LACK, David Lambert v1

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of DAVID LAMBERT LACK, FRS, ornithologist (1910-1973) Archives Centre (CSAC antnne®) y London WC2A 1HP Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, No. 74/92 1974 All rights reserved ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Committee on Scientific and Technological Records esac 20/14/74 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of 1910 — 1973 DAVID LAMBERT LACK, F.R.S. 1974 Deposited in the Library of the Edward Grey Institute, Oxford Listed by Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel D.LeL. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 Description of the collection The papers cover the years 1925 — 1973; they were collected from Dr. Lack's study at the Edward Grey Institute, Oxford, and from Mrs. Lack. Dr. Lack kept his papers in used quarto envelopes with a Ms. indication of the contents; these in turn were kept in cardboard filing-boxes whose labels were often defaced or faded. subject-matter into a roughly chronological sequence. The papers have been grouped by Almost all the notes were made on the back of typescript drafts (themselves often bearing Is. corrections) of earlier articles, books or The handlist items refer to the manuscript notes; no attempt letters. has been made to identify or collate the originals of the typescripts. The notes and records made on copy paper are often very fragile, and had sometimes been damaged by being crammed into envelopes too small for them. but not guarded and filed. ‘They have been straightened, and protected by wax envelopes, Correspondence referring to specific investigations was always Many collaborators, including amateur kept with the relevant data. ornithologists and members of the general well as professional colleagues, contributed data, observations and amendments to Lack's research and published work. are indexed; where information of special value occurs in the correspondence an indication is given in the appropriate entry in the handlist. Except for items 142-146,148, all correspondents Summary of career b. 1910 London 1924 —- 28 Gresham's School, Holt manuscripts or related published work. These books have been cleared as unclassified Titles etc. in inverted commas are those which appear on the Items 406-412 refer to 34 notebooks of observations made by Lack Unless otherwise stated, all work is in Lack's manuscript or typescript. and his collaborators of migration movements monitored by radar at various R.A.F. stations. material by the Ministry of Defence. Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford 1945 - 73 . Director, Edward Grey Institute, Oxford Zoology master, Dartington Hall School 1940 —- 45 Army Operation Research Group 1929 — 33 Magdalene College, Cambridge 1938 - 39 Expedition to Galapagos Conversion to Christianity Married Elizabeta Silva Elected to the Royal Society 1933 - 40 1948 1949 1951 1963 - 73 DeLele CoSeAcCe 20/14/74 Contents of the handlist Biographical Diaries, albums and journals Work on Galapagos (Darwin's) finches Work on speciation Work on clutch size Work on titmice Work on swifts Work on robins Work on migration Work for The Natural Resulation of Animal Numbers, Population Studies of Birds and Imjoying Ornithology Items 1-3 4-35 36 — 54 55 — 60 61 - 69a 70 — 86 87 - 138 139 - 180 181 = 219 220 = 240 Work for Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds 241 = 268 Work on island birds Work on Jamaican birds Conferences and committees 301 — 341 342 = 347 Work on evolution and religion 269 — 289 290 — 300 Work for Ecological Isolation in Birds Work on various ornithological subjects Work for Evolution Illustrated by Wildfowl 413 — 416 Index to principal correspondents 348 - 378 379 = 389 390 = 400 401 — 404 405 — 412 Correspondence Radar work pibiieetions and broadcasts DeLee CoSeAeCe 20/14/74 Le Ts Biographical Memoir by Professor William H. Thorpe, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Volume 20, 1974 ,pp.271 — 293. 'My Life as an Amateur Ornithologist' typescript account (23 pp) by Lack Photograph of David Lack and son Peter Diaries, albums and journals Album of photographs taken by Lack as a schoolboy 'Three birds of Kelling Heath's: successful entry for the Holland Martin Natural History Prize, Gresham's School. Notebook contains Ms. essay with illustrations and photo— graphs "Birds of Greatstone'; successful entry for the Public School Essay Competition of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Notebook contains typescript of essay with judges' comments transcribed by Lack, corres— pondence, notices and minutes of 37th annual meeting of Society when prize was presented, and Lack's later (1928) observations on birds at Greatstone 1925 — 28 1926 1927, 1928 1927 — 30 1926 — 28 1928 = 30 1930 — 32 1932 = 37 1941 1931 1931 'Bird Notes Orkney’: diary of observations "Bird Diary, Volume II' with index of birds 'Bird Diary, Volume I' with index of birds 'Bird Diary' (Volume IV) with index of birds '*Bird Diary, Volume III' with index of birds Notes on stuffed birds, courtship, display, general behaviour 1937 = 38 "In Print': album of press cuttings (Lack's published letters and articles); album includes Ms. list of essays, lectures, and papers by Lack and ink sketch maps of the islands and village by Ian Gar Journal of expedition to St. Kilda by group of naturalists from Oxford and Cambridge Diary of expedition — bound typescript MS with original pen Diliclss C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Album of photographs of St. Kilda with descriptive key Album of papers and articles re expedition to 5t. Kilda by various members of party (with index by Lack) Journal of Cambridge University expedition to Bear Island Album of photographs of Bear Island with descriptive key Album of reports and published articles re expedition to Bear Island by various members of party Album of photographs: Part I to East Greenland, Part II - Bear Island (descriptive key is missing) — Iceland and islands on way Journal of Cambridge Zoological expedition to East Greenland Album of photographs of East Greenland with descriptive key Album of press cuttings of expedition to East Greenland Journal of expedition to Tanganyika Album of photographs of trip to Tanganyika with descriptive key Journal of trip to California 1933 1933 1933 1934 1934 1935 1935 1934 1935 1936 1945 1947 1948 'Bird Ringing Book': tabular summaries of data Diary of observations on Shetiand Island and in Oxford Album of photographs of trip to United States with descriptive key Album of press cuttings (many are reviews of Lack's published work) Journal of trip to Holland, Finland, and Sweden; miscellaneous notes on books read Journal of trip to Holland and Switzerland; miscellaneous notes on conversations and on books read Unpublished typescripts describing trips to Tanganyika (1934) and California (1935) 1962 Journal of trips to Sweden (1950) and Switzerland (1954) 1949 — 50 1950, 1954 Journal of trip to France Journal of trip to United States and Canada D.LeL. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 III. Work on Galapagos (Darwin's) Finches 36. Journal of expedition to Galapagos Album of photographs of Galapagos (lacks descriptive key) Miscellaneous observations, calculations and data Field observations 1938 — 39 1938 = 39 1938 — 39 1938 = 39 Two large wallet files containing measurements, field observations and notes 1938 = 39 Drawings, maps and photographs "The Galapagos Finches (Geospizinae)., A study in variation. t Occ.Pap.Calif.Acad.Sci. XXI, (Work for this paper was based on e field expedition to the Galapagos in 1938-39 and on a study of skins in various mus eums ) Complete set of measurements 1945: "The Galapagos Finches': drafts of Introductory Section, amend— ments, references and tables "The Galapagos Finches': corrections and additions to the p correspondence and charts aper, Notes, observations and bibliographies 1940 1939 — 40 Darwin's Finches. Cambridge: C.U.P., 1947: bibliographical Work on Speciation *Passer domesticus': distributions and observations notes Vacant Correspondence re publication of Darwin's Finches (many let contain detailed comments on the MSS ek "Growth curves of various species taken from Heinroth, Vols II, and III, Richdale and Arn't: graphs and charts (not in Lack'ts hand ) Miscellaneous notes on species ecology (probably work done for "Ecological aspects of species—formation in passerine birds 86, pp.260-286, 1944) Work on speciation and ecology: notes and bibliographies, pondence "Species problem': correspondence (especially re robin) 'Passerines, speciation and ecology’: notes and bibliograph ies ters ' Ibis, corres=— DeLeL. CoSeAeCe 20/14/74 Vv. 61. Work on Clutch Size Notebook inscribed "Clutch Size, general interspecific': notes on others' work n.d. *Brood—size Data. Nesting success’: observations and field work by Lack and others on robin, blackbird, song thrush, heron and swallow (extensive data) Data, field observations and calculations by Lack and others on thrush, swallow, robin and blackbird; correspondence from other observers Notes and data on yellow—hammer, heron, partridge (some early observations are dated 1933-34), redbacked shrike; correspondence 'Titmice clutch size and fiela work by Lack and others (extensive data) Holland and Finno—Scandia': observations "Clutch size of Parus, Sweden-Finland': data in various hands 'Clutch size of great tit': notes Miscellaneous notes and observations, correspondence Clutch size = birds of prey': mainly information from ornitholo— gists in Sweden, Jutland, Goteborg, Uppsala 'Clutch size — song thrush and wood warbler’: data by Miss E. Silva (Mrs. Lack) 1925 = 49 1921 — 46 1945 1926 = 45 1939 = 47 1935 — 40 1946 — 47 1948 1949 1945 = 46 1946 = 47 1947 = 56 1947 = 53 Work on Titmice Data on long-tailed tit Miscellaneous data, typescript summaries 'Tit nesting enquiry for 1954 paper': data and observations Miscellaneous data and observations, charts and tables Miscellaneous data, including typescript of various charts and graphs Clutch size'*: miscellaneous notes and data, correspondence "Clutch size ~ starling': data *Clutch size — domestic fowl': mainly letters from outside amateur observers in response to Lack's request in Field for information WAL = 53 Miscellaneous data and observations, ms. and typescript drafts of various tables Notebook inscribed ‘Long-tailed tits' containing field notes and observations Miscellaneous data by Lack and others, typescripts of "Report on Tit Breeding' and ‘Analysis of British Data‘ n.d. Nee c.1955 Wor oF 1954 Ts 1947 — 49 1949 =— 54 DeLeLe CoSeAeC. 20/14/74 "Bird Box experiments’: note by Lack describing need for scientific investigation of nesting of insectivorous birds, instructions for erecting nesting boxes and keeping records, notes and data on results (see also Items 393~395) reports to Committee on Economic Ornithology of British Annual Woodlands on nesting box experiments, correspondence from Cranwich School, Gwydyr Forest Training School and area around Perth Drafts of "The nesting of titmice (1948,1949) in state forests’ and 'The nesting of titmice in boxes 1950' and ‘Family size in the great tit'; draft with anonymous comments of 'Weights and survival of nestling tits' Correspondence with Dr. H.N. Kluyver re his article on titmice and Lack's "Special review. Reproductive rate and population density in the Great Tit: Kluyver's siudy’ Ibis, 94, pp.167—173, 1952. findings) Ms. and typescript data (much is based on Kluyver's "Appendix 4. with Ms. corrections). ege-ringed — recd + Marley re-analysis on these lines’ A Re-Analysis of Dutch Data's: notes, 2 drafts (one Notation on original file 'Kluyver 1956 84. 85. Correspondence re titmice Correspondence re titmice VII. Work on Swifts 86. Correspondence re titmice Diary labelled *1949 May 24 — June 18. 69-229" containing obser— vations at Radley and of nesting boxes 1949 230~365' containing Diary labelled '1949 June 18 = 1950 May 7. record of observations of nesting boxes and tabular summaries of data Diary labelled *1948 — 1949 pp1—68" on cover. Inside ‘Elizabeth Silva, Edward Grey Institute, 91, Banbury Road'. Containing record of observations at Radley, Blenheim etc. and of swifts nesting in boxes at University Museum, Oxford observations of house martins at Boars Hill Diary dated '1950 July 30 — Sept 7. pages numbered 521-676 containing record of observations of nesting boxes 1951 April 30 — June 28" with Diary with pages numbered 677-759 containing record of observations 1951 of nesting boxes and tabular summaries of data Diary labelled *(Song thrush) Swifts' containing record of observations in Christ Church meadow, Tring etc. Also contains Diary dated '1950' with pages numbered 366-520 containing record of observations of nesting boxes and of three days at Radley 1949 = 50 1950 1950 — 51 1956 = 57 D.LeLe CSAC. 20/14/74 94. "Radley watches etc. 1946/7 Hartley. vations by E. Lack and others at Radley. Sotwell, Berkshire in another hand Sotwell': field obser Observations from 8. 1946 - 47 "Swift. B.Bepaper. Behaviour (index to field notes etc.)': notes and observations by E. Lack on nesting in boxes (includes type~ script of ‘General summary') published in Br. Birds, 45, pp.186—215 1949 = 51 *Swift. Ibis. Other people's data': notes on books and articles, statistics and observations on apus apus, correspondence} *Nesting Success etc.': information and correspondence "Swift, Ibis. Table. Stage 2's tables and observations by D. and E. Lack ‘Systematics of Apus sp Chaetura': notes and charts, distribution maps, notes on books and articles read, correspondence re Species of Apus' Ibis, 98, pp.34-62 'The 1948 - 51 1945 — 50 1954 = 55 ‘Swifts at Tring's field observations, notes on reports, corres— pondence from outside observers 1931 — 56 'Torpid Swifts': notes on books and articles read, correspondence 'Swifts in Captivity': miscellaneous notes and correspondence Notes, bibliographies (especially on swifts observed abroad), identification of species, nesting habits, correspondence 1954 1954 1954 1952 — 54 1954 1955 "Ringing recoveries': notes, page of corrected MSS, correspon— dence with European museums and institutes on recoveries 'Predators and Parasites': notes on books and articles read, correspondence Miscellaneous working papers, including statistics on Swedish recoveries of ringed birds ‘Alpine Swift. Age and Clutch size’: tables and statistics (see list on file), correspondence (analysis of Solothurn data) *Alpine Swift 1957's tables and statistics, annotated typescript article and letter from Hans Arn Letter from Hans Arn (Solothurn) including typescript of MSS and statistics for Alpine Swift 1951 'Feeding habits': notes and observations, material sent in by outside observers, extensive correspondence with C.G. Johnson (includes observations and calculations) *Roosting and Night Ascents': notes on books read, quotations and extracts re roosting, letters and information sent in by outside observers 1932 = 56 1946 = 52 1957 = 58 1949 = 52 ay 92 1950 — 58 'Courtship': notes and correspondence 'Eggs. Clutch weight and size': miscellaneous notes DeLeLe CoSeAeCe 20/14/74 113. "General breeding habits. Fighting other species for nests": ‘Notes on Dr. Weitnauer's notes on books and articles read, Paper on the Swift' (Orn.Beob. 1947), notes received from A.E. Cutcliffe, correspondence "Breeding Statistics’: notes, field observations, graphs and tables (some with German equivalents added), corrected draft of ‘Annual variations in conditions for nestlings! "Nests. Book's: notes on books and articles read, article (author unknown) 'On the breeding of the White-rumped Swift' with cor rections in two different hands (neither Lack's), letter to B.W. Tucker with specimen of swifts’ nest, correspondence "Growth of young’: miscellaneous notes *Migration's: notes on books and articles read, information and correspondence *Weather movements': miscellaneous notes and observations, correspondence and information from outside observers n.d. 1948 — 54 1951 — 56 ‘Weather movements:' notes on books and articles read, annotated offprints, observations by outside observers, correspondence 1954 =— 57 ‘Swift migration (African data)': notes and correspondence 1955 'Flight': notes on books and articles read (includes notes and information in other hands), section of corrected MSS on swifts in flight with comments and notes (?by John Barlee), correspondence 1955 =~ 56 1956 — 58 1955 = 57 1954 — 55 *Poems about Swifts. Local names. Folk—lore': miscellaneous notes "Height of flight's: notes on books and articles, correspondence 1954 = 55 "Discarded foreign swift. The Pallid Swift affair': typescript with Ms. annotations. (5 pages), correspondence A Brief Survey of Foreigm Swifts" 'Chapter 6. 'Seaward flights and weather movements': notes on books read, observations and field data, observations and data sent in by outside observers, correspondence "Swift migration paper’: observations and field notes (especially at Tring, 1956), charts, notes on ‘autum migration 1955', 3 page draft of 'The spring arrival’, data, with report and letter from J.F. Scott, correspondence Lack, August 28, 1954 ‘Correspondence about unused illustrations, excluding H.N.S.': photographs, sketches and drawings, newspaper cuttings, correspon— dence Swifts in a Tower. Londons Methuen.: draft with Ms. corrections by Lack and others of Chapter 1, newspaper article by D. and E, "The Weight of the Eggs of the Swift A. Apus': typescript with comments in another hand ‘H.N.S. Poorer photographs'sphotographs of swifts in nesting boxes 1954 D.L.L. C.S.A.C. 20,/14,/74 131. Swifts in a Tower: correspondence re publication, photographs, list of text figures 132. Swifts in a Tower: publisher's contract, miscellaneous reviews 133. Miscellaneous notes and information (probably intended as additional material for later editions of Swifts in a Tower) 134. Miscellaneous notes and correspondence 135. "Swift Egg paper’: tables, notes, calculations and correspondence 136. "Swift egg weight. Raw data‘: tables and observations 137. "Swift weights': tables and calculations, correspondence and information 138. Miscellaneous working papers on swift weights and wildfowl, note on laboratory procedure by Reg Moreau VIII. Work on Robins 139. *Population Summary, Maps. Burkitt Population Data's: territorial Maps, data on stuffed bird experiments and on aviaries 140. *Population Summary's ‘Winter Census of the Robin in Bagley Wood 1935-41" by Miss King (with additional note by W.B. Alexander), diary of robin observations (1935-46) by F.McN. Allardyce, letter from A.H. Scott 1935 — 45 1935 — 46 1945 - 47 1945 — 46 1945 = 46 1946 = 47 1946 — 47 1945 = 46 1946 = 47 observers (not indexed) robin (correspondence not indexed) notes, data and tables, territorial maps, correspondence 147. "Summaries used in compiling papers on clutch and brood sizet: 141. Territorial maps of Wytham, miscellaneous photographs of robins 148. *Information on clutch size's: summaries of data, record cards, extensive correspondence from outside observers (not indexed) 149. Information on clutch size: extensive correspondence from outside 142. Correspondence and data received in response to Lack's request British Birds, March 1945 for information on nesting of the 1945 = 47 "Robin feeding frequencies': record of observations (May-June 1946, May 1947), table of feeding frequencies, ‘summary of feeding activities’, typescript of ‘comments on robins' weights! (?by Rev. John Lees) Correspondence with Rev. John Lees (includes meticulous records, maps and observations of robins in Ross-shire ) 150. "Robin eggdata’s: data collected by Bertram Chappell with tables of clutch weight and summaries of observations and data D.L. L. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 153. 154. "Robin Weights': graphs, tables of egg weights and measure— ments, some correspondence from John Lees 'Robin Ecology’: notes and maps (most in Lack's hand but some from outside observers) (work for "Notes on the ecology of the robin'. Ibis, 90, pp.252=279) 1556 "Correspondence prior to 1940 re robin (includes some letters of a later date) 156. Correspondence from readers following publication of The Life of the Robin, London: Witherby. comments on the book) (many letters include detailed 157. Correspondence re robins from outside observers 158. Correspondence re robins from outside observers 159. 160. ~161 162. "Age's notes, data and observations on robins and other birds, comments on Chapter IX ('Age') in unidentified hand Correspondence re publication of the several editions of The Life eof the Robin: contracts, royalty statements, illustrations, foreign translations etc. Notes for second edition of The Life of the Robin (includes notes on books and articles read), photographs and correspondence. 2 page typescript of 'A learned action in herring gull and robin* ue 1946 — 49 1947 - 48 1930 = 42 1943 = 44 1945 1946 — 47 1941 — 44 1944 — 65 1942 = 45 1938 = 49 1946 = 49 1950 = 53 19€5 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. ‘Correspondence re Robin Redbreast' from outside observers and readers Correspondence with publishers and outside observers re Pelican edition of The Life of the Robin "Breeding notes after second edition': notes and earlier corres— pondence "Robin book: 3rd edition. Nesting, parasites, Lees': data, records, miscellaneous press cuttings, maps, photographs, correspondence Copy of Pelican edition with Lack's amendments for fourth edition, typescript draft of new preface, typescript of various re-written portions of text, correspondence 1948 Notes for Chapter I 'Winter Friend and Chapter II "Death of Robin': drafts, miscellaneous newspaper cuttings, guide book to Potter's Museum, Bramber, Sussex 169. Robin Redbreast: draft of preface, Ms. lists of illustrations, notes to the text and quotations, bibliographical notes, indexes Notes for Chapter III ‘Burial and Covering of Dead' and Chapter IV 'Prisons': drafts and correspondence Correspondence re publication of Robin Redbreast with comments on the MSS, permission to quote etc. 1948 c. 1949 1948 1946 ~ 56 170. DeLeLe CoSeAeCe 20/14/74 172. Notes for Chapter V 'Pastoral': poems and correspondence 173. Notes for Chapter VI ‘Colour and Movement" and Chapter VII *Politics'; drafts and correspondence 174. Notes for Chapter VIII 'Home Life’, Chapter IX ‘Exploitation’ and Chapter X 'Travel': drafts 1756 Notes for Chapter XI 'Nursery': notes, copies of poems, draft 176. Notes for Chapter XII 'Christmas': typescript of various legends, correspondence 177. "Robins for Christmas' New Scientist, 8, December 1960: copy of article, photographs of Christmas cards used as illustrations 178. 179.6 Miscellaneous notes on robins in literature Miscellaneous notes for Robin Redbreast and various newspaper cuttings re robins ‘Watching Robins': typescript draft of talk for children Work on Migration 'Passerine migration through Ingland* (with E. Lack), Br, Birds y 42, pp.320-326: typescript data with corrections re area surrounding Whitehorse Hill and Beacon Hill Material for trip to Pyrenees: maps, itineraries, postcards, receipts etc. Correspondence re migration through Pyrenees Notebook labelled on cover 'Visible Migration" and on first page ‘Migration Notes 1951. Cornwall.' containing sporadic observations from 1951 to 1958 (later observations are at Boars Hill) ‘Migration of insects and birds through a Pyrenean pass’ (with E. Luck), J.Anim.Ecol., 20, pp.63~67: typescript of proposal for expedition to Pyrenees, notes and data, observations, notes on books read Philip S. Redman "Visible migration at Land's End" (with E. Lack), Br.Birds, 45, pp.81-96: notes and observations, correspondence, maps, draft of *The origin of the coasting migrants at Land's End. A Supple- mentary Note! ‘Migration: Kent Combined Watch 1951's notes and observations by outside workers, correspondence, draft of unidentified paper on migration (first 2 pages are missing), draft of ‘Visible Pas— serine Migration through Central Kent in the Autum of 1952' by D.LeLe CoSeAeC. 20/14/74 188. Sub-Committee on Visible Migration to the Scientific Advisory Committee of the B.T.0.: drafts and final copy of hints on observing, report of the Sub-Committee and its recommendations, notes by Lack, copy of 'The Autum Migration of Skylarks in Iceland’ by Ivan Goodbody, draft of "Migration against the Wind' 189. Correspondence re Sub-Committee with reports and comments of members 190. "Migration Across the Sea*, Ibis, 101, pp.374~399: typescript draft with extensive corrections, notes on others’ work, notes and observations, related offprint, correspondence (includes correspondence with Ken Williamson on 'Bird Migration Terms’, ibis, 101, 255-256) 190a.Work on Chaffinch migration in North Devon: data and correspondence 191. 'Migration off Norfolk in the late autumn': typescript draft, data and observations, correspondence from M.T. Myers with data 192. ‘Migration data for October's: record of observations, draft of *Summary of movements seen in N.E. Norfolk from 27th October to 8th November, 1961* 193. Observations and data from Isle of Lewis: visual data of Stephen B. Lee ‘this own and that of others! 194. Observations from Isle of Lewis, correspondence 1956 1957 = 59, 1968 1957 = 59 1961 1959 = 61 1959 — 62 195. Migration notes on ‘early morning passerine arrivals! dated Letter from J. Monk 1958 — 62 1949 = 59 1960 1959 = 61 1951 = 60 comments on various drafts of MSS before publication 200. Correspondence re 'A comparison of "drift migration". . .' 1960 197. Correspondence re autum "drift migration" including extensive September 1959-60, ‘small passerine SSE inland 1958-62': tabular summaries of data, maps and charts _ 195a."Autum drift migration': data from Gibraltar Point, Spurn, Cley "A comparison of "drift migration" at Fair Isle, 198. —199.and Spurn Point', Scot.Birds, 1, pp.1-33: tabular summaries of Isle of May 196. ‘Autumn "Drift migration" on the English east coast', Br.Birds, 53, pp-325-397: tabular summaries of data, notes, typescript of pages 47-48 of draft 1960 Br. Birds, 55, pp.303-414: data, figures, photographs, draft of *comments on the Ibis paper' and typescript of ‘comments on des— cription of movements shown in the figures’. with detailed comments on ‘Radar evidence on migratory orientation’ *The influence of weather on passerine migration. A review.'’, Auk, 77, pp.171-209: notes, maps, several pages of typescript with corrections, correspondence (many letters include extensive comments on the MSS) 202. 'Radar films of migration over eastern Ingland' (with E.Eastweod) data 201. D.L.L. C.S.A.C. 20/1/74 203. "Falls of night migrants on the Imglish east coast in autum 1960: and 1961° (with Jebel. Parslow), Bird Migrat., 2, pp. 187-2013 notes and observations (by Lack, Parslow and others), correspon dence, newspaper cuttings 204. 'Migration at Minsmere, seen and unseen’ (with H.E.Axell, 1960 — 63 J.L.F.Parslow, J.Wilcock), Bird Notes, 30, pp.181~186: data and observations, tabular summaries, correspondence 205. *Passerine night migrants on Skokholm' (with P. Lack), Br.Birds, 1966 59, ppe129-141: data, weather maps, correspondence 206. 'Migration across the North Sea studied by radar. Part 1. Survey -207.through the year.', Ibis, 101, pp.209-234: Norfolk records and 1956 = 59 weather, data and tabular summaries 208. Correspondence re Part 1 209. *Migration across the North Sea. . .Part 2. The spring departure 1956-59", Ibis, 102, pp.26—57: data 1957 1960 210. Part 2: data and tabular summaries, analysis of wind direction 1959 = 60 and weather, 2 page typescript of ‘factors influencing volume of emigration’ and of ‘the influence of weather on migration’, correspondence 211. "Migration across the southern North Sea. . .Part 3. Movements 1959 = 62 in June and July", Ibis,104, pp.74-85: data, comments on the MSS by Reg Moreau, correspondence 1959 = 60 1962 — 63 1963 216. 'March — April 1959. Norfolk. Excluding E movements. + tables 1959 213. ‘Migration across the southern North Sea. . .Part 5. Movements 1963 215. Part 5: data for December, January, early February, observations made by Sergeant K.H.Crowther, first page of article (unidentified) 212, "Migration across the southern North Sea. . .Part 4. Antum!', Ibis, 1961 = 63 214. Part 5: data for May, typescript of amendments to Part 4 with 1963 in August, winter and spring, and conclusion’, Ibis, 461-492: data, typescript with Ms. corrections of paper ‘August* 105, pp. 105, pp. 1-54: data, typescript of ‘the effects of weather con= ditions on lapwing migration', correspondence Ms. corrections, correspondence (many letters include commsnts on the MSS) Neds for all Part 5': data, draft of ‘Subsidiary movements in spring 1999" tabular summaries of data, draft of ‘rework of spring emigration!’ and of tinfluence of wind speed* 217. 'Part 5. Spring revised. E. Movements to 20.iv': correspondence, 219. *The Significance of Migration's: typescript draft of article (See Section XX for radar notebooks 1957 — 62) 218, 'General Survey. Part 5': data and notes DeLeL. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 Xe Work for 'The Natural Resulation of Animal Numbers,' 'Population Studies of Birds,' and 'Hnjoying Ornithology? Correspondence with publishers re The Natural Regulation of Animal Numbers. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954 (paperback reprint 1970) 1951 —- 54 Correspondence for Natural Regulation (many letters include detailed comments on the MSS Reviews of Natural Regulation Detailed notes by Lack on Animal Dispersion in Relation to Social Behaviour by V.C. Wynne-Edwards, correspondence, data on mortality, review by Bruce Campbell of Animal Dispersion in Countryman, Spring, 1963 Correspondence with publisher and illustrator for Population Studies of Birds. Oxford:Clarendon Press, and typescript of list of proposed illustrations Reviews of Population Studies of Birds Tit for Population Studies: notes on others' Work on Coal Tit/Great work, data, observations, tabular summaries, maps, drafts of chap- ter, correspondence Population Studies) (Items 226 — 237 refer to work done for 1952 = 55 1955 = 56 1955 — 63 1964 — 66 1966 — 67 1963 — 64 Grouse: notes, typescript of various tables, draft with corrections 1963 =— 64 of "The Red Grouse and other Game Birds', copy of ‘Predation and Red Grouse Populations' by D. Jenkins, A. Watson and G.R. Miller 1964 — 65 1963 = 67 1963 = 64 1963 — 64 1957 — 67 1963 — 64 1963 = 65 Seabirds: notes and observations (some by outside observers), typescript of 'Nelson on the Gannet' Correspondence re seabirds (many letters include detailed comments on the MSS) 'Quelea, Bullfinch, Woodpigeon': notes, draft (3 pages) with comments in another hand, correspondence Correspondence re Grouse (many letters include detailed comments on the MSS) 'Tawny owls, Manakins, Song Thrush, Blackbirds, Wood Pigeons’: data, 1 page draft with extensive corrections, correspondence 1966 — 67 'Pied Flycatchers': notes and observations, draft (incomplete) with extensive corrections, correspondence (with comments on the MSS) Storks: notes, observations and graphs, correspondence (with comments on Lack's MSS) 1964 Herons: data and observations by Lack and others, correspondence 1963 — 64 Miscellaneous correspondence Miscellaneous related offprints and photographs DeLeLe CoSeAeC. 20/14/74 238. Correspondence re publication of Injoying Ornithology: contract, —239 illustrations, permission to quote etc. 240. Fnjoying Ornithology: typescripts of preface, of list of plates, of table of contents, photographs (see also Item 365) XI, Work for "Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds’ 241. 'Dispersion': notes and calculations, correspondence (many with comments on the ISS) 242. 243. ‘Weaver Birds': notes and observations, typescript of Chapter 27 "Ecology and Breeding Biology of Ploceine Weaver Birds’ with comments in another hand, correspondence "Pelecaniformes': notes and data, corrected MSS, correspondence 244. “Oceanic and Inshore Seabird': notes, corrected MSS, correspondence 2456 'Penguins': notes, corrected MSS, comments on Chapter 23 in another hand, correspondence 1963 — 64 1963 = 65 1963 — 66 1964 — 66 1964 — 66 246. ‘Wading and Littoral Birds': notes, corrected MSS, correspondence 1964 — 66 *Cooperation': notes on others' work, correspondence *Scolopacidae': notes, corrected MSS, correspondence 1964 = 67 1965 ‘Australian passerines': notes and correspondence "Age of breeding': notes, bibliographies, correspondence 'Pigeons and parrots’: notes and correspondence 1965 1964 = 65 1965 — 66 1965 ~ 66 1965 ~ 66 1965 = 66 ‘Other passerines': notes by Lack and others, typescript of various tables, comments on the MSS, correspondence 'Nidicolous land birds': data, notes on others' work, offprints (German), correspondence "Breeding Biology in Procellariiformes': notes and observations, corrected MSS, comments on Chapter 13 signed 'J.W. Jan '65' (John Warham), correspondence 1966 — 67 "Anatidae': notes and data by Lack and others, corrected type— script of various tables, correspondence (with much additional data) "Brood parasites': notes, typescript of 'The Phylogeny of the Parasitic Icteridae' with comments by Mayr and Paynter and corrected typescript of 'Mimicry in parasitic young' "Breeding Ecology': graphs, notes and calculations mainly on egg data (weight, incubation, size), correspondence "Marine birds': notes, corrected MSS and graphs, correspondence 1966 1966 1966 — 67 DeLeL. CSAs. 20/14/74 2596 260. 261, 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. Correspondence re ‘Brood parasites’ "Tropical African Clutch Size's: notes and data "Moult': notes and bibliographies 'Pair bond and sex selection': notes and bibliographies 'Weavers': photographs by J.H. Crook with descriptive key "Miscellaneous birds’: notes, bibliographies, corrected draft Correspondence re ‘Miscellaneous birds! Miscellaneous notes, bibliographies and offprints for work on ecological adaptation Correspondence re illustrations with Robert Gillmore Correspondence re publication: permission to use material from other sources, etc. after publication File includes several letters from readers Work on Island Birds Notes by Lack and outside observers, bibliographies, 1 page of comments on unidentified MSS, correspondence "Mediterranean Islands. Sardinia, Corsica, Maltese and Aegean': notes and observations, drafts, correspondence *Hawaii Phaeornis': notes and correspondence 'Gulf of Guinea. Sao Tome. Principe’: notes and observations, drafts, appendix on land and freshwater birds, correspondence 'Ireland': notes and bibliographies, correspondence ‘Hawaii, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Bermuda, Indonesia, Tres Marias': notes and bibliographies, correspondence "Gough Island. Tristan da Cunha. Iceland's notes, observations, correspondence (many of the letters contain detailed information) pondence *Atlantic Islands': material for comparison of species on islands with Morocco, notes, observations, bibliographies, list of species, draft of Appendix 2 and 3, correspondence 'New Zealand's: notes, bibliographies, drafts for publication *tAtlantic Islands. Madeira, Azores, Cape Verde': observations, bibliographies, notes, correspondence Island birds': miscellaneous notes and bibliographies, corres— DeLeLle CoSeAcCe 20/14/74 Miscellaneous notes, correspondence (1972) Drafts with extensive corrections and annotation of Chapters 15 = 20 of "Island Book' with tables, appendices etc. Chapter 16 ‘The Island Distribution of Darwin's Finches*: bibliographies, and notes, corrected drafts, anonymous comments on draft, correspondence and information "The Number of Species on Islands' (Witherby Memorial Lecture ) Bird Study, 16, pp.193-209: typescript draft 'The endemic ducks of remote islands*, Wildfowl, 21, pp.5—10: typescript 18. 1967 — 68 1972 1967 — 68 1967 = 68 1970 1970 280. 281. ~283 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. XIII. 290. 295. 'The numbers of species of hummingbirds in the West Indies’, Evolution, 27, pp.326—337: drafts, computer data, notes, graphs, correspondence 1971 = 73 "Birds on Grenada’, Ibis, 115, pp.53-59: corrected draft; ‘Wintering Warblers in Jamaica’, Living draft with extensive corrections, tables Bird, 11, pp.129-153: 289. ‘Birds on St. Vincent’, Ibis, Dee’, 115, ? pp.46-52: corrected typescript also Section XIV *Work on Jamaican Birds' which superseded the (See work on Island Birds) 1971 1968 — 69 1968 — 69 1968 — 69 Work for ‘Ecological Isolation in Birds? 'Hybridisation': notes on books and articles read re American birds (land and aquatic) correspondence 'Parus': notes, drafts, bibliographies, offprint annotated in another hand 'Mainly thrushes's: notes and drafts, photographs, comments on own work and cowments from other observers , correspondence Ecological Isolation in Birds. Oxford & Edinburgh: Blackwell Scientific Publications. ‘Ecological isolation and Territor— iality': notes and comments on books and articles read, draft of ‘Vultures’ with corrections, draft of *African island’ with corrections, draft of "Some tropical studies' with comments and corrections by Moreau, correspondence 1969 = 70 script list of text figures; typescript list of corrections to book}; correspondence re permission to reproduce drawings; editorial cor respondence; correspondence after publication with comments and additional information; reviews of the book Miscellaneous notes, mainly comments on books and articles read re European birds, correspondence 'Food's notes and comments on books and articles read, 1 page corrected MSS 'Chapter on Food', correspondence 297a. Ms notes; typescript guide for printing figures; corrected type- 296. Notes, graphs, bibliographies, ‘Sitta, Asia & India‘ 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 297. Miscellaneous notes and drafts on *habitat! D.LeL.e C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 298. Notes and drafts (some with comments in another hand) re *'finches* 299. 300. Notes on books read re European birds ‘Tropical areas (excluding Africa)": notes and comments on works read, draft of ‘Australian honeyeaters' with corrections by Allen Keast, comments by C. Perrins Work on Jamaican Birds Pocket notebook inscribed with name and address and ‘West Indies. June 1969! containing field observations Notebook labelled ‘Jamaican Field Notes, Vol 1, October — Decem— ber! containing field observations n.d. Notebook labelled ‘Jamaican Field Notes, Vol 2 containing observations December — ' n.d. Ncetebook labelled ‘Jamaican Field Notes, Vol 3' containing observations Notebook labelled 'Vol 4" containing field observations n.d. n.d. Notebook labelled by E. Lack "Domenica, June 1972. Field Notes' 1972 "Lesser Antilles except Domenica': notes and observations, tabular summaries of data, correspondence 1971 1972 1972 c.1971 "Tobago': notes and observations 'Passerine notes': observations and tabular summaries of data ‘Count summary by place's tabular summaries in another hand ‘Honduras': tabular summaries of data, 1 p. typescript "Domenica': tabular summaries of data, correspondence, 'Notes on the airfauna of Domenica, B.W.I.* by D.B. Wingate "Daily records of observations': detailed typescripts of data (Location, weather, date, environs, time, number of observers etc) talk at AIBS meeting by Richard Howard, correspondence 'Non—passerine. Jamaican land birds Finished notes': notes and observations by Lack and others, draft of 'Pigeons. Columbidae' with extensive corrections, correspondence ‘Notes on non—passerine from reading, Ridgway, skins etc': notes and correspondence 'Wanderers': notes, typescripts of various tables, correspondence 1971 — 72 'Flora. Except Jamaica': bibliographies, notes, transcript of 1970 = 71 D.L.L. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 321. 'Feeds analysed by fruit': notes by Lack and other observers, correspondence 322. "Summaries of feeds of passerines’: notes 323. =32A, 325. 326. 'Feeds: detailed notes on feeding of various Jamaican birds 'Faunal comparisons. esp. Jamaica cf. mainland. WI airfauna endemision in other archipelagos': notes Draft of ‘Chapter I, "Miscellaneous notes, observations, map. 'A Theory of Island Airfaunas'; draft An Island Model and of of ‘Chapter 15, Tropical Mountain Birds' and of 'East African Mountain Forests! ‘Chapter 2, Notes on Flora (Adams), Weather': notes by Lack ‘The types of forest in and others, correspondence, draft of Jamaicat with comments and corrections by Lack and Dr. Dennis Adams References for Jamaican bird book in alphabetical order (ms. and typescript ) "A check list of the birds of Jamaica': Xerox copy 1973 ned. Work on West Indian Zoogeography sent by Ernst Mayr to Lack, typescript of proceedings of a symposium on zoogeography sponsored by Mayr in April 1954, correspondence 1954, 1971 .' by 1971 1972 1972 on proposed course on zoogeography' by P.J. Darling— 1956 = 62 Letter from Ernst Mayr enclosing draft of work on birds of Northern Melanesia; Mayr letter answering Lack's questions re faunas of large islands and adaptive radiation in West Indian lizards and referring to work on Northern Melanesia Letter from Alexander Cruz enclosing typescript of ‘Distribution and habitat preferences of the family columbidae in Jamaica’; file also contains draft of 'Birds of the Lluidas Vale (Worthy Park) Region, Saint Catherine, Jamaica’ by A. Cruz (0.1972) Copy of ‘Memo ton, dated November 20,1962; copy of ‘memo for Ernest Williams on Simpson's Zoogeography of West Indian Land Mammals. . P.J. Darlington, dated March 26,1956; Mayr's notes on Darlington's work (Island Biology, Illustrated by the Land Birds of Jamaica to be published in 1975) Outline for 'The Origin of the Flora and Fauna of the West Indies’ 1971 by Ernest W. Williams (ed.), notes by Lack and others, biblio— graphical cards, letter from Thomas Schoener answering Lack's questions with many references to work done by EH. Williams Data for Island Biology collected by Peter Lack on a programme worked out by David and Peter Lack. Ms. note by David Lack Diary of observations on Domenica Diary of observations on Jamaica 338. 339+ 340. 3414 1972 1970 = 71 1971 — 72 1969 — 71 D.LeLe C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 Evolution Illustrated by Wildfowl "The proportion of egg yolk in the eggs of waterfowl’ Wildfowl, 19, pp.67-69: notes and tables on egg weights and yolk/white ratios, correspondence and information ‘Anatidae Eggs': notes, tables, calculations on egg weights and yolk/white ratios, correspondence Miscellaneous correspondence on egg weights and yolk/white ratio Evolution Illustrated by Waterfowl, Blackwell Scientific ‘Part 1.Principles of classification pps.1—28' Publications. and 13. Where species meet: choice of mate pps.29-54'; drafts with corrections by Lack and comments in two other hands (un— identiried) 346. 347. Notes on books and articles read, notes on speciation, charts and maps Contract with Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd., miscella— neous papers re publication, 3 drafts of p.27, correspondence and information (Evolution as Illustrated by Waterfowl +o be published in 1975) 348. (Work for 'Changes in status among British 1941 - 43 Vil Work on various ornithological subjects (Material in this section is arranged chronologically. of specific published papers is given when known. ) Title and reference 'The display of the Blackcock' Br.Birds, 32, pp.290-303: raw data and observations, notes on others' work ‘Changes in status — British Islands': notes by Lack and others, notes on others’ work ‘Changes in Status — British Islands': notes by Lack and others, correspondence breeding birds' (with W.B. Alexander), Br. Birds, 38, pp.42-45, 62-69 , 82-88 ) by Lack and Emlen ‘Observations on Breeding Behaviour in Tri-—Coloured Redwing’ (with J.T. Emlen), Condor, 41, pp.225-230: notes and observations 1941 = 43 1939 — 40 1939 DeLeL. CoS.A.C. 20/14/74 352. "An investigation of the factors controlling the number of the breeding bird population's: draft with corrections; notes for speech by Lack, notes on others' work, ‘'Insectivorous Birds and Forestry' by Lack (see also Item 78), correspondence "Canaries': correspondence re Lack's trip to Canary Islands, March 1947. Notes on breeding birds with tabular summaries of data "Vernacular names of birds': draft with ms. corrections of Lack's letter to the editor of Auk, paper by Owen Wynne on the same subject, letter from H.H. Poor Field observations at Breckland: notes and tables "Breckland Heaths': observations, maps and charts, bird counts for bird population related to afforestation and tree height (Work for ‘Old brecks 216 and ‘Further changes in bird—life caused by afforestation!’ (with E. Lack) J.Anim,Ecol, 20, pp.173-179) or new forests?" Bird Notes, 24, pp.215— 1946 = 47 1947 1948 — 51 1951 Draft with corrections of ‘Further changes in bird—life due to afforestation’ with tables 1951 *Birds in the Bible': correspondence with Professor G.L. Driver (Magdalen College, Oxford) and comments by Reg Moreau on Driver's paper 1952 = 53 1952 =- 57 1953 = 54 1952 =— 54 Data and field observations on nightjars (Work for 'Notes on nesting night jars' Br.Birds, 50, PD.273-277) Notebook inscribed '"Nightjars. 1952-6. Morte Hoe 1956 containing records of field observations 1952 — 56 'The significance of egg colour in chats and thrushes': data, tables, 2 drafts, correspondence (with comments on the MSS) Work for 'The significance of colour of turdine eggs' Ibis, 100, pp. 146-166) Data on call notes, correspondence (Work for 'Call-notes, Erithacus and convergence’ Ibis, 96, pp.312—314) 'Fluctuations in the heron population’: data, draft with cor— rections, comments on the paper by S.A.C. sent by W.B. Alexander (identity of S.A.C. unknown), correspondence (several letters (Work for 'The Stability of the include comments on the MSS) Heron Population’ Br.Birds, 47, pp.111-119) 238 — 240) "British Pioneers in Ornithological Research 1859-1939! Ibis, 101, pp.71-81 (reprinted in Injoying Ornithology): notes and tables, correspondence, comments on the MSS (see also Items 'Egg colour — Cott': correspondence and data 'Egg colour — all other birds': correspondence and data "Sand martin project': architectural plans for nesting boxes, correspondence DeLele CoS.AcCe 20/14/74 23. 366. Work for 'Cuckoo hosts in Ingland' Bird Study, 10, pp.185-202: 1956 = 64 data, correspondence, comments on the MSS 367. Obituary of W.B, Alexander, Nature, 209, pp.759-760: correspondence 1966 and draft 368. Correspondence and papers on internationally agreed world list of 'A plea for a list of holarctic bird species’ birds, typescript of 1967 369. Arrangements for holiday in Norway: maps and notes of birds, . 1968 correspondence 370. *Zosterops': notes and maps on geographical distribution, biblio- 1969 graphies, notes on books read, correspondence and comments 371. *Fighting in birds and man: the wrong moral'; notes, parts of 1968 typescript with ms. corrections, correspondence (work for ‘Of birds and Men' New Scientist, 41, pp.121-122) 372. "Species diversity': bibliographies and notes, 1 page draft, 1969 typescript of Chapter 15 Diversity’, correspondence 'An Introduction to Bird Species 373. Editorial correspondence for article entitled !Population, Biological' for Encyclopaedia Britannica 374. *Population, Biological'-— section on insects: notes, draft with corrections by Lack, Professor G. Varley and another, correspon dence corrections by Lack and Adam Watson, correspondence 376. "Population, Biological’: miscellaneous notes on population control of mammals 379. ‘Evolution and Man's Nature's: talk given at St. Anne's House, 377. ‘Population, Biological': miscellaneous working papers and drafts, correspondence 375. ‘Population, Biological’ section on red grouse: typescript with 384. ‘Natural selection and human nature's: draft with corrections Soho, 26 November 1953: drafts, corrected typescript, comments, addenda and postscript to lecture "Some letters on the family at church’ by D. and E. Lack with correspondence on which article was based flict. Methuen: miscellaneous press cuttings and reviews, correspondence (see also Item 386) 382. SBvolutionary Theory and Christian Belief. The Unresolved Con— 380. 'Evolution and Man's Nature's: comments and correspondence 381. 378. Work on population dynamics - fish: correspondence XVII. Work on Evolution and Religion 383. Enquiries about miracle at Lourdes: correspondence D.LeL. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 385. Miscellaneous drafts for works on evolution and religion 386. *Evolutionary Theory and Christian Belief': correspondence -387 and comments on the MSS (see also Item 382) 388. Miscellaneous references and notes for work on evolution and religion 389. File of bibliographies and references for work on evolution and religion XVIII. Conferences and Committees 390. International Committee for Bird Preservation, British Section, London, 17 October 1946: committee papers, copy of address by Lack 391. Conference on 'Genetics, Paleontology and Evolution', Princeton, January 2-4, 1947: correspondence 392. Conference of British Ornithologists' Union, Edinburgh, June 20-23: correspondence 393. Committee on the Economic Ornithology of British Woodlands, —394Forestry Commission: maps, results of bird box experiments, correspondence (much of the correspondence belongs to P.H.T. Hartley as Lack did not become an official member until 1948) (see also Items 78 — 80) E.G.I. Conference on Predators, Oxford, 3 typescript on nomenclature —- 7 January 1964: Minutes of Committee on the Economic Ornithology of British Woodlands Photograph of members of Twelfth International Ornithological Congress, New York, June 22, 1962 (with key) Eleventh International Ornithological Congress, Basel, May 29 = June 5, 1954: correspondence, Lack's notes Tenth International Ornithological Congress, Uppsala, June 10-17, 1950: correspondence, conference papers, ‘Round table conference on bird ringing' — notes taken by E. Lack, minutes, correspondence 1945 — 68 Fourteenth International Ornithological Congress, Oxford, July 1966 (of which Lack was president): extensive correspondence re planning of Congress, copies of 3 papers presented (by D.Amadon, E.Mayr and D.Lack), committee papers (These files are as Lack kept them although many of the letters refer to specific investigations or subject-matter listed in Sections III - XVI) KIX. Correspondence 401. File of "Miscellaneous correspondence! D.L.L. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 "Correspondents in Finland' ‘Correspondents in Germany' "Correspondents from Holland!’ Correspondence from Fernando Alvarez enclosing copy of ‘Wing Claw in Apodiformes! with annotated photographs 25. 1945 — 50 1945 — 48 1971 402. 403. 404. XX. 405. 411. 412. Radar Work (see also items 206 — 219 for papers published as a result of this work) Correspondence: permission to use stations, regulations which governed use of radar facilities, security clearance of papers, destruction of films, etc. Memo prepared by W.R.P. Bourne for submission in evidence to the Commission on the Third London Airport 1961 — 70 406.-412. Notebooks containing observations by radar of bird migration 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. Observations by Lack (6 notebooks) Observations by S.B. Lee (3 notebooks) Observations by J.L.F. Parslow (3 notebooks) Observations by M. Timothy Myers (6 notebooks) Observations by M. Timothy Myers (6 notebooks) XXI. Publications and broadcasts Bibliography of Lack's published work Observations by John Wilcock (5 notebooks) One box of in published works. Observations by John Wilcock (5 notebooks) Copies of various minor contributions by Lack to newspapers and periodicals (see list of contents in file) 15 miscellaneous blocks for illustrations and diagrams Transcripts of various radio broadcasts (see list of contents in file) for ‘Darwin's Finches! One envelope of illustrations and diagrams DeLeL. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 XXII. Index to principal correspondents (numbers refer to items) ADAMS, Dennis ADAMS, Je. K. ADDISON, William AINSWORTH, George H. ALBERY, William ALEXANDER,Horace Gundry ALEXANDER, Robert 327 164 167 197, 208 171 367 165 ALEXANDER, Wilfred Backhouse: 140, 157, 162, 348,365 ALLEN, F. ALVAREZ, Fernando AMADON, Dean AMES, Peter L. ARGYLL, Ian Douglas Campbell (Duke of) ARKELL, Gordon ARMSTRONG, Edward Allworthy ARN, Hans ASHMOLE, N. Philip 49 404 98 252,259,273 373 167 386 84 106, 107, 108 230,251,297a 86 86 AUDIS, Professor L. J. BAGG, Aaron M. BAILEY, Norman BAKER, We Ke BACKHOUSE, G. BACON, Newton BALLANCE, D. BAMFORD, H. ‘K. V. AXELL, H. Ee BANNERMAN, David AUTHUR, Reginald W. 134 187,204,208, 212 85 353 201 85 292 208 63 190a, 277, 392 121 63 369 63 BARTHOLOMEN, James BARNES, J. A. G. BAXTER, Evelyn V. BATTERS, George BARTH, Edward K. BARLEE, John BAX, Andrew D.L.L. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 BAXTER, George BEARD, J. 5S. BECK, J. Robert BECKING, J. BEDARD, John BEECHER, We 4H. Je BENDALL, James BENEMANN, J. BENSON, Constantine W. BERGERUD, A. T. BERNDT, Rudolf BERNIO, Francesco BERTRAM, Colin BICKMORE, A. F. BLACKMAN, Professor Geoffrey Emett FERS BLANK, Teveue H. BLETCHLY, John BLEZERD, Ernest BLONDEL, Jacques 85 320 268 340 293 361a 246 386 98, 120, 134,265, 292 228 402 291 401 134 364 121 147 147 291 BLYH, Eric BOLTON, Treeby BOREHAM, Henry J. BOROUGH, Cynthia BOND, G. BOND, James BORTUWICK, W. B. 110 167 400 167 187 405 137 221 BODDINGTON, David BOSANQUET, Mildred BOSWALL, Jeffrey Hugh Richard BOURNE, William Richard Postle 259 134, 307, 308, 333 383 99,117,165 369 155 67,143 BRAMBELL, Professor Francis William Rogers BRERETON, John L. BOYCOTT, Je Aw BOYD, A. We BOYD, J. Morton BOYLAND, Albert 167 205 134 253 BOWER, C. BRIGHT, Lawrence D.L.L. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 BROADHEAD, Geoffrey BROOK, Arthur BROOKE, Richard BROOKS—KING, M. BROOK, Michael BROWN, Philip BROWNLOW, H. Guy BRUN, Einar - BRUNNER, G. OC. BRUNS, H. BULLOUGH, H. Puteiary ve. Re BURNET, Jack BURNS, Philip S. BUXTON, Edward John Mawby BUXTON, Professor P. A. FRS CADBURY, Je OC. CADMAN, We. A. CAMPBELL, Bruce 394 134 259 156,157 393 117, 165,363 158,197 369 405 86 113 365 386 115 63,131, 132, 157, 167,173,277) 353 59 85 84 84, 158,235,362, 393 84 131 CHAPIN, James CAUGHLEY, Graeme CHALKE, S. H. CARRICK, Robert CARTER, G I. CAMPBELL, W. D. CHANDLER, K. P. CARPENTER, G. Hale CAMPBELL, M. A. CHANCE, Edgar P. CARLQUIST, Sherwin 105 278 59 245,250,268 386 236 167 64 164 98 147, 150, 158, 63,366 280 184 51,249 CHAPPELL, Bertram CHARTIERS, Guy CHISHOLM, Alexander Hugh CLANCEY, P. A. CHEEK, Anthony CHESSURE, Charles 197,200,203, 208,212 120, 259 CHISLETT, Ralph CLAY, Teresa DeLeleC.SsAs@e° 20/14/74 CLEGG, John CLEMENTS, H. A. Be CONDOR, Peter John CONGREVE, W. M. COOKE, Charles A. CORNWALLIS, Richard Kinahan COULSON, John C. COWAN, I. McT. CRAGG, James B. CRANSHAW, J. &E. CROMBIE, Alistair CROWTHER, Ke. Re. He CRUICKSHANK, H. CRUM, I. M. Cy CRUZ, Alexander CUDWORTH, John CURIO, Eberhard CUTCLIFFE, Aw &. 394 84 289 , 347 59,64, 366 158 189, 197,200, 208 230,241,244 244 226 AD 60 215 394 167 335 197 235 113, 186 DALE, E. 162 184 DELACOUR, R. FRS DAVIES, Gwen DAVIES, Peter DAVIN, D. DAVIS, H. 4H. 168 147 386 DANNREUTER, T. DARLINGTON, P. J. DE BEAUFORT, Le F. DAVID, Richard W. DE BEER, Sir Gavin DAVIDSON, J. Findlay 334 31 131 113 200, 205, 363 400 386 252 165 300, 307,344 391 386 292 153 DORST, Professor Jean DONALDSON, Preston DIGGLE, R. F. DIXON, Keith L. DENNIS, James DIAMOND, Tony DICE, Lee R. De Liles: Cs8sA.0. 20/14/74 DRENT, R. DRIVER, Professor G R. DRIVES, Peter Walters DRURY, William H. DUNNETT, George M.- DURANGO, S. EASTWOOD, Eric EDELSTEN, J. _ EDWARDS, Keith D.. EGGELING, We. J. EISENTRAUT, Professor M. EISENMANN, Eugene ELIASSON, Uno ELIOT, N. PELIOTIS We. Ge = Re ELLIOTT, Clive ELLIOT, Sir Hugh Francis Ivo ELLIOTT, John A. ELLIOTT, W. Be 4H. 135,342,343 358 232 236,295 251,343 147 238 226 134 200 274 201 284, 320 184 187 275 120 63 165 242,307,391 158 158,221 158 FADDY, A. FALCONER, Douglas 84 67 269 167 FARTHING, Cecil FELTON, A. Le EMLEN, John T. ENGLISH, A. We FALLA, Robert Alexander FERGUSON-—LEES, Ian James HNNION, Eric Arnold Roberts EVANS, G. 234 393 85, 89,238, 265,275, 361 318 212 110,121 172,400 FISHER, James Maxwell McConnell 48 84,394 221 FISHER, Professor Re. A. FFRENCH, Richard P. FLINT, Gordon FRANK, Fritz FINNEY, D. Je FISCHER, Richard FRANZ, J. DeLebe CoSeA.C. 20/14/74 FRASER, John FRIEDMANN ,Herbert FRITH, Harry James FUGGLES—CONCHMAN, N. Re GARMETER, Thomas GARNETT, Ronald M. GARNETT, T. GIBB, John Anthony Re GIBBENS, Deirdre . GILBERT, Harold S. GILLMOR, Robert A. GILSON, H. GLADSTONE, John C. GLADSTONE, Peter GOBEL, H. GODWIN, Harry GOODBODY, Ivan GOODWIN, Derek RS M. 163,164 259 246, 249 , 268. 231,241 394 63 84 226, 361,362 134 121,162 224, 238,267 113 135 110 364 241,348 186 253,317,362 98 GORDON, Derek GORDON, Seton OD. M. W. | GRAHAM, Michael GRANT, Peter GRAY, Sir James HAARTMAN, Lars 134, 160 297a GOSLING, Bernard 221 279 367 279 GREENWOOD, Jeremy 380 165 158, 269 GRENSTEAD, L. GROSS, H. M. GUDMUNDSSON, Finnur 60, 165 HARRISON, James Maurice D. John Burdon Sanderson 67,157, 221,223,391 HARRIS, Michael 292 134 187 85 230 HAMMERSLEY, Je M. HARBER, D. HARRIS, Ee. HALL, Patricia HALDANE, FRS 235,265,400 DeLele CoSeAsC. 20/14/74 HARRISON, Jeffrey Graham HARRISSON, Tom Harnett HARRMANN, F. HARTLEY, Peter Harold Trahair HAYDOCK, Edward L. HAYWARD, H. H. 5S. HEBDITCH, G. A. HEDIGER, D. H. HEINROTH, 0. HENTY, Cliff HERTMANN, Frank HESELWOOD, Alfred HICKEY, Joseph HICKLING, Ronald HIGGINS, Lionel G. HINDE, Professor Robert Audley HOBBY, B. M. HOFFMANN, Lukas HOIG, Gunnar 121 253,254, 265 382 60,84, 155,238,291, 381,393 102. 99 84, 186, 189 160 155 244 131 165 228 99,364 278 201,295,371 158 126 259 HOLDGATE, M. W. HODGERSEN, H. 275 369 117, 189, 197,291,361 HOWARD, E. HOWARD, Richard A. HOWARTH, T. Graham HUNT, Grainger HOPKINSON, A. OD. HUBNER, Paul HUGHES, A. HOSKING, Eric HOWARD, Cyril 84 396 131 403 155 320 HORSTADIUS, Professor 5S. HOLLOM, Philip Arthur Dominic 51, 156,220,401 163 236 251 134 119, 186 278 131 128,131 (Baron,of Campden Hill) HUXLEY, Sir Julian Sorell HURCOMB, Cyril William HURRELL, Henry George HUME, C. HUNT, O. W. OD. HUNTINGDON, Charles 386 FRS 259 85,86 228,241,375 84 268 248 111,344 292 386 236,278 176 378 402 249 , 297,300 54 391 63,401 307 158 84 269 D.L.L. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 INGRAM, Geoffrey C.S. ISENMANN, Paul JAMES, H. W. JEBBITT, D. &E. JENKINS, David JENKINS, Harold JENSEN, Henning JOHNSON, Aw We. JOHNSON, C. G. JOHNSON, David W. JOHNSON, Douglas JOHNSON, E. OD. 4H. JOHNSON, John JOHNSON, Wally KALELA, Olair KEAST, Professor James Allen KENDEN, Frank KLOMP, A. KLUYVER, H. N. KOENIG, Otto KRAMER, Gustav KERR, Helen Rait KENRICK, Hugh KEPLER, Cam KEVE, Andrew KINSKY, F. C. KREUGER, Ootheca R. KENDEIGH, S. Charles 403 82,84,85,86,226, 292 401 402 134 255 84,85,86, 393 LANCASTER, Douglas A. 67 147 290 84 KRUUK, Hans KULEK, R. LAURIE, M. WN. LAVEN, Hannes LAMBERT, Anthony DLL. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 LEA, David LEE, P. Leonard LEE, Stephen B. LEES, John LENNOX, Ae Je LEOPOLD Aldo LEVEQUE, Raymond Paul Joseph LEVER, Professor J. LITTLE, Ernest A. LOCKE, M. LOCKLEY, Ronald M. LONG, Dorothy LOPPENTHIN, B. LORENZ, Konrad LOVEJOY, Thomas E. LUDOLF, G OD. LUNDBERG, S. MacARTHUR, Robert Helmer J. L. M. 186 194 194 151,152,153, 164 135 391 268,270,291, 2972 386 135 184 155,158 142 134 155,402 268 156 68 17,84, 393,394 405 405 386 190,223,279 , 284, 372, 387 134,362,400 MARCHANT, Stephen MARKHAM, John MASCALL, Eric L. MATHIAS, 0. L. McGREGOR, A. McGARTH, A. MacKENZIE, J. OD. MACPHERSON, A. Holte MacDONALD, James David MATTHEWS, Leonard Harrison FRS 348 249 226,235 MATTHEWS, Geoffrey Vernon Townsend 320 102, 250, 269, 284, 51,59 ,60,67,98, 362, 365, 368, 386, 29 Ta. 334,336,361, 156 257,347 85,134 121 184 391 380, 386 134 MEDAWAR, Sir Peter FRS MAYR, Professor Ernst MEES, Gerhof fF. MAYHEW, Wilbur W. MAYNARD, Noel MEDWAY, Lord D.LeL. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 MEAD, Chris MEIKLEJOHN, Professor Maury MEINERTZHAGEN, Col. Richard MEISE, W. MILFORD, Rose MILLER, Alden Holmes MILLER, Robert C. MILNE, Harry MINTON, Clive D. T. MITCHELL, Keith D. G. MOFFITT, James MONK, James MOON, Professor Harold Philip MOORE, John N. MOORE, Norman W. MOORE, Ne. C. 137 134,200,400 156,157,221, 348, 386. 2524254, 255,265 167 51,241 48,51 343 250 122 48 190,202,208, 211,212, 238, 368,400,401 386 386 340 96 MOREAU, Reginald Ernest 96, 138, 156, 167, 173,271,274, 290, MORLEY, Averil 291,294, 347,368,387 348 MORRIS, R. F. NILSSON, Niels 68 307 NAUROIS, Rene 378 236 208,231,377 117 366 191,200,405 NELSON, J. Bryan NEVIN, We. We NEWTON, Ian MUSPRATT, Vera M. MUSSELWHITE, D. WwW. MUELLER, Helmut C. MYERS, M. Timothy 277,279 400 MURTON, Ronald Keir NEITHAMMER, Professor G. 197 158 189,223, 361,400 NICHOLSON, Edward Max 243 187 291 230 256 NICHOLLS, C. A. NICHOLS, W. We NISBET, Ian NIXON, Je. W. NICHOLS, David DeLeLe CoS.AC. 20/14/74 NORRIS, Tony NORTH, Myles’ E. We O'DONALD, Peter OLIVIER, Gaston Georges ORIANS, Professor Gordon H. ORR, A. P. ORR, Robert T. OSMASTON, Be. 8B. OWEN, J. 4H. PAGE, Millicent PALMAR, C. Eric PALMGREN, Pontus PARK, Thomas PARK, W. OD. PARKER, He. We PARKES, Kenneth Carroll PARRINDER, John POLUNIN, G. 189 242 236 184 231,265,293 134 51,284,297a 163, 165 64, 156, 163 96 121,128,131 402 352 344 59 259, 292 189 204,271 186 134 386 228 PERDECK, Albert C. (Lord) PEARCE, Re Ge- PARSLOW, John PARSONS, A. G. PAYNE, Robert B. PAYNTER, Raymond PEASE, Michael PENNIE, Ian D.. PEARCE, E. Je 167 231,259 PARTRIDGE, J.B: PERRINS, Christopher Miles PERCY, Richard Charles 259 386 84 157 400 221 189,190,201 300 84,85 134 236,401 242,247 , 265, 362, 363 PITMAN, Charles Robert Senhouse PHILLIPS, W. We Ae PICKVANCE, T. J. PITELKA, Frank A. PICOZZI, N. PIECHOCKI, R. D.L.L. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 POOR, Hustace H. POORE, M- E. D. PORTMANN, Professor Adolf PRATER, Aw J. PREECE, Warren E. PRESTON, F. We PRESTON, P. PRIDEAUS, Roger PRIESTLY, Janet RADFORD, Mary C. RAINES, Ro. J. H. RAND, Austin Loomer RAPHAEL, Professor David Daiches RATCLIFFE, Derek A. RENIER, G. J. RHIVERIDGE, Richard RICE, Dale W. RICHARDS, O. Wz. 354 369 397 137,344 373 Za 386 158 227, 343,347,392 117,119 189 120 386 241 155 247 251 348 ROSS, Winifred M. (Hon.) RIDPATH, M. G. RILEY, M. ROBBIE, T. Aw ROBERTSON, Alex ROWAN, B. ROWLEY, Ian RICHARDSON, E. C. ROBERTSON, William B. RIPLEY, Sidney Dillon ROTHSCHILD Miriam RICHARDSON, Richard A. 157, 158 197,211,212 247 184 272 84,394 165 156,157 319 163 164 265 247 292 120 386 186 208 RUTTLEDGE, Nw. F. RUTTCAPE, Re F. RUCNER, Dragutin RUDEBECK, Gustaf RUSSELL, John RYVERS, Bo. 4H. D.L.L. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 SAGE, Bryan SALIM ALI SALMON, Lisa SALMON, M. SALMONSEN, Professor Finn SANDERSON, Margaret SCHATZKI, Walter SCHIFFERLI, A. SCHUZ, Ernst SCHINDLER, Ulrick SCHOENER, Thomas W. SCOTT, A. 4H. SCOTT, C. W. SCOTT, Hugh SCOTT, J. F. SEEGER, Raymond J. SERVENTY, Dominic Louis SHARROCK, J. Timothy SHEPPARD, Professor P. A. SHUCKBURGH, Julian SMITH, Kenneth 119,278 259, 265,292 318,319 134 190, 249,400 123 167 397 234,402 402 337 140 84 59 86, 123, 197, 210,211,212 386 249, 250,252,254, 367 280 119 238 223,342,400 189 SKEAD, Ce. J. SLATER, Eliot SIMMONS, Eric SMITH, G T. Corley SMALL, Christopher SMITH, Clifford J. SMITH, John Maynard SKUTCH, Alexander Frank SIBLEY, Professor Charles Gald SIMMONS, Kenneth Edwin Laurence 243 120,242 252,254 386 259 63 265 278 121 318,321 100,101 STUART-IRWIN, Michael P. SNOW, David William SODY, He J. V. 158 134,211 STANFORD, J. kK. STANFORD, F. G. SOUTHERN, John SPENCER, Ke. G. STAFFORD, J. 239 233 165 268 DeLebe CeSrksG. 20/14/74 STEAD, Philip STEINTHAL, D. STONEHAM, H. F. STONEHOUSE, Bernard STREETS, Re Je STRESEMAN, Professor Edwin STUART, David SUMMERHAYES, Victor S. SUTCLIFFE, Aw 5S. SUTCLIFFE, Jean SUTTER, Ernst Robert SVARDSON, Gimmar SWALES, Michaet SYKES, Paul W. SZIJJ, J. TAYLOR, A.A. TAYLOR, Sir Hugh TAYLOR, Sir William THOMPSON, Desmond 211 348 115 243, 245,251,342 84,356,394 60,98, 250,392 164 59 96 155 84 396 275 319 234 405 238,401 84,393 85 401 TIBBUTT, Aw F. TINBERGEN, L. TEAGLE, W. 4G. TERRES, John K. THORPE, William H. FRS TOMKINSON, Gerald THOMAS, J. Fe Ae TICKELL, W. Lance N. TINBERGEN, Professor Nikolas FRS THOMSON, Sir Arthur Landsborough 63,340 290 189,190, 365, 392, 396, 401 343,344 59 365, 386 63 251 60,157, 158, 186, 220, 221,403 113,155, 167,268, 371, 403 64 386 84 157 156 TUTIN, Professor Thomas G. TYLER, Professor Cyril TURBOTT, Evan Graham 163 269 327 277 TRACY, Nat TREMEL, May TOWERS, Bernard TONG, E. H. TRUTH, Stuart TURNER, Bryan D.LeL. C.S.A.C. 20/14/74 ULFSTAND, Staffan UNWIN, Philip URRY, William VAN BALGORY, Me M. J. VAN DE GEYN, Wilhelmina VAN DER KLAAUW, C. J. VAN OORDT, G J. VARLEY, Professor George C. VAURIE, Aw. Je Charles VENABLES, Le 5S. V. VERMEER, K. VERNON, Dorothy VESEY—FITZGERALD, Brian VINCENT, James VINE, Tony VLEUGEL, De A. VOGT, William VOOUS, Karel Hendrik 291 220 167 279 403 403 403 236,374 297a, 362 84 230 96 69a 352 110 119,197, 208 221 291,294 WALKER, Aw B. WELLER, Leslie WELLER, Milton G. W. WATERSTON, George WARD, Peter WARHAM, John WACE, Nigel WAIT, Peter WATERS, W. Estlin WATT, Alexander 5S. 275 131,238, 282 96 231,297a 250,342,344 194 197,200, 392,400 369 291,375 241 96,134 96 369 203,204 WETMORE, Alexander WHITE, C. M. N. WILKINSON, A. Denby 257 134 120 284 WILLGONS, J. F. WIGGINS, Ira L. WIGHTMAN, John WILCOX, John WATSON, Adam WEITNAUER, HE. 154 DeLee CoS.A.C. 20/14/74 WILLIAMS, C. B&B. WILLIAMS, George C. WILLIAMS, John G. WILLIAMS, Professor Mark WILLIAMS—ELLIS, Susan WILLIAMSON, Kenneth WILMAN, Peter WILSON, David WILSON, Hugh WILSON, Ro D. S. WINTERBOTTOM,Professor Je S. WITHERBY, Anthony WITHERBY, George WOLFENDALE, R. WONTNER-SMITH, C. WOOD, Aw M. WOOLFENDEN, Glen E. WOOLFRIES, J. W. WORMS, Charles 184 268 120 268 51 69a, 190,197, 200, 208, 212 307 238,244 249 85 242 160, 161,167, 2972 160 158 63 220, 224 268 405 278 YORK, Richard C. G. 380 234 WREN—LEWIS, John WYLIE, Ne. A. YAMASHINA, Y. YAPP, W. 3B. YOUNG, Professor J. Ze 393 184,400 YEALLAND, John James WYNNE-EDWARDS, Professor Vero Copner FRS 400 367 253 373 221 ZINK, ZUSI, Richard L. 308