THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of WILLIS JACKSON, LORD JACKSON OF BURNLEY, FRS (1904=1970) Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (csac 33/10/75) by London WC2A 1HP THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, All rights reserved 319 THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CSAC 28/5/75 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of Willis Jackson . Baron Jackson of Burnley (1904 - 1970) Listed by: Harriot Weiskiittel Jeannine Alton W.d5 0.5 A.C. 28/5/75 Description of the collection The papers cover the years 1916 - 1970. They remain the personal property of Lady Jackson, and may be made available to bona fide researchers by arrangement via the Archivist, Imperial College, London. The papers are held in a series of loose-leaf ring binders, numbered 1-91; the numbers in 1952 as a pastime on an Atlantic sea-crossing; in the handlist and index refer to these books. he called his 'scrapbooks', intended as a private record of social engagements, the project developed into materials for a relatively complete autobiography. Lord Jackson continued the work until his death, and also compiled a retrospective account of his life from schooldays onward (see especially nos. 1-5). (no.7). There is a gap between 1947 (no.5) and 1952 (no.6), and between 1952 and 1955 Lord Jackson began the collection, which originally A substantial amount of loose papers, which Lord Jackson was presumably intending to re-allocate among ine books, was iransferred, on his death, from his office at The imperiai College to the College Archives, and has been listed by Mrs. Jeanne Pingree (A List of the papers of Lord Jackson of Burnley, 1973). The two collections are therefore complementary, Lady Jackson's 'scranbooks' dealing more fully with the early part of Lord Jackson's life, and the Imperial College collection with his later activities. Most of the documents are pasted or stapled to the pages of the books; where substantial Otherwise, a summary of There is an index to the correspondence. A full account of Lord Jackson's career is given in the Memoir by D. Gabor and Lord Jackson made many annotations or 'chapter~headings' to sections of the books; J. Brown, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 17, 1971, pps.379-398. these are indicated in inverted commas in the descriptions. contents is given. sections of material were unattached, or where pages had been damaged or come loose, they have been re-filed and numbered as supplements to the related book, e.g., 3a. The order of the pages in the books has been preserved, but the pages are not numbered. 192? Appointment as Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Bracford Technical College. "First 1.E.E. paper, produced from the darkroom at Bradford Technical College and the birth of my association with Eric Moullin.' 1916-1933 (includes a few loose papers). Burnley Grammar Schoo!; reports; Miscellaneous photographs of Lord Jackson, his family, friends and colleagues. Handlist 1. mi Manchester University. award of Brinley-Thomas Scholarship. 1914-22 1922-26 1926-29 Wed C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 "College Apprenticeship at Metropolitan Vickers and the birth of my association with A.P.M. Fleming and the finale of my brief association with the Manchester Guardian Commercial .' "Manchester College of Technology. (Appointment as lecturer in Electrical Engineering). and now Miles Walker.' "The origin of my visits to Germany 1932-38.' "Probings into the possibility of a D.Phil. in Cambridge. ' "A venture which would have come off (so he said) but for Colonel George Lee (later Sir George) Engineer in Chief G.P.O. to whom | have cause to be deeply grateful .' (Application for Readership in El. Eng. at Imperial College - City and Guilds College). 1929-30 1930 1931-33 1932 "Memories of Miles Walker and Menton. Xmas 1932.' 1932-33 "One of Miles Walker's lost causes.' (pamphlet on spelling reform). "Plans for Oxford. with Eric Moullin.' 1932-33 1933-37 ‘Correspondence in 1936.' "Correspondence during 1937.' 1934-35 "Early impressions of Oxford. Oct. 1933.' "Study Group on Economics. I.E.E. 1933.' 'En route again for Metropolitan Vickers 1936.' 'A foolish application which fortunately came to nothing.’ (Head of E.E. Dept., Northampton Polytechnic. ) 'A presumptuous application very properly ignored. ' (Application for Pender Chair of El. Eng., University College, Lond. ). "Final Steps towards the D.Sc. degree of Manchester University.' ‘Correspondence during 1934.' "Correspondence during 1935.' Wows 4. C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 "Election to the Chair of Electrotechnics, Manchester University. 1938," (correspondence, notes of conversations and interviews, plans for organisation of courses). ‘Other correspondence during 1938.' "June 8th elk -~ada (engagement co 2 significance «I ‘1939. pondence.' A fateful year not adequately reflected in the corres- '1940-43. hush-hush work -.' Not much - must have been too busily engaged on Correspondence relating to the attempt to appoint me as '1942. Superintendani of the Signals Research Establishment, Ministry of Supply, Christchurch (arising out of which | did the job part-time, as best | could).' "Correspondence in 1944 including 1944 glimpses of the Cambridge prospect. (Consultancies 1.C.1., Brit. Insul. eee: offers of eepoeueot 1938 1938 1939 1940-43 1942 Gut sGey B.T-H. 7 Wykeham Chair of Physics, OU, Chair El. Eng. Corbridge U, various scientific and educational Casiieerk 1946.' "A few other items of 1946.' Miscellaneous correspondence. '1945-46. was.' The road to Imperial College - and what a long one it ‘Correspondence in 1945." (includes addresses and speeches by W.J.). ‘Congratulations on appointment to the Chair of El. Eng. at Imperial College. on visit by W.J. "U.S.A. 52' on spine. Schedule of journey March-May, with cards, views, social engage- ments etc. ‘Russia November 1955'. Correspondence, photographs, newspaper cuttings; Includes notes on professional and scientific meetings. "Hon. Deg. Zurich etc.' on spine. Rie University, Nov. 1955. ciallnkian: of eae tha Ul Installation Wi Lielvi Pus 55' on spine. Inside 'Atomic Energy visit to MOSCOW 1933-51 reports and articles C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 "Nigeria 56' on spine. Correspondence, photographs, newspaper cuttings, travel schedules; report on the visit by W.J. ‘India 57' on spine. Photographs (many arranged under subject headings), travel documents. Inside 'A tour of Pakistan and India November - "India 57-58' on spine. December 1957'. Travel schedules, photographs, newspaper cuttings, text of lecture by W.J., correspondence (includes some items 1959). (W.J. was President, Engineering and Education 'B.A. 54-58' on spine. Sections, British Association. ) Schedules and reports of B.A. meetings, text of broadcast and addresses by W.J., newspaper cuttings and comments, correspondence. Books 13-20 cover W.J.'s year of office as President of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1959-60. 13. "PY. Ion spine. Text of Inaugural Address by W.J., other addresses, cuttings and photographs; C.B.E., memorial service and obituaries of Thomas Edward Goldup, correspondence. Oct.-Nov. 1959 "P.Y.2' on spine. Social engagements, photographs, texts of speeches and addresses. Nov. 1959- Jan .1 96! Feb.-March 1960 'P.Y.4' on spine. Social engagements, press cuttings, text of speeches by W.J., visits to Warsaw and Cracow, travel documents and photographs. March~Ap!. 1960 'P.Y.3' on spine. Photographs, newspaper cuttings, Staff College for Teachers of Technology Appeal by Sir Alexander Fleck, text of speeches by W.J., correspondence. 'P.Y.5' on spine, 'Vol 5 Apr.-May' on cover. Social engagements, press cuttings, text of speecnes by W.J., correspondence relating to Committee of Enquiry into Higher Education, and Nuclear Safety Advisory Committee. Social engagements, texts of speeches, visits, photographs, press cuttings. 'P.Y.6' on spine, 'Vol 6 May-June‘ on cover. Social engagements, visits, photographs, press cuttings, text of speeches and articles by W.J., correspondence etc. re University Grants Committee, Further Education Staff College. 'P.Y.7' on spine, 'Vol 7 July’ on cover. Social engagements, visits, photographs, press cuttings, Hon. Degrees, speeches and articles by W.J., Royal Society Tercentenary celebrations. 'P.Y.8' on spine, Vol 8 July' on cover. C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 ‘Plans for return to Imperial College, London and an approach from Cambridge University. Time only will show the degree of wisdom involved. ' Reports, trave! documents and photographs re Material Naval Education Advisory Committee. Bs 'Hon. Degs.' on spine. Invitations and conferments, texts of speeches etc. by W.J., photographs, press cuttings; opening of West Wythenshaw College of Further Education; misc. prizegivings; by W.J. inviting H.M. The Queen to open building, and at dinner). 1.E.E. discussion 'Women in Engineering’; Royal Coll. Advanced Technology (speeches 1956-61 Press cuttings, social engagements; opening of Robert Gordon Tech. Coll, Aberdeen by W.J., photographs and speech; Arthur Fleming, obituaries and memoirs incl. some by W.J.; address on the Report of the Willis Jackson Committee at B.A.C.1.E. conference; address to Rotary International; i.E.E. meeting; memorial address for Sir Arthur Fleming by W.J.; chairman's notes and speeches for correspondence. death of Sir Sept.-Nov. 1960 "Mexico 60' on spine. Social engagements, photographs, travel schedules, press cuttings, text of lecture on ‘Progress of the British Nuclear Power Programme’. Oct.~Nov. 1960 1960-61 inside ‘Centennial Celebrations of the cuttings, social engagements; ‘Dec. 60-Apr. 61' on spine. Appointment of W.J. as President, Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers, speech at installation, press cuttings, corres- pondence; misc. speeches and articles by W.J., photographs, social engagements. 'M.1.T.' on spine; Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3rd-9th April 1961 and prior visit to Canada and to the General Electric Co. Schenectady’. Travel schedules, photographs, speeches and addresses by W.J.; paper read at M.1.T.; Atoms for Peace Award to Sir John Cockcroft; programme of celebrations. by W.J.; social engagements. ‘May-June 61' on spine. A.E.1. Easter School 1961, programme, address, press cuttings; Graham Clark lecture by H.R.H. Prince Philip (vote of thanks by W.J.); Appointment of W.J. as Vice-President, Manchester College of Science and Technology; as President of Association for Liberal Education; B.A. C.I.E. (British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education). Visits, cuttings, report on organisation |.E.E., misc. reports; discussion with Robbins Committee on Higher Education; misc. speeches, addresses, notes for discussions. as Vice-President, The Television Society; as President, June-July 1961 articles W.J. C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 28. 'The launching of a new 'Jul.-Oct. 61' on spine. Social engagements, photographs; venture’ (Engineering in Biology and Medicine); appointment to Advisory Committee on Scientific Policy; misc. reports and journals; Supervising Electrical Engineers) and ensuing correspondence re technical manpower in East and Central African states; misc. speeches. Presidential Address A.S.E.E. (Association of Visit to East, Central and South Africa; documents; photographs, press cuttings, correspondence; invitation to deliver Bernard Price Memorial Lecture, Johannesburg. travel schedules and Aug.-Sept. 1961 Aug.-Sept. 1961 'S.A. 1 61' on spine. Travel schedules, photographs, cuttings, text of Bernard Price Memorial Lecture 'Science and Electrical Engineering - Partners in Progress’ with MS corrections. 'S.A. 2 61! on spine. Travel schedules, photographs, publicity material mainly of Kimberley Mines, printed text of speech by W.J. at Christian Brothers’ College on 'Some Educational Imptications of the recent Developments in Science and Electrical Engineering’. 'Nov.-Dec. 61' on spine. Social and professional engagements (some annotated by Jackson), speeches and articles on scientific and educational subjects, press cuttings, Committee reports, correspondence. 'Jan.-Mar. 62' on spine. Evidence given fur Robbins Committee on Higher Education, printed reports, press cuttings, social engagements, speeches, photographs, correspondence. 'Mar.-Apr. 62' on spine. Speeches, press cuttings, printed reports, U.G.C. material, social engagements, photographs, appointment of W.J. as part-time member S.E. Electricity Board, printed conference material, address at Annual Congress, Fondation Européene de la Culiure, correspondence. Photographs etc. of holiday in Austria. "May-Jul. 62' on spine. Inaugural Address, Imperial College; Science and Electricai Engineering', printed text and press cuttings; conference literature; photographs. ‘The Partnership between social engagements, speeches, 'July-Sept. 62' on spine. Printed reports, social engagements, photographs, press cuttings, on educational and scientific subjects. C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 Papers not in strict chronological order). "Sep.-Oct. 62' on spine. (Note: press cuttings (especially on Cuba crisis), Presidential Address B.A.C.1.E. conference, correspondence and papers re Delhi Institute of Technology, speeches and reports especially on technical education, correspondence. Printed reports, 'Nov.-Dec. 62' on spine. Printed reports, social engagements, speeches and addresses especially on technical education, press cuttings, correspondence. "India 63' on spine. Travel schedule, programme of visit, social engagements, photographs, correspondence, report on visit, printed material re Delhi College. Speeches and addresses on technical training, press cuttings, reports etc. Correspondence. Dec.62-Jan.63 "Greece 63' on spine. Reports, conference material, press cuttings, speeches and addresses. Photographs etc. of Greece; report and correspondence on visit. 1963 ‘Apr. /June 63' on spine. Social engagements, speeches, press cuttings, printed reports and course prospectus, article (printed) on technological training, correspondence. Travel schedules and 1963 Travel schedules and "Aust. 63' on spine. Australia June 24th-July 26th, 1963 (lecture tour). of visit, photographs, correspondence on lectures, press cuttings, text of broadcast, letter by W.J. to Sir Keith Murray on impression of visit, texts of lectures given on tour. Programme 'Siam/N.Z. 63! on spine. Visit to Thailand June 16-23, 1963. appointments, photographs, social and professional engagements, correspondence re Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (Jackson undertook this advisory assignment in conjunction with the Department of Technical Co-operation and the Thai authorities). Visit to New Zealand July 27-Aug.8, 1963. appointments, photographs and press cuttings. of Civil Service, Univ. Sussex, etc. 'Oct.-Nov. 63' on spine. 'The origins of the Lockwood Committee (of which much more later).' (Invitation to serve on Lockwood Committee on education in Northern Ireland. ) Printed reports, social engagements, press cuttings (especially on Robbins report), correspondence re Trend Report on Organisation "Jul.-Oct. 63' on spine. Printed and MS material, mainly on scientific and technological manpower and education, texts of speeches, broadcast on Telstar, press cuttings, photographs, correspondence. 1963 W.4J. C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 46. 'Nov.-Dec. 63' on spine. Printed reports, social engagements, typescript with MS corrections, and printed text of W.J.'s Tenth Fawley Foundation Lecture, Univ. Southampton, press cuttings, speeches, photographs, appointment to Lockwood Committee on University and Higher Technical Education (Northern Ireland). ‘Malaya 63! on spine. (Visit to University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur). Travel schedules, photographs, correspondence re visit, social engagements, press cuttings. 'Jan.-Feb. 64' on spine. Printed reports, press cuttings, social engagements, nomination of W..1. as Dean of City and Guilds College, correspondence. 'Feb.-Mar. 64' on spine. Printed Reporis, speeches and addresses, ‘correspondence, service on committees etc. "Apr.-May 64' on spine. Reports, cuttings, correspondence, text of W.J.'s lecture 'The National Responsibilities of Employers’ (South Western Provincial Council, Exeter) and correspondence, service on committees, speeches and addresses. Dec. 63-Jan. 64 "May/Jun. 64' on spine. Correspondence and printed matter re Second Parliamentary and Scientific Conference 23-27 May 1964, Vienna; press cuttings article in Science Technology incl. W.J.'s report in Nature; Summer 1964; Committee minutes, social engagements; MS of talk to Atomic Energy Authority on Robbins Report; correspondence. 'Jun./Sep. 64' on spine. Appointment of W.J. as Chairman, Royal Military College of Science Advisory Council; MS comments for D.E.S. on Scientific Policy; appointment of W.J. as Consultant to Govt. of India on Education Commission; press cuttings and social engagements; article by W.J. 'The Technician Engineer' in Electrical Supervisor, Sept. 1964; MS and printed texts of address by W.J. to Third Commonwealth Education Conference, Ottawa, Aug. 1964; conference arrangements and invitations; B.A.C.1.E. annual conference, Nottingham, Sept. 1964, arrangements and notes (W.J. was Chairman); correspondence with Scientific and Technical Manpower Committee. D.E.S. on 'Sep./Oct. 64' on spine. Travel arrangements and correspondence re visit to Belgrade; MS of lectures by W.J. on Science and Engineering Education at !mperial College, and Civil Scientific Research and Development in the U.K. Press cuttings, social engagements, printed reports. C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 'Oct./Dec. 64' on spine. MS lecture ‘International Co-operation with particular reference to the Developing Countries’ given at Imperial College, 23 Nov. 1964; MS address at opening of Computer Centre, Univ. of Glasgow; press cuttings, social engagements, printed reports; MS lecture 'The Influence of Technological Advance on East-West Relations' at 67th Wilton Park Conference, 9th Nov.; pondence efc. on committees; Borough Polytechnic, 13th Nov.; 'Trends in Scientific and Technological Education’, Madrid, 26 Nov. letter to New Scientist; address letter to T.E.S.; address to corres- "Dec. 64' on spine. MS address at Celebration dinner for Lord Bowden, House of Lords, 8th Dec.; appointment of W.J. to Committee on Scientific Policy; printed report, social engagements; MS of Talk on Electrical Engineering, Science Educational Conference, 30 Dec.; correspondence re U.G.C., Univ., Sussex. "Jan. /Feb. 65' on spine. MS of article 'Some recent developments in Electrical Engineering’; correspondence and papers on committees; shorter addresses; printed reports, press cuttings; MS of address at 69th Wilton Park conference, 20 Jan. 1965; foreword to 'Technicians Today and Tomorrow' by J.T. Young; correspondence etc. re Committee on Manpower Resources for Science and Technology (W.J. was Chairman); publication of Lockwood Report on Higher Education in Northern Ireland. 'Feb./Mar. 65' on spine. Press cuttings, printed reports, social engagements, correspondence re Television Advisory Committee, M.R.C. Committee on industrial psychology, Univ. of Malaya; MS talk ‘Problems of Developing Countries', Electrical Engineering Dept., Imperial College, 2nd March 1965; *AS luncheon address to Romney Street Group, 2nd March 1965; address at Staff Dinner, Imperial College, 15 March; lecture 'The Planning of Research and Development', given at Study Conference, Ministry of Overseas Development, 29 March. documents on Technological Manpower; MS of speech at opening "Jun. /Jul. 65' on spine. Photographs, press cuttings, engagements, printed reports, corres- pondence; World Congress on Engineering Education, Illinois, 21-25 June, documents and printed text of W.J.'s address; "Aor. /Jun. 65' on spine. Press cuttings, printed reports, social engagements, photographs, correspondence, address to College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, 23 April; speech at opening of B.A.C.1.E. offices; address 'The Partnership between Industry and Education’, Annual Conference London Regional Advisory Council, 20 May (MS and printed text); appointment of W.J. as Chairman of Engineering Advisory Council, B.B.C.; speech at dinner of institute of Produciion Engineers, 21 May; talk at Univ. of Sussex, 9 June. official C)SiA,.C. 28/5/75 by W.J. of Canterbury Technical College, 7 July; dinner of Conference on Electronic Components, 5 July; Northampton College of Advanced Technology;meeting at Reading, 9-1i July. speech at speech at "Jul. /Aug. 65' on spine. Printed reports, engagements, press cuttings, official documents, invitation to lecture; corraspondence re Television Advisory Committee; Industrial Britain’ for C.O.1. publication in Sweden. Scientific Manpower Committee; MS article 'Sep./Oct. 65' on spine. Printed reports, press cuttings, social engagements, correspondence, notes of official meetings on Scientific Manpower, Television Advisory Committee, Sixth Gulbenkian Educational Discussion (Ditchley Foundation). MS speech for Freshers’ dinner, Imperial College, 1 Nov. 1965, MS speech for Annual dinner, Institute of Welding, 3 Nov. 1965, MS for opening talk at discussion meeting |.E.E., 4 Nov. 1965, text of article on Research and Manpower for publication in Swedish press. 1965 MS opening address, International Conference on U ar. 'Nov. 65/Jan. 66' on spine. Printed reports, press cuttings, social engagements, correspondence re Television Advisory Committee, Committee on Computers for Research. Television, 22-23 Nov. 1965; MS talk 'Technology & The Sixth Form', Residential Conference of Grammar School heads, 26 Nov. 1965. MS concluding remarks at Cantor Lectures ‘World Communications’, 29 Nov. 1965; MS talk on Technological Advance and East-West Relations, Wilton Park Jubilee Conference, 13 Jan. 1966. 'Jan./Mar. 66! on spine. Printed reports, press cuttings, social engagements, correspondence, Text of Sir Philip travel documents and souvenirs of visit to Delhi. Magnus Memorial Lecture 'The Impact of Technology in the Developing Countries', 22 Feb. 1966. his scientific and technological "Apr. /May 66! on spine. Printed reports, press cuttings, correspondence re Committee on Manpower Resources for Science and Technology (W.J. was Chairman); Scientific Collaboration between universities and B.B.C. MS tribute to Sir John Lockwood (for Birkbeck College Magazine), 3 May. 'Jun./July 66' on spine. (Some papers out of sequence.) documents, press cuttings, correspondence, social engagements, photographs. Prinied text of 18th W.M. Thornton Lecture 'The Progress of Electrical Engineering - and Educational Implications', 17 June 1966; Education of an Engineer ... (This book also includes references to W.J.'s illness. ) Planning Commission, New Delhi; Symposium on Printed reports and official its Sociological Consequences MS Address 'The WJ, C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 responsibilities’, May 1967, inscribed 'For shelving in Albums’. Printed text of Sir Philip Magnus Lecture given Feb. 19663 first report of working group on engineering Training, Committee Manpower Resources. "Aug./Oct. 66' on spine. Printed reports, press cuttings, committee documents, social engagements, photographs, correspondence. remarks, Symposium on Scientific Collaboration, Universities and B.B.C. of Highly Qualified Personnel. 13 Oct. 1966. Conference O.E.C.D. on Education and Utilisation MS speech at City University, MS Introductory "Nov./Dec. 66' on spine. Printed reports, committee documents, press cuttings, photographs, social engagements, correspondence. Grenada Lectures, 31 Oct. 1966. MS speech at University of Bradford, 5 Nov. 1966; printed article ‘Polishing the Image of the Technologist and Engineer'; MS article ‘Making the Best Use of our Brains* for Central Office of information. MS Introductory remarks, ABJ' on spine. Inside 'November 1966. "Peerage H of L opening of still another phase - and what a fascinating and exciting one it should be -.' Conferment of Barony; tions, photographs; 13 April 1967, and in debate, 14 June 1967; MS of speech (not ‘delivered through illness) for opening of Science Fair, Aberdeen, 21 June; press cuttings, congratula- ms. of W.J.'s maiden speech in House of Lords, record of marriage of Anne Jackson. correspondence, The 1966-67 Inside 'What a surprise - and what a "Jan.-Mar. 67' on spine. Printed reports, social engagements, photographs. Correspondence re "B.A. 66-67' on spine. pleasant one’. Appointment of W.J. as President, British Association, 1966-67; correspondence, press cuttings, congratulations, particulars of meetings and social functions; committee papers and correspondence; printed reports. Resources for Science and fechnology'. C.E.1. - 1.E.E. Symposium on the Bosworth report, 6 March 1967. Rugby College of Engineering and Technology, 9 March 1967. Television Advisory Committee report. Central Advisory Council for Science and Technology. M.R.C. Committee on Research in Industrial and Applied Royal Society discussion on the Use mude by Industry of Engineers and Scientists, Brasenose College, Oxford, 17 March 1967 ‘Manpower MS speech, Brighton College of Technology, 10 Feb. 1967. T.U.C. Scientific Advisory Committee. Psychology Report. ‘ C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 ‘Mar .-May 67' on spine. Photographs, social engagements, printed reports, press cuttings, travel brochures, correspondence. MS speech on the work of the Committee on Manpower Research for Science and Technology, delivered 1 June 1967 at Royal Society discussion meeting. 'Jun.-Sep. 67' onspine. Photographs, social engagements, printed reports, press cuttings, correspondence. Appointment of W.J. as Pro-Rector, Imperial College, and note by him of ‘Matters to which the new Pro-Rector might give attention’. Invitation to serve on award committee, New Scientist Award. Biography ‘Profile’ of W.J. in Spanner (Magazine of Department of Electrical Engineering. ) MS address 'The Technician Problem in the Developing Couniries', delivered to Council for Education in the Commonwealth, H of Commons, 12 June 1967. MS address at Goiden Jubilee Dinner, U.M.i.S.1. Technology Senior Union, 8 July 1967. e " . Opening of Science Fair, Leeds, 31 Aug. 1967. Reception for Exhibitioners and Endeavour Essay Prize Winners, 1. Sept. 1967. at B.A. dinner for University, 5 Sept. 1967. Presidential Address, 30 Aug. 1967. ‘B.A. Leeds’ on spine. Aug.-Sept. 1967, Meeting of British Association under W.J.'s Presidency. Photographs, social engagements, printed matter/reports, corres- pondence, newspaper cuttings. Letter and Sermon preached by Archbishop of York during meeting. MS address on British Association at Civic Luncheon, 30 Aug. 1967. '"Sep.-Oct. 67' on spine. Photographs, social engagements, printed reports, press cuttings. MS address at Opening of British Association Science Fair, Vice-President), 8 Dec. 1967. 'Oct.-Dec. 67' on spine. Photographs, social engagements, printed reports, press cuttings, Hansard, correspondence. MS address 'Sociological Consequences of Nuclear Power" to 'Freshers', 5 Oct. 1967. 'The Technological Gap', Wilton Park, 10 Oct. 1967. ‘Contribution to discussion’, ‘Education for the Engineering Mission', Institute of Electrical Engineers, 17 Oct. 1967. Dinner, The Polytechnic, 23 Oct. 1967. Dinner, Burnley Grammar School, London Branch, 27 Oct. 1967. Belfast, 27 Sept. 1967. (Vith form Sutton High School). MS speech at meeting of Court of Governors, U.M.1.S.1. (W.J. was 1967 C.S,A;C. 28/5/75 'Dec. 67-Feb. 68' on spine. Photographs, printed reports, Hansard, social engagements, correspondence, travel souvenirs re Hon. Fellowship, Institute of F Electrical Engineers. Molecule Group, Mermaid Theatre. Atlantic Institute. Association for Science Education Action Group. Conference, Ditchley Park, Feb. 1968 (W.J. was Chairman). 'Feb.-Apr. 68' on spine. Printed reports, social engagements, correspondence, press cuttings, Hansard re Senior Fellow, Royal College of Arts. Graham Clark Lecture, C.E.1., 1968. MS address at Fellowship Ceremony, U.M.1.S.T., 8 March 1968, speech at Dinner, B.P.B. Industries, 10 March 1968; speech at retirement dinner to Sir Francis Oe ea 16 April 1968. "Apr e/May 68' on spine. Press cuttings, social engagements, printed reporis, correspondence, photographs re Visit of Princess Margaret to Imperial College. Schools Engineering Competition Awards. Re-appointment to SEEBOARD. Wilton Park Conference. May-July 1968 Vote of thanks to Professor A.R. von Hippel, Imperial College, 30 May 1968). 7 May 1968. MS address at Opening of B.A.C.1.E. Training Centre, 8 May 1968. ? . at Dinner, C.G.1.A. Association, 26 April 1968. on 'Problems of Education and their effect on social and economic policy’, Wilton Park, 3 May 1968. Script of broadcast tribute to Sir John Cockcroft, 3 May (broadcast MS address 'Problems of Higher Technological Education within the LEA system', delivered at Combe Lodge, 28 ve 1968. MS address at Hon. Fellowship Ceremony, |.E.E., 25 April 1968. B.B.C. Overseas Service talk on Michael Faraday. Photographs, printed reports, Hansard, social engagements, Vol. opens with article by Charles G. Williams press cuttings. 'A Scientist looks at God' (Modern Churchman) with MS note by W.J. 'This is more than worthy to occupy the opening page of a new volume. it presents what has troubled me in way for which | am grateful’. Correspondence re Institute of Manpower Studies;Advisory Committee on Mannower, D.E.S MS address, C.B.1. Overseas Scholars 14th Reunion Dinner, 10 July 1968. Notes for H of Lords debate, 11 July 1968;'The Future - nationally and internationally', delivered at 150th Anniversary Celebration, Institute of Civil Engineers. It does not answer the unanswerable questions, but a most clear and sympathetic C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 Inside "ROME Atlantic Institute 20-27 'May/Jul. 68' on spine. May 68". Travel souvenirs, social engagements, printed reports, notes of meetings, press cuttings, Hansard. MS text of contributions to H of Lords debate, 20-21 July 1968. ‘Canada 68' on spine. Photographs, travel documents, social engagements, souvenirs. Inside 'Visit to Canada Aug. -Sept. 1968'. 'Aug.-Oct. 68'on spine. Printed reports, press cuttings, correspondence re Conferment of Hon. LL.D. Dundee on the occasion of the British Association meeting (and presentation Oration). Report of Committee on Manpower Resources for Science and Technology (The Swann Report). Report of Television Advisory Committee (W.J. Chairman ). MS addresses etc. - Vote of Thanks to Presidential Address (British Association, Dundee), 21 Aug. MS transcript of contribution to broadcast 'Birthplaces of Science’ (on The Royai institution), 10 Sept. MS 'The Migration of Qualified People’, n.d. (at Imperial College). MS Introduction of Sir Barnes Wallis at Opening Meeting of The Wells Society, Imperial College. Oct. 68-Jan.69 MS speeches and addresses: Dinner at Silwood Park, 22 Nov. Opening of Barden School, Burnley,!7 Oct. 'Oct.-Dec. 68° on spine. Printed reports, photographs, press cuttings, social engagemenis, correspondence. MS speeches and addresses: Photographs, reports, Hansard, social engagements, correspondence re Organisation of the Electricity Supply Industry. B.P.B. Industries Ltd. Science and Human Personality, St. George's House, Windsor. Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1951. (W.J. President), 27 Feb. Prizegiving, Chislehurst School, 5 Dec. "Questions of Responsibility in the Application of Scientific Discovery’ (Chairman's address at Confrontation on Science and Human Personality, St. George's House, Windsor, 6-7 Dec.). 'The Sociological Impact of Scientific Progress’ (Sutton High School for Girls, 14 Jan. 1969). Lecture by Lord Concluding remarks at Royal Society of Arts Ritchie-Calder 'Science and the Public! (W.J. Chairman at the meeting). 'Feb.-Mar. 69! on spine. Social engagements, Hansard, correspondence. MS speeches and addresses: 75th Anniversary Dinner, Association of Technical Institutions C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 Presidential Address, A.G.M. Association of Technical Institutions, 27-28 Feb. "Cohesion and Conflict between East and West' (at Wilton Park Conference, 2-15 March). Prizegiving, South Eastern Electricity Board Technical Training Centre, 15 March. Notes for speeches in H of Lords debates. ; Photographs, printed reports, Hansard, press cuttings, correspondence, social engagements. MS speeches and addresses: Mar.-May 1969 Chairman's Introduction, conference on National U.H.V. Laboratory. Notes for contribution to H of Lords debate on Decimal Currency. Chairman's concluding address, Conference on Technological Innovation, Churchill College, Cambridge, 11-13 April. Speech at Dinner, B.A.C.1.E. S.E. Regional Group, 23 April. Speech at Lunch, 44th Conference Electrical Association for Women, 7 May. ‘Technology and the Developing Countries’, Eari Grey Lecture, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 8 May. Presidential speech, Dinner C.G.1.A. Association, 16 May. Social engagements, photographs, printed reports, press cuttings, Hansard. Correspondence re May-July 1969 Engineering Advisory Committee, B.B.C. Institute of Manpower Studies. MS speeches and addresses: 1969 'Jul.-Aug. 69' on spine. Hansard, press cuttings, social engagements, printed reports. MS address, Conferment of Hon. D.Sc., Salford, 17 July. Presentation of British Association Film Award, 19 June. Governing Body Dinner, The Ulster College, 27 June. Talk, Middlesex Hospital Medical School Senior Common Room Society, | July. 'Sep.-Nov. 69' on spine. Printed reports, social engagements, correspondence, Hansard; incl. printed text of ‘Manpower for Engineering and Technology’, First Willis Jackson Lecture, sponsored by B.A.C.1.E. (delivered by W.J.), 13 Nov. MS speeches and addresses: engagements re Church of Rome. 'Nov.-Dec. 69' on spine. Hansard, printed reports, press cuttings, correspondence, social 1969 B.A.C.1.E. Golden Jubilee Conference, Cambridge, 16-18 Sept. Notes for Press Conference, Institute of Manpower Studies, 13 Nov. inner, Lancaster, 15 Nov. Wo)? GSA. C; 2670/75 T1% Photographs, press cuttings, Hansard, printed reports, correspondence, social engagements re Joint Parliamentary Liaison Committee of The Council of Engineering Institutions; Kénigswinter Conference. MS address 'An analysis of technological cooperation within the West', Wilton Park Conference, 7 Feb. 16 Jan.-Feb. 1970 Wad. C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 Index of correspondents (nos. refer to books) ABELL, Sir George (Edmund Brackenbury) ABERCONWAY’, Charles Melville McLaren, 3rd Baron Aberconway of Bodnant ANDRADE, Edward Neville da Costa APPLETON, Sir Edward (Victor) ASHBY, Eric, Baron Ashby of Brandon, Suffolk BAKER, Sir John (Fleetwood) BARRON, Donovan Allaway BATES, General Edward John Hunter BEATTIE, Robert BEAVER, Sir Hugh Eyre Campbell : 20 61, 67 ST 2,19;:00, 4 38 BENN, Anthony (Neil) Wedgwood DO WO. Ge, Oo, 68,73; BENN, John Meriton BESWICK, Frank, Baron Beswick BEVINS, John Reginald La he 88, 89 88, 89 37, 39 BLAUG, Mark 89 57 BRASHER, W. Kenneth BRIGGS, Asa BRONK, Detler Wulf BRUNDRETT, Sir Frederick BLOOD, Sir Hilary Rudolph Robert BROWN, Wilfred Banks Duncan, Baron Brown BUTLER, Richard Austen, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden BOWDEN, Bertram Vivian, Baron Bowden of Chesterfield BOYLE, Edward Charles Gurney, Baron Boyle of Handsworth LYTTELTON, Oliver CARR-SAUNDERS, Sir Alexander (Morris) CALDER, Nigel CAMPBELL, Albert BUTTERWORTH, John Blackstock CHANDOS of Aldershot see W.J. €55;A,C. 28/5/75 CHAPMAN, P. Jeffery CLARKE, Sir Richard (William Barnes) COCKCROFT, Sir John (Douglas) COGGAN, Most Rev.and Rt. Hon. Frederick Donald, Archbishop of Canterbury 73 COHEN, Sir Andrew (Benjamin) 37, 42, 49, 55, 56, 57, 63, 64, 66 COHEN, Sir Rex (Arthur Louis) COX, Sir Christopher (William Machell) COX, Harold Roxbee, Lord Kings Norton of Wotton Underwood CRAMP, William CROSLAND, (Charles) Anthony (Raven) - CUDLIPP, Percy DANCY, John Christopher DARWIN, Sir Robin DIXON, Bernard 62 42 68 2 13 So ECCLES, David McAdam, Viscount Eccles ELTON, Sir Arthur Hallam Rice 73 87 75 FALK, Roger FLEMING, Sir Arthur P. M. DOWLING, Walter DRUCQUER, Sir Leonard FLECK, Alexander, Baron Fleck of Saltcoats ERROLL, Frederick James, Baron Erroll of Hale EDINBURGH, H.R.H. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 2 62 49, 56 2S 3a. 4,5 20 83 91581 2,5 62, 70, 86 60 FULTON, John Scott, Baron Fulton of Falmer FRASER, Sir Robert Brown FREEMAN, Rt. Hon. John FLEMING, Admiral Sir John FLOWERS, Sir Brian (Hilton) FORD, Sir Edward (Wiiliam Spencer) FORTESCUE, Cecil L. FRENCH, Walter E. WJ. C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 GABOR, Dennis GAINSBOROUGH, G. GARRATT, Arthur GERMAN, Sir Ronald (Ernest) GIBSON, A. H. ILLS cE. WwW. GODBER, Joseph Bradshaw GOLDUP, T. e; GORDON, George GORDON WALKER, Patrick Chrestien GOULD, Donald GREENE, Sir Hugh (Carleton) GREIG, Sir James GREY, Sir Ralph F. A. HAILSHAM of Marylebone see HOGG, Q.McG. HALEY, Sir William (John) 62 79,07 77 67, 73,76 4,5 65 50 HOGG, HALL, Michael HARTREE, Douglas R. HARTLEY, General Sir Harold HASLEGRAVE, Herbert Leslie HARDING, Sir Harold (John Boyer) HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival ) HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril (Norman) HELSBY, Sir Laurence E. HERBERT, T. 3a, 4;°5 Quintin McGarel, Lord Hailsham of Marylebone 2,3 $7579 69 24): 20 HOWE, G. W. O. Wid. C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 JOHNSTON, Thomas JONES, B. Mowat JONES, Reginald Victor aUKES, 'R. KELLY, HH, S. di KILMUIR, David Maxwell Fyfe, Viscount Kilmuir KING, Alexander KINGS NORTON, of Wotton Underwood COX, Harold Roxbee see LAMB, Horace LAMB, John LANG, Generai Sir Derek (Boileau) LAWSON, Air Vice-Marshal lan Douglas Napier LEE, Fred LEE, Sir (Albert) George 2 54 ar 64 56 3, 30, 4 LILLICRAP, Harry George (Peter) 59,70 40, 21, 49, 63; 64 LINSTEAD, Sir Patrick LOCKSPEISER, Sir Ben 2 20 a a 79 LOGAN, Sir Douglas (William) MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) MARSHALL, Robert Braithwaite LYTTELTON, Oliver, Viscount Chandos of Aldershot McLEAN, Sir Francis (Charles) MANZONI, Sir Herbert (John Baptista) MARCHANT, Edgar Walford 78 MELLING, Cecil Thomas MAXWELL, (lan) Robert MAUDLING, Reginald MILLER, Henry George 84 45 50 Al 24 86 MOORE, N. Peter W. MILES, Sir Bernard C.S.A.C. 28/5/75 MORRIS, Sir Phillip (Robert) MORRIS, Charles MORRISON, J. MOSER, Claus Adolf MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) MOULLIN, Eric Balliol MOUNTBATTEN of BURMA, Admiral Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) MUMFORD, Sir Albert MURRAY, Keith Anderson Hope, Baron Murray of Newhaven NELSON, Henry George, Baron Nelson of Stafford OGORKIEWICZ, Richard M. ORR, James Bernard Vivian PALMER, Arthur Montague Frank PECCEI, Aurelio PHILIPS, Cyril Henry PHILLIPSON, Sir Sydney PIDDUCK, F. B. POHLMANN, Bruno POPPLEWELL, John W. PERCY, Eustace, Baron Percy of Etchingham Co. Sussex PIMLOTT, John Alfred Ralph POETT, General Sir (Jospeh Howard) Nigel RODGERS, William Thomas RICHARDSON, Sir (John) Eric RAO, V. K. R. ROBERTS, Sir Frank (Kenyon) RAWCLIFFE, Gordon Hindle RICKARD, C. ROBERTS, Goronwy RANDLE, Jim RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth Wad C.5:A.C., 28/5/20 SHORT, Edward Watson SIMON, Ernest D. Baron Simon of Wythenshawe SLATER, Sir William (Kershaw) SMITH, T(homas) Dan SOUTHWELL, Sir Richard Vynne SPENCE, John STANLEY, C. 2 STONEHOUSE, John Thomson 17 34 62 2, 66 61 86 3, 3, 4, 5, 12 7 STOPFORD, John Sebastian Bach, Baron Stopford of Fallowfield 4,5 STRATTON, Julius Adams SWIFT, H. W. TAIT, Sir James (Sharp) TANNER, David TAYLOR <7, M. TER-DAVTIAN, L. THOMSON, Sir Joseph (John) VENABLES, Sir Peter (Percy Frederick Ronald) TRAPPES-LOMAX, Michael Roger TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron Todd of Trumpington TOULMIN, Stephen Edelston WEEKS, Ronald Morce Weeks, Baron Weeks of Ryton WALKER, Miles WALLOT, J. WATTS, George Edward WECK, Richard VOSPER, Dennis WAGNER, Sir Anthony (Richard) WARMINGTON, Eric Herbert W.J. C.S.A.C, 28/5/75 WILLIAMS, Lady (Gertrude) WILSON, Charles H. WILSON, (James) Harold WINTERBOTTOM, lan, Baron Winterbottom WOLFENDEN, Sir John WOOD, A. M. WOOD, Richard Frederick 79 27 62, 68 80 3a, 51, 54, 55, 66 50 17 YOUNG, J. 56 ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk Je 50/7) 20
JACKSON, Willis v1
Published: 13 September, 2023 Author: admin