetalum toxicarium' "Modern views on the Nature of Toxicity! 4 pp. typescript with 1 carbon-fluorine compounds, n.d. p. ms. notes for lecture on p. ms., perhaps draft for letter to Nature. 1 is a pencil note at the head of the page '? not sent’. There Ms. and typescript drafts for lecture headed 'Vancouver, June', n.d. 4 pp. typescript for talk on Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, n.d. fluoroacetate, n.d. One draft is headed 'First Babraham’. Contains outline for a lecture on cell structure, apparently at a symposium or conference, as there are also some notes on papers given by others, n.d. Contains reminiscences of the Cambridge physiological laboratory before the First World War. Bundle of ms. notes headed 'Edinburgh, Points to make’. Typescript drafts for lecture on fluorocitric acid and R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Lectures, drafts, publications - "Lethal Synthesis’ 4 pp. typescript for talk (incomplete), n.d. Ms. and typescript of contribution to an unidentified discussion on cell structure, n.d. 'The biochemical mechanism of fluoroacetate poisoning’ cD ote, a. 'Attempt tosolve toxicity of arsenicals and MLustard] Glas (antidotes) and to unravel [?] By deficiency’. lp. ms., n.d. 5 pp. ms. draft for undated lecture on biochemistry. Ms. and typescript draft of undated memorandum re plans for an experiment. form of a letter to P. Buffa. The ms. was originally cast in the Miscellaneous fragmentary drafts for lectures and publications. PiUn-F sce SHORTER UNINDEXED CORRESPONDENCE RE LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS Notebook containing undated ms. draft of letter to the press re the importance of fundamental research. The remaining contents of the notebook are bibliographical references and brief notes. Correspondence with publishers, editors, etc. re publication arrangements, permission to quote or reproduce, 1935-73. Requests to write books, articles, serve on editorial boards of journals, etc., 1928-69. Biochemistry of the Cell and Tissues’. Invitations to lecture/thanks for lectures delivered, 1943-62. Includes miscellaneous printed matter. Ryo foe F.54 Miscellaneous requests for reprints, 1925-35, 1968. Mainly re the Harben Lectures, 1929, on 'Coordinative R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 SECTION G GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE G.1 - G.34 The following sequence consists of material that does not fit conveniently into Sections C - F. Many of the letters fall more readily into the category of personal correspondence, but these are interspersed with some more scientific exchanges. Most of the sequences are rather short, but there are a few correspondents who are fairly well represented, including Sir Robert Robinson (G.24) and Sir Charles Sherrington (G.26). The correspondence is presented in alphabetical order with terminal dates and a brief indication of content where appropriate. Adam, N. K. Correspondence arising from Adam's book on the physics and chemistry of surfaces. Adrian, E. Dz 1950 pores, J. OM Batt, R. Anderson, H. K. Alexander, S.A. Mainly personal correspondence. Reply to letter of congratulation on Presidency of the Royal Society. G. Barger. Proposal to invite C. Harington to Oxford. Includes letters from C.S. Sherrington and Boycott, A. E. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 General correspondence Pp Burm, Js Contes, Go A: Cavanagh, J. B. re method for producing acute thiamine deficiency in pigeons. Chadwick, J. Chidin, BB; 1956 1956-58, 1969 Mainly re his work at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome. Channon, H. J. (Peters's carbon only) re coordination of wartime scientific research. Chibnall, A. C. Clarke, L.-%-B. 1959 1962 1953, 1961 Cot cy Dale, H. Fe, H. 196] 1968 1950 Cone, 723 ms Cooper ites. Ks Folder also includes a signed photograph of Dale. 1961 correspondence contains recollections of early days of Biochemistry at Cambridge. B. Offer of research facilities at the Stazione Zoologica, Naples. re surface structures. Danielli, J. Woe, bios ee, Douglas, C.. G. 1950, 1962 F. Dohrn, R. Dowdle, E. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 General correspondence Dreyfus, P. M. Drummond, J. C. Wartime correspondence is re feeding of undergraduates. OrOPy A. ia The undated letter is te arrangements for collaboration in research on Vitamin B. Evens, 11. he. Ewert, A. Fabre, M. Farber, E. re biochemical lesions. Farrer, A. M. rostier, Fc Ny 1968 1929, 1935, 1942 1926, 19358 1965-66 1953 1966 Fletcher, W. Gardner; J... -G. Gardner, A. OD. Florey, H. W. Enclosing 5 pp. typescript on 'Effects of Guanidine, Synthalin and other Amidine Derivatives on Carbohydrate Metabolism’. re electron microscopy of gelatin gels. Includes correspondence from the Board of Trade. re photographs of Sir Archibald Garrod. Gelatine and Glue Research Association Garrod, Dios AE; awtS 1961 1968 digi, Ey Gavrilescu, N. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 General correspondence Gordon, A. 1947, 1949 Mainly personal correspondence. Gordon, G. Green, D. re organisation of enzyme processes. Kmpier, 2 G.7 E.oo COWARD, Katharine H. ©. 23; C68 CRAMER, W. CRAWFORD, M. Gu2o Eos CREED, Rufus S. CREED, Sybil F.20 Pte Fas aie Ea 7 CRUCHET, René COCK, «, «MM. DALY, Ivan de Burgh DALE, Sir Henry Hallett DANIELLI, James Frederick DE OLIVEIRA, Marilda Meirelles DAVIDSON, (James) Norman DENNY-BROWN, Derek Ernest A.24, A.26-A.31, A.34 DAVIS, D. — Russell DAWSON, E.R. a C.34 ©.65 BAVICS, De. D. G.7 Cae Eo? A. Oy Ptly Fate DAGLEY, S. PARI; Sm 9s DAVIES, W. CA ae R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents DEY.-A, DHERE, Ch DICKENS, Frank DIXON, Malcolm DODDS, Sir (Edward) Charles DOHRN, Reinhard (Rinaldo) DOUGLAS, Ci ® .G, DOWDLE, Eugene B. DREYFUS, Pierre M. DRUMMOND, Sir Jack Cecil DRURY, Sir Alan (Nigel) DUDLEY; Ho oe DURAND, Jay I. D¥GR, Ri. uk Ai 26, Ads, C267, 8 C.23 o 2 A.35 C46 A. 6 G.8 S.6 Cn G.9 C:o4 C30 Gdn G9 G.9 C.24 C.24 E.59 ELLINGER, P. Oa oF haa G.10 G.10 G.10 eo G.10 FABRE, M. EWERT, Alfred ELVIDGE, We at A.25 Co E.60 ECLIOTT, 0s. Me EVANS, Herbert McLean ELSDEN, Sidney Reuben ENNOR, Sir Arnold Hughes G.1] FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron FARRER, Austin (Marsden) FAIRLEY, Sir Neil Hamilton FELL, Dame Honor Bridget PINDLAY, H.-F, FARBER, Emmanuel GH G.1] E.60 D.22 G71 BAS IIER, Fie Ns FLETCHER, Walter R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents FLORKIN, Marcel FOLKrS. 3b, FOLLEY, Sydney John FOWDEN, Leslie FRASER, R. FREDERICQ, Henri FREETH, H. Andrew FREINKEL, Norbert PRIEDHEIM, Ernst A. H. FRIEDMANN, Herbert C. FULTON, John F. GARDNER, Arthur Duncan GARDNER. J, Gs GARRETT ,..E v.00 B, GARROD, Sir Archibald Edward A.D, A. 29, A.3), Ass3, Aide E.60 A.25 E.6] Passo A.9 A.12 A.16 D.23 E.6] e+ G.12 12 uy Ba Gee, Orta ete .409 GOLDMAN, Peter GORDON, Athol GORDON, G. feo, is A GASK, George E. 8 we 1d) Gree E.61 D.24 ute G.13 rato GAVRILESCU, N. CBSO, C5, SPSKILE, dre Fs WiRoON, Ac. CG; GARROD, Dorothy Annie Elizabeth E.62 GOODWIN, Trevor Walworth GRANIT, Ragnar Arthur GOOD, F. Douglas T. GRANT, Patrick T. GRAHAM, George £562 E.62 F.26 OX C20 C25 G.14 G.14 R.A. Peters CSAC 83/3/82 Index of correspondents GREEN, David E. GREEN, J ie GREENWAY, P. J. GUBLER, Clark J. GYORGY, P. HALL, Ronald J. HALLIDAY, M. HAMPSHIRE, Charles Herbert HARDEN, Arthur HARDY, Sir William Bate HARINGTON, Sir Charles (Robert) HARRIS, Leslie J. HARRIS, Ralph HARRIS, Wilfred HARRISON, Kenneth HARTFALL, Stanley Jack HARTLEY, Percival HAVES, Charles S. HEBB, Catherine HECHTAR, Oscar HELE, Priscilla MAWKING 2 Gao Foe C, HASTINGS, A. Baird HASLEWOOD, Geoffrey Arthur Dering G. HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival) HOBSON, Frederick Greig HILL, Archibald Vivian HEYROTH, Francis F. HOBSON,-R, * P. HOGAN, A. HERBERT, Freda K. MOARE, D, «2S. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents HOLIDAY, Ensor HOU S$) a HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland M. M. HUME, E. HUNTER, Andrew HURST, Arthur F. HUTCHISON, Robert INNES, Flora R. IRISH, Don D. C.28, C.59 F.12 G.16 see also F.4] CidgsPC, 69-0 .76 F.20 a I Ciao G.16 JANSEN B,. CoP: JOHNSON, Robert E. APC. 30 C.30 KJERRMAN, Bengt KNOOP, F. KNOWLES, James KENT, Paul Welberry KETCH, 4. bw KINGAN, R. KENNAWAY, Sir Ernest Laurence KOENIG, Harold KOGL, F. F.20 E.66 C.62 D.26 C3 G.17 Cae E.66 Af, C31 ae C55 Cae ©: 60: see F.19-F, 2] C.67-C.74, G.17 29 E.66 E.66 LANDON, Philip Aislabie LEATHES, John Beresford KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) B.17 G.17 G.18 KUHN, Richard KUN, Ernest Royo. Re C.65, F.1 KUZEMKO, J. A. LATHE, Grant Henry LEACH, Ee oH, R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents LEWIS, Gwyneth LEYS, Duncan G. LIEBECQ, Claude LINDSAY, Alexander Dunlop, Baron Lindsay of Birker LIPMANN, Fritz LITCHFIELD, Jack Watson LITTLE, Marguerite F. LOENING, Ulrich LOHMANN, K. LOTSPEICH, William D. LU, Gwei-Wjen McARDLE, B. McCANCE, Robert Alexander MeCAY; C... Ms McFARLANE, A. S. E.66 C.31 A.26, E.67 B. 20 G.18 C710 E.68 A.19 C.32 G.18 G.18 C.10 C.51 G.19 E.68 A.25 E.69, Ak G.19 Cae 93°C. 48 C.63 O.54°-C: 60, McILWAIN, Henry MACKIE, Thomas Jones MACLEOD, Roy M. McMULLAN, George MACRAE, TT. F. MAGEE, “Fie. by MAIZELS, Montagu MACFARLANE, Marjorie E.70 C.49 E.70 C.74 G.20 G.20 A.6 C33 C o5O 48 08 F.29 MARTIN, Sir Charles James MENEMEY, William H. = M. MARINI BETTOLO, G. B. MAPSON, Leslie William MARRACK, John Richard MARRIAN, Guy Frederic MELLANBY, Sir Edward MILLER, Gene W. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents MILLER, H. Ji oN MILLER, Henry MILLS, Colin F. MITCHELL, Peter MONCRIEFF, Sir Alan (Aird) MOORE, C. Ulysses MOORE, D. Figgern MORAN, Thomas MORGAN, Walter Thomas James MORRISON, Herbert Stanley, Baron Morrison of Lambeth MORRISON, J. F. MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) MOUREAU, P. MUIR, Adam MUNRO, H. N. MURRAY, L. = Ray C.10 D.25 E .70 E.7] C11, ©.34 C.34 C.a C.40 G20 A.33 A.23 E.71 G.20 D.25 E.71 A.25 E.72, E.73 NICHOL, Charles A. NIMMO, |. A. NOGUCHI, Teruhisa NAF, Ulrich NEEDHAM, Joseph MELTER GS au NEUBERG, Carl NEUBERGER, Albert NICOLAYSEN, Ragnar A.18 C25 .G.21 E.74 G,21 A.25, A.33 6.31 F.3, G.21 E.74 E.74 E.79 Ba C15, C267, C.69-C.71, O'CONNOR, Fie OELRICHS, Peter B. C3675, Ore A.19 G.22 Bie OCHOA, Severo OCKRENT, Charles O'BRIEN, Daniel P. O'BRIEN, Js coy W, oi ae 20 G22 tt G.23 G.23 A.25 E.75 C8 Ais. O56 ae 25 E.76 E.76 B.9 B.4 C.36 G.23 C.36 F.20 A.19 C.36 A.30 R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents OGSTON, Alexander George OLIVER, Gordon ORD, Margery G. ORCI): PAGE, Irvine H. PARKE, Dennis V. PARKES, Sir Alan (Sterling) PARR, W. H. PARSONS, Sir Leonard Gregory PASSMORE, R. PASTERNAK, C. A. PATTISON, -Fred'L. 2: M. PEARCE, Richard M. PESKETT, Geoffrey L. PETERS, Albert Edward PHELPS, Harold J. PRENER, Samuel RADFORD, M. C. PLATT, Robert, Baron PORTER, Rodney Robert PLATT, Benjamin Stanley QUAGLIARIELLO, G. G.25 RICHARDSON, Sir John (Samuel) RIMINGTON, Claude RIVER. Dy Eve A. RAISTRICK, Harold 5.9 C, 58 £.70 Eve C.14 A. 24 G.23 Ay Or. RAMSDEN, W. READER, Vera REDFERN, Harry ROCHE, Jean R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents ROSEDALE. 1.2 "1. ROSSITER: Reger’ Ji RUDDLE, David Allen RUFFO, RYDIN, Hakan C.37 A.16 G.25 Rae B.37 ST. JOHNSTON, H. SALISBURY, Sir Edward James SAPIRO, M. L. SAUTE a. Gy SCARBOROUGH, Harold SCHOPFER, “We SCHULMAN, J. oH, H. SEIFRIZ, William SELFRIDGE, Grant SHERRINGTON: C Ee OR, SHERRINGTON, Sir Charles Scott og E.77 E.77 E.78 Cie C7E LC 79 C.38 G.25 G.25 C.38 F.16 Be 3,96 see also F.15-F.17, F.18 E.18, E.78 D.20 E.78 E.17 E.78 E.78 C. 58; 6.97 Al G97 E.79 C.38 E.79 A.6 C.49 Cris SILVESTER, David J. SIMONSEN Jc 4. SIMPSON, A. C. SHORTHOUSE, M. SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald SIDGWICK, Nevil Vincent Si6SIG, Bb. K: SLATER, Sir William (Kershaw) c.13 Sit ree SETH, Mo Joe SMITH, Sir Sydney Alfred SPENCE, Sir James Calvert STENHOUSE, Arnold B. SMITH, David SMITH, Francis G. SMY 1G, bs. Ms. R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents STOCKEN, Lloyd A. STONER 1... 8; STOTZ, Elmer H. STRATTON, Frederick John Marrian SURE, Barnett SVEDBERG, The TAHOURDIN, Peter A. TAVES, Donald R. TAYLOR, William H. THOMAS, David THOMAS, Garfield THOMAS, L. G: Am 0.26. 6.97 E.79 A.16 A.29 C.39 G.27 D.26 A.16, E.79 AC Oar C. 39 E.80 THOMPSON, Robert Henry Stewart A.25, A.34-A.36, D.26, G.28 THOMSON, Sir (Arthur) Landsborough THORNTON, John L. B.12 G.28 A.25 F.16, F.18 F.16 C.58 E.81 G.28 D.26 C.40 BH E.8] C.41 C.69 TRUMAN, Donald THORPE, Wi. NV. TREBLE, Donald H. TIRELEALL 8, cE; TIZARD, Sir Henry Thomas TIZARD, Sir (John) Peter (Mills) UFFELMAN, F. B. UNGLEY, C. © C. C..50 VERNEY, Ernest Basil VERZAR, Fritz VICKERY, H. VIGOR, H. VAN HEYNINGEN, Ruth VAN VEEN, H. VAN BEKKUM, D. W. A.18 E.8] C.4] VARLEY, Harold B. £0: R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents VON EULER, H. VORHAUS, Martin G. 4) Gob co WAGNER-JAUREGG, Th. WAKELIN, RR. W. WALKER, Ernest WARBURG, Otto Heinrich WARD, Peter F. V. WATERLOW, John C. WAUGH, G. Duncan WEINSTEIN, Leonard H. WESTENBRINK, He: Geo eK, WHEARE, Sir Kenneth Clinton WHELAN, William J. WHITLEY, &. WHITTEM,: Ji oth WILLIAMS, Dudley WILLIAMS, R. R. WILLIAMSON, John R. C.42 E.8] B.18, C42 E.8] C.67 D.27 E.82 C42 630 G.29 G.29 G.29 E.82 E.75 E.82 C.43, G.30 G.30 E.83 C.44 C.44 G.30 E.83 A.40 E.83 C15 WOOLLEY, D.= °W: WITTS, Leslie John WOOD, lan WOODS, Donald Devereux WILLIAMS, Robert Stenhouse WILLIAMS, Leslie Thomas Douglas Aitd Ki28 A. 50, A44 G.30 A.17, A.36, E.83 G.30 WORTHINGTON, Edgar Barton YOUNG, Sir Frank (George) WORTHY. 7. Ss. WRIGHT, Joyce YOUNG, John Zachary YOUNG, Leslie YOUNG, E. Gordon - R.A. Peters CSAC 85/3/82 Index of correspondents YUDKIN, John YUILLE, D. Ferguson FAL, Oyo 8