Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir (Edgar) William (John) Mitchell CBE FRS (1925-2002) NCUACS catalogue no. 160/3/08 by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1944-2002 Deposited in: Title: Compiled by: Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Extent of material: 29 boxes. ca 600 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir (Edgar) William (John) Mitchell CBE FRS (1925-2002), physicist NCUACS catalogue no. 160/3/08 © 2008 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Special Collections, University of Reading Reference code: GB 0006 MS 5343 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the Arts & Humanities Research Council E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS SPECIAL COLLECTIONS UNIVERSITY OF READING E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.50 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF READING B.1-B.41 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD SECTION D RESEARCH: GENERAL C.1-C.13 D.1-D.26 SECTION E RESEARCH: DIAMOND E.1-E.166 SECTION F PUBLICATIONS F.1-F.74 SECTION H SECTION J J.1-J.17 SECTION G LECTURES AND BROADCASTS G.1-G.51A SECTION K SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS H.1-H.219 VISITS AND CONFERENCES REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ K.1-K.46 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received for cataloguing from Margaret, Lady Mitchell, widow, via Reading University Library, in February 2008. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF SIR WILLIAM MITCHELL Edgar William (Bill) John Mitchell was born on 25 September 1925 in Kingsbridge, South Devon. He was educated at the local grammar school and Sheffield University where he studied for a degree in physics (awarded 1946). He was employed in the Metropolitan-Vickers Research Laboratory between 1946-1951 during which time he successfully studied for a Ph.D. at the University of Bristol. He was then appointed to a lectureship in the Department of Physics at Reading University where he developed a research programme studying defects in crystalline solids, such as semiconductors, quartz and diamond. In 1957 Mitchell's first neutron scattering experiment, using the BEPO (British Experimental Pile ‘O’) reactor at Harwell, showed that neutron scattering could be used to determine the properties of defects in solids, and thus opened up a new field. in 1961 he was appointed Professor of Physical Properties of Materials. He subsequently became Head of the Physics Department, 1968-1978, Dean of the Faculty of Science, 1966-1969, and Deputy years. When the government rejected the proposal to build a British high flux beam reactor in favour Vice-Chancellor, 1976-1978. In the national field he served as Chairman of the Physics Committee of His managerial and administrative abilities were demonstrated both at Reading and nationally. In the nuclear reactors at Harwell and Aldermaston. Mitchell served as its chairman for the first eight 1960 he set up a novel interdisciplinary course at Reading on the physical properties of materials and Research Committee (NBRC) with responsibility for the funding and organisation of university users of member of the planning group, 1978-1985. heavily involved in the successful negotiations for Britain to join, and served as acting joint director in 1973 and member of the scientific council, 1973-1980. In 1974 the NBRC set up the Neutron Beam approval was given to convert the old Nimrod accelerator into SNS, Spallation Neutron Source, of joining a similar Franco-German project at Grenoble (Institut Laue-Langevin), Mitchell became the Science Research Council (SRC), 1967-1970. In 1966 the SRC set up the Neutron Beam Unit at the Rutherford Laboratory, Oxfordshire to support university users of neutrons. In 1977 subsequently renamed ISIS. Mitchell was an initiator and strong supporter of the project, and was a E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 In 1978 Mitchell was appointed Dr Lee’s Professor of Experimental Philosophy at Oxford University and to a Fellowship at Wadham College. As head of the Clarendon Laboratory he initiated research in various aspects of laser and condensed matter physics and developed his own interests in the properties of molten salts and diamonds. He continued to be active on national and international committees, most importantly as a member of the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC), 1982-1990 and chairman, 1985-1990. The most significant development of his chairmanship was probably the introduction of interdisciplinary research centres in universities to concentrate research funding in key areas such as materials science and electronics, while the most publicly controversial issue was the moving of the Royal Greenwich Observatory at Herstmonceux, Sussex. As a sympathetic European committed to international collaboration, he was a very appropriate choice for the Presidency of the CERN Council at a time of important decisions about its future programme, 1991-1993. Mitchell's distinguished career was recognised by many honours including a CBE 1976 and knighthood 1990. He was elected FRS in 1986 and received honorary degrees from Reading, Kent, Budapest and Birmingham Universities and the Officer's Cross of the German Order of Merit. He died on 30 October 2002. For a fuller account of Mitchell’s career see the memoir by R.A. Cowley in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol. 50 (2004), 173-181. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION the Royal Society in 1986 and his knighthood in 1990. on radio at the University of Sheffield, the earliest item in the archive, papers relating to his application and appointment as Dr Lee's Professor of Experimental Philosophy at Oxford in 1978, his election to The papers in the collection cover the period 1944-2002. They are arranged in ten sections. career, honours and awards. There is a notebook from 1944 with a record of undergraduate lectures Section A, Biographical, includes obituaries, curricula vitae and bibliographies, and documentation of Option Structures & Dynamics’ 1983. Mitchell seems to have taken over on his move to Oxford from Reading in 1978; and ‘Solid State Section C, University of Oxford, relates entirely to teaching: the ‘Optics II’ lecture course, which Section B, University of Reading, chiefly relates to physics teaching, both undergraduate and postgraduate, 1965-1977. There are also a small number of papers relating to university development in the 1970s. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Section D, Research: general, though small, covers an extended period 1950-1996. There is a copy of Mitchell’s PhD thesis 'Some Contact Potential Measurements on Metals and Semi-Conductors' submitted to the University of Bristol 1950; manuscript notes, drafts and offprints relating to molten salts, c.1972-1980, and a little research correspondence, 1966-1996, including an exchange with C.A. Coulson on energy values in interstitials and vacancies, 1966. Section E, Research: diamond, is by far the most substantial in the archive. It presents documentation of diamond research at Reading and, much more extensively, the Clarendon Laboratory Oxford, 1960-1996 and Mitchell's long association with De Beers as Consultant and from 1982 Chairman of the Diamond Research Committee, the liaison committee between groups of scientists in UK universities and De Beers Industrial Diamond Division (DEBID), which sponsored the research. The papers include correspondence between Mitchell and DEBID and Mitchell and British and South African scientists undertaking diamond research, agenda and minutes of meetings, budgets, Diamond Conference papers, research reports and research proposals. Section F, Publications, comprises documentation of both Mitchell’s own publications and of his editorial work. There are drafts of Mitchell’s publications, 1974-1997, including scientific papers in the areas of neutron scattering and molten salts. However, the most extensive documentation relates to sent copies of the article. There is also an incomplete set of offprints of Mitchell’s scientific papers, Oxford University Press’s Series on Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter, 1987-1996. Beers in 1999. Section G, Lectures and broadcasts, covers the period 1966-1999. The two earliest items are talks by Mitchell on the science of materials for the BBC Radio programme Science Survey. Lecture topics include diamond, molten salts, neutron scattering, science funding and policy, and global climate. the then current climate change discussion. In addition to drafts, proofs and published version of the Major addresses on diamond include a Friday Evening Discourse at the Royal Institution in 1988 and 1949-1995. Mitchell's editorial work is represented by a good record of his role as general editor of article, there is correspondence with readers of the article and scientists and others to whom Mitchell ‘Fifty Years of University / Industry Collaboration’ at the 50th Diamond Conference sponsored by De a short piece published in Physics World in 1991 in which Mitchell took a sceptical view of much of (SEPP), 1991-1997, and United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Harwell, 1973-1978. The CERN documenting Mitchell's Presidency of the CERN Council in the early 1990s, his long association with the Science Research Council (SRC) / Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) including Section H, Societies and organisations, is substantial, documenting Mitchell’s association with 15 British and international, chiefly European, organisations. Of particular importance are the papers Mitchell’s Chairmanship of the SERC, 1985-1990, the Science and Environmental Policy Project E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 papers document the President of the Council's role in relations with individual member countries and in such issues as the US proposal for a Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) and CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) proposal. In addition to documentation of his SERC Chairmanship there are papers relating to the provision of neutron research facilities in Britain including papers of the Neutron Beam Research Unit, Rutherford Laboratory, the SRC Neutron Beam Committee, Rutherford Laboratory Proton Spallation Neutron Source Working Group and the SRC Science Planning Group for Spallation Neutron Source. The SEPP papers are principally Mitchell's correspondence with its director S. Fred Singer and background material sent to him for information. Mitchell was contacted by Singer after the publication of Mitchell's 1991 article in Physics World (see section F). The UK AERE Harwell material includes papers relating to neutron beam facilities, the ‘New Harwell LINAC’ project and nuclear fusion. Section J, Visits and conferences, is very slight. Most of the visits documented are late and relate to his interest in climate change controversy. A number of visits to South Africa in connexion with diamond research and De Beers are to be found in Section E. Visits made in connexion with Mitchell's Presidency of the CERN Council and his Chairmanship of the SERC are to be found in Section H. Section K, References and recommendations, includes a chronological sequence from the last 127/13/03), deposited in Bristol University Library. catalogue no. There is also an index of correspondents. LOCATIONS OF RELATED MATERIALS decade of Mitchell’s life relating to appointments, promotions, prizes and honours. predecessor as Chairman of the Diamond Research Committee and Frank was a member of the research in the archives of Mitchell's Reading colleague R.W. Ditchburn (NCUACS no.6/5/88), deposited in Reading University Library, and Sir Charles Frank (NCUACS 15/8/89 and NCUACS There are also significant accumulations of materials relating to De Beers sponsored diamond April 2008 Ditchburn was Mitchell's Committee. P. Harper Bath E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.50 1944-2002 Obituaries The Times, 8 November 2002. Independent, 11 November 2002. Guardian, 12 November 2002. vitae, biographical notes and lists of Curriculum publications. 6 folders. At A.6A are papers relating to Lady Mitchell (Professor Margaret Davies). Career, honours and awards 1944-1995 University of Sheffield 1944 University of Oxford 1977-1992 In original binder. Loose papers enclosed. Mitchell's notes on lectures on radio. Sheffield October 1943 physics, - radio-physics and Mitchell was a student at December 1945, mathematics. Experimental Philosophy Application and appointment as Experimental Philosophy Mitchell’s headed notepaper as Dr Lee’s Professor of Dr Lee’s Professor of 1977-1978 studying 4 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Biographical, A.1-A.50 Opening of new Molecular Beam Epitaxy facility at the Clarendon Laboratory A.14-A.16 Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society 1986 1985-1986 3 folders. Honorary degree, Reading Presentation address only. Honorary degree, Budapest Presentation address only. Mentions Mitchell's Hungarian scientific connexions. Vice-President, European Science Foundation Press notice only. 1990-1992 1990 A.20-A.33 Knighthood A.20-A.32 ‘K Letters Replies sent’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into thirteen for ease of reference. Includes a number of other personal letters received by Mitchell at about the same time. Includes letters of congratulation. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re knighthood 1990-1992 Officer's Cross of the Order of Merit of Republic of Germany 1990 the Federal Unindexed. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Biographical, A.1-A.50 Unindexed. Presidency of CERN Letters of congratulation only. 1990-1991 Foreign Associate of the Royal Society of South Africa 1993, 1995 Correspondence and papers re award. Glazebrook Medal Institute of Physics 1996 Includes letter announcing award and citation. A.38-A.50 Miscellaneous biographical items n.d., 1985- 2002 A.38-A.43 ‘EJW Mitchell Expenses’ 1985-2002 1990-1991 Mitchell attended the school, 1936-1943. Membership list, newsletters. Includes mentions of Mitchell. Kingsbridge Grammar School Old Boys’ Society Includes consultancy arrangements, travel expenses etc. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. 1986-2002 A.45-A.49 Portrait photographs of Mitchell 5 folders. Personal correspondence E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF READING, B.1-B.41 1965-1977 Mitchell spent much of his academic career at Reading, 1951-1978: Professor of Physics, 1961-1978, Dean of Faculty of Science, 1966-1969, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, 1976-1978. ‘Various University Papers’ 1969-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: principally duplicated papers re university development in the 1970s including paper by Mitchell. At B.3 are 5pp typescript notes of after dinner speech by Mitchell, n.d. Teaching ‘F.U.E. Lecture Notes’ 1965-1977, n.d. 1970-1976, n.d. B.12-B.21 P.P.M. [Physical Properties of ‘Provisional’ summary of course ‘Quantum Mechanics: | Materials] Lecture Course’ Contents of folder so labelled divided into eight for ease of reference: duplicated typescript syllabuses, manuscript notes for ‘F.U.E. Physics’, ‘First University Examination in Science’ examination questions for physics, etc. Contents of folder so labelled divided into ten for ease of reference: and manuscript course notes including sequence paginated 1-159. n.d Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes on optical properties of solids. Mitchell set up the novel interdisciplinary course on the Physical Properties of Materials in 1960. B.22-B.24 ‘Postgraduate Lecture Notes’ B.25-B.29 ‘Optical Properties of Defects’ 1971, 1974, 1966-1976 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 University of Reading, B.1-B.41 of Manuscript notes defects’, three ‘Related lectures by W. Hayes on ‘Colour Centres in lonic Solids’, etc. ‘Optical abstracts also Notes’, titled, so Rough spectra of 5 folders. W. Hayes was University Lecturer at Oxford, 1962-1987 and therefore some of the undated material may relate to the period of Mitchell's tenure of the Oxford chair from 1978. B.30-B.40 Year Ill Chemical Physics Computer Projects Examples of student work. 11 folders. ‘Relation parameters’ between _ statistical and macroscopic Manuscript notes found with other teaching material. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, C.1-C.13 1975-1983 was Mitchell Lee’s Experimental Philosophy and head of Laboratory in 1978. appointed Dr Professor of the Clarendon Teaching material. ‘Optics II’ 1975-1978 Manuscript notes for lecture course, duplicated handouts and synopses, examination papers. Includes notes on back of both University of Reading and University of Oxford headed notepaper. The handouts were prepared by G.A. Brooker. 10 folders. Mitchell seems to have taken over the teaching of this course on his move to the Clarendon in 1978. course notes C.11-C.13 manuscript Solid State Option Structures & Dynamics M[ichaelmas] T[erm] 1983’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of and reference: transparencies. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION D RESEARCH: GENERAL, D.1-D.26 1950-1996 Ph.D. Thesis April 1950 ‘Some Contact Potential Measurements on Metals and Semi-Conductors’. ‘Complete Copy’ of thesis submitted to the University of Bristol. D.2-D.19A ‘Molten Salts’ Contents of box drafts, offprints, etc. so 19 folders. inscribed: manuscript notes and c.1972-1980, n.d. D.20-D.22 Miscellaneous notes and drafts D.20 ‘Miscellaneous - Rough’ n.d., 1996 n.d. Manuscript notes, etc. D.23-D.26 Research correspondence ‘Molten State Problems’ Manuscript draft, etc so titled. found stapled together. University of Reading Relates to the work of the National Gallery’s Honorary Scientific Advisory Committee. Sheets of manuscript notes Undated but include notes on Physics Department headed notepaper 1970-1985 2 letters from C.A. Coulson and ‘Note added in proof’ re energy values in interstitials and vacancies Letter from G.J. Hyland, 18 April 1985, re structure of superfluid helium, enclosing related offprints of papers of 1966-1992 March 1966 D.23 D.24-D.25 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: General, D.1-D.26 his own and others 2 folders. Correspondence re research proposals 1991-1992 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION E RESEARCH: DIAMOND, E.1-E.166 1960-2002 Oxford, 1960-1996 The section presents documentation of diamond research at Reading and, much more extensively, the Clarendon Laboratory long association with De Beers as Consultant and from 1982 Chairman of the Diamond Research Committee, the liaison committee between groups of scientists in UK universities and De Beers Industrial Diamond Division (DEBID), which sponsored the research. Mitchell's and The papers are presented as follows: E.1-E.85A E.86-E.166 DIAMOND RESEARCH AT READING AND OXFORD DIAMOND RESEARCH COMMITTEE / CONSULTANCY E.1-E.85A DIAMOND RESEARCH AT READING AND OXFORD 1960-1996 1974-1983 1977-1978 Financial & General Contents of box so inscribed. Correspondence and papers. ‘Diamond Research Clarendon’ Correspondence’ ‘Proposals Department at Reading 1975-1980’ Includes papers relating to work at Reading University. Mitchell moved to Oxford as head of the Clarendon Laboratory in 1978. 2 folders. By Mitchell, ‘January 28th, 1974’. for diamond 1975-1976 research in The Physics E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 ‘DIA S Africa visit Jan 1979’ Contents of folder so labelled. October 1978 - January 1979 ‘Proposals Laboratory, Oxford, 1979-1983’ for diamond research in The Clarendon By Mitchell ‘January 5th 1979’. 1979 3 folders. Conference ‘The Defect Solid State ‘80’, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 14 July 1980 1979-1980 Bice 1980 2 folders. 1981 3 folders. 1982 2 folders. E.13-E.15 Osta’, Correspondence and papers re joint study between the Clarendon Laboratory and IBM of laser hole burning in ionic crystals Includes ‘Diamond Research Clarendon Laboratory 1984-1989’. manuscript draft and duplicated typescript E.18-E.19 E.20-E.21 1983 2 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 E.22-E.49 ‘Clarendon Diamond Technical Papers & Reports’ 1972-1982 Contents of box so inscribed. Correspondence and papers. Much of the material relates to the research programme of includes correspondence and reports copied to Mitchell. the Clarendon and E.M. Wilks at J. and E.22-E.24 1979 3 folders. E.25-E.32 1980 7 folders. by For manuscript notes Mitchell on the physics of colour in diamond see E.28, E.29. and transparencies of talk 5 folders. 4 folders. 8 folders. E.38-E.41 1982 E.33-E.37 1981 Duplicated and printed papers As a The papers were found in poor physical condition. ‘Diamond Research Clarendon’ Correspondence and papers. Contents of box so inscribed. 1972-c.1979 1982-1985 E.42-E.49 E.50-E.56 7 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 result of their physical condition they received minimal examination at the time of processing. E.57-E.64 ‘Diamond Technical Correspondence MkII’ 1982-1985 Contents of box so inscribed. Correspondence and papers. Much of the material relates to the research programme of E.M. Wilks at the Clarendon and includes correspondence and reports copied to Mitchell. J. and 1982 E.58-E.59 1983 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. E.63-E.64 Duplicated and printed papers. 1983-1985 E.60-E.61 1984 At E.60 is programme of visit by Mitchell to De Beers Diamond Research Laboratory. 1974-1977 Includes manuscript notes by Mitchell at E.64. ‘Diamond Papers Optical & Related’ Contents of box so inscribed. Correspondence and papers. E.65-E.85 1960-1983 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 1978-1979 1982-1983 E.69-E.85 Duplicated and printed papers 1960-c.1981 17 folders. At E.69 are manuscript notes for lecture by Mitchell on diamond. De Beers and the Simon Instrument Group 1995-1996 Correspondence and papers re financial administration. E.86-E.100 ‘Diamond Cttee’ 1986-1995, n.d. E.86-E.166 DIAMOND RESEARCH COMMITTEE/CONSULTANCY 1983-2002 Contents of box so inscribed. Correspondence and papers, including minutes, budgets and papers re Diamond Conferences. 1986-1987 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 E.90-E.91 1991 2 folders. At E.91 is Mitchell's draft Report on De Beers / University collaboration. E.92-E.93 1992 2 folders. E.94-E.95 1993 2 folders. E.96-E.97 1994 2 folders. 2 folders. 1983-1984 E.98-E.99 1995 E.101-E.166 Contents of binder. Reports on university research programmes. General correspondence and papers 1983-2002 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 Reports Research of Diamond Cambridge (J.E. Field) and Royal Holloway and Bedford New College related correspondence. University (Moreton Moore), from and_ the 1990 Diamond Research Report from the University of Bristol (A.R. Lang) and Memorandum from DEBID on ‘Potential for “new” diamond in heatsinking in electronics’. 1991 ‘The Next Decade A Mitchell DEBID’. Sir William for The Diamond Research Committee and report prepared by E.105-E.106 1992 E.105 e107 on ‘3rd Like Related 1992-1993 E.107-E.107A Diamond, Heidelberg, ‘Innovation in Diamond Technology Initiative (1)’ Report Diamond September 1992 European Conference on and Coatings’, Report by B.L. Jones (DEBID) and Mitchell (Consultant to DEBID), May 1992. including universities in South Africa. Reports on a number of university research programmes including Mitchell’s visit to King’s College, London, 29 October 1992. Reports on a number of university research programmes University Visit Report Issue 2’ ‘University Visit Report Issue 1’ E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 E.108-E.121 1993 E.108 January E.109-E.110 February 2 folders. At E.109 is manuscript draft of report by Mitchell on visit to Diamond Research 5 February 1993. Laboratory, January 25 - Bee 2 March-April 2 folders. Includes Bristol, 26 April 1993. papers re workshop on diamond coatings, June July laser patent Mitchell sent to proposal March - May University Visit Reports. for Includes comment and photograph of members of the Diamond Committee (C.A. Brookes, T. Evans, Sir Charles Frank and J.E. Field) and B.L. Jones of DEBID. The Chairman (Mitchell) was absent through illness. use of thermo-luminescence in diamond as a radiation Includes Mitchell’s review of ‘The properties of natural & synthetic diamonds’ edited by J.E. Field for the Industrial Diamond Annual /ndiaqua. Includes papers re work at Royal Marsden Hospital on August E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 monitor for medical use. E.117-E.118 September 2 folders. At E.117 is report on work at Royal Marsden Hospital on use of thermo-luminescence in diamond as a radiation monitor for medical use. October Includes report by Mitchell on Hospital on behalf of the Diamond Research Committee. to Royal Marsden visit November Includes Laboratory Committee. report on visit on behalf by of the Mitchell to Diamond Clarendon Research 1994 E122 January December E.122-E.128 Includes proposal relating to Diamond Electronics sent to Mitchell for comment and correspondence and papers re 1994 research budget. 3 folders. Includes report by Mitchell on Diamond Electronics, 11 January. Correspondence and papers re meeting on ‘cloud defects in synthetic diamond’ held this month. E.123-E.125 February E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 E.126-E.127A February - November Correspondence and papers re ‘Diamond Detectors’. 3 folders. July Correspondence and papers re Diamond Conference and meeting of Diamond Research Committee, 11-13 July. E.129-E.132 1995 E.129-E.131 February ‘Half-Year Diamond Research Reports’. 3 folders. E.133-E.147 1996 E.133-E.134 January proposal and ‘1995 July-November letter on Budget’, research Includes cathodoluminescence; November. covering University research at the Cavendish. Correspondence and papers re visits to the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge and University of Liverpool, etc. February - March manuscript notes Includes Mitchell’s Grant letters. 2 folders. on diamond E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 April Includes memorandum on university research. the benefits of support for E.137-E.138 May Papers re Diamond Research Committee visit to King’s College London. 2 folders. Mitchell’s manuscript notes are at E.137. E.139-E.140 May - June Correspondence and papers re visit to Hull University. 2 folders. Mitchell's manuscript notes are at E.139. July and papers re visit to June 3 folders. re ‘Forward Look’ document on E.141-E.143 Electronic Correspondence Materials Centre, Swansea University of Wales (E.141) and UK _ University Research on Diamond sponsored by De Beers for the period 1996-2001 (E.142-E. 143). Synopsis of research project with covering letter. Correspondence and papers re Diamond Conference and Diamond Research Committee meeting. August E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 October - November Includes grant letters. December E.148-E.153 1997 E.148-E.149 January Includes correspondence re grants. 2 folders. February - April E.151-E.152 May 2 folders. June - August E.154-E.159 1998 Includes research proposals. Includes research proposal and programme of Diamond Conference. University Research’, 6 July Includes ‘Notes and Action Points from a Meeting on Papers re work of including patent proposal sent to Mitchell for comment. Prins on diamond electronics J.F. E.154-E.156 May - June 3 folders. July E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Research: Diamond, E.1-E.166 August Includes report on ‘N Doping’ research sent to Mitchell for comment. October - November Includes ‘Notes and Action Points from a Meeting on University Research’, 21 October. E.160-E.164 1999 E.160 January Includes research report and research application. February E.162-E.164 March 3 folders. 2002 n.d. Printed-out email with news of death of J.P.F. Sellschop. Includes research report, papers for project meeting in Oxford and visit to Royal Holloway University of London. Synthetic Gem Diamonds?’ Includes typescript draft of article by Mitchell ‘What Price E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION F PUBLICATIONS, F.1-F.74 1949-1997 F.1-F.57 OWN PUBLICATIONS F.58-F.74 EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY OWN PUBLICATIONS 1949-1997 1974-1997 ‘Some comments on the occurrence of exponential tails to the absorption edges of disordered materials’. Not listed in Bibliography. Manuscript and typescript drafts. 2 folders. Typescript draft, latest bibliographical reference 1983. 1985-1987 ‘Temperature dependence of phonon spectra in halide crystals (with C. Raptis)’. alkali Not listed in bibliography ‘Inelastic neutron scattering studies of collective modes in molten CsCl (with R.L. McGreevy, F.M.A. Margaca and M.A. Howe)’, J. Phys. C.18 (1985), 5235-5247 Manuscript and typescript drafts, correspondence etc. ‘Raman Scattering from molten Li and Rb halides (with C. Raptis)’, J. Phys. C. 20 (1987) 4513-4528 ‘Diffuse neutron scattering Howe and R.L. McGreevy)’, z. 19 from alpha-Agl M.A. f .Phys. B., 62 (1985), 15- (with Corrected proof. Typescript draft. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Publications, F.1-F.74 6 folders. F.12-F.16 ‘The femtosecond optical Kerr effect in molten casesium chloride (with C.W.W. Bradley, R.A. Taylor, J.F. Ryan)’, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 1 (1989) 2715-2719 Manuscript and typescript drafts, background material etc. 5 folders. F.17-F.30 ‘Reflections on global climate change’, Physics World, August 1991 1989-1992 Mitchell took a sceptical view of much current climate change discussion. His article begins: ‘As a physicist | have worries about the misunderstandings which appear to the minds of the general public and politicians from the simplifications being introduced into the discussions of global climate change’. be arising in Mitchell's with the Science Typescript drafts, proofs, published version. For and Environmental Policy Project and its Director S. Fred Singer arising from this article see Section H. association Correspondence with readers of article and scientists and others to whom Mitchell sent copies of the article For the climate change meetings to which Mitchell was invited subsequent to the publication of the article see Section J. correspondence with the Press etc. Synopsis of book of this title for Oxford University Press, ‘The structure and dynamics of molten salts’ 1993-1994 F.25-F.30 Background material 1989-1992 7 folders. 6 folders. F.18-F.24 1991-1992 F.31-F.32 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Publications, F.1-F.74 2 folders. Mitchell's proposal was accepted by the Press but it is not clear how far he was able to proceed with the writing. It was not published. ‘A great opportunity wasted’, New Scientist, 26 August 1995 Typescript and published versions of article etc. Mitchell's original title was ‘Government responsibility for the research councils’. ‘Nevill Mott - some personal reminiscences’ Mitchell’s contribution to ‘Nevill Mott - reminiscences and appreciations’ edited by E.A. Davis. 3 folders. 9 folders. F.47-F.48 F.35-F.57 Offprints F.35-F.37 1940s, 1950s F.38-F.46 1960s Not a complete sequence. At F.35 are manuscript notes found with the offprints. 1949-1995 1970s 2 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 F.49-F.55 1980s 7 folders. Publications, F.1-F.74 F.58-F.74 EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY 1987-1997 F.58-F.71 Oxford University Press 1987-1996 Correspondence and papers. Mitchell was a general editor in the Oxford Series on Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter. F.59-F.60 1988 Correspondents include D. Degenhardt (for the OUP) and fellow editor S.W. Lovesey. 4 folders. F.65-F.68 F.62-F.64 1991 2 folders. 3 folders. 1992 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Publications, F.1-F.74 F.69-F.70 1993 2 folders. 1994-1996 Philosophical Magazine A Report by Mitchell on paper submitted to the journal. F.73-F.74 Royal Society Transactions A 1992-1994 Correspondence and papers re Mitchell's suggestion of a themed issue on ‘Melting and the molten state’. 2 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION G LECTURES AND BROADCASTS, G.1-G.51A 1964-1999 ‘The Science of Materials 1. What is this stuff ...’ Duplicated typescript of talk by Mitchell for BBC Radio programme Science Survey. Science of ‘The Imperfect Crystals’ Materials 2. The Fascination of Duplicated typescript of talk by Mitchell for BBC Radio programme Science Survey. ‘Neutron 1971 1971’ Scattering Lectures, Rutherford Lectures 1971 Kings College [London] + Reading Lectures Contents of ring binder so labelled divided into eight for ease drafts, transparency, correspondence. manuscript reference: notes and of 1975-1978 G.11-G.17 papers by Mitchell of published ‘Gallium Arsenide Lecture’ 18pp manuscript draft so titled. ‘Notes for Cavendish Colloquium’, 8 February 1977 Contents of ring binder so labelled divided into seven for ease of reference: manuscript notes for talks at Warwick, Imperial College, Nice and Saclay, typescript paper and photocopies and colleagues, transparencies, correspondence. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease ‘What's new in solid state physics?’, P.C.L. [? Physical Chemistry Laboratory Oxford], 14 February 1983 Manuscript draft, transparencies, offprints, etc. ‘Hamburg Lecture’ 1982, c.1986 G.19-G.21 1979-1983 3 folders. G.22-G.24 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Lectures and broadcasts, G.1-G.51A of reference: offprints, manuscript notes, transparencies. G.25-G.33 G.25-G.27 ‘Diamond’, Royal Institution Friday Evening Discourse, 19 February 1988 1987-1988 and typescript drafts of lecture, Manuscript transparencies 3 folders. G.28-G.32 ‘Dia Lecture Misc Papers’ 1987-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of arrangements, background material etc. correspondence reference: re _ ‘EWJM Transcript of your diamond lecture’ [1988] 16pp typescript so headed. 1988-1989 ‘Contribution from Professor E.W.J. Mitchell to the Prime Minister's Seminar on Global Climate’ Typescript draft, letter arising and published text: Glass Technology Vol 30 No 2 April 1989. ‘A Policy for the Funding of Science in the UK’, Tenth W.E.S. Turner Memorial Lecture, University of Sheffield, 5 May 1988 December 1990. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes and transparencies for lecture or lectures. 5pp typescript, 2 pages at least appear to have been faxed on ‘4.25.1989’. envelope was ‘Molten Salts’ G.35-G.38 The postmarked with the date 13 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 G.39-G.42 Lectures and broadcasts, G.1-G.51A and Manuscript notes for lectures on science funding, the SERC [Science and Engineering scientific collaboration, etc transparencies etc European Research Council], drafts, Includes notes for lectures in Oslo and Edinburgh. 4 folders. The Edinburgh occasion was held on 8 November 1990. ‘Physics - doing and funding’, School of Physics and Space 27 November 1991 Birmingham, Research, University of Manuscript draft, transparencies, etc. ‘|.0.P [Institute of Physics] Speech’, 26 January 1995 for at ‘50th 11pp typescript draft, Physics President, Sir Arnold Wolfendale. letter of thanks from Institute of by De Beers, notes typescript and speech sponsored 1987, 1999 Conference transparency, 16pp offprint. manuscript draft, Manuscript Diamond Conference Banquet’, St Catherine’s College, Oxford, 4-7 July 1999 ‘Fifty Years of University / Industry Collaboration’, 50th Diamond St Catherine’s College, Oxford, 4-7 July 1999 Transparencies for unidentified lecture. ‘What Price Synthetic Gem Diamonds?’ 13pp typescript draft. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Lectures and broadcasts, G.1-G.51A G.49-G.51 Manuscript notes for after dinner speeches 3 folders. ‘Record’ of after dinner speech by M.S. Longair’ sent to Mitchell, 23 October 1989 of topic The Cosmology and Perspective’. Longair’s Particle speech Physics. was An ‘Astrophysics Astronomical E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION H SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, H.1-H.219 1973-1999 H.1 ACADEMIA EUROPAEA H.2-H.59 CERN H.60-H.79 EUROPEAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ASSEMBLY (ESTA) H.80-H.81 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION (ESF) H.82-H.90 HOUSE OF COMMONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE INSTITUT LAUE-LANGEVIN INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR (ITER) H.94-H.95 H.109-H.117 H.118-H.196 H.96 ROYAL SOCIETY H.93 NATO SCIENCE COMMITTEE H.97-H.108 SCHOOLS COUNCIL QUEEN ELIZABETH HOUSE (DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT), UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PROJECT (SEPP) H.198-H.219 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH H.197 SCIENCE RESEARCH FOUNDATION E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 ACADEMIA EUROPAEA 1990-1997 1990 Mitchell In the nominations process by serving on the advisory group for physics. contribute invited was to to In 1996 Mitchell became an Emeritus Member of the Academy. CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) 1990-1994 Mitchell was a member of Council, 1985-1993, Vice- President 1990, President 1991-1993. The papers document relations with individual member countries and such issues as a Superconducting and CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) proposal. the US proposal for Super Collider (SSC) papers re the for Super 2 folders. US Collider General correspondence and papers Includes Superconducting ‘Framework for International Participation’ May 1990. proposal a (SSC) __ including Mitchell’s correspondents include the CERN Director General Carlo Rubbia, the UK Department of Education and Science / Cabinet Office, Office of Science and Technology and the US Department of Energy. 1991 Includes papers re Council to Portugal, May 1992. Correspondence and papers re relations with Portugal visit of Mitchell as President of the General correspondence and papers March-May 1991-1993 4 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 5 folders. papers Includes and Commemorative Ceremony, 22 April and relations with Portugal and Spain. Symposium ‘SC 33’ re The Synchro-Cyclotron or SC was CERN’s first particle accelerator. General correspondence and papers June-August 1991 Includes papers re SSC, Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Portuguese contribution, etc. H.14-H.16 General correspondence and papers 3 folders. Includes membership, CERN management structure, etc. Czechoslovak papers re application October- December 1991 for H.17-H.20 4 folders. 6 folders. H.21-H.26 1991-1993 Correspondence and papers re relations with Japan Correspondence and papers re relations with Greece At H.16 is Mitchell's after-dinner speech given to CERN Council and Observers, 18 December, as revised for offering to Physics World for publication, and Council Resolution on LHC, December. 1992 Much of the correspondence is between Mitchell and the UK Cabinet Office, Office of Science and Technology. At December 1992. General correspondence and papers ‘Presenting CERN to Includes papers re SSC. 1992-1993 H.25 is publication Japan’, H.27-H.28 April-June 2 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 H.29-H.30 General correspondence and papers 2 folders. Includes papers re SSC, LHC, German contribution etc. Estimates for 1994 Papers re ‘CERN Day of Honour’, Universal Exhibition Sevilla ‘92, Spain, 30 September 1992 July-October 1992 September 1992 H.33-H.34 Correspondence and papers re award of 1992 Nobel Prize for Physics to Georges Charpak October 1992 -January 1993 2 folders. 2 folders Correspondence and papers re US SSC project beginning ‘I think December 1992-June 1993 February 1993 H.35-H.36 Correspondence and papers re collaboration between CERN and Russian research centres Includes letter from Mitchell to UK Office of Science and Technology, 25 February, | should place on record the absurdity of suggestions that the UK should join the S.S.C. project’. 1994 Includes papers re visit of Mitchell to Portugal as CERN Correspondence and papers re relations with Portugal Correspondence and papers re relations with Spain February- December 1993 April-May 1993 Correspondence and physicists papers re CERN and Serbian H.40-H.44 5 folders. April 1993 - February E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 President of Council, 25-27 October. H.45-H.49 General correspondence and papers 5 folders. At H.46 are papers re relations between CERN and the US Department of Energy. Correspondence and papers re LHC CERN Council Includes Special LHC Session. General correspondence and papers February- December 1993 November- December 1993 December 1993 January, June 1994 H.53-H.59 H.53 3 folders. A Tribute by H.54-H.56 for Convention European Organization for Nuclear Research Paris, 1st July, 1953 As Amended Establishment the of a Extraordinary Typescript draft. Miscellaneous papers ‘Jonn Adams Engineer Michael Crowley-Milling’ The transparencies cover the following topics: CERN general, User figures, CERN-USA Comparisons, User Participation in CERN programmes, CERN budgets & related data and LHC ‘Transparencies Book’ E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 H.58-H.59 Transparencies 2 folders. Relate to member contributions. H.60-H.79 EUROPEAN ASSEMBLY (ESTA) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1992-1997 Correspondence and papers. The European Commission decided, 16 March 1994, on the creation of the ESTA to advise it on the preparation, implementing and monitoring of Community policy in research and technology development. Mitchell was a member of the Assembly at the outset and served Inertial Confinement Options to Controlled Nuclear Fusion. working party on on a 1994 1997 2 folders. party on 1996 9 folders. of report H.70-H.71 H.61-H.69 Includes controlled nuclear fusion. drafts of ESTA working Includes Commission decision to establish an ESTA and the rules of procedure for the Assembly. 8 folders. Background papers re nuclear fusion, European science policy etc. 1992-1997 H.72-H.79 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 H.80-H.81 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION (ESF) 1989-1992 Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. At H.80 is Mitchell’s ‘Comments on the Structure of the ESF’ prepared at the invitation of the ESF Board. Mitchell served as Vice-President., 1989-1992. H.82-H.90 HOUSE OF COMMONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE 1995-1996 Correspondence and papers re inquiry into the Particle Physics and Astronomy Council. 9 folders. Mitchell gave oral evidence to March 1996. the Committee on 27 Background papers only. INSTITUT LAUE-LANGEVIN, GRENOBLE Mitchell was a member of the scientific council, 1973- 1980. Letter and Interim Design Report. INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR (ITER) 1995-1996 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 NATO SCIENCE COMMITTEE 1996-1997 Correspondence and of Outreach Programme and possible participation by Mitchell in the review. papers review re H.94-H.95 ELIZABETH QUEEN HOUSE (DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT), UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Correspondence and papers re Queen Elizabeth House review committee. 2 folders. Mitchell was a member of the Review Committee. ROYAL SOCIETY 1990, 1999 H.97-H.108 SCHOOLS COUNCIL Brief correspondence only re science policy and funding. ‘Schools Council 18 + Research Programme based on N & F Proposals’ Reports. 8 folders. Reports of the Mathematics Commissioned Group Reports of the Physics Commissioned Group H.97-H.100 H.101-H.108 4 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 H.109-H.117 SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PROJECT (SEPP) 1991-1997 Correspondence with background papers sent to Mitchell for information. Director Fred Singer S. and 9 folders. Singer who took a sceptical view on global warming approached Mitchell after reading his article ‘Reflections on global climate change’ in Physics World, August 1991. See F.17-F.30. a letter of 3 July 1992 Singer invited Mitchell He the expressed willingness to do so ‘for 3 years in the first instance so that | can see if SEPP’s Advisory | can cope’. Board. join to In H.118-H.196 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL 1973-1996 Its the Board In 1981 its title. responsibilities From 1965 the Science Research Council was the agency in Britain responsible for publicly funded scientific Engineering was and engineering research. added to included such national facilities as the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Mitchell served as a Member of the Council, 1970-1974 and 1982-1985, and as Chairman, 1985-1990. He was Member, 1965-1970 and Chairman, 1967-1970 of the Physics Committee; Chairman of the Neutron Beam Research Committee, 1966-1974 (devised scheme for extensive University use of nuclear research reactors for the Science condensed matter research); Member of Planning Group for Spallation Neutron Source, 1978- 1985; Member of the University Science and Technology Board), 1967-1970; and Member of the Nuclear Physics Board, 1980-1985. The papers principally relate to the provision of facilities for neutron science and to Mitchell’s period as Chairman of the Council. Membership and Chairmanship of the SERC Neutron Science Facilities H.157-H.196 H.118-H.156 (formerly Science E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 H.118-H.156 Neutron Science Facilities 1973-1984 Correspondence and papers. The papers were found together in considerable disorder. They are presented as far as possible in chronological order. The sequence includes papers of the Neutron Beam Research Unit, Rutherford Laboratory, the SRC Neutron Beam Proton Spallation Neutron Source Working Group and the SRC Science Planning Group for Spallation Neutron Source. Committee, Laboratory Rutherford H.119-H.120 1974 2 folders. 1975 6 folders. 1976 3 folders. H.121-H.126 H.127-H.129 At H.127 is a copy of ‘A Study Commissioned by ULCC to Identify the Computational Requirements of Research in the Field of Condensed Matter Physics’ by Mitchell. H.134-H.137 H.130-H.133 1977 4 folders. 1978 4 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 H.138-H.140 1980 3 folders. At H.138 is conference handbook for conference on high resolution March-1 April 1980. neutron spectroscopy, Oxford, 31 1981-1984 H.142-H.146 n.d. 5 folders. H.147-H.156 Printed and duplicated papers 1979-1984 10 folders. H.157-H.196 1982-1996 1982-1990 H.157-H.166 H.157 papers re Mitchell's 1982, 1985-1986 correspondence and General correspondence and papers Membership and Chairmanship of the SERC Includes appointment as member and chairman of the SERC. Bound volume. ‘Report of Chairman’s Visit to Japan 7-12 August 1987’ E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 ‘Forward Look 1989 1990/91 to 1992/93’ Bound volume ‘Report of Chairman’s Visit to the People’s Republic of China 25 March - 1 April 1989’ H.164-H.166 1990 3 folders. Notebook Used by Mitchell from September 1985. H.177-H.180 9 folders. 4 folders. 6 folders. The sequence begins September 1987. with the week beginning 28 H.168-H.176 Chairman’s weekly diary sheets 1987-1990 Correspondence and papers re Directorship of Royal Greenwich Observatory 1990-1996 Correspondence and papers re sale of Herstmonceux Castle Papers at H.183-H.186 are retained in original SERC folders. Papers principally relate to inquiry into the sale by the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee. The sale followed the decision of the SERC supported by H.181-H.186 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 government to move the Royal Greenwich Observatory from the Castle. H.187-H.194 Later miscellaneous correspondence and science policy and funding papers re 1991-1995 Includes EPSRC online. articles by Mitchell for New Scientist and H.187-H.191 1991 5 folders. 1993, 1995 H.195-H.196 Printed papers 1990-1992 2 folders. SCIENCE RESEARCH FOUNDATION (SRF) 1995-1996 The SRF’s activities related to the establishment of science research park in the Bristol area. Mitchell resigned from the Council of the SRF in 1996. Correspondence and papers a E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.219 H.198-H.219 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL 1973-1978 22 folders. These papers were found together in very poor physical condition. As a result of their physical condition they received minimal examination at the time of processing. The papers are presented in the order as found which was a very approximate reverse chronological order. Includes papers re neutron beam facilities, ‘New Harwell LINAC’ project, nuclear fusion, etc. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION J VISITS AND CONFERENCES, J.1-J.17 1963-1997 For Diamond Conferences see Section E. For visits and meetings in connexion with Mitchell’s roles at CERN and the SERC see Section H. Symposium on ‘Radiation Damage in Semiconductors’, Paris, July 1964 1963, 1964 Carbon copy of letter of invitation to C.A. Coulson with offprint of paper by Coulson and colleagues. The symposium was held immediately preceding the biennial Conference. Mitchell was a member of the organising committee. Semiconductor International Annual 4th Resonance, London, August 1985 Meeting the of Society of Magnetic Invitation from M.F. Wood, Oxford Instruments, to cocktail party held in association with the meeting. Oxford, 1-2 Visit to Prague, 1985 One letter only arising from visit. Invitation with draft programme and invitation list from Sir Crispin Tickell Symposium on ‘Climate Research, Impacts Assessment and Policy Making’, Green College, April 1992 Symposium Accords, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 24-25 September 1992 Mitchell was obliged to decline because he would be out of the country at the time of the meeting. because of another Invitation Geneva. on Global Environmental (declined) meeting in E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Visits and conferences, J.1-J.17 to Visit for Analysis (IIASA), 5-6 November 1992 International Institute Applied Systems 1991-1997 Correspondence re arrangements, schedule of visit, draft of Mitchell’s lecture, background papers re the IIASA, etc. At J.11 is a 1997 enquiry re global climate change found with IIASA papers. 6 folders. Mitchell warming’. gave a seminar on ‘Reflections on global Seminar on Environmental Studies, Oxford, 12 November 1992 Invitation from Environmental Change Unit, programme and the on University of Oxford’. Environmental ‘Database Studies at J.13-J.14 Energy and Environment: A Engelberg on of participants, Correspondence re arrangements, list programme. Forum Question of Survival, Germany, 16 - 19 March 1993 European Academy of Environment Affairs International Symposium on ‘The Greenhouse Controversy’, Leipzig, Germany, November 1995 Papers relating to 1997 Diamond Conference at Heriot- ‘Symposium (to mark the retirement of Professor S.D. Smith) on ‘Applications of Electromagnetic Radiation’, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 27 March 1997 Invitation for Mitchell to participate in the meeting. Correspondence abstracts, etc arrangements, programme, J.16-J.17 2 folders. re 2 folders. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Visits and conferences, J.1-J.17 University, Watt Edinburgh symposium material (see J.16). were found with the E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 SECTION K REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS, K.1-K.46 1991-2001 Appointments, promotions, prizes, honours, etc. 1991-1999 Unindexed. 1994 4 folders. 1996 3 folders. 1995 8 folders. K.19-K.22 ngIC K.16-K.18 7 folders. K.23-K.29 4 folders. 1998 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 References and recommendations, K.1-K.46 K.31-K.38 Academia Europaea 1992-2001 Membership proposals. Unindexed. 1998-1999 2 folders. Nomination. Unindexed. K.37-K.38 2001 Nobel Prize Committee (Physics) 1992-1999 Elections etc. K.40-K.46 Royal Society Unindexed. E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 References and recommendations, K.1-K.46 1995-1997 1996-1997 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACADEMIA EUROPAEA ALLEN, G.C. ASH, Sir Eric Albert ASHFOLD, M.N.R. BAKER, Michael BERGER, A. BERRY, Sir Michael Victor BLEANEY, Brebis BOKSENBERG, Alexander BONDI, Sir Hermann BOURGOIN, J. H.14 eel G.30 i102 E.98 E24 H.161 A.8, E.2 H.177-H.180, H.193 F.22 E.65 BROOKES, Jill CAMPBELL, E. Michael CAMPBELL, James W. BROOKER, Geoffrey A. BROOKES, Chris A. BZ) ee See H.82 neve C.6 BOYER, Larry L. BRAY, Jeremy BURGEN, Sir Arnold Stanley Vincent BRITISH BROADCASTING COUNCIL E97, Es164-E)1697E 150 See also E.146 See also E.94, E.96 E.G, 64 6.5, E:7-E:9: © 14-E.17 E.22-E.24, E.31-E.41, E.57-E.62, E.68, E.86-E.92, E.97, E.98, E.108, Ed; ez) elec i2c; e136, = 146, 641477 6150) .1D3 E.94, E.97, E.99, E.129 See also E.96 E.145 H.14 H.92 CASHMORE, Roger CAVENEY, Robert J. H.161 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Index of correspondents CERN CHARLES PHILIP ARTHUR GEORGE, HRH Prince CHARLES, P.A. CHARPAK, Georges CHERNS, David CLARK, David CLAUS, Prince, of the Netherlands COLLIER, John G. COLLINS, Alan T. F.19 E132 See also E.134, E.146 COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Fac COOK, Sir Alan Hugh leeliae See also H.179 bye See also J.1 CURIEN, Hubert COULSON, Charles Alfred DITCHBURN, Robert William DIXON, Maurice DOMB, Cyril Exige. esion E ove D.18, D.19 CRAY RESEARCH (UK) LTD H.166 H.1, H.49 THE DIAMOND TRADING COMPANY LTD E.149, E.158 ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL EDWARDS, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) DUGDALE, J. Sydney DYER, Henry B. G.10 H.157 A.8 ean See also E.7 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Index of correspondents EUROPEAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ASSEMBLY (ESTA) H.60-H.79 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION EVANS, Stephen EVANS, Trevor EVENING STANDARD FIELD, John Edwin FINNEY, John L. FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles FUJIWARA. Shuzo GORINGE, M.J. H.80, H.81 E.148, E.151 BE 2 7EsHEOt F.20 E97, B9S8-6,94°.6:97E.99; E102. E.128, E.129, E.144 See also E.134, E.146 F.66 E.91, E.144 G.30 2 PARLIAMENT H.82-H.90 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND CABINET OFFICE GREAVES, G.N. GYORFFY, Balazs L. OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY H.22-H.26, H.37, H.93 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE H.13, H.14, H.21, H.161, H.164, H.189, H.191 HOUSE OF COMMONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE F.18 E.151 H.142 E.66 Eo eo E26 See also E.127A HENDERSON, Sir Denys HALPERIN, A. HARLEY, Richard T. HASSARD, John HAWKES, Nigel Index of correspondents E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 HIGHFIELD, Roger HOOGLAND, Walter HOOPER, R.M. HOPKINS, Harold Horace HOUGHTON, Sir John Theodore HOWARTH, Alan HYLAND, Gerard J. IBM (INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION) ie 22 H.23 E.93 A.14 F.23 H.13, H.188 D.24 S18; bag IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES PLC BA es INSTITUT LAUE-LANGEVIN, GRENOBLE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE A914 A.37 ZS JANOSI, Peter E. de JARMAN, R.T. JONES, Barbara L. JONES, Harry KLUG, Sir Aaron JONES, Reginald Victor J.6 F.20 A.50 A.50 E. 108) E142) 6:114-E.119eai25 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL THERMONUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL REACTOR (ITER) H.164 KONDRATYEY, Kirill Ya H.193 H.96 F.20 KALMUS, George KENWARD, Michael KOURILSKY, Francois H.96, H.187 E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 LANG, Andrew Richard LEIBNITZ, Heinz MAIER- LEWIS, Jack, Baron LOMER, Jennifer N. LONGAIR, Malcolm Sim LOUBSER, J.H.N. Index of correspondents E.103, G.30 A.50 H.93 E.65 H.157 E.67 See also E.129 LOVESEY, Stephen W. F.59, F.61-F.63, F.69, H.142 McCOMBIE, Charles W. MAINWOOD, Alison MARSHALL, Walter, Baron MASSAM, Alan 2 Seo A.8, H.157 F.20 MERRISON, Maureen, Lady H.52 MILLEDGE, H. Judith MOORE, Moreton E101), EM 02;E428eso3 A.8 See also A.14 MOORE, W. Henson MOTT, Sir Nevill Francis oi Eins Ey E.101 See also E.121 NABARRO, Frank Reginald Nunes MOORE, Sir Patrick Alfred CALDWELL- NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, Washington D.C. E.148, £.152 H.161 H.93 E.139 NATO SCIENCE COMMITTEE NELMES, Richard NEW SCIENTIST F.66 F.18 F338) H.188 NEWBY, Sir Howard Joseph NEWTON, Mark E. NATURE E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Index of correspondents O’FALLON, John R. H.46 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS F.31, F.32, F.58-F.71 PEOPLES, John R. PERKINS, Donald Hill PETIAU, Pierre PHILIP, HRH The Prince, Duke of Edinburgh PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE PILLINGER, Colin Trevor POUNDS, Kenneth Alwyne PRINS, Johan F. H.48 H.30 F.29 2 Ze E046 96021349 See also E.133, E.146 H.84 See H.82 E.154, E.156 tee(aele Oye) tee dit ROSENBERG, Harry M. ROYAL SOCIETY RICHARDSON, Neville V. RICHARDS, Sir Rex Edward RICHMOND, Sir Mark Henry E.135 A.10 H.21, H.191 See H.166 RAAL, F.A. (‘Frikkie’) RAPTIS, Costas H.94, H.95 Ea, ei QUEEN ELIZABETH HOUSE, OXFORD H.35 H.3-H.7, H.9, H.17, H.18, H.23, H.25, H.29, H.33, H.34, H.39, H.40, H.46, H.48, H.49, H.52 See also H.20, H.30, H.38 A.16, A.36, F.73, F.74, H.80, H.96, H.187 ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA A.36 ES .E7 See also E.22, E.34 RUBBIA, Carlo SALTYKOV, Boris E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Index of correspondents SCHOPPER, Herwig SCIENCE AND ENVIRONNMENTAL POLICY PROJECT (SEPP) J.13 H.109-H.117 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL H.3, H.21, H.118-H.196 SCIENCE RESEARCH FOUNDATION SEITZ, Frederick SELLSCHOP, Jacque Pierre Friedel SINGER, Siegfried Fred H.197 20 AS6, E47E 5. £15052 100 See also E.8 H.109) 110; 112; 114; 4.116; al ties SINGLETON, John D.26 SMITH, Sir Christopher Hubert LLEWELLYN H.28, H.30, H.84, H.191, H.194 SMITH, Sir Francis GRAHAM- H.179 SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) Fe22 STEEDS, John Wickham STEWART, A.D. Garry STONEHAM, E. Marshall SUNDAY TELEGRAPH THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness H.164, H.166 STEWART, Sir William Duncan Paterson F.18 E130) .1366) 2142) E50) ealo4, E.158, E.160 B97 Bae © 1477 © or e100! H.197 See also E.133 H.165 TREEN, John Pike and TREEN, Charles Pike TICKELL, Sir Crispin (Charles Cervantes) Fc See also F.24 Poe ee G.30 J.4 THOMAS, Sir John Meurig THE TIMES TURNBULL, Andrew E.W.J. Mitchell NCUACS 160/3/08 Index of correspondents U.K. CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT F.20 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY F.18, H.198-H.219 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY H.13, H.46 VIANES, George WALDEGRAVE OF NORTH HILL, William Arthur, Baron WATSON, J.H.P. WEIGHTMAN, Peter WILCOCK, William Leslie WILKS, Eileen M H.16 H.192 E.150 E.147 H.179 EOF Elomi 6 see. one o4 See also E.38, E.40 WILKS, John WYNNE, Charles Gorrie ZAHAC, Stefan ZIMAN, John Michael WOOD, Sir Martin Francis WOLFENDALE, Sir Arnold Whittaker G.44, H.187, H.189 Es) Ei4 be, 2.0) be Weenie 22- E.24, E.31, E.32, E.34-E.40, E.57- E.62, E.68 WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY J.2