OGSTON, Alexander George

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Alexander George Ogston FRS (b.1911) CSAC catalogue 98/2/84 by Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Title: Compiled by: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Alexander George Ogston FRS (b.1911), biochemist Deposited in: Reference code: GB 0161 Date of material: 1933-1979 Description level: Fonds Extent of material: 133 items Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper Department of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford CSAC catalogue no. 98/2/84 © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland The Biochemical Society The British Pharmacological Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics — The Nuffield Foundation The Physiological Society The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Royal Society of London A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL SECTION 8 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE List of research topics Introduction to Section B INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The main bulk of the material was made available by Dr. Ogston on his retirement from Oxford in 1978. sets of late research notes and drafts passed on by Ogston in November 1980. Items B.1 - B.3, B.25- B.27, B.88 - B.91 are NOTE ON THE CAREER OF A.G. OGSTON Ogston was educated at Eton and at Balliol College, Oxford; apart from a period as Freedom Research Fellow at the London Hospital, he spent most of his career at Oxford, being appointed Demonstrator (1938) and Reader (1955) in Biochemistry, and Fellow and Tutor in Physical Chemistry at Balliol (1937). appointment as Professor of Physical Biochemistry at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University, where he remained until 1970 when he returned to Oxford as President of Trinity College. Visiting Fellowships at the Institute for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, and the John Curtin School of Medical Research, A.N.U., where the late research was undertaken. On his retirement in 1978 he held In 1959 he took up an Ogston's main research interests include the thermo-dynamics of biological systems, particularly in relation to connective tissue, and the use of physico-chemical Attention is drawn to methods to study the size, weight and structure of molecules. Item A.9, a folder of material submitted for the D.Sc., Oxford, in 1970, and which contains Ogston's own identification of his main areas of research and most significant stereochemistry, the 'three-point attachment’ (see B.40 - B.45). It should be noted that this does not include his important contribution to papers. A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The surviving material is not large, mainly because of Ogston's travels to and from Australia and his preference (stated in the correspondence) for travelling light. Thus, there is little biographical material or personal correspondence, though Ogston's friendly approachable manner is always to be seen in the tone of the letters addressed to or written by him. The main content relates to research projects and publications. Ogston's own designations of his folders have been preserved, and the material follows where possible his analysis of his work, already referred to, at A.9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Dr. L. Stocken and Dr. M.A. Foster for help in identifying and describing material . A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 SECTION A Ait, A:2 BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1 -A.9 Miscellaneous biographical and autobiographical notes, supplied by or prepared for Ogston at various dates. A.] 1963 1965, to accompany article in British Medical Bulletin. 1977, for a special edition of Japanese journal, Protein, Nucleic Acid and Enzyme, which includes a tribute to Ogston's contribution to the study of transport in gels. Includes a little correspondence, and a copy of the journal. Miscellaneous items of biographical interest, 1959-65. Congratulations on appointment to Chair of Physical Biochemistry, Australian National University, 1959. Request by editor, Analytical Biochemistry, to referee his own article, 1963. error, has a ms. note 'The paper was accepted without change: ' Ogston's reply, pointing out the Election as Honorary Member, American Society of Biological Chemists, 1964-65. Correspondence re Ogston's election as President, Trinity College, Oxford. Correspondence on ‘Australian Frontier’ meetings, and on ‘Statement on the War in Vietnam’ which Ogston considered unwisely worded, 1966-67. Oxford. Ogston was in Australia at the time; includes miscellaneous arrangements re visits, Lodgings, stipend, etc., 1969-71. the correspondence Also included is a letter of congratulation to Ogston on his election to an Honorary Fellowship at Balliol College, A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Biographical and personal Miscellaneous items of biographical interest, 1971-77. Br es ee ere re ab cr proposed research on cartilage and Ogst on hoped ¢ to undertake duri ng his Presidency, 1971. Invitation to serve on Lockey Bequest Committee, 1971. Note on the Svedberg ultracentrifuge, set up by Ogston in the Biochemistry Department, Oxford, in the early 1940s, published in Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TIBS), September 1977. ‘Electrical Conductivities in non-aqueous Solvents. (Their temperature coefficients. )' Ogston's Part Il and B.Sc. thesis, June 1933. ‘Electrochemistry of solutions’ Ogston's D.Phil. thesis, October 1936. Folder of material submitted for D.Sc., Oxford, 1970. The ‘four related fields of work' are as follows: Group II: equilibrium interactions of polymer molecules in solution; Group III: dynamic interactions between solutes; 'Group |: hyaluronic acids; the isolation and characterization of This contains Ogston's own identification of his principal areas of research and his accompanying notes on the published papers chosen for submission. and present the research material in Section B. Group IV: aspects of the theory and practice of diffusion and sedimentation. ' These headings have been used as far as possible to identify A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 SECTION 8 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH B.1 - B.91 Introduction to Section B The material is presented according to the alphabetical list of topics overleaf. | Ogston's own designations of his folders have been retained, though bulky files have sometimes been split for ease of reference. Work on hyaluronic acids, B.64 - B.72, equilibrium reactions, B.46 - B.63, complex boundaries, B.4 - B.7, and diffusion and sedimentation, B.9 - B.37, correspond to Groups | - IV of Ogston's list of his research interests as described in A.9. Work on cell fusion, B.1 - B.3, transport through membranes, B.25 - B.27, and oxidative phosphorylation, B.85 - B.91, represent late work, added to the collection by Ogston in November 1980. Ogston was almost always meticulous in supplying titles and descriptions and dates for his own research notes, and in paginating various sequences of narrative drafts. The correspondence with colleagues, collaborators and editors is that retained by Ogston in his research files. | Other correspondence with the same colleagues may also be found in Section C. Scientific research A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 LIST OF RESEARCH TOPICS CELL FUSION COMPLEX BOUNDARIES CORNEAL SWELLING DIFFUSION AND SEDIMENTATION B39 B.10 Diffusion homogeneity ACh diffusion -11-B.15 Hindered diffusion .16-B.20A Dextrans and Sephadex .21-B.23 Gastric acid secretion B.1-B.3 B.4-B.7 3.8 B.9 - B.37 .24-B.27 Membrane transport B.40 - B.45 Partition in HA Polysarcosine Nucleic acid B.31-B.37 Sedimentation .28 oe B.30 ENZYME KINETICS ENZYME SPECIFICITY ENZYMES: MOLECULAR WEIGHTS and 'Three-point attachment’ B.38 B.39 A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 EQUILIBRIUM REACTIONS B.46- B.63 Scientific research B.46 B.47 -48 By B.63 Fibre space Micelles Molecular interaction exclusion Sedimentation - HA, Dextran Quaternary (polyelectrolyte) systems Synaptosomes light-scattering Ternary thermodynamics Ternary systems phase relationships Thermodynamic non-ideality Virus collisions HYALURONIC ACIDS (HA) B.64 -B.72 B.73'-B.83 B.84 - B.87 B.83 Refractometer MUSTARD GAS B./3-8./9 Elastoviscometer B.76-B.82 Osmometer MEASURING DEVICES OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION B.88 - B.91 A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Scientific research CELL FUSION 1978-79 Ogston describes this (private communication, 1980) (in which | have long been interested)’. It was undertaken during Ogston's period as Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, and was not published. 5 bundles of ms. notes, December 1978- January 1979. Drafts for paper, 'How water-soluble polymers may promote fusion of cells’. Correspondence with colleagues, publication. Includes referees' comments. / and with Nature re Seinen EInieeneneeRnanmem COMPLEX BOUNDARIES 1964-70 The material relates to research and to several collaborative See also B.18, B.19. 1966 papers on dynamic interactions between solutes (Group II! of Ogston's own analysis of his research interests in A.9). The correspondence is principally with L.W. Nichol, D.J. Winzor and A. Rescigno (Ogston's collaborators at various stages), and includes revisions and discussions of referees’ comments. Bundles of ms. notes by Ogston, almost all dated and paginated by him, various dates, 10 May 1964-14 December 1965. Two of the sequences (5 and 15 June 1964) are in the form of letters to L.W. Nichol. | Hyperbolic boundaries’ . Includes drafts, revisions, discussions of referees’ comments etc. on papers titled 'Gel chromatography', 'Evaluation of gel filtration data on systems interacting chemically and physically’, 'Reaction boundaries and elution profiles in column chromatography’. Similar material, mainly on paper ‘Migrating boundaries of interacting systems. Correspondence with colleagues. Correspondence with colleagues. 1968-70 A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Scientific research Two ms. notes and narratives on gel chromatography and gel electrophoresis, May 1971. CORNEAL SWELLING 1968 Photocopy (only) of Ogston's letter to D.M. Maurice of notes and calculations on swelling pressure of cornea. DIFFUSION AND SEDIMENTATION 1948-78 The material relates to research and publications on various aspects of the theory and practice of diffusion and sedimentation (Group IV of Ogston's own analysis of his research interests in A.9). is much the largest topic because of the wide variety of aspects studied. It See also B.49, B.50 'Diffusion homogeneity’ Miscellaneous ms. sequences of notes by Ogston, 19 February- 12 May 1948, and May 1950. Correspondence with colleagues, 1948-49, re development and naming of the 'Gouy Diffusiometer'’. "ACh diffusion’ Miscellaneous ms. bundles of notes, calculations and graphs by Ogston, only one dated (December 1954). by diffusion’, to accompany paper by MacIntosh et al. Correspondence with F.C. MacIntosh, 1949, 1951-52, re research and publications. Includes draft of appendix by Ogston, 'Removal of acetylcholine from a limited volume Ogston A.G. CSAC 98/2/84 B.11-B.15 'Hindered Diffusion’ Scientific research A B.12 Ms. notes on the literature, references, etc. on ‘hindered’ or 'restricted' diffusion, n.d. 1950s (in original folder). Continuing ms. notes and narratives on Ogston's theories and those of others, some in the form of letters to T.F. Sherman, various dates, October 1959-September 1960. Similar material, 1961-62. Similar material, 1963-64, mainly referring to the results of work by T.C. Laurent and Persson, and including corres~ pondence and data from Laurent. Continuing notes, ideas and narratives, 1971-72. correspondence from J.M. Hammersley, and a draft letter from Ogston to T.C. Laurent and colleague on 'a new version of the "hindered diffusion" theory which | stumbled on a few The letter was not sent, and bears a ms. note months ago'. referring to notes for 22 May and 18 July 1972. Notes and narratives continue to 25 October 1972. Includes B.16-B.20A Dextrans and Sephadex. B.16 "Dextrans’ ‘Sephadex swelling’ B.18, B.19 ‘Spreading on Sephadex’ Notes, data, correspondence with colleagues re research and publication, 1953, 1955. Miscellaneous ms. notes and narratives on various aspects of diffusion theory, elution volume, chromatography, etc. November 1966-August 1967. 1969-70 principally D. J. Winzor, re paper provisionally titled ‘Boundary Spreading in Gel Filtration’ and eventually pub- lished as 'An experimental and theoretical investigation of boundary spreading in gel chromatography' by Ogston, Winzor and Hibberd. Includes referees' comments, revisions of material, etc. Notes, narratives and correspondence with colleagues, 1967-68 A. G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 B.20, B.20A 'SE-Sephadex' Scientific research B.20 Notes, narratives and calculations, 1967-68, some in the form of a letter to E Edmond. the form of pondence from K. Granath. E. Edmond, and inctucing corres and includina corres- a fetter fo Included here is a ms. narrative on 'Sephadex penetrating solutes', 'with some corrections February 1969’. B .20A Similar material, 1970-71 (not all in Ogston's hand). B.21-B.23 ‘Gastric acid secretion’ B.2] Notes, narratives, and correspondence, mainly with R.E. Davies re collaborative research and paper on 'The mechanism of acid secretion by gastric mucosa', January 1949- January 1951. (Davies was working in the Medical Research Council Unit for Research in Cell Metabolism directed in the University of Sheffield by H.A. (later Sir Hans) Krebs, who is occasionally referred to in the correspondence. ) B.23 B.24 'E.M.F. Transport’ B.24-B.27 ‘Membrane transport’ Ms. draft and typescript abstract of paper. Ms. narratives, some extensive, and notes on gastric mucosa, most dated May 1955. 3 pp. typescript and ms. paper (untitled), on 'the interpretation of electromotive measurements, in particular those which are made upon biological systems’, submitted for comment to R.P. Bell, witha few comments by him, n.d., ¢.1957. Miscellaneous shorter drafts and narratives. Ms. draft of a paper 'Use and abuse of the Nernst equation: an alternative treatment', with extensive comment from a colleague, n.d., later than above and probably related to paper with C.C. Michel Correspondence with A.L. Hodgkin re a similar paper by Ogston on E.M.F. transport, submitted to Hodgkin for comment, 1957. (see below). A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Scientific research B, 2076.27 ‘Transport through membranes' This is described by Ogston (private communication, . ; ‘ 1980) as 'undertaken in collaboration with Dr. C.C. Michel, following a series of seminars on membrane transport which he organised in the Department of Physiology EOxfordJ. worked on this in intervals of my duties at Trinity, and it was eventually published in Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (1978), 34.’ | : Miscellaneous ms. sequences of notes, calculations and narratives, some in the form of letters exchanged with C.C. Michel,, January-November 1975. Similar material, February 1976-November 1977. Ms. and typescript drafts and revisions for paper, brief correspondence with collaborator and editor, 1978. 'Nucleic acid! The material relates to a research programme to examine The A collaborative paper was prepared, and Ogston also Folder includes notes and graphs, correspondence, detailed research programme, meetings, etc., 1946-47, and later correspondence and draft for paper 1950. wrote a later paper 'Sedimentation and diffusion of dioxyribose nucleic acid' (Trans. Faraday Soc., 46, 1950) a draft for which is included. the sedimentation constant of a nucleic acid sample. enquiry was first made in 1946 by J.M. Gulland to R.A. Peters, who passed it on to Ogston; the experiments were then carried out in collaboration by Ogston and R.G. Cecil in Oxford and D.O. Jordan in Nottingham. Folder contains notes, results, correspondence, 1949-50. the sedimentation, viscosity and molecular weight of sarcosine polymers. The work was originally undertaken at the request of S. Waley (Courtaulds Limited). Brief correspondence and draft only, for paper on ‘Exclusion of inulin from solutions of hyaluronic acid', 1960. The material relates to a research programme to investigate ‘Partition in HA' 'Polysarcosine’ A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Scientific research ‘Sedimentation. Plug Theory’ Correspondence, 1950-51, with collaborator and colleagues re research and paper on ‘Studies of the sedimentation, diffusion and viscosity of some sarcosine polymers in aqueous solution’, by Ogston and J.N. Fessler, published in Trans. Includes discussion of referees’ Faraday Soc., 47, 1951. comments and Ogston's ms. narrative 'Plug model of sedimentation’ pp.4-22, various dates, May 1950. B.32-B.36 ‘Sedimentation and diffusion theory’ B.32 5.30 B. 34 Miscellaneous ms. notes and narratives, some by Ogston but mainly by R.L. Baldwin. Only one set is dated (1952). Correspondence with R.L. Baldwin, 1953-54. Correspondence with L.H. Kent, 1955. Miscellaneous ms. drafts by Ogston, on 'The Random Walk and transport processes’ (sent with a covering note to R.P. Bell), 'Diffusion and movement’, etc. Also included are two referees' comments on a paper by Ogston, 'A comparison of methods of describing diffusion in liquid systems’ . Later correspondence on subject, with R.H. Stokes, 1962. ‘Sedimentation in HA-protein mixtures’ Laurent. Ms. sequences of notes and narratives on equilibrium sedi- etc. on Johnston- Ms. notes by Ogston ‘Effect of sector cell, Ogston effect', June 1963 anda ms. draft letter on the subject to T.C_ mentation, September~November 1965. Ogston A.G. CSAC 98/2/84 Sc ientific research ENZYME KINETICS Ms. notes and calculations on 'phosphotransferase kinetics’, September 1962. Also included are two earlier papers on the subject by Ogston and collaborators, 1955 and 1961 (offprints only). ENZYMES: MOLECULAR WEIGHTS Notes and correspondence, May 1962, for a paper ‘Molecular weights of enzymes', Nature, 13 October 1962. B.40-B.45 ENZYME SPECIFICITY and 'Three-point attachment’ The material is mainly concerned with Ogston's note ‘On the interpretation of experiments on metabolic processes, using isotopic tracer elements', published in Nature, December 18, 1948, and with correspondence and research arising there- The argument he advanced attracted very wide interest from. and continues to be recognised as of fundamental importance to stereochemistry (see B.45 as example only). Curiously, Ogston does not include the paper, nor refer Ina later autobiographical note (Nature, 276, he wrote a modest disclaimer: '"Three-point attachment” to the work, in his list of his principal contributions in A.9, presumably because it lay somewhat outside his usual fields of activity. 1978) was a gift, out of the blue, for which | have never felt able to claim much credit’. comment from H.A. Krebs, 1950. Correspondence arising from 1948 paper, from H.A. Krebs (1948), V.R. Potter (enclosing manuscript, 1949), P.E. Wilcox (enclosing manuscript, 1949). Ms. and typescript draft of Ogston's paper 'On the specificity of the enzyme aconitase' (Nature, 167, 1951), with letter of Typescript draft for original paper, diagram, offprint of published paper, 1948. A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Scientific research Miscellaneous ms. and typescript drafts for a paper by Ogston, variously titled, on the differential reaction of ‘identical’ chemical groups. With letters of comment by Heo A bbe TN Kraehe (1954) and is Ge Hodgkin (rn INITEMO LEZ ee] Mi w papers by other Liflanaues catia to in dad. ) and including ne draft. Photocopy (only) of ms. notes headed '1977. Krebs. A problem of isotope distribution in gluconeogenesis’ . To Sir Hans Copies of articles by J.W. Cornforth, 'Enzymes and Stereo- chemistry’, Tetrahedron, 30, Enzyme action’, Ogston's work. Ogston's 1948 paper as 1974, and 'Asymmetry and Nobel Prize Lecture, 1975, alluding to In the first of these, Cornforth describes 'a short classic note’. Krebs, ‘Reminiscences and Reflections', See also H.A. O.U.P. 1981; Chapter 14 is devoted almost entirely to a discussion of Ogston's 'penetrating theoretical analysis’ . B.46-B.63 EQUILIBRIUM INTERACTIONS The material relates to research and publications on (Group II of Ogston's own analysis a uniform random suspension of fibres’ (Trans. ‘Fibre space’ Ms. notes and drafts, November 1957, April 1958. various aspects of equilibrium interactions of polymer molecules in solution of his research interests in A.9). Ms. draft for paper ‘Spaces between fibres’, with referees’ comments, and offprint of version published under title ‘The spaces in Faraday Soc., 54, November 1958). correspondence. Ms. draft for paper 'On the co-volume concept of interaction between unlike molecules', submitted to J. Phys. Chem., December 1970, with referees’ comments and brief editorial 2 ms. narratives, 'Micelles viewed as interphases', 1967, ‘Aggregation treatment of micelles', 1972. Miscellaneous notes and narratives, May 1967, March, May 1970. 'Micelles' ‘Molecular interaction exclusion’ Ogston A.G. CSAC 98/2/84 B.49, B.50 'Sedimentation - HA, Dextran’ Scientific research Despite this designation on the original folder, Ogston lists the paper on equilibrium sedimentation in Group II of A.9 and it has therefore been included here. Ms. notes and narratives by Ogston, January-August 1965. Correspondence with editors, and referees' comments, re publication in Biopolymers (February 1966) and The Biochemical Journal (July 1966) of two papers by Ogston, L.W. Nichol and B.N. Preston, 'The measurement of thermodynamic non-ideality in polymers by sedimentation equilibrium’ and 'The equilibrium sedimentation of hyaluronic acid'. letter from L.W. Nichol. Includes ‘Quaternary (polyelectrolyte) systems' Miscellaneous sequences of notes and narratives, 1965, 1967, 1969; 1971 ; ‘Synaptosomes light-scattering’ Correspondence on subject from R.M. Marchbanks, 1968. 8 a-BO7 ‘Ternary thermodynamics’ Bo 2 ms. narratives, ‘Possibility of determining the character- istics of synaptosomes by light-scattering’, ‘Measurement of sizes of synaptosomes by light-scattering’, both May 1968. Miscellaneous sequences of notes and narratives, various dates, May-October 1961, leading up to and including ms. draft for paper 'Some thermodynamic relationships in ternary systems ...', published in Arch. Biochem. Biophys. Suppl. 1, 1962. for joint paper in the Biochemical Journal, 1961-63. Work in both these folders contains references to the work of T. C. Laurent, see B.57 below. Similar material, 1962. Similar material, 1963-64. Correspondence and comments on papers from D.H. Everett, R.H. Stokes, 1961-62. Correspondence with T.C. Laurent, including results and drafts A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 B.58-B .60 'Ternary systems phase relationships’ Scientific research B.58 B. 59 B.60 Initial correspondence with colleagues on the problem, line= duly 1966 SUIS Uy Fre Miscellaneous sequences of notes and narratives, July 1966- October 1968, and including correspondence with M.P. Tombs Miscellaneous sequences of notes and narratives, and corres~ pondence with H. Tompa, February- July 1971. 'Thermodynamic non-ideality' Mainly related to collaborative paper with D. J. Winzor, 'The treatment of thermodynamic non-ideality', submitted to J. Phys. Chem., 1975. Miscellaneous sequences of notes and narratives, October~- December 1974. Correspondence with collaborator and with editor. referees' comments, 1975. Includes 'Virus collisions’ B.64 B.65 B.64-B.72 HYALURONIC ACID (HA) The material relates to research and publications on the isolation and characterisation of hyaluronic acids (Group | of Ogston's own analysis of his research interests in A.9). Notes and correspondence, 1962, mainly relating to Ogston's paper 'On uncertainties inherent in the determination of the efficiency of collision between virus particles and cells’, published in Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 66, 1963. See B.73-B.75. Correspondence, 1949-51, with Medical Research Council re grants for research on ox synovial fluid. Includes statement of intended research, 1949, and of progress of work, October 1950 and May 1951. Ogston obtained a grant from the Council for the construction of an 'elastoviscometer'. Notes and narratives by Ogston, and a 'Summary of U.F.R. - protein position', by C.C. Curtain. None dated. B.64-B.69 ‘Hyaluronic acid (HA) earlier calculations’ A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Scientific research Correspondence with colleagues re research, supply of specimens, discussion of results and publications. In chronological order. 1949-50. 195] Includes ms. notes and calculations by Ogston, sent to J.P. Johnston. lyoze5s.. Notes, drafts and correspondence for later research paper on subject, for publication in Nature, 1965. HA 'Faraday Soc.' Ms. notes of contributions to discussion at a meeting of the Faraday Society in August 1952, at which papers on hyaluronic acid were presented. Includes proofs of papers by K. Meyer, and by Ogston and J.E. Stanier, read and discussed at the meeting. ‘Bacterial HA' 'HA Light-scattering' Notes, drafts and correspondence with collaborators, some dated 1954. Miscellaneous sequences of notes and drafts, November 1964- May 1965, and Ogston's copy of his letter to B. N. Preston on results. his ideas for the apparatus. (see 8.55 ff.), and built by a commercial supplier from design sketches by Ogston who purchased the apparatus with the help of a grant from the Medical Research Council. Correspondence with B.A. Toms re research and publications on synovial fluid, 1949. Ogston's letter of 16 September outlines This was developed for the work on ox synovial fluid B.73-B.83 MEASURING DEVICES B.73-8.75 ELASTOVISCOMETER A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Scientific research Correspondence with colleagues and with supplier re 'elastometer'. 1950 and one letter 1951. Includes Ogston's specification and drawings. Bs/e Miscellaneous sequences of notes, graphs and calculations on elastoviscosity. Various dates, January-April 1952. B.76-B.82 OSMOMETER B.76 ‘Sephadex bead osmometry' Photographs, notes and correspondence, 1969-70. Includes programme of Royal Society Conversazione, May 1972, at which Ogston presented an exhibit on 'Use of gels for micro-osmometry'. 'Loops' Material mainly related to collaborative work with Correspondence with collaborator and colleague 1972. Ms. sequences of notes and narratives, October 1971, May- June 1972. B.N. Preston and a joint paper 'A sensitive and accurate gel osmometer', published in Biochemical Journal, 1973. sample of the work was displayed in the exhibition of Ogston's career and research held in the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford, in 1980, when it was described as ‘another of Professor Ogston's original and very novel ideas for solving physico- chemical problems involved in the use of acrylamide gel bilayers to measure osmotic pressure’ . A Included here is a proof with ms. corrections of the osmometer paper. P. Silpananta, mainly 1972 but one set dated September 1966. P. Silpananta and a joint paper submitted for publication in Biochemical Journal, and later published in Biochem. Soc. Transactions (1973). B.79=B 8! 'Phase separation osmometry' The material relates principally to collaborative work with Notes, calculations and graphs, a few in the hand of A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Scientific research Miscellaneous ms. drafts for papers, on ‘Penetration of gel by polymer at phase separation’ (February-March 1973), and 'On the use of phase separation in mixed gels for the micro-measurement of osmotic pressure’ (n.d. but with a later ms. note 'This was never published’). Correspondence with P. Silpananta and with editor, Biochemical Journal, re joint paper 'Micro-gel osmometry by phase separation', 1973. Includes draft of paper, and photographs. 'Osmometry’ Later ms. notes and drafts, 1973, 1975, with a letter to M.P. Tombs and related offprints on osmometer design. REFRACTOMETER Miscellaneous notes, calculations and drafts, only one set dated 1963. MUSTARD GAS Research reports on the chemical reactivity of mustard The reports are gas, most by Ogston, a few collaborative. almost all headed 'Research Item 21' (the code reference) Duplicated reports, various dates, 1940-42. (Linstead was Two typescript reports, by Ogston and collaborators, n.d. Included here is a 'Table of Competition Factors' annotated and signed by RP. Linstead, June 1942. then working at Harvard.) Three ms. reports by Ogston, n.d. Three ms. reports by Ogston, n.d. A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 B.88-B.91 OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION Scientific research san was described by Ogston (private communication, 1980) as ‘undertaken at the invitation of the Editor of oe begun during my tenure of a Visiting Fellowship at the Institute for Cancer Research, Philadelphia and com- pleted during my tenure of a Visiting Fellowship at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, A.N.U. in 1979’. The paper, 'Some thoughts on oxidative phosphorylation’, was not published. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript drafts, and final typescript of paper as submitted. Miscellaneous ms. notes and narratives. Notes for two short talks on the subject, given at Philadelphia and Melbourne. Correspondence with Nature, 1978-79. Includes invitation to Ogston to write on 'chemiosmotic theory’, later correspondence re paper and referees reports. Correspondence with colleagues, 1979. Ogston's letter of 19 April in reply to a historical enquiry from B.H. Weber gives an account of his early (1948) involve- ment in the subject. A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE C.1 - C.33 The correspondence is presented in an alphabetical sequence, indexed and dated, with a brief note of any material of particular personal or scientific interest. ie | Alexander, A. E. PVA 'beads'. Alexandrowitz, Z. Osmotic pressures. Armstrong, J. McD. Aschaffenburg, R. 1968 1965-66 1957 Comments on a paper by Ogston. Balazs) br 2 A 1960, 1964-65 Research and publications, chiefly on equilibrium sedimentation of hyaluronic acid. Includes referees’ comments. Batdwint,: Ry Ei; 1955-356 Barnett; Gyr. Synovial fluid viscosity. THE BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 1963-65 Research and publications, chiefly on boundary spreading . Synovial fluid in joints. Mainly re papers submitted by Ogston and colleagues for publication. Correspondence 1961 includes invitation to Ogston to join Editorial Board (declined). Mainly re papers submitted by Ogston for publication. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA 1961-63 Budtz-Olsen, O. EE. 1967 Arrangements for Ogston to lecture at Brisbane. Charnley, J. A.G. Ogston CSAC 98/2/84 Crank, J. Diffusion. Cranston, R. W. Dale: bys cH. Correspondence 1960-61 Comments on a paper by Ogston. Davenport, H. Diffusion through gastric mucosa. Davies, D:.