JINKS, John Leonard v1

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of JOHN LEONARD JINKS (1929-1987) geneticist deposited in Birmingham University Library Reproduced for the THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Scientists (NCUACS 7/6/88) Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary NRA 31651 No 88/12 by London WC2A 1HP 1988 All rights reserved NCUACS 7/6/88 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists under the guidance of the Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of JOHN LEONARD JINKS FRS (1929 - 1987) Deposited in Birmingham University Library Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E Powell 1988 All rights reserved University of Bath J.L.Jinks NCUACS 7/6/88 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The City of Bath The Geological Society Pergamon Books The Royal Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry L Jinks J NCUACS 7/6/88 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A. 6 SECTION B RESEARCH SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS JL Jinks NCUACS 7/6/88 GENERAL INTRODUCTION The material was received in October 1988 via Dr H S Pooni, a colleague in the Department of Genetics, Birmingham University. John Leonard Jinks was born 21 October 1929 in Stoke-on-Trent. He attended the local Longton High School before winning a state student- ship to Birmingham University. degree in Botany and became an Agricultural Research Council Scholar in the Department of Genetics, gaining his doctorate in 1952, to be followed by a D.Sc in 1964. In 1950 he was awarded a first class Jinks remained at Birmingham University for almost the whole of his He worked in the ARC Unit of Biometrical Genetics as Scientific career. He was Throughout He also served as Before his untimély death at the age of 57 Jinks received many honours Officer 1953-59 and Principal Scientific Officer 1960-65. appointed honorary lecturer in the Department of Genetics 1960, reader 1962 and professor and head of department in 1965 in succession to Sir Kenneth Mather. Between 1972 and 1975 Jinks served as Dean of the Science in recognition of his outstanding work in microbial, biometrical and behavioural genetics. These included Fellowship of the Institute of Biology 1968, Fellowship of the Royal Society 1970 and the CBE 1984, and Engineering Faculty and was Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1981-85. his career Jinks retained a close association with the ARC (now the Agricultural and Food Research Council), serving on the Council 1979-85 and as Secretary and Deputy Chairman from 1985. a member of the Science Research Council 1975-79. continued This small collection consists principally of material relating to Jinks's research, lectures and publications. the identification of research material has been invaluable and his Dr Pooni's assistance with J Doinks NCUACS 7/6/88 comments (with due acknowledgement) have been incorporated in the catalogue entries. Wherever possible the research material has been linked with the published papers, references being in the form BiDUGy s,s A list of Jinks's publications is presented at A.5. Peter Harper Timothy E Powell Bath 1988 L Jinks J NCUACS 7/6/88 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Obituaries from the Times and Independent, notice of memorial service and order of service. Miscellaneous biographical items, 1964, 1969, 1972. 1964 items relate to Jinks's acceptance of Birmingham Chair of Genetics from 1 October 1965. Appointment as Birmingham Pro-Vice-Chancellor, 1981, 1984. Appointment as Secretary to Agricultural and Food Research Council, F985. List of publications. in other than own publications'. 'J.L.dJinks as referred to 2pp ms by Mrs D M Jinks. L dinks J NCUACS 7/6/88 SECTION B RESEARCH Contents of a folder inscribed 'D Expt 1952', divided into three for ease of reference. Experimental data. A little dated in 1953 and 1954, 3. folders. and 'REANALYSED DIALLELS', divided Contents of a folder inscribed ‘Analysis of Maize, Galeopsis etc' into three for ease of reference.These analyses of various diallels were used by Jinks 'to support his views on the genetical control of heterosis' and relate to Bibliog. 12: basis of heterosis ina variety of diallel crosses', Heredity, 1955.(H S Pooni, October 1988). 'A survey of the genetical of Genetical Society 3 folders. 2 folders. (HS Pooni, October 1988). The 1956 publication is Bibliog.13: the genetic system of Escherchiacolg "Studies on K-12', J Genet, Contents of a folder divided into two for ease of reference; basis of a 1956 publication co-authored by J and Cavalli-Sforza' 'results of experiments which formed the L Jinks The material includes programm meeting, 7 November 1953 andundated letter from Jinks (at the Carlsberg Laboratory, Copenhagen) to K (later Sir Kenneth) Mather. 5 folders. Includes carbon copy of Bibliog.19: components of heterosis' 1958; (some dated 1967), and material (timetables, lecture synopses etc) re Birmingham Department of Botany M.Sc course in conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources 1970-72 and Birmingham Department of Plant Biology M.Sc courses 1977-78. Contents of a folder inscribed 'Components of Heterosis', divided into five for ease of reference. data (with R Morley Jones), Genetics, 'Estimation of the L Jinks J NCUACS 7/6/88 Research Contents of a folder inscribed 'Adaptations to HgCl and Sugars', divided into five for ease of reference. Contains data and drafts re experiments on Aspergillus glaucus including ms draft of Bibliog.21: 'Selection for adaptability to new environments in Aspergillus glaucus', Journ.Gen.Microbiol, 1959. 5 folders. Contents of a folder divided into three for ease of reference; from 1960 experiments with Aspergillus Nidulans and Aspergillus glaucus' (H experimental data, drafts. § Pooni, October 1988). ‘Contains data 3 folders. (H 5 folders. Contents of a ring binder divided into five for ease of reference; ‘experiments on phage genetics conducted by J L Jinks during 1960' S Pooni, October 1988). The results were published in Bibliog. 25 and 26: "Gene structure and function in hIII region of bacteriophage T4' and 'Internal suppressor of the hIII and tu45 mutants of bacteriophage T4', Heredity, 1961. Contents of a folder inscribed 'PARITy IN RATS' and "mature body weight individual diallels'. Unis’ is "the data which forms the basis of the 1963 paper co- authored by J (HS Pooni, October 1988). Bibliog. 34. The 1963 paper is Bibliog. 34: litter size and body weight in rats', Heredity. Contents of a folder inscribed 'A score analyses of individual diallels'; data which may relate to 'Diallel analysis of L Jinks and P L Broadhurst' JL Jinks NCUACS 7/6/88 Research B, 29. =" B33 Contents of a folder inscribed 'Nicotiania rustica', divided into five for ease of reference. Data including computer print-outs headed ‘Multiple Regression Analysis' and ms draft of Bibliog.71: ‘The analysis and interpretation of differences between reciprocal crosses of Nicotiania rustica varieties' 1972 M Perkins and S (with J R Gregory), Heredity, 5 folders Contents of a folder inscribed 'Schizophyllum data Sec”, Temp.' (with V Connolly), ‘Selections made in the S Pooni, October 1988). The data formed the basis of (H S Pooni, October 1988). Relates to (with V Connolly), Heredity, 1975. ‘Determination of the environmental ‘The genetical architecture of general and Data 'from an experiment where selected lines of schizophyllum commune have been raised in different temperature regimes. selection environment affected the sensitivity of the selected lines' Bibliog.81: specific environmental sensitivity’ Heredity, 1975 These experiments showed that Data relating to preceding. previous expts are tested in these experiments for their phenotype sensitivity to temperature variations’. (H Bibliog. 84: sensitivity of selection lines by the selection environ- ment' (HS Pooni, October 1988). Contents of a folder inscribed 'Folk Songs'; diagrams, tables re frequency of intervals in folk music in different parts of Europe. that almost everything is inherited. is trying to work out if relative frequencies of 2 and 4 intervals varies in various areas of Europe' ‘This is uncompleted work. John passionately believed maps, nd. Here he L Jinks J NCUACS 7/6/8 8 Research Folder of unidentified experimental data, divided into three for ease of reference. nd. 3 folders. Miscellaneous data, results. nd. 2 folders. L Jinks J NCUACS 7/6/8'8 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS Ce, J = Gy 15 Lectures Cul6; = Ca22 Publications LECTURES Birmingham University Lectures Car = Crs Contents of a folder inscribed 'Old version. M.Sc Biom[fetrical] ease of reference; courses. 3H and Genetics', divided into three for ms notes and drafts for lecture nd. 3 folders. 4 folders. 3H Biometrical x E int ', divided into four includes corrected copy of Components of Means Interaction and Definitions (Bibliog. 91), and ms notes. Contents of a folder inscribed "B.Sc. Genetics. Epistasis and G for ease of reference; "Chapter 5. Heterosis', paper by Jinks on 'The Impact of Genotype- Environmental Interaction on Plant Breeding: and Genetical Aspects' 1976 2 folders. Contents of a folder inscribed 'Biometrical Genetics Gen 21/151, Gen 3, M.Sc. App/Gen', divided into two for ease of reference; equilibrium', 'The theory of diallel analysis', and ‘Continuous Variation: latest bibliographical reference 1979. ms drafts headed 'Hardy-Weinberg Biometrical Genetics'. nd, 'TWINS 3H' JL Jinks NCUACS 7/6/88 Lectures and publications C210, Co 1 Contents of a folder inscribed 'Genetics II and I/S', divided into two for ease of reference; lecture lists for Genetics II and I/S courses (School of Biological Sciences Session 1972-73), practical experiments and ms notes and drafts on 'Twin Studies', ‘Intelligence' and 'Heritability'. includes 2 folders. GET 2, Cit 3 Contents of a folder inscribed 'GENETICS FOR BIOCHEMISTS', divided into two for ease of reference; John's lectures to Biochemistry undergraduates. are a few pages which seem to be from his own notes when he was an undergraduate' (HS Pooni, October 1988). ‘outlines of There 2 folders. Royal Society Lecture, 29 October [?1980] llpp typescript. 'a framework 15pp typescript. Invitation Lectures Jinks lectured on the ‘Birmingham approach to biometrical Osborne Memorial Lecture, Edinburgh University, 27 October 1981. Jinks lectured on 'biometrical genetics' as for understanding the results achieved by plant breeders’. genetics’. L Jinks J NCUACS 7/6/88 PUBLICATIONS Lectures and publications 'The red cytoplasmic variant of Aspergillus nidulans (with C (Bibliog. 29). F Arlett and M Grindle),Heredity, 1962. Folder also includes ms draft by Jinks and Ms draft. Grindle 'The cytoplasmic basis of the red variant of Aspergillus nidulans' and typescript draft by Arlett "Cytoplasmic mutation and nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction in aspergillus nidulans'. "Genotype-environmental interactions in devised recombinant inbred lines' (with N M Ja yeskara). Not in Bibliog. but may relate to papers published by Jinks and Jayeskara in 1977 and 1978 (Bibliog. 102 and 107). E Bibliog. 12. Bibiliog.; 13s. III Growth curves', Cf Bibliog. 102-104. S Pooni), Heredity, 1979. S Pooni), Heredity, 1982. "Predicting the properties of pure breeding lines extractable from a cross in the presence of linkage! (with H Ms draft. "Sources and biases of the predictors of the properties of recombinantinbreds derived by single seed descent’ (with H Ms draft. Incomplete ms drafts, experimental results. The folder also includes ms draft by H Boughey 'Joint selection for both extremes of mean performance and of sensitivity to a macroenvironmental variable. dated 41/6/77 Ms draft. "Joint analysis of triple test crosses of a single population with associated and dispersed inbred testers! (with H S Pooni), Heredity, 1983. Bibliog.: 1377 JL Jinks NCUACS 7/6/88 Lectures and publications ‘Comparison of inbred lines produced by single seed descent and pedigree inbreeding' Bibliog.wlal. .Ms dratt. S Pooni), Heredity, 1984, (with H "Description and illustration of the practical applications of biometrical genetics to plant breeding' (with H S Pooni), Proceedings of the VIth meeting of Eucarpia, 1986. BUDltog. 4163 . Ms draft.