THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the further correspondence and papers of DOROTHY MARY MOYLE NEEDHAM (1896-1987) biochemist in Girton College Library, Cambridge CB3 0JG Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS 37/5/92) by Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts NRA 33448 London WC2A 1HP All rights reserved No 2/93 Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of DOROTHY MARY MOYLE NEEDHAM FRS (1896 - 1987) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in the Library, Girton College, Cambridge 1992 NCUACS 37/5/92 All rights reserved University of Bath D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library British Petroleum plc The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry The Wellcome Trust D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.121,A.122 SECTION B CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY B.34-B.64 SECTION C NOTEBOOKS C.79-C.150 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES D.75-D.123 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 INTRODUCTION This catalogue is a supplement to that compiled in 1990 (NCUACS 22/7/90). The material has been arranged into sections and numbered to follow the sequence of the previous catalogue, which should be consulted in conjunction with this Supplementary Catalogue. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The collection is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. Material supplementary to the 1990 catalogue has been found for the first four sections. Section A, Biographical and Personal, comprises two new items: an undergraduate essay by Needham and a thesis completed c.1925, probably submitted for the Beit Memorial Fellowship. Section B, Cambridge University, consists chiefly of material relating to the foundation of two Cambridge women's colleges: New Hall in 1954 and Lucy Cavendish College, the first women's graduate college in the University, in 1965. The papers reflect Needham's close involvement in their establishment through her membership of the Third Foundation Association (which campaigned for New Hall) and ‘the Dining Group' (or the Society of Women Members of the Regent House who are not Fellows of Colleges) which became Lucy Cavendish College. 1971). There is a complete typescript draft of the '2nd copy’ and correspondence 1967-70 with colleagues from whom she sought advice and comments. There is also an index of correspondents. wartime research on chemical defence and post-war research on enzyme biochemistry. Needham's research career. The section includes many undergraduate notebooks used by 1915-19. All aspects of Needham's research work are documented: from post-graduate and post- Machina Carnis: the biochemistry of muscular contraction in its historical development (Cambridge Needham for notes on lectures and practical work for the Natural Sciences Tripos at Girton College doctoral research under F.G. Hopkins and work in the 1930s on ATP (adenosinetriphosphate), to Section D, Publications and Lectures, chiefly consists of further material relating to Needham's book Section C, Notebooks, covers the period 1914-62, a time-span encompassing the whole of BATH 1992 T. E. Powell P. Harper D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.121, A.122 Undergraduate essay ‘The Biology of Flowers’, 11pp ms + 1916. 1p ms notes, January This was awarded a 'B+' with the comment 'This is a good account of purely historic interest. It gives too little idea of flower biology as it is at present conceived. ‘A thesis onthe pH and rH muscle by application for the Beit Memorial Fellowship which Needham was awarded in 1925. of the cell-interior and on the chemical dynamics of Probably submitted in D. M. Needham’. Retained in original covers. D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 SECTION B CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY B.34 - B.39 THIRD FOUNDATION ASSOCIATION B.40 - B.47 THE DINING GROUP B.48 - B.63 LUCY CAVENDISH COLLEGE B.64 GIRTON COLLEGE THIRD FOUNDATION ASSOCIATION This Association was established in 1951 to press for the establishment of a third Its aim was achieved with the foundation of New women's college in Cambridge. Hall in 1954 and the Association was then wound up. Needham was a member of the Association through her membership of the Dining Group (see below B.40-B.47), which supported the establishment of a third foundation. The events leading up to the formation of the Association are narrated in a note by Needham prepared for the Dining Group (B.40). 1951 May - October. Includes ‘Outline of proposals for a Third Collegiate Foundation for Women in the University of Cambridge’, 4pp typescript. Includes ‘Analysis of points of difference between the two schools of third a 1951 November. typescript with ms amendments, and typescript list of ‘Corrections agreed’. of proposal to establish a Third Foundation, 4pp Includes draft 1952-53. Papers of meetings 22 November 1952, 20 January and 12 February 1953; list of members 22 January 1953. 1951, nd. thought’, 8pp typescript; ms notes by Needham on the requirements of foundation. Trust Fund. 1954. final meeting of the Association); brochure for New Hall, July; papers re G.P. Bidder/Third Foundation Publicity material March 1953; papers of meetings 17 July and 2 December; 1953. exchange with Dame Myra Curtis re name of third foundation, December. Papers of meetings 9 February and 21 April (the D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 THE DINING GROUP Cambridge University Needham was a member of the Dining Group, an informal social club of Cambridge University women. It supported the idea of a third women's college and co-operated in the formation of the Third Foundation Association (see above B.34-B.39) but From 1953 it adopted as a continued in existence after New Hall was established. formal title are not Fellows of Colleges' and was instrumental in the creation of Lucy Cavendish College as a graduate college for women (see below B.48-B.63). 'the Society of Women Members of the Regent House who 1952 March - May. Papers of meetings 26 March, 29 April, (includes 3pp typescript draft towards a third foundation). 13 May and 27 May by Needham on the Group's involvement in moves 1952 July - September. 25 July (includes 3pp duplicated typescript 'Draft proposals for a new women's foundation at Cambridge University’), 5 August and 30 September. Papers of meetings 8 July, 15 July, Minutes of meetings of 1953. 3 March and 10 November; ‘An Open Letter to the Dining Club [...] containing suggestions for a Five-Year Policy' by M. Masterman, 15 February. The Memorandum pressed the University Council for recognition of the Society as a corporate body within the University. 1960. ‘Memorandum submitted by the Society of Women Members’, 5pp duplicated typescript draft 8 December 1960 and 6pp ?final version. 1955-58. Includes ‘Memorandum submitted by the Society of Women Members of the Regent House, who are not Fellows of Colleges ("The Dining Group")', 6pp duplicated typescript, with reply from University Registrar 21 June 1955. ‘to The Memorandum was prepared for the Syndicate established by the University report on any ways in which they think that the relations between the University and the Colleges could be improved’. The Memorandum pressed for recognition of the Society as a collegiate body. the Memorandum (B.44). 1962 (1). 'Report of the Syndicate...', Cambridge University Reporter 13 March. 1962 (2). ‘Statement by the Society of Women Members’, 7pp duplicated typescript. This statement, published in the Cambridge University Reporterof 18 May, was critical of the Syndicate's Report and argued for the collegiate scheme presented in D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Cambridge University 1962-64. Cambridge University Reporter 13 June 1963; Members to typescript, 24 July 1963, with reply from the Registrar. Includes 'Report of the Council of the Senate on Societies for graduates’, request from Society of Women 3pp duplicated a Collegiate Society, recognition as Council for The Registrar noted the Council had received the Society's request with sympathy and felt, given University approval, it should be possible to establish a Collegiate Society on the lines suggested. LUCY CAVENDISH COLLEGE The Society of Women Members of the Regent House who are not Fellows of Colleges (the Dining Group) adopted the name Lucy Cavendish Collegiate Society in 1964 in expectation of recognition by the University and conferment of collegiate status. It received recognition as an Approved Society of the University on 31 July 1965. The Collegiate Society was wound up on 31 December 1965, to become Lucy Cavendish College. B.48 B.49 B.48-B.52 Collegiate Society 1964. duplicated typescript. Includes 'Draft Memorandum on the Lucy Cavendish Collegiate Society’, 4pp 1964 February - May. Papers of business meetings 18 February, 10 March, 5 May. 1964 June-October. Papers of AGM 2 June and business meetings 2 June, 14 July, 11 August, 22 September and 20 October. 1965 January - June. Papers of business meetings 19 January, 9 March, 26 April, 25 May, 8 June and 22 June (includes 3pp duplicated typescript ‘Material relating to the discussion of the Council of Senate's Report in the Regent House on 13 July’). meeting of the Collegiate Society); list of members. 1965 July - November. Papers of business meetings 23 July, 17 August (the last D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Cambridge University B.53-B.63 Lucy Cavendish College Needham was a member of the Governing Body and of the Council of the College. B.53-B.62 Papers for meetings of Governing Body and Council 1965-66. B.53 1965 August-November B.58 1966 April B.54 1965 November-December B.59 1966 May (1) B.55 1966 January B.60 1966 May (2) B.56 1966 February B.61 1966 June-September B.57 1966 March-April B.62 1966 October-December Printed material re College 1965-66; brief correspondence 1966. GIRTON COLLEGE B.64 Miscellaneous material, 1948-51. D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 SECTION C NOTEBOOKS C.79 - C.150 79, Beech Road, Hardback notebook inscribed on first page Used from the front for notes on and pencil sketches of plants Stockport. Botany’. found growing wild, 3 June - 13 August [71914] and 4 September 1920, and at the back for chemistry notes (some loose). _A little intercalated material includes 1913 Christmas card. ‘Dorothy M. Moyle, C.80-C.114 Undergraduate notebooks. Needham entered Girton College in 1915 to study for the Natural Sciences Tripos. She passed Part | in 1918 and Part Il, specialising in Chemistry, in 1919. Softback notebook inscribed on spine "PHYSIOLOGY IlI' and on first page ‘Girton. October Term 1915. General Physiology. Professor [J.N.] Langley and Professor [F.G.] Hopkins’. Paginated 1-162, with incomplete list of contents at the back. Used for notes on lectures 11 November 1915 - 29 February 1916. Softback notebook inscribed on spine ‘PHYSIOLOGY Ill’ and on first page ‘Lent Term 1916. Used for notes on lectures 4 March - 26 May 1916, and October - 8 December [71916]. Professor Langley & Professor Hopkins’. General Physiology Practical Chemistry. Miss Thomas’. Softback notebook inscribed on spine 'CHEMISTRY' and on first page ‘Practical Chemistry. Miss [M.B.] Thomas’. Used for notes 12 October 1915-26 January 1916. Softback notebook. continuation of those in C.84), and 'Lent Term. 1918' 17 January - 28 February. Used for notes on lectures 6 March - 18 March 1916 (asa Softback notebook inscribed on spine "PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY Il’ and on first page ‘Lent Term 1916. Used for notes 4 February - 17 May 1916, 9 May 1917, and nd (some loose). Softback notebook inscribed on spine 'BOTANY |' and on first page ‘Lent Term, 1916. Botany. Mr [F.F.] Blackman and Mr [?C.E.] Moss’. Used for notes on lectures 21 January - 6 March. back for notes on lecture on magnetism. Softback notebook inscribed on spine 'ANALYSIS' and on first page ‘Easter Term, 1916. for notes 16 May - 29 May 1916, 23 April - 21 May [?], and from the back for notes on ‘Organic Analysis’ 21 February [?]. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘May Term 1916. Mr [C.M.] Sleeman’. Used from the front for notes on lectures 2 - 30 May and nd, and from the Qualitative Analysis’. Used from the front A little loose material. Electricity. D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Notebooks Manchester High School for Girls exercise book inscribed on cover '[...] Chemistry Notes’. Used for miscellaneous notes Long Vacation 1916, March 1917, and July [21917]. Manchester High School for Girls exercise book inscribed on cover ‘[...] Girton College, Cambridge’. Used for notes on physiology course Long Vacation 1916, 2 November 1916 - 8 February 1917, 6 September [71917], and 25 February 1918. Softback notebook inscribed on spine 'PRACTICAL ORGANIC’ and on ‘Practical Organic Chemistry’. Used for notes 13 October 1916 - 12 February 1917. first page Softback notebook. Used for notes on lectures on botany 2 - 20 May [71916], and 12 - 310ctober [?1916]. The second set of notes probably continues in C.92. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Michaelmas Term, 1916. Botany. December 1916 and Lent term January - 8 March 1917. C.91. Elementary Used for notes on lectures 2 November - 7 Probably continued from Professor [A.C.] Seward’. Practical. Professor Practical Used for notes 5 - 24 July 1917, 1 March 1918. A little material intercalated. 1917. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Elementary Botany. Seward’. Used for pencil sketches from 4 May [71917]. Manchester High School for Girls exercise book inscribed on cover ‘Botany notes’. Used for notes on lectures 28 November 1916 (‘Evolutionary theory and modern doubts’ by W. Bateson) - Plant Chemistry. Miss Softback notebook inscribed on first page 'May Term. [M.] Wheldale’. Used from the front for notes on experiments 24 April - 22 May, and from the back for notes on ?practicals. 21 January 1921). Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Long Vacation Term. 1917. Chemistry. Inorganic Preparations. Miss Thomas’. and 'Lent Term 1918. Revision’ notes 17 January - 7 March. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Organic Chemistry. Preparations. Mr [W. H.] Mills’. ‘Lactic Acid in Mammalian Muscle’, probably made over an extended period (includes work dated Used for notes 5 - 29 July [71917], and notes on D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Notebooks Dr [J.C.] Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Long Vacation Term 1917. Willis’. Used from the front for notes on lectures on plant taxonomy, ecology etc 4 - 25 July, and notes on plant biochemistry 4 - 12 March [?], and from the back for lists of plants found at different sites. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Bacteriology’. A note by Needham loose at front identifies the contents as: ‘Bacteriology, Long Vac Course from sequence of dates [...] would have to be long vac 1917’. Used for notes 6 July - 8 August. Softback notebook inscribed on spine 'CHEMISTRY DR FENTON' and on first page ‘Michaelmas Term. 1917. Practical Chemistry. Dr [H.J.H.] Fenton’. Used for notes on practicals from 16 October. Physical 8 December Lent term January - 12 March 1918 and Summer Term from 23 April. A little on first page 'Michaelmas Term 1917. Used for notes on lectures 24 November - Hardback notebook inscribed Chemistry. 1917, intercalated material. Dr Fenton’. Hardback notebook inscribed Professor [R.C.] Punnett’. 1917 and Lent term 17 January - 7 March 1918. on first page ‘Michaelmas Term 1917. Genetics. 6 December Used for notes on lectures 16 October - Practical Botany’. Used for pencil Softback notebook inscribed on first page '1917. sketches. Softback notebook inscribed on spine 'PHYSIOLOGY DR SHORE ' ‘Lent Term 1918. Physiology. Dr Shore’. March. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Oct. 1917. Central Nervous System. Dr [L.E.] Shore’. Used for pencil sketches and notes October 1917 and Lent term from 23 January 1918. A little intercalated material. notes dated 5 December 1923. Loose note by Needham identifies Softback notebook used for notes on lectures. IV [towards back of the contents as: 'Oxidations in the cell Prof. Hopkins I, book] & Lent Term 1918 Intermed 1) Set of Hopkins & Cole Chemical Physiology, Th 9 With practical work F. 10 [...] 2) Probably lects of Langley & [?F.H.A.] Marshall, Easter Term, Intermed lects in General Physics, by Loose at front are ms Hopkins & others & reading. Michaelmas 1918, Lent 1919’. and on first page Used for notes on lectures 18 January - 7 3) Miscell lects MWF9QJ...] II, Ill, D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Notebooks Softback notebook inscribed on first page 'Michalmas [sic] Term 1918. [...] Physical Chemistry’. 11 January 1919, and various dates 16 October 1921 - 15 November 1923 (lecturers include Hopkins and J.B.S. Haldane). A little intercalated material. Used for notes on lectures 18 October 1918 - Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Organic Chemistry. Part Il. Used for notes 14 October 1918 - 30 January 1919. C.109. Mr Mills’. Notes possibly continued in Hardback notebook used for notes on chemistry 6 February - possibly continuing notes in C.108. 13 March [?1919], Hardback notebook inscribed on first page 'Michaelmas Term, 1918 [...] Metallurgy. Mr [C.T.] Heycock'. Used chiefly for notes on practicals. Organic Softback notebook inscribed on first Chemistry Reading’. Used for notes from 18 October 1918. A little intercalated material, including programme for Cambridge University versus All England tennis competition 14 June 1920. ‘Michaelmas Term, 1918. page Softback notebook inscribed on first page 'Plant Physiology Practical Mr Blackman’. Used for notes 23 April - 9 May [7]. Hardback notebook used for notes on chemistry, latest reference 1917. Loose notes at back of book. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Practical Chemistry’. practicals from 14 October [71918]. papers for Part Il of Natural Sciences Tripos, 27 May 1919. Used for notes on Loose at front are two Chemistry examination Needham in the laboratory. Softback notebook inscribed on first page 'D.M. Moyle. Balfour Laboratory, Downing Place, Cambridge’. run to the end of the book). Used for notes on experiments Long Vacation [71921] and 18 October 1921 - 17 January [71923]. A little intercalated material. Softback notebook inscribed on first page 'D.M. Moyle. Biochemical Laboratory. Cambridge’. Used for notes on experiments Michaelmas Term 1921 and 1 February photograph of ?Dorothy and Joseph 1923 Paginated 1-85 (the pagination does not - 24 February 1925. Intercalated D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Notebooks Softback notebook inscribed on first page 'D.M. Needham. Biochemical Laboratory March 18th, 1925'. Used for notes on experiments 18 March 1925 - 10 March 1927. A little intercalated material. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘[...] Biochemical Laboratory, Cambridge’. Used from the front for notes on experiments various dates 10 June 1927 - 29 January 1930, and at the back for rough notes, calculations and draft of humorous letter setting out dangers and difficulties in biochemical research. Intercalated material includes postcard from J. Needham in Ireland, 24 November 1932. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘[...] Biochemical Laboratory, Cambridge’. Used from the front for notes on experiments February 1934 - 26 January 1935, and at back for rough notes. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page '[...] Biochemical Laboratory, Cambridge’. Used from the front from 29 January 1935. A little intercalated material. for notes on experiments Foolscap hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover '17' and on first page [...] Biochemical Laboratory. Cambridge. Feb. 1937'. Used for notes on experiments 4 February - 12 July 1937 and 27 October 1937 - 18 October 1939. A little material intercalated loose and clipped to pages of the notebook. Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘[...] Biochemical Laboratory Cambridge’. Used for notes on experiments 27 May 1941 - 25 January 1944. Foolscap hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘'[...] Biochemical Laboratory Cambridge. Oct 20th 1939’. Used for notes on experiments October 1939-November 1940, January 1942, 25 March 1946 - 27 January 1950 and February 1952. Material intercalated includes correspondence 1943 and 1947. by Cohen and Needham 5 December 1942 - 22 June 1943, NCUACS catalogue no. 23/8/90, item B.28. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page '23-6-43 onwards’ with typescript list of contents headed 'Mrs Needham (cum Dr [J.A.] Cohen)’ pasted onto the page. Used for notes on experiments re chemical defence research (not all in Needham's hand) 23 June 1943 - 24 November 1944.* A Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘April 1942'. ments. future plans. includes drafts of Intercalated material * The collection of the papers and correspondence of Malcolm Dixon in Cambridge University Library contains a notebook used Used for notes on experi- re health and letter personal little intercalated material. D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Notebooks Spiral bound notebook used for notes on lectures 18 January 1946 - 6 March 1947. Lecturers include M.F. Perutz, E.C. Bate-Smith, K. Bailey, M. Dixon, F.A. Lipmann, T.R.R. Mann and G.D. Greville. list of literature for ‘Methods of X-ray Analysis and their Applications to Biological Problems’, c.1946. Loose at back is Spiral bound notebook inscribed on first page ‘[...] Biochemical Laboratory...". Used for rough notes and calculations from November 1946. Hardback notebook used chiefly for notes on lectures various dates 26 February 1947 - 53. Lecturers include K. Bailey, A.F. Huxley, A.L. Lehninger, M. Dixon, S.V. Perry and B. Chance. Spiral bound 'Century' notebook used for notes on experiments, calculations and jottings 1947. Spiral bound 'Century’ notebook used for notes on experiments, calculations and jottings May - September [71947]. Softback notebook used for notes on experiments May - 10 December 1948. A little material intercalated. Hardback notebook used for notes on experiments, calculations and jottings 20 June - 19 August [71948]. Softback notebook used for notes on experiments 20 September - 1950, 16 February - 5 August 1952, 26 January 1955. 9 November Softback notebook inscribed inside front cover 'D.M. Needham. Institut Pasteur. Rue du docteur Roux'. Used for notes on experiments 2 January - 29 November 1948. A little intercalated material. results of ovariectomies. A little loose material at back. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘'I' and inside cover 'D. M. Needham Biochemical Laboratory Tennis Court Road Cambridge May 1953'. Used from the 28 July 1955, and from the back for front for notes on experiments 19 May 1953 - Spiral bound 'Century' notebook used for notes on experiments, calculations, biblio- graphical references and jottings [71950]. Exercise book used for notes on experiments, calculations and jottings [71952]. D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Notebooks Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover 'Il' and inside cover ‘[...] Aug 2nd 1955’. Used from the front for notes on experiments 1955-59, and from the back for results of ovariectomies. Loose material intercalated. Dept. of Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover 'IIl' and inside cover ‘[...] Biochemistry for notes on experiments 14 January 1959-1 April 1960, and at the back for miscellaneous notes. Used from the front Univ. of Cambridge 14.1.59'. For notebook IV see C.10 in the previous catalogue. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover 'V' and inside front cover '[...] Dec. 18th 1961'. Used from the front for notes on experiments 4 January - 27 November 1962, and at the back for miscellaneous notes including ‘Conversation with Dr Johnson & Dr [A.J.] Rowe’ 18 December 1961 and ‘Conversation with A. J. Rowe and Mihaly’ 14 February 1962. Loose material intercalated. Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘[...] Biochemical Laboratory Tennis Court Road Cambridge June 1953'. Used from the front for notes on experiments various dates June 1953 - February 1957, and at the back for rough notes. A little loose intercalated material. Spiral bound ‘Century’ notebook used for notes on experiments and for calculations [?April] - September 1954. Spiral bound ‘Century’ notebook used for notes on experiments, calculations from 30 September 1954. Hardback spiral bound 'Century' notebook used for notes on experiments and for calculations [?1953-54]. Spiral bound 'Century' notebook used for notes on experiments, calculations and jottings. Loose at back is Practical Biochemistry examination paper for Part | of Natural Sciences Tripos, 3 June 1953. Used for notes on experiments, calculations and jottings, nd. Softback 'Cantab' notebook inscribed inside front cover '[...] Biochemical Lab Tennis Court Rd’. Used for notes on experiments and calculations 14 March - 8 November 1955. Exercise book inscribed on cover 'D. M. Needham Biochemical Lab Cambridge’. D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Notebooks Spiral bound 'Century' notebook used for notes on experiments, calculations and jottings, nd. Spiral bound 'Century' notebook used for notes on experiments, calculations and jottings, nd. Spiral bound 'Century' notebook used for notes on experiments, calculations and jottings, nd. D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES D.75 - D.123 D.75-D.120 Machina Carnis: The biochemistry of muscular contraction in its historical develop- ment (Cambridge, 1971). See D.14-D.31 of the previous catalogue. D.75-D.111 Typescript ‘second copy’ of draft correspondence and comments on chapters of the draft found therewith. with extensive ms correction and addition. With D.75 D.76 D.77 D.78 D.79 Title page, list of contents, preface. Chapter one. Chapter two. Correspondence re chapters one and two 1968-69. Chapter three; letter from R.A. Peters [?re chapter three], 18 September 1968. Chapter five. Chapter seven. D.81 D.82 D.80 Chapter four. D.85 Chapter eight. D.83 D.84 Correspondence from H.H. Weber re chapter seven, 1968-69. Chapter six; letter to E. Lundsgaard re chapters five and six, 3 December 1968. Correspondence re chapters ten, eleven and fourteen, 1966, 1969. Chapter eleven. D.86 D.87 D.88 Chapter nine. Chapter ten. D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Publications and lectures Chapter twelve. 2 folders. Correspondence, chiefly re chapters eleven and twelve, 1969. Chapter thirteen. Ms draft of lecture found with preceding (D.93) headed ‘Bristol Oct 67’. 1- 17, 25. Note on p25 states: 'Missing pages in one copy of Ch 13’. Not found. Paginated D.95 D.96 Correspondence re chapter thirteen, 1967, 1969-70. Chapter fourteen. D.97 Chapter fifteen; letter to Needham re chapter fifteen, nd. D.98 Chapter sixteen. L).99 Chapter seventeen. D.100 Chapter eighteen. D.102 Chapter nineteen. D.103 Chapter twenty. Correspondence re chapters seventeen and eighteen, 1967, 1969. Chapter twenty-three. 2 folders. Correspondence, chiefly re chapters twenty-one and twenty-two, 1967, 1969-70. D.105 Chapter twenty-two. D.104 Chapter twenty-one. D.101 D.106 D.107,D.108 D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Publications and lectures D.109 Correspondence re chapter twenty-three, 1968-70. D.110 Chapter twenty-four. D.111 Correspondence re chapter twenty-four; 'Finalities'. D.112-D.119 Bibliography for Machina Carnis. and additions. 8 folders. 406pp typescript with extensive ms corrections Draft of summary note for dust-jacket of Machina Carnis; copy of dust jacket. ‘The Lundsgaard Symposium Lecture (19, chapter 6 corrections and additions. Nd. [of Machina Carnis] )'. 20, Paginated 1-23 (lacking pages 19 - 21) 21 contained material from 5 - 7 of with ms 'D.M. Moyle. Biometer results’. Contents of folder so labelled: ms draft on ‘Effects of different rates of freezing and thawing on gelatine gels’, with associated data and graphs; ms notes (some from lectures) on electrons. 'D. M. Needham Biochemical Lab Cambridge’. Contents of binder so inscribed: untitled 22pp ms and typescript draft beginning ‘There is little doubt that the energy used by muscle in carrying out its function of performing work and maintaining tension is ultimately derived from the free energy of chemical reactions going on inside it.’ Nd. D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ALLCHIN, Bridget BALDWIN, Ernest H F BULBRING, Edith CHEESMAN, Dudley CIBA FOUNDATION CURTIS, Dame Myra DAEMERS-LAMBERT, C FELL, Dame Honor Bridget FLORKIN, Marcel GLYNN, lan B.63 D.106 D.109 D.92 C.137 B.38. See also B.35 D.109 B.34 D.78 D.111 GOODFORD, Peter J D.95, D.109 GREVILLE, Guy Drummond D.101 GUTMANN, E KEATINGE, W.R. KERRIDGE, D.89 D.109 C.139 B.63 D.78 D.95 D.95 HOLMES, Frederic L HASSELBACH, Wilhelm HANSON, (Emmeline) Jean HUXLEY, Sir Andrew Fielding HAWKING, (née WILDE) Jane C.118 KOMINZ, David Richard D.92 D.92 D.78 MEGAW, Helen D. D.109 B.34 B.36 LEOY.DsG:E:R- LOWY, Jack MACDONALD, 1.1. NEEDHAM, Joseph D. M. M. Needham (Supplement) NCUACS 37/5/92 Index of correspondents OFFER, Gerald W. D.89, D.92 PERRY, Samuel Victor PETERS, Sir Rudolph Albert POYNTER, (Frederick) Noel (Lawrence) RANDALL, RANDLE, Sir Philip (John) RUEGG, J. Caspar SANDOW, Alexander TEICH, Mikulas TONOMURA, Yuji WAKID, Nabil W. D.92 D.79 D.78 C.122 D.101 D.106, D.109 D.95 D.78, D.95 D.92 D.101 WEBER, Hans Hermann D.84 D.92 D.89 WEEDS, Alan G. WILSON, Leonard G. WILKIE, Douglas Robert D.78