GOLD, Victor v1

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


NCUACS 19/4/90 Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of VICTOR GOLD FRS (1922) = 1985) Compiled by Timothy E Powell and Peter Harper 1990 All rights reserved University of Bath V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The Geological Society National Power Pergamon Books Rolls-Royce plc The Royal Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION KING'S COLLEGE LONDON SECTION RESEARCH SECTION INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY SECTION ROYAL SOCIETY SECTION CHEMISTRY SECTION CORRESPONDENCE SECTION BIOGRAPHICAL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ADVANCES IN PHYSICAL ORGANIC INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Dr Jean Gold (Mrs Gold) in November 1988. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF V GOLD Victor Gold was born in Vienna on 29 June 1922. He was educated at the Vienna Realgymnasium until the age of 15 when, following the Anschluss, he was sent to the UK by his family. Loughborough Engineering College before entering King's College London He spent a year at the a Special Chemistry Student in 1939. Gold's studies were interrupted London (which was then based at Aberystwyth). Later that same year Gold returned to King's College London as a in December and resumed work, now as a student of University College Gold gained First Class Honours in his BSc in 1942 and was awarded His postgraduate research as in the summer of 1940 by internment on the Isle of Man but he was released the Tuffnell Scholarship to study for his PhD. on aromatic nitration, undertaken for the Ministry of Supply, won Gold the University College Ramsay Memorial Medal in 1944. ship the King's College Department of Chemistry grew to be the largest in Demonstrator. 1947, Reader in Physical Organic Chemistry in 1956 and Professor of He was appointed Assistant Lecturer in 1946, Lecturer in Chemistry in 1964. Gold was made Head of Department in 1971, and served as Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences 1978-80. Under Gold's leader- V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 the University of London. In recognition of his services to the College Gold was made a Fellow of King's College in 1975. He was already a Fellow of University College (1973). In 1954 Gold married Jean Sandiford, a chemistry graduate of King's College. They had two children. In recognition of his contribution to physical organic chemistry Gold was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1972 and in 1984/5 was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry's Ingold Medal and Lectureship. The Times obituarist summed up his achievements thus: "Gold's scientific work was marked by a happy combination of a wide knowledge of organic reactions with experiments of the precision and ingenuity expected of the physical chemist. One of his greatest achievements was to rekindle interest in the use of solvent isotope effects to probe the details of reaction mechanisms. a series of influential papers and reviews he established In the correct methodology and showed how information about the structures of transition states could be obtained. competition with Professor J Kresge, he carried out In A . In addition to extensive service on King's College administrative elegant experiments using nuclear magnetic resonance, which established definitively the structure of the solvated proton H;0* He later extended this work to the hydroxide ion’. -GoLa Ss! Own, more detailed accounts of his work can be found at He also founded and for nine years was the sole Editor of Advances Goals in Physical Organic Chemistry, a journal influential in shaping the development of the subject. He served on the Councils of the Faraday and academic bodies Gold made an important contribution to a number of societies and organisations. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Society 1963-66, the Chemical Society 1971-74 and the Royal Institution from 1983 and on the Science Research Council Chemistry Committee 1979-82. He also chaired the British Committee for Chemical Education 1976-78 and the British National Committee for Chemistry 1982-84. Gold's service with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) from 1973 was particularly significant. As a member of its Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry Gold co-ordinated the work on a glossary of terms used in the subject, and contributed to other nomenclature projects. In September 1985, very shortly before his death, Gold was elected to the IUPAC Bureau. For a full account of the life and career of Gold see W J Albery "Victor Gold 29 June 1922 - 29 September 1985', Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 33 1987. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. There is extensive documentation of Gold's research and of his work on the nomenclature of physical organic chemistry. Section A, King's College London, is chiefly Departmental, Faculty and College administrative papers and related correspondence. It includes material relating to Gold's service on committees overseeing the construction of the new College building on the Strand, his Deanship S Gulbenkian. of the Faculty of Natural Sciences 1978-80 and his chairmanship of the Chemistry Sub-Board. Of particular interest is correspondence relating to a possible benefaction to the College by C V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Section B, Research, is the largest in the collection. ete a sequence of correspondence, notes and drafts arranged alphabetically is by person covering Gold's research work with postgraduate students, postdoctoral research assistants and fellows, and visiting colleagues (lists of whom may be found at G.5). 1949-85 represented is Gold's work on kinetic solvent isotope effects and radiation- Particularly well- This material has been linked wherever possible to induced reactions. Gold's numbered list of publications which is reproduced as pp.109-127 of this catalogue. Section C, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry documents Gold's service for this organisation from 1973. principally material accumulated in the course of co-ordinating the compilation of the IUPAC Glossary of Terms used in Physical Organic Chemistry. offering definitions of terms or comments on suggested definitions and There is extensive correspondence from colleagues worldwide relating to committee meetings. Gold served on a number of Royal Also in this section is material relating to Section D, Royal Society, is chiefly correspondence and papers others sent to Gold as Nomenclature and Symbols and material relating to Gold's co-ordination of a project on definitions of stereochemistry terminology. a member of the Interdivisional Committee on several of Gold's drafts. Gold's work on a general compendium of terminology for IUPAC, drafts by Society committees, the best documented of which are the British National Committee for Chemistry and the Chemical Education Committee. Most of the material for both relates directly or indirectly to Gold's interest in the nomenclature of physical organic chemistry. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Section E, Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, documents the first nine years of Gold's editorship of this journal from 1963. It comprises editorial correspondence with prospective and contributing authors and with the publishers. Section F, Correspondence, contains few extended sequences of correspondence. Much of it is with former students and research assistants, who are also represented by material in Section B. Section G, Biographical, is very slight. It includes a complete bibliography and Gold's curriculum vitae. LOCATION OF OTHER MATERIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Dr Jean Gold for making the manuscripts available and for her advice and encouragement. Placed with the Royal Society and the Royal Institution. King's College London. Further sets of reprints are held by University Cornell University and by the family. Copies of Gold's books have been Sets of theses of Gold's students and of Gold's reprints are at College London, the Royal Society, University of California at Irvine, Bath 1990 Timothy E Powell Peter Harper V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 SECTION A KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Agi = RS 6 CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Administration Research Teaching FACULTY AND COLLEGE Faculty of Natural Sciences College CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Administration Relea Nae Chemistry Sub-Board Av28.=GA..55 General correspondence and papers Az l= A.i6 Chemistry Sub-Board Committee of Heads of University Chemistry Departments This body administered the setting and marking of under- Gold was chairman for graduate Chemistry examinations. the period covered by the material. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London Correspondence and papers 1972-77. 16 folders 1972 N3i1.3 LOTS 1/3 i 1073 1974 1974 A.17/7 = A.27 Correspondence and papers 1970, 1974-78. Committee of Heads of University Chemistry Departments Gold was Head of the King's College Chemistry Department fromei9 72. This Committee was organised under the auspices of the Royal Institute of Chemistry (later the Chemical Society) to consider the teaching of Chemistry in UK universities. (4) 11 folders 1976. (2) mi ©) O76: G2) ot6 1974-75 le? 1970 peel 1976 (3) ne See 1976 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London General correspondence and papers 1960-83. Requests to study in the Department. 1970-80. British Council exchange schemes. Re Chemistry Department participation in 4 folders AJ29 1970 A. 3H 1974-75 A.30 EO7I1=<72 A.32 1976,1978,1980 O72 1:3 2 Research Funding A.36 - A.44 Funding Equipment 1975-84. 1973-76. London International Youth Science Fortnights. Re Chemistry Department participation in the Boots Company Ltd. Arranged in an alphabetical sequence of financing bodies approached. A.45 - A.50 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London British Petroleum Company Ltd. 19 7/ Taneho 1975-81. for energy related research 1980. Includes correspondence re possible support Esso Petroleum Company Ltd. 1968-74 1968-69. Science) studentships. Chiefly re CAPS (Co-operative Awards in Pure 1969. Second Esso Students' Symposium October 1969. 1971-74. Perkin-Elmer Ltd. 1971-72 1981 1971: Glaxo Research Ltd. LO hee? Roche Products Ltd. Monsanto Chemicals Ltd. Chiefly re CAPS studentships. Miscellaneous 1981, 1984. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Equipment King's College London Orders for laboratory equipment, 1960-68. Correspondence re Varian XL-100 NMR Spectrometer Osa, Correspondence and papers re the Physico-Chemical Measure- ments Unit: 197l=72, 1976=77 . Completed questionnaires on Mass and NMR spectrometry at King's College. Nd but found with the preceding. ‘Word processing PET System’. Contents of Gold's folder so inscribed: 1980-82. information brochures and booklets, Printers and phototypesetting systems. WORDPET '82 system. National Physical Laboratory computing documentation. Teaching 1O73=7/4. List of text books housed in the Department's Tutorial Library, 1971-72, 1974-75, 1975-76. Correspondence and papers re summer practical courses V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London Correspondence and papers re chemistry courses for students of biological sciences. A.53 19/3— (4 A.54 1977-79 "Class 1975-78'. chiefly students' marks, projects etc. Contents of Gold's folder so inscribed: Gold's notes on 'Third year students 1978-79'. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London FACULTY AND COLLEGE Faculty of Natural Sciences Gold was Dean of the Faculty 1978-80. the contents of Gold's bulky files of Deanship correspondence and papers. The material is 1978 April-December. of the intercalated BSc degree of the University of London. Includes material re proposed revision 1979 January-March. numbers in biology. Includes correspondence re student 1979 April-June. 1979 July-December. Correspondence and papers re Material re research carried out 1980 January-February. alteration of regulations for course-unit degrees; British Association Special Lectureships. Includes material re proposed 1980 January-March. Academic Council's Review of Examinations. 1980 January-March. in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, compiled for the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals. 1980 March-April. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London 1980 May-September. for election of Faculty representatives to Academic Board, Includes correspondence re regulations May-June. 1980 October - 1981 February. Faculty research activities submitted to World Energy Directory. Includes information on V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London C S Gulbenkian Strand Building Committees General correspondence and papers C S Gulbenkian S Gulbenkian, then In 1950 the College discovered that C thought to be the richest man in the world, was the second oldest Associate of the Faculty of Engineering (receiving the distinction in 1887). with Gulbenkian initially with a request that he provide an account of his years at the College for the journal The King's Engineer, later in connection with a possible bequest to the College. The College renewed contact M Seruya, an engineering a go-between, and information on Engineering Correspondence December 1950 - February UO Sas Press-cuttings, October 1950; Society meetings attended by Gulbenkian 1885-87. The material is principally correspondence 1950-54 between College authorities, Gulbenkian, V graduate of King's College who acted as Lord Radcliffe of Werneth, a close friend of Gulbenkian. Gulbenkian died in July 1955. preliminary visit of Seruya to Gulbenkian, January. Chiefly re V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London J Davies, Dean of Engineering, to Gulbenkian, April. Correspondence March - April 1951. S Includes Davies's report on his visit including possible benefaction to King's College. Ghietly ze visrt of Correspondence January-February 1952. Fellowship of King's College on Gulbenkian. Re conferral of Correspondence October-December 1952. benefaction. Includes Davies's notes and report on Re possible second visit to Gulbenkian, November. Correspondence January-May 1953. PLEUZC Re possible ‘Gulbenkian Correspondence July 1953-January 1954. In October 1968 Gold was invited to join the The Sub-Committee was wound up in 1972 when Strand Building Gold was invited to serve in a personal capacity In January 1964 King's College Steering Committee established a Quadrilateral Rebuilding Stage I (Strand) Building Sub- Committee. in June 1967. Steering Committee and became chairman of the Stage I Building Sub-Committee. the new building was officially opened. are held in King's College Archives. The material comprises floor- and room-plans for the Chemistry Department to be housed in the new building, lists and specifi- cations of furnishings and equipment with related correspondence, information on Chemistry Departments at other establishments and miscellaneous correspondence, papers and ms notes. Correspondence with the architects, minutes of meetings and plans V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London Invitations to serve on the Stage I Building Sub-Committee 1967 and Steering Committee 1968; redevelopment of the Strand site. plan of stages of 'To 1964'. Contents of Gold's folder so inscribed. 1961-63. IW April. 1961. Includes D H Hey's draft 'Plan for Chemistry' 1964 March. Includes ‘Obsolete plans’. 1964 April-June. Committee concerning plans for chemistry by a Committee of the Professors and Readers of the Chemistry Department’; plans 'June 1964'. Includes 'Interim report to the Steering "Revised schedule I for Chemistry (July 1964)'. room-plans January and February 1965. Contents of Gold's folder so Miscellaneous typescript and ms notes by Gold on Nd. Chemistry Department requirements. "Early planning papers’. inscribed. Schedule II for Science and Applied Science Buildings January 1965 ; Gold's ms notes on room allocation. "Schedule for floors seven and eight', February 1965; "Schedules for research labs on floors 5 and 7'. Specifications for fittings for rooms in the Department. Plans October 1969 and nd; V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London "Revision of Plans: material 1965-67. 11th May 1965'; miscellaneous Correspondence, plans etc., re benching in the Chemistry Department 1968. Correspondence and papers 1969. Chemistry Department Equipment Grant for the Strand building. Includes papers re Correspondence and papers re Equipment Grant February - July 19/0. Miscellaneous material 1970. "Special Report by Stage I Building Committee to the Principal and General Purposes Committee of the Professorial Board' with comments received thereon. Includes Gold's draft of a Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1971. (Strand) Building Material re Official Opening of the New Strand Building by H M The Queen, 27 June 1972. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1972-73. Report of Quadrilateral Rebuilding Stage I Sub-Committee to General Purposes Committee, 2 May 1972. With related correspondence. 2 folders. Undated plans, lists, ms notes etc. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London A.95 - A.100 Background material: at other universities and colleges. information on Chemistry Departments 6 folders. Committees Gold's service on a number of King's College committees is a number of documented below. other important College bodies whose records are held in These are the Academic Board, King's College Archives. the Committee of Deans, Delegacy, the General Purposes Committee and the Professorial Board. In addition Gold served on Advisory Committee on Computing A.102, A.103 Advisory Committee on Staff 1971-80 2 folders. 7 folders. A.104-A.110 1978-80 1978 1979 Jan,Apr 1979 June-Aug 1979 Oct (1) 1979 Oct (2) .104 5105 - 106 ~L07 Computing Committee Correspondence re Chemistry Department staffing levels. Correspondence and papers re Committee meetings. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re Departmental Equipment Grants. Science Advisory Committee 1980 Jan-Sept A.111;- A. 112 1980 Oct 1970 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 King's College London General correspondence and papers A.12:3 1965, 1968. possibility of the site of the College of Aeronautics at Cranfield’. Gold's letter of a move or 29 January 1968 is re 'the a partial move of the College to Re possible transfer of K Wolfenden and his 1971-72. research group from the Institute of Computer Science, due for closure, to King's College. Re teaching loads of Chemistry staff. 1979-82: V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 SECTION B RESEARCH Beles — BY 312 The material in this section was found in folders arranged alphabetically by postgraduate student, research assistant or visiting colleague who worked in Gold's research team from 1949. Some individuals were assigned more than one folder and a few folders also had an indication of the topic being studied. This arrangement has been retained in the listing of the material below. At the end of the alphabetical sequence is a little miscellaneous material (B.308-B.312). The contents of the folders may include correspondence between Gold and his co-workers on all aspects of their research, with grant-giving bodies (usually the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research/Science Research Council) and King's College administration, drafts of and correspondence about joint publications, and notes, Material relating induced reactions. Where applicable reference has been made to Gold's general scientific correspondence files (Section F) in which similar calculations, graphs etc., many of which are by Gold. to recommendations and appointments has been transferred to Gold's documentation of the work of Gold with members of his research group, particularly that on kinetic solvent isotope effects and on radiation- List of Publications (reproduced at pp.109-127) in the form material was found. The research work presented here provides comprehensive V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Adams (née Dan), C Her thesis 'Kinetic Adams was a PhD student of Gold's. studies of the reaction of borohydride ion with carbonyl compounds' was presented in 1975. publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. 169,172 and: Adams co-authored three 2173- (1977). Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1970-74; and calculations by Adams and Gold. ms notes "Very rough drafts of these papers of student notes with Victor's overwriting to put into possible papers' correspondence from Adams 1976. (Dr Jean Gold). Also includes preliminary stage - 2 folders. —Bibliog.. nos. 121 (1968), Adsetts, J R His thesis 'The 127, 13177133 and 134 "Notes and corrections on Adsetts thesis'; Correspondence re postgraduate studies and joint publications 1965-70. Adsetts was a PhD student of Gold's. kinetics of hydrogen isotope exchange reactions in solution' was presented in 1968. Adams co-authored five publications with Gold, (1969). ms notes and graphs. "Adsetts Draft. folder so inscribed: Heterolytic Exchange'. Contents of Gold's note on 'Results'. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Atkins), Garvey, J P Garvey was a postdoctoral research assistant from 1968. He co-authored two publications with Gold, Bibliog. noss; 163° and 165. (1975)= Brief correspondence re postdoctoral research 1968. spiral-bound notebook so inscribed 'Garvey's Notes': dated 1969, paginated from the front 1-57 and from the back 60-58, containing ms draft beginning 'There have been several reports on the replacement of hydrogen by tritium at an asymmetric centre by means of hot-atom recoil reactions’. references. The pages at the back contain B.77-B.81 3 folders. B:/6-28.65 Glasoe, P K B.77-B.79 'Book I', 30 September 1968 - Photocopies of Glasoe's laboratory notebooks. Correspondence re arrangements and research topics 1967-69. Glasoe, Professor of Chemistry at Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, spent a sabbatical year 1968-69 in Gold's laboratory researching isotope effects in the dicarboxylic acids. 2 folders. 28 February 1969. B.SO, B.8l "Book II', 3 March - 4 June 1969. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research B.82-B.85 Miscellaneous notes, graphs, calculations and computer PEINe-outs: 4 folders. GouLa;: S' 5 Gould was a postdoctoral research assistant from 1969, working on an SRC project 'Catalytic and structural studies on complexes of group VIII metals’. Gould co-authored one publication with Gold, Bibliog. no. (1974). 160 Correspondence re postdoctoral studies 1969; Of Joint. publication. ms draft and 167 (1976). ‘Intermolecular B.87-B. 91 Grant, J L and ArH5 . 2nd draft Correspondence re postdoctoral research 1974-75. Grant was a postdoctoral research assistant 1975-76, working on super-acid systems. with Gold, Bibliog. nos.160 (1974) Grant co-authored two publications "First draft' of work on competition between protonation sites in aryl halides and aromatic benzene; proton exchange reactions between ArH L9 dune 1976° . P Morris. Photocopied lists of references for 'Spectroscopic investi- gation of hydronium ions' by Grant. Miscellaneous notes and spectra. 'H N.M.R. experiments' February 1976 by Grant and K Includes data from Photocopies of Grant's notes on the literature. and 'Hydrated protons' compiled V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Gregory, MJ Gregory was a postdoctoral research assistant 1967-68, working on the application of tritium to the study of very slow reactions. With Gold, Bibliiog. no.156. (1974): Gregory co-authored one publication Correspondence re postdoctoral research 1967-68. Untitled typescript draft beginning 'Solutions of mesitylene or benzene in water containing tritium... were found to undergo an exchange reaction, in which hydrogen atoms in the aromatic ring underwent exchange with tritium in the water', l7pp + tables and references; miscellaneous notes and graphs. Grist; Ss His thesis 'Solvent H,O/MeOH', April 1970 and 122 (1968) ,.143,. 145, 146, 147 i971): and-149° (1972). Computer print-outs, annotated by Grist and Gold. 'Dichloro acetic acid dimerization /association Correspondence re postgraduate studies and joint publications 1967-71, and undated correspondence from others found with it. "Equil water effect codes in May 1970; calculations to evaluate AR tables’, nd. Grist was a PhD student of Gold's. isotope effects in hydroxylic media' was presented in 1970. Grist co-authored six publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. to common concentrations of acid', May 1971. Data for 'Table XXII' , March 1971; Regression of k,upon m recalculated with kz; values brought '‘Keten acetal ‘Salt shifts in MeOH' ation factor determinations' February 1971; ‘Data for fraction- February 1971. V Gold NcuACS 19/4/90 Research Spectra of 'Crude CNCH2 - C(OMe); 16 September 1968. prepd. in MeOD', With ms notes found attached. 799 7B. LOO Miscellaneous ms notes, calculations and graphs by Grist and Gold, some dated 1968 and 1971. 2 folders. pLOL), BB. LOZ Gruen; L7C Gruen was a postdoctoral research student 1964-65, working on very slow chemical reactions. publication with Gold, Bibliog. no.110 (1966). He co-authored one miscellaneous ms notes, -103-B.105 Hampson, CA Correspondence re postdoctoral studies 1963-64, and joint publication 1965-66; Postdoctoral Studentship Report' for October 1965. Gruen's 'C.S.I.R.0. Overseas Data on 'Benzene H-T Exchange'; calculations and graphs. Hampson, a research worker with Upjohn Ltd., was a PhD His thesis 'Solvent effects on the student of Gold's. kinetics of organic reactions with particular reference to problems of drug degradation’ was presented in 1982. report' by Hampson. Correspondence re postgraduate study 1979-82. ‘Drug stability and solvent effects. First year progress V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research 'Final report on lst October 1982'; ... "Kinetics of drug degradation" Gold's ms notes 'Re Hampson’. B.106-B.109 Hawkes, G L Hawkes was a PhD student in the Chemical Engineering Department of King's College, supervised by Gold from He was supported by a grant from the September 1967. Hawkes's United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. thesis 'The determination of carbon activity in the iron/carbon system by electrochemical methods' was presented in 1967. Correspondence re research 1966-67. L H[awkes]. analysed by computer'; note "Data of G on data from experiments. Typescript drafts by Hawkes on the solubility of graphite and cementite in austenite, 1966. Hawkes's report on 'U.K.A.E.A. extramural contract This work no.1874' for January-March 1967. continued that done by Hawkes for his thesis. 24; 2671954) > 28;°.29 and 31% (1955) - Hilton was a PhD student of Gold's. "Kinetic studies on the hydrolysis reactions of some Hilton acylating reagents' was presented in 1954. co-authored five publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. ebLO;, B. bok Bion; «J His thesis V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Correspondence re postgraduate studies and joint publication 1950-55, that 1951 chiefly re apparatus used in experiments; photographs of equipment. Ms notes and graphs on the hydrolysis of acetic anhydrides; 6pp typescript; enclosing 'Some developments of the thermal method of following fast reactions' by Gold and Hilton, 'Description of photo-electric relay', P Bell draft letter from Gold to R 3pp typescript. Jais, MJ bin Mohamed Jamil bin Jais, a chemistry tutor at the National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, was a PhD student of Gold's. solutions of hydrogen bromide in non-aqueous solvents' was presented in 1980. publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. 183 His thesis 'Studies of Jais co-authored two (1980). (1979) and 179 His thesis B.113-B-116 Jefferson, EG Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1976-81. Jefferson was a PhD student of Gold's. 'The kinetics of some acylation reactions' was presented Jefferson co-authored three publications with an Gold, Bibliog. nos. 67pp ms + graphs. Jefferson's 'Summary of work completed during the period 10.49 to. 1.4.50". Jefferson's 'Research report for the session 1949-50', (1954). 20, 21 2295... (1953) and 24 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Correspondence re joint publication [ ?1952-53]. 'A comparison of the mechanisms of solvolytic acylations by acetic anhydride and benzoyl chloride' by Gold, Jefferson and J Hilton, extensively corrected ms draft; miscellaneous ms notes, calculations and graphs. sLL7=Be21 Kessick, MA Kessick was a PhD student of Gold's. 'Kinetic hydrogen isotope effects in the hydration of Kessick co-authored olefins' was presented in 1964. four publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos.95, 98 LOS and: (1965). His thesis 106. (1964), Correspondence re postgraduate studies and joint publication 1961-65. 8, 2 folders. Kessick's 'Report for the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research hydration of olefins' for May 1963; 1-17 Hydrogen isotope effects in the calculations paginated ll missing). (pages 5, LO, Bs ZO Computer print-outs. Ms notes, calculations and graphs by Kessick and Gold. (1985). Laali was a postdoctoral research assistant 1977-78, working on kinetic experiments on superacid solutions by He co-authored nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. three publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos.188(1981), 216 and 217 ~122-B.128 Laali, K Vv. Gola NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Correspondence re appointment 1976-78. "Some notes on line shape analysis and the computer work' by Laali, 5pp ms, 9 December LODL. Correspondence re research, July-October 1978. PL 25=B. 27 Draft on superacid work by Laali, 77pp ms + refs, "Revised 5/10/78'. 3 folders. "Deuterium exchange processes in super acidic media' by Laali, l10Opp photocopied ms + refs and figs, December 1978. Lambert, R W (1960). His thesis 'Chemical Brief correspondence re postgraduate studies and joint publication 1956-60; and deuterium oxide' by Gold, Lambert and D 5pp typescript (Bibliog. no.57); ms notes by Gold. ‘Aromatic tritium exchange in water N Satchell, Lambert was a PhD student of Gold's. Lambert studies with tritium' was presented in 1959. co-authored two publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos.57 and 60 See B.59. Letter from Laughton on eve of departure from King's College re data collected, 27 July 1973; values for Kw and Kac' on Horacio's [H N Colli ] data' Laughton was a Visiting Professor c. 1973. note on ‘Optimization of Laughton's 'Calculations B.130-B.133 Laughton, P M (1959) P by Laughton; V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Bs 1345/8 332 Computer print-outs of program calculating 'the concentrations of acetone complexes for a converging series of values of KAC, complexes for various equilibrium expressions, and their standard deviations', annotated by Laughton. the calculated shifts of the That at B.1312 is July 1973. 2 folders. Photocopies of notes by Laughton: search to Dec 72'; calculations. Voor tc reagent-Lit[erature ] B.134-B.145 Lee, J R Lee was a postdoctoral research assistant 1967-69, working on very slow reactions. with Gold, Bibliog. no.J41 (1971). He co-authored one publication 3 folders. N MR spectra’. Contents of Lee's folder spectra, ms notes, data. 2-methyl-resorcinol Be 13528.137 with resorcinol ?runs '. Data so 'Diacetone alcohol labelled, August 1969; Brief correspondence re postdoctoral research 1967. "Deuterium exchange of resorcinol and phenol. so inscribed divided into three: Some of the material is dated July or September 1969. HCl & NaOH', November 1969. Computer print-outs of 'General program to calculate buffer and 'Summary list', September conc. 1969, and 'Computed concentrations for dibasic acid with data on 'Diacetone alcohol + NaOH'. for dibasic acid NaOH' V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research NaOH-r-rate profile calculation’. ‘Resorcinol Computer print-out so inscribed dated 13 January 1970. With drafts of tables [? found with it. for joint publication ] Brief correspondence with Lee re data for joint publication 1970. 'The resorcinol question' by Lee, 18pp ms with graphs found. withsit. -143-B.145 "Resorcinol'. divided into three. Contents of Lee's folder so inscribed "Hydrogen exchange in resorcinol' by Lee, copied ms draft. 5lpp photo- Annotated computer print-out. Leonidou, E Bibliog. Miscellaneous ms notes, calculations and graphs by Lee and Gold. Leonidou was a postdoctoral research assistant c.1972-73. He co-authored one publication with Gold. NOtel65) (1975). LdOgand. 171 (L977) Liddiard was a PhD student of Gold's grant from Shell Research Ltd. of hydrolysis reactions by macromolecular acid-base systems' was presented in 1974. three publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. Ms notes, some dated 1973; spectra 1972-73. nuclear magnetic resonance B.147-B.156 Liddiard, C J supported by a His thesis 'Catalysis Liddiard co-authored 162 (1975), V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Brief correspondence re postgraduate studies 1971-74; "Research Report: Studies on the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate and ethyl vinyl ether catalysed by a carboxylic acid ion exchange resin (Amberlite IRC-50)' by Liddiard. September 1971 to May 1973 -148,B.149 "Summary of work to be included in future publications' by Liddiard, part of application to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation February 1974. 2 folders. Correspondence re joint publications 1975-76. 'Liddiard Pt graphs etc., I working papers’: so labelled. miscellaneous notes, Some dated April 1976. «b3,B-154 (ethyl vinyl ether) "'Discussion', paginated 1-52. 'Theory', paginated 1-12; 1-12. '‘Experimental', paginated Ms draft on the hydrolysis of EVE and DMA (dimethyl acetal) by Liddiard. 'Liddiard. notes on research paper with Victor’ (Dr Jean Gold): miscellaneous notes, graphs etc. Includes 'A note on isotope effect' dated August 1976. and Gold. 'The use of ion exchangers as catalysts in liquid phase reactions' by Liddiard, 23pp ms. Miscellaneous notes, calculations and graphs by Liddiard V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research pea kioy ip =yei bays) Long, FA Long was Professor of Chemistry at Cornell University. Brief correspondence 1970 from Long re Gold's 'H20 ionization paper' paper' and draft of ‘resorcinol ms calculations. (Bibliog. no. (Bibliog. no. 141, 1971); 1967) 114, Annotated computer print-out of ‘program hydrox [ ?ide] ' dated November 1970. J LO9EB. LS Lowe, B M Lowe was a PhD student of Gold's. ment of some ionic equilibria by the use of a glass electrode’ His thesis 'The measure- - was presented in 1964. Lowe co-authored six publications (1967), 78 (1964), 114 (1963), 94 229, (1987) - Correspondence re joint publication of work on electrode mechanism' August-November 1964. with Gold, Bibliog. nos. 1.236 968) , 13241969). and. Correspondence re postgraduate studies and joint publication some on back of 1961 Physical 1963; Chemistry examination paper. ms calculations by Gold, Includes Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1960-62. material re the University of London Mercury Computer used by Lowe in his research. ms notes and calculations by Gold. ‘Equilibrium measurements & spectroscopic evidence relating co ly. solvent effect on acid-base equilibria in strongly acidic solutions', 6pp ms draft related to Bibliog. no.94 (1964); 'The partition function ratio H,TO* /Hs0* lOpp typescript; Contents of a folder so inscribed: ‘The deuterium (H Block)', 'the glass V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Typescript summary of 'Deuterium solvent isotope effects on acid-base equilibria in dioxan-water mixtures' (Bibliog. no.94, 1964); draft equations and tables for the draft; ms notes on dioxan-water isotope effects. .164,B.165 'E.M.F.[Electromotive force ]'. inscribed divided into two: 1965, chiefly re joint papers on 'Measurement of solvent isotope effects with the glass electrode (Bibliog. mos: correspondence and notes, Contents of a folder so 1 143 and-123)'- Correspondence; D,0-H,0 solvent mixtures', 20pp typescript. 'Measurements of equilibrium constants in 'Replaced' pages from typescript draft of Bibliog no.123; ms notes by Gold. -169-B.171 Correspondence and notes, September-November 1967, and Gold's ‘original notes K Covington on Lowe's Also includes Lowe's llpp 'List Correspondence re Lowe's e.m.f. data and publication of Bibliog:. no.114, 1966. "Glass electrode Part 2'. inscribed divided into three: (1968). Correspondence re comments of A PhD thesis, April 1967. of isotope effects’. Letter from Lowe enclosing details of his 'calculations on the deuterium gas electrode' on which the work is based', 8 August 1967. February 1968. Contents of a folder so material re Bibliog. no.123 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research 21 June 1979, stating 'I cannot find my Letter from Lowe, file on the glass electrode paper... I that a treatment of glass electrode behaviour in H20 + D20 has not been reported and that we did not publish our attempt because it was not entirely satisfactory’. of the glass electrode in H,0 - D20 mixtures’, 21pp ms. am fairly certain With 'Behaviour Typescript draft of the preceding, 18pp + figures. Correspondence re joint publication 1968. Correspondence re joint publication L969. corrected draft of in H,0-D,0 mixtures', MO. W532). 'The behaviour of the hydrogen electrode 15pp typescript + figure (Bibliog. Includes 2 folders. (1976) and 174 (1978). McAdam, M E .176-B.178 .174,B.175 His thesis ‘Radiation McAdam co-authored five Correspondence re calculations carried out by Lowe for Gold LOW AGg With computer print-outs of results. McAdam was a PhD student of Gold's. induced aliphatic hydrogen isotope exchange in aqueous solution' was presented in 1973. publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. 166 ‘Outline summary of results obtained' by McAdam, August 1972. Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1970-73; found with it. 161, 163, 164 (1975), ms notes V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Correspondence re joint publications 1974-77. re diol and dioxan papers (Bibliog. nos. 163 and 164). Chiefly B.1/9-B.183 Mah, T (later Giddings) was a postdoctoral research assistant Mah 1978-80, working on the clarification of features of the basicity of 2,6-dimethyl pyrone and related heterocyclics as part of an SRC funded project ‘Quantitative studies of Mah co-authored one protonation in super-acid systems. 187 publication with Gold, Bibliog. no. (1981). Gold's application to SRC for grant and correspondence arising 1977-80. Bevoly bh 1Lo2 2 folders. B.184-B.190 Major, MA Nmr spectra for 'Talat's paper'; photocopied data. Correspondence with Mah re postdoctoral studies 1977-79. Includes 'General progress' report, 21 July 1978, with Gold's notes and comments. Nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectra obtained June - August 1978, sent to Gold 31 August. ations 1968-73. His thesis 'A study Major was a PhD student of Gold's. of some photolytically induced hydrogen isotope exchange reactions in aqueous solution' was presented in 1973. Major co-authored two publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. Correspondence re postgraduate studies and joint public- 156 and 157 (1974). V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Untitled draft by Major beginning ‘Previous work has demonstrated the existence of a f8 radiation induced hydrogen exchange reaction for aqueous solutions of range of both aromatic compounds and alcohols', 14pp With the photocopied ms + graphs, 5 December 1970. draft are Gold's queries, and ms graphs on benzene activity by Major. a Ms notes and calculations by Gold and Major. ‘Effect of oxygen scavenging of hydrogen atoms' and 'pH-dependence calculations’. Includes B.187,B.188 "Kinetics of hydrogen isotope exchange reactions. Part 24. by photolysis of potassium iodide solutions' NO. 56). Exchange between benzene and water initiated (Bibliog. Incomplete ms draft with extensive correction. 38pp final ms draft. 8.150978. 90 pH-dependence of aromatic exchange initiated Incomplete ms draft with extensive correction. 'Part 25. by photolysis of aqueous potassium iodide solutions’. Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1974-75. Miri was apostdoctoral research assistant 1974-75. co-authored one publication with Gold, Bibliog. no.181 29pp final ms draft. Mi¥i; AxyY (1980). He V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research -192-B.197 Morris; K.P Morris was a PhD student of Gold's. transfer reactions in highly basic and highly acidic solvent systems' was presented in 1977. publications with Gold, Bibliog.nos. 184 195° Morris co-authored five His thesis 'Proton- (1980), 188 2172 (1985) 206 and: (1981), (1982)4 Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1974-76. includes correspondence re commercial sources of fluoro- chemicals. Also Morris's 'Progress Report June 1976 in highly basic and highly acidic media’. Solvent isotope effects ‘Organic bases in magic acid & theory'. so inscribed: weak organic bases, some dated March LOD eh data on exchange between magic acid and various Contents of folder Nowlan, V J 2 tolders:é +96, RB 897 .198,B.199 Ms notes, calculations and graphs etc. Correspondence re joint publications 1979-82. Nowlan was a postdoctoral research assistant 1973, working He co-authored one publication on borohydride reactions. with Gold, Bibliog. no.158 (1974). ms notes and calculations. Correspondence re postdoctoral studies 1972, and joint publication 1974. 'Synthesis of tritiated NaBH,' by Nowlan, 9pp ms and figs; + refs V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research B. 200-B. 202 Oakenfull, DG Oakenfull was a PhD student of Gold's although much of his research was undertaken in the laboratory of T Riley (B.213-B.217) at the Brighton College of Technology. "Studies of the mechanism of base catalysis in ester hydrolysis' was presented in 1966. authored two publications with Gold (and Riley), Bibliog. nos. Oakenfull co- and 118 (1968). (1966) 112 His Correspondence with Riley and Oakenfull re postgraduate studies 1963-66. Correspondence with Riley and Oakenfull re publications 1967 and nd. Ms notes, calculations and graphs by Gold, Riley and Oakenfull. B.203-B. 208 B.203 B.204 189; (1981). Pemberton, S M B. 204-B. 206 Drafts by Pemberton. Correspondence re appointment and studies 1975-81. Pemberton was a scientific assistant in Gold's laboratory 1975-76 and a postdoctoral research assistant 1976-79. She co-authored one publication with Gold, Bibliog. no, gen exchange of dioxan',4pp photocopied ms, November 1979. "Hydrogen exchange in dioxan induced by "Ti(OH),"', 6pp ms + fig, October 1977; evolution and hydrogen exchange', 3pp typescript, May 1978; "Research report' on hydrogen exchange, 6pp photocopied ms, January 1979; systems', 5pp photocopied ms, March 1979; ‘Attempts to demonstrate the existence of a carbonionic intermediate in radical-induced hydro- (on work on porphyrins), 4pp ms, May 1976; ‘Thesis contents' ‘Incorporation of tritium into dioxan using titanium III/H202 as 'Hydrogen exchange in dioxan induced by the titanium (III) /H2,02 system', lOpp typescript + figs, March 1977, with ms notes. a source of hydroxyl radicals', 4pp ms, 'Yield of exchange hydrogen in ether/low valent metal ion ‘Reactions of aqueous Ti(III) suspensions: Hydrogen 7 June 1976; V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research "Radical-induced exchange of carbon-bound hydrogen in organic substrates. dioxan using metal-ion/hydrogen peroxide systems', 6pp ms + tables and figs, nd; dioxan using titanium hydroxide and resin-bound titanium (III)', Hydrogen exchange in Hydrogen exchange in ‘Part II. Part I, 5pp ms + table, nd. Summary of results cf experiments 103-600, March 1979; summary of results of experiments 593-732, nd. Ms notes by Gold and Pemberton. -209,B.210. Perez, G Correspondence re visit 1970-71. S211) ;,Be2 b2 > Pross, A He He co-authored one publication with Data and notes by Perez on anisole and toluene. Pross was a postdoctoral research assistant 1971. co-authored ene publication with Gold, (1976). Perez, of the Italian Laboratorio di Chimica Nucleare, was a visiting researcher in Gold's laboratory 1970-71 supported by a NATO Fellowship. Goliad, Bibliog.-no.153) (4973): annotation by Gold. "Aliphatic hydrogen exchange in t Butanol' by Pross, 12pp ms + tables and figs; typescript drafts of tables with ms Correspondence re postdoctoral appointment 1970-71; "Determination of water in alcohols', 3pp typescript + fig. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Bigis—B. 2177, Riley, T Riley co-authored six publications with Gold, Riley was a PhD student of Gold's. of some acid-catalysed alkylation reactions' was presented in 1959. Bibliog. nos.51 (1959), 61 (1968). (1966) 112 work of D 1960s. (1960), Riley supervised the laboratory G Oakenfull, a PhD student of Gold's in the early His thesis 'A study See B.200-B.202. (1961), 75 and 118 (1962), 68 Brief correspondence re postgraduate studies 1956; and joint publication 1960. With ms notes by Gold + photocopied graphs. V Gola NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Rolston's 'Data sheets'. Nd. -238,B.239 Routledge, P J Routledge was a postdoctoral research associate from 1983. He co-authored one publication with Gold, Bibliog. no.219 (1985). Brief correspondence re postdoctoral appointment 1983, 1985; "DMSO and hydroxylic solutes' by Gold, 6pp photocopied ms annotated 'Routledge 7-11-83' Routledge). (probably plan of research for ‘A study of the H,0/D2,0 equilibrium in acetonitrile’ by Routledge 'This work was done between June and August 1984'; ms notes by Gold marked ‘Routledge’. Her thesis ‘Kinetic brief correspondence ms notes; 81 and 82 °(1963):. Satchell (née Smith), RS Satchell co-authored two publications with Gold, Brief correspondence from Gold to the Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, re isopropanol -1,3-Cl14, 1960; from Satchell re joint publications, July 1962; graphs, calculations etc. Satchell was a PhD student of Gold's. studies of aliphatic substrates in acidic media' was presented in 1962+ Bibliog. nos. (1983). Sghibartz was a PhD student of Gold's. and kinetic studies on acetals' was presented in 1978. co-authored four publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. 194 (1982), 201 and 204 His thesis 'Synthetic B.241-B.243 Sghibartz, C M He 175 (1978), V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1974-77. "Salt effects in the hydrolysis of cyclic ethers' by Sghibartz, llpp photocopied ms, report of the study of cyclic acetals (as discussed at SRC 12.7.76)' by Sghibartz and B note on experiments on crown ether acetals by Sghibartz. T Grayson, 7pp typescript; 28 August 1975; ‘Status Correspondence re joint publication and conference presentation by Sghibartz 1978. ether acetals: measurements' detection of cation binding by kinetic (Bibliog. no.175). Includes draft of 'Crown Shephard, F E Simons ,:.C.d Shephard worked at the Gas Council's London Research Station. Material re study of the negative ion spectra of t-butyl alcohol ,.-1970° and: 1971: Simons was a PhD student of Gold's. magnetic resonance studies of liquid mixtures' was presented in, 1966. ms; notes. Brief correspondence re postgraduate studies and possible Joint publication. 1963-67; Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of liquid mixtures', C.1965;. (D-S.1.R. Report by C His thesis 'Nuclear J: Simons. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Socrates, G Socrates was a part-time MSc student of Gold's working for British Oxygen. resonance' was presented in 1962. one publication with Gold, Bibliog. no.101 (1964). His thesis 'Studies in nuclear magnetic Socrates co-authored Brief correspondence re postgraduate study 1960, 1962; "Hydration of acetaldehyde and pyruvic acid' 18pp ms + refs. by Socrates, B.24/7-B.250 Swart, E R Swart, a Lecturer at the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, was a PhD student of Gold's under the Scheme a study of and J M Hodgkinson The material is chiefly re Includes Swart's first, He worked on 'an investigation of "halide ion- In conjunction with Swart Gold acted as external Correspondence re research 1958-59. second and third research reports. Correspondence re research 1960. research report, and Swart and Casapieri's drafts of "Concomitant first and second order nucleophilic substitution' sent to Gold for comment. for Teachers and Research Workers at Overseas University Colleges. organic halide" exchange reactions in the Syl-Sy2 borderline region'. supervisor for two Research Fellows of Swart's: P Casapieri (PhD 'Nucleophilic substitution: mixed Syl-Sy2 mechanisms' presented 1962) (MPhil on reaction kinetics). the work of Swart and Casapieri. sent to Gold for comment. Correspondence re research 1962-63. fifth, sixth and seventh research reports, and Swart and Casapieri's draft of ‘Studies on "borderline" nucleophilic substitution Part II' Includes Swart's Includes Swart's fourth V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Correspondence re research 1965-66. Szeto (née Ho), WTA Szeto was a PhD student of Gold's supported by a Croucher Foundation Scholarship and an Overseas Research Student Award. She worked on deuterium isotope effects in hydrogen-bonding in solution and presented her thesis in 1985. authored three publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos 226 229 and 230 (1988). Szeto co- (1987) (1986), Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1982-85; ms calculations annotated 'Alice Ho pre-summer 1982'; photocopied ms note by J Emsley 'NMR hydrogen bond investi- gations (Outline of research programme for Alice Ho)', July 1982. photocopied His B.252-B. 260 Tomlinson, C B.252-B.256 Tomlinson 136 (1970) of thermodynamic hydrogen Correspondence re research 1964-70, and joint publication 1970-71. Tomlinson, a Lecturer in Physical Chemistry at the Brighton College of Technology, was a PhD student of Gold's. thesis ‘Spectroscopic studies isotope effects in solution' was presented in 1970. co-authored two publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. and 144 (1971) « 1968 Be253 1965-67 Baeza 1964 Be25D 1969 B.256 1970-71 5 folders B.254 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research .257,B.258 Computer print-outs with Gold's headings. 'p-nitroaniline' and 'N-methyl-p-nitroaniline’, August LOO 'p-nitro dimethylaniline Different @+ values', October 1970. ‘Amines + ROH Preferred g -values', October 1970. ‘Amines + ROH Tomlinson "best" Dp values', October 1970. 'The hydrogen-deuterium fractionation of the hydroxyl ion in aqueous solution: 1Opp photocopied ms; 'The properties of and structure within aqueous alkaline solutions have received less attention than those of the complementary acidic solutions', 12pp photocopied ms. the P.M.R. method' by Tomlinson, untitled draft by Tomlinson beginning + 261=B.-263 “Toullec, J Correspondence re joint publication 1976-77. Draft of Bibliog. no.177 in French, 42pp typescript. Tomlinson's notes on 'Fast exchange' miscellaneous ms notes, "Fractionation work’. and ‘Slow exchange' so titled; calculations and graphs by Gold and Tomlinson. Toullec, of the Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Physique, Université de Paris, visited Gold's laboratory in 1976. Their collaborative work was published as Bibliog. no.177 (1979). proof copy with Gold's corrections. Draft of Bibliog. no.177 in English, 17pp typescript; V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research B.264-B. 267 Unsworth, JBJ His thesis Unsworth was a PhD student at King's College. "Studies on the homogeneous catalytic oxidation of olefins by palladium compounds' was presented in 1972. Letter from Unsworth re research, February 1970, with Gold's 'Improvements in the production calculation found attached; of carbonyl compounds', specification of invention by Gold, Unsworth and J 4pp photocopied typescript. S Coe, B.265,B. 266 Unsworth's reports on ‘Oxidation of octene-1 with pa= in solution'. 1968-70. salts 2 folders. ‘Bis benzonitrile di chloro-palladium (II) the production of ketones from olefins' photocopied ms + fig. as a catalyst for by Unsworth, 4pp 2 tolders: B. 268,B. 269 B.268-B. 271 Valavanidis, A His thesis 'A Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1972-77. Valavanidis was a PhD student of Gold's. study of heterogeneous base catalysis by poly- (4-vinylpyridine) was presented in 1977. October 1973 - September 1974. 'A study of heterogeneous base catalysis by insoluble macromolecular bases', Valavandis's research report for B.268 1972-73 B.269 1974-77 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Miscellaneous material found with the preceding. Wassef, WN Wassef, a Lecturer at the University College for Women, Ain Shams University, Cairo, was a postdoctoral research fellow 1981-83 supported by the Egyptian Government. co-authored eight publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. 206;4208 (1983), 210, and: 223 (1986). 2.2114 (1984) ,-220, 221), 222: He Correspondence re postdoctoral studies 1981-83. Waterman, DCA B.274-B. 276 Wood, DL His thesis ‘Solvent 115. (1967), 119 and-1207 (1968). Waterman was a PhD student of Gold's. Waterman co-authored three publications with Gold, Correspondence re postgraduate studies and joint publications 1964-68; Waterman. miscellaneous ms notes and graphs by Gold and isotope effects in acid catalysed reactions' was presented invl967' Biblioge nose (1982). Wood was a PhD student of Gold's supported by a BP CASE studentship. metal ions in aqueous solution' was presented in 1980. co-authored four publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. 191 His thesis 'The reduction of radicals by transition (1981) and 192 Wood 189, 190, V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1977-81. Correspondence re joint publications 1981-82. 'The reduction of organic free radicals by low valent transition metal ions as studied by isotopes. by D sets of calculations by Gold; L Wood (April 1979)'; 'Survey by D ms notes by Gold and Wood. L Wood Jan.1980'; A report Zaliouk (née Gitter), A Zaliouk was a research assistant working on an SRC supported project on slow reactions 1965-67. publication with Gold, (1971). She co-authored one (1981), 193, 196, 197. (1985). B.278-B. 307 His thesis 'Rate measurement techniques in superacid media' was presented in 1981. Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1964-67, and joint publication 1968, 1970. Zdunek was a PhD student of Gold's 1978-80 and a postdoctoral research assistant 1980-82 (supported by an SRC grant for "Dynamic NMR measurements'). by NMR Zaunek co-authored six publications with Gold, Bibliog. nos. 168). continued... 'The determination of the acidity of super-acid media by dynamic n.m.r. measurements: The system fluorosulphuric acid-antimony pentafluoride' by Gold, Zdunek, K Laali and K P Morris (Bibliog. no.216, 1985). Correspondence re postgraduate studies 1978-80, and postdoctoral research 1980-84. Application to SRC for grant, correspondence arising 1980-83. (1982), 216 and.217: Drafts labelled B. 280-B. 284 Zdunek, L Z B.2/9 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research by Dr Jean Gold to show the development of the joint paper. ‘ist. draft: by Victor.cold*. .281,B. 282 'Typed (and corrected by Zdunek on his part of the work) June 83'. 2 folders. 'Various stages of this paper Dec 83 - revision’. "Proof stage IV'. Annotated by Morris. #285,5.286 "Dynamic nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of the basicity of weak organic bases in super-acid media' by Gold, Zdunek, Morris and Laali (, 1985). 13pp typescript with ms corrections. - 287-B. 307 (Dr Jean Gold). 'Zdunek Research work with Victor additions' Contents of Gold's box file so labelled. Early draft with slightly different title, l3pp typescript with ms corrections + tables + figs. Calculation by Gold beginning 'Assume that only two sites and Pyg', of the system have significant populations, Py, March 1978. one dated 18 April 1979 (no.13). ~268-B. 290 Nmr spectra obtained by Zdunek, May, August and October 1978. "Brief theory of T,' by Zdunek, 7pp photocopied ms + graphs, 3 folders. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research Material found attached to preceding. to graphs in handout headed "Brief theory of T,"', 4 July 1979. Includes 'Index ~2937,8.294 'The determination of the pmr natural line width in FSO;/SbFs systems involved in chemical exchange by variable temperature spin - lattice relaxation time by Zdunek, photocopied ms with graphs and data, September 1979. (T)) measurements' 2 folders. Untitled note by Zdunek beginning 'The equilibria established in following...', lOpp photocopied ms, in water are postulated to be the a solution of CO, 16 November 1979. Notes of results sent to Gold by Zdunek March and June 1983; note on 'Basic relations' by Gold, 30 November 1983. 3 folders. -297-B. 299 Miscellaneous notes, graphs and calculations probably related to Bibliog. no.188 (1981). 'The three site line-shape equation by Zdunek', typescript draft possibly of part of Zdunek's thesis. Untitled draft by Zdunek beginning 'At secondary school, one learns that the acidity of a medium may be defined as its ability to donate a proton to (BrSénsted) base', 29pp ms and typescript + figs possibly related to Bibliog. no.196(1982). found with it. 3pp ms. Untitled draft by Zdunek beginning 'The advent of the dedicated computer has seen a marked increase in the routine availability of spectral analysis', 20pp photocopied ms + tables untitled note by Zdunek beginning ‘Computer programs and figs; for use in nmr have been written since the early 1960s' a specified reference With Gold's queries V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Research B.303,B. 304 Untitled draft by Zdunek beginning "protonated weak organic bases form many important intermediates in organic synthesis, but it was not until the sixties that the discovery of superacids... led to a wealth of observations of relatively long lived species', 47pp ms and typescript + figs. 2 folders. ‘Rate determination using NMR line-shape analysis' by Zdunek, draft for lecture, llpp photocopied ms + figs for slides. Photocopied ms data found with the preceding. Miscellaneous notes, calculations, graphs etc., by Gold and Zdunek. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Miscellaneous Research B. 308,85. 309 "Notes on programs’. Contents of Gold's folder so inscribed. Annotated computer print-outs, June 1966. Sets of calculations by Gold. B. 310-8312 "BUOH - H20 fractionation (Brookhaven results)'. Contents of Gold's folder so inscribed: annotated by Gold. Computer print-outs, 19 November 1967. kp, kyfrom Gold (1960) "Modification for calculation of 0.5% and *0.3% error in f, (alcohol peak curve).' ‘A program to find optimum Cx), equation for rates in H,0/D,0' + graph, 5 January 1968. ‘Evaluation of fractionation factors and detailed composition of solutions for NMR experiments on D-fractionation between t-BUOH and water'. 1 February 1968. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 SECTION C INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY Of =—"C2186 Gold's titular membership of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) dated from 1973. At its 27th: Annual Conference held in Munich that year IUPAC established a Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry which was 'charged with standardization of physical organic chemical nomenclature, particularly with regard to the naming of reactions, the mechanism of reactions and the definitions used in the field' and Gold was invited to serve. The Commission set up a number of Working Groups, each assigned a specific project, and appointed Gold coordinator of that Working Group preparing a Glossary of Terms used in Physical Organic Chemistry. A provisional version, edited by Gold, was published in August 1979 and the first edition followed in 2953: Work began on the second edition soon thereafter. From 1983 Gold for Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry on Stereochemical Terminology. Gold became a member of the Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature terminology was in line with IUPAC conventions. In 1982 IDCNS agreed to and Symbols (IDCNS) in 1979 as a representative of the Organic Chemistry begin work towards a general IUPAC compendium of terminology. Gold was Division. The Committee reviewed draft IUPAC reports to check that their was also acting as coordinator of a Joint Working Party with the Commission in charge of this project, and by 1984 had completed the first stage in the preparation of a complete list of IUPAC glossaries and reports on terminology. was elected to the IUPAC Bureau, the senior executive body of the Union. Chemistry for 1983-87 and in September 1985, very shortlybefore his death, Gold was elected Chairman of the Commission on Physical Organic V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry The material is presented as follows: Cs ss" C. 137 Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry Ci33845) C1 6y Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) hig CG. 168"— C2186 IUPAC General Assemblies COMMISSION ON PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY General correspondence and papers Joint Working Party on Stereochemical Terminology Working Group to compile a Glossary of terms used in Physical Organic Chemistry Other Working Groups V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry General correspondence and papers The material is chiefly papers for meetings of the Commission held during IUPAC Physical Organic Chemistry conferences and Gold's correspondence with Commission members and others, 1972-85. The 1972 material is re the ad hoc committee on Physical Organic Chemistry formed to press for the creation of the Commission. 29 folders. Aug Sept-—Dec Jan-June Jan-July ° ‘ é : . ° ; a : ‘ Aug-Dec Apr-Aug Sept Oct-Dec July-Nov Sept-Nov Jan-June Feb-June Aug-Sept Aug-Nov Jan-July July-Aug March-July Jan-Apr Jan-Sept May-Sept Dec (2) Dec (1) Oct-Nov Oct V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Working Group to compile a Glossary of terms used in Physical Organic Chemistry In late 1975 and in 1976 the Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry circulated letters to physical organic chemists seeking opinions on the naming of organic reactions and the symbolisation of reaction mechanisms. From the replies it became apparent that it was first necessary to standardise the nomenclature. by Gold, to compile a Glossary. A Working Group was established, chaired After extensive consultation and redrafting a provisional Glossary was published in Pure and Appl. Chem. 51 (1979). The response was generally favourable and after considerable revision the first edition was published in 1983 in Pure and Appl. Chem. 55. : a Cs3zZ 1976 Feb Cl30 19:75 Cis: 1976 Jan 1976 Mar-May 1976 Jun-July 5 folders. Replies to Questionnaire on types of nomenclature, Initial requests to physical organic chemists for their views on Commission proposals, with copies of the replies 1975-76. November-December 1976. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry CO. 36.-1C 24) Initial suggestions for definitions of terms, December 1976 - Apri. Ws. Having agreed to act as Chairman of the Working Group Gold This was sent out prepared a list of terms to be defined. to selected colleagues in December 1976 with a request that they each provide possible definitions of certain terms which could then form the basis of the first draft of the glossary. 6 folders. Cz36 Cod Cr30 1976 1977 Jan 1977 Feb (1) 3 S 1977 Feb (2) 1977 Mar 1977 Apr 2 folders. c.45 - C.48 4 folders. C.45 1977 May-June C.47 1977 July (April 1977)', with Gold's first draft definitions. Comments on first draft, May - August 1977. "First draft of glossary of terms related correspondence. 2 folders. Gold's extensively annotated working copy of second draft, guly. 2977. c.48 1977 July-Aug C.46 1977 June G.49,. C.50 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Further requests for definitions of terms, August 1977 - January 1978. On the basis of comments received on the first draft (c.45 - C.48)Gold asked selected colleagues to comment on new definitions of certain more difficult terms and to provide suggested definitions for terms omitted in the first daraic. 7 folders. 1977 Aug 1977 Sept 1977 Oct CzD5 1977. Nov (2) Cr 56 1977 Dec Cy a 1978 1977 Nov (1) Z f£olders'. C..5B 36, ou "New contributions for second draft (Mark II)'. Contents ms and Miscellaneous correspondence, October 1977 - May 1978. of Gold's folder so inscribed, divided into two: typescript definitions. ‘Glossary of terms used in Physical Organic Chemistry (Third Draft;.-March 2978). Distribution list for third draft, notes on costs incurred. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry C.635—1 Ce. Comments on third draft, June - October 191/8% The third draft was circulated in June 1978. many comments and suggestions and the material includes some extended exchanges of correspondence on the meaning Gold continued to receive comments of specific terms. after a hand-revised 'fourth' draft had been submitted to the Interdivisional Committee on.Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS) publication. in September to be approved for provisional It received 9 folders. June July Aug (1) : 5 : Sept-Oct Undated A-K Undated L-P Z Undated S, Y Sept Aug (2) 2 folders. Correspondence and comments on 'fourth' draft, September 1978 - February 1979. Correspondence September 1978 - September 1979 with J Laidler, chairman of the IUPAC Subcommittee on K Nomenclature and Symbolism in Chemical Kinetics, and others chiefly re the meaning of the term 'chemical flux'. 5S folders. Material also includes drafts of the Subcommittee's report ‘Symbolism and terminology in Chemical Kinetics', on which Gold commented. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Correspondence with IUPAC officers and colleagues re arrangements for provisional publication, November 1978 - October 1979. Following approval from IDCNS in November 1978 the Glossary was published in the August 1979 issue of Pure and Applied Chemistry 51, 1725-1801. Gold's annotated 'Suggested points for consideration by the Commission [ on Physical Organic Chemistry ] in connection with the Glossary', considered at the Commission meeting at Davos, September ORS July and August 1979. These were Copy of Provisional Glossary of Terms used in Physical Organic Chemistry’. folders. -82 1979 Sept GC, 82 4=7C- 85 1979 Oct-Dec Cc. 85 C286 1980 June C.8%, 1980 July oS 84 02 1980 Aug-Nov 1980 Jan-May 1979 July, Aug Comments on Provisional Glossary and correspondence re Gold's revision thereof, July 1979 - November 1980. Provisional Glossary. Ms and typescript draft definitions for revision of V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Correspondence and comments on ‘Final definitions', April - July 1981 ; 5 folders. C.90 Apr Ca9i May Cro2 June ; : July (1) July (2) Correspondence re publication of the Glossary, August 1983. July 1981 - 4 folders. €.96 C297 The final draft was approved by the Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry in July 1981 and submitted to IDCNS in November. for official publication was given in September 1982. After consideration of further comments approval C.i299 LOSS: (1) Cx95 1981 C598 1983 1982 June-Nov 3 folders. 1982 Jan-May C5092 Ce Ol Comments on the Glossary and material for future revision thereof, 1983-85. C2) C.101 1984-85 Co TOO 1983 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Joint Working Party on Stereochemical Terminology Gold was coordinator of this Joint Working Party with the Commission for Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. C.102-C.104 Correspondence re meetings of Working Party and definitions of stereochemical terms, 1982-85. 3 folders. C102 1982))-1983 Ce 103 1984 "Stereochemistry', 43pp typescript. Other Working Groups Ms notes and background information, including biblio- graphical references. In addition to the Working Group established under Gold to compile the Glossary of terms the Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry set up a number of other Working Groups to consider questions of terminology relating to specific processes in chemistry. reports and correspondence sent to Gold as Commission member and coordinator of the work on the Glossary. for project completions, 1982 and 1983. The material is chiefly draft Lists of Working Groups, their chairmen and expected dates V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry CiOS—C. 13 Nomenclature for straightforward transformations: substitutions, additions and eliminations, Coordinator J F Bunnett, 1976-83. 6 folders. Coti4 Cl 115 Nomenclature for multivalent transformations, Coordinator R A Y Jones, 1979-81. 2 folders. Cr. bE6HC. 25 Symbolisation of reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry, Coordinator J F Bunnett, 1974-85. 10 folders. Nomenclature for straightforward transformations: P Doyle, 1978-83. 2 folders. 2 folders. Cu297 2S. 30 Coordinator J March, CA 2 GCs 28 Nomenclature for ring-forming and ring-opening trans- formations, Coordinator P Muller, 1981, 1984. Nomenclature for complex reactions, 1977-84. attachment/detachment, oxidation/reduction, Coordinator M 1982-84. Nomenclature of insertion and extrusion transformations, Coordinator J Toullec, V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 C2156, .C. sy, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Nomenclature for rearrangement transformations, RAY Jones, 1982-84. Coordinator Nomenclature for coupling/uncoupling transformations, Coordinator M P Doyle, 1982. 'Bi-reactions' and related transformations, Coordinator MP Doyle, 1981. 1980, Nomenclature of pericyclic reactions, 1978), 19794 Coordinator K N Houk, Mechanisms of straightforward transformations, Coordinator J F Bunnett, 1982, 1983. 2° folders. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry INTERDIVISIONAL COMMITTEE ON NOMENCLATURE AND SYMBOLS (IDCNS) The material relates to arrangements for IDCNS meetings, draft reports submitted to IDCNS for approval prior to publication and to Gold's work towards the compilation of a compendium of terminology. 30 folders. . ) f Q 238 sao . 140 141 O Q Mar-July Aug-Dec Jan-May June (1) C. ce Cy Cc. Sept Sept-Dec Jan-Aug Sept,Oct 2 O F Q Q sie Aug-Dec July July Mar Sept Oct-Dec Jan-Apr Jan-Mar - 148 149 0 oa Nov ,Dec -144 145 - 142 143 146 147 C. Ce Cc. Ce Cs Jan,Feb ee Cc. Cy Cc. Jan-June July,Aug Oar. (2) Aug-Nov Oct CL) June (2) Apr-July May-July © , e O A e O s 0 1 8 0 0 4 2 0 7 Aug-Sept Apr-Aug V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC GENERAL ASSEMBLIES Gold attended IUPAC Council meetings held during General Assemblies as a delegate of the Royal Society's British National Committee for Chemistry (D.7-D.42) and as titular member of IUPAC. a -168-C.175 30th General Assembly, Davos, 2-10 September 1979. Gold led the Royal Society delegation. List of participants; IUPAC Current Programmes for May 1979. Correspondence re expenses of Royal Society delegates. -L170-C.174 5: folders: 3lst General Assembly, Leuven, September 1981. Report of the Royal Society delegation on the Council meeting. Reports to the Royal Society on IUPAC Council meeting and on General Assembly. Agenda and items for discussion at IUPAC Council meeting at Davos. See also D.22. Cs 177,,C31:78 32nd General Assembly, Lyngby, 18-26 August 1983. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Correspondence, April-August 1983, chiefly xe IUPAC Affiliate Membership Scheme and proposed changes to dues structure (see D.40-D.42). Programme. wL/9=-C.186 33rd General Assembly, Lyon, 30 August-7 September 1985. Gold was elected to the IUPAC Bureau at this meeting. Correspondence re arrangements. Programme. N R Rao. 7183-C.206 Membership list of Divisions/Commissions for approval. Agenda and items for discussion at IUPAC Council meeting at Lyon. "Report on the critical assessment of the programs and projects of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry' by C 4 folders. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 SECTION D ROYAL SOCIETY Gold was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1972 (G.6). He served on a number of committees. Those best documented are the British National Committee for Chemistry 1976-85 (chairman 1982-84) and the Education Committee 1976-78 (as chairman of the Chemical Education Committee). Much of the material relates, directly or indirectly, to his interest in chemical nomenclature and his work for IUPAC in this area. The material is presented as follows: General correspondence and papers British National Committee for Chemistry Education Committee Other Committees Elections, research appointments and awards V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Royal Society GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS 1972-76. 1977-79. 1980-82. cuts in university funding completed by Gold. Includes 1982 questionnaire on effects of 1983-84. Principally material re UK-USA technology transfer. Material re proposed repeal or amendment of of signal benefit to the Society'. 1984. Statute 12, which provided for the election of those who ‘either have rendered conspicuous service to the cause of science or are such that their election would be 1984, 1985. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Royal Society BRITISH NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR CHEMISTRY (BNCC) General correspondence and papers Joint Panel on Chemical Nomenclature Ad hoc Group on IUPAC Dues IUPAC Affiliate Membership Scheme General correspondence and papers Invitation to serve, 20 January 1976. Del 2 Dec May Jan-Apr Apr, May June,July D8 Deo D.10 24 folders. D.14 1983 Sept Deis 1983 Aug Dd: 1983 May DeL5 1983 Oct Jan Feb Mar 1983 Feb, Mar 1983 Apr, May 1982 Nov; 1983 Jan 1983 June,July Papers for BNCC meetings, related correspondence, correspondence sent to Gold as chairman, 1983-85. June D.18 1983 Dec D.19 1983 Dec D.6 1983 Nov Dil7 1983 Nov Aug-Oct Nov (1) Nov (2) V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Royal Society Joint Panel on Chemical Nomenclature a subcommittee of the British National This Joint Royal Society/Chemical Society Panel was established as Committee for Chemistry in 1979 following the recommend- One of its ations of an ad hoc Group chaired by Gold. principal tasks was to consider the application of IUPAC Gold was not a nomenclature recommendations in the UK. member of the Panel, chaired by D informed of its progress as IUPAC's Commission on Physical Organic Chemistry. a member of the BNCC and of H Whiffen, but was kept Correspondence re establishment of UK national body for chemical nomenclature January - April 1978 and first meeting of ad hoc group on proposed Panel 16 October 1978. Oct-Dec 7298z, July 6 folders. D.34 Dos? D.38 D. 36 1982 Jan,Feb D. 34-D. 39 1982 June LOLS May 1982 Oct,Nov DoS 1979 Ad hoc Group on IUPAC Dues Correspondence re membership of Panel, January-April 1979. Papers and correspondence re meetings of Panel, 19/9, 1984. 1981, 1982 Gold chaired this Group established in June 1980 to formulate a proposed revision of the IUPAC Dues structure. This was considered by the IUPAC Finance Committee during (see C.177), the 3lst IUPAC General Assembly, Leuven, 1981 and accepted in principle. D.40 1980 D.39 1984 2 folders. D.41 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Royal Society IUPAC Affiliate Membership Scheme This scheme was proposed at the 3lst IUPAC Council a way to encourage individual meeting 1981 chemists in participating countries to play a more active part in IUPAC activities. (See C.177) as Correspondence and papers re possible UK participation, 1982. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Royal Society EDUCATION COMMITTEE D.43 - D.54 Chemical Education Committee D.55 - D.64 Ad hoc Group on Education in Schools Chemical Education Committee Gold was a member and chairman of this Royal Society/ Chemical Society joint committee 1976-78. During this period the committee was asked by the BNCC to consider the issue of chemical nomenclature in schools. Concern had been expressed following publicity in 1976 forthe Association for Science Education (ASE) report 'Chemical nomenclature, symbols and terminology’ which argued for systematic nomenclature to be adopted in chemistry teaching in schools. It was feared that replacing well-established 'trivial' terms by unfamiliar ones would have a deleterious effect. 1972 draft of Gold's BNCC 'Summary... The material is correspondence and papers relating to this issue 1976-78. Invitation to serve, 30 December 1975; letter to Chemistry in Britain on 'Nomenclature, chemistry and education’ arguing that 'systematic names were not intended for use in schools', May 1976; of previous action within the Royal Society Education Committee and the British Committee on Chemical Education on chemical nomenclature', meeting with ASE Nomenclature Working Party. Correspondence and papers re consideration of ASE proposals 1977-78. 1977 May-August. nomenclature in schools and correspondence re Gold's Includes draft questionnaire on chemical November 1976. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Royal Society 1977 September-December. on results of questionnaire and related material. Chiefly re interim report 1978 January. schools: by M D Robinson. "Systematic chemical nomenclature in a study of the impact of the A.S.E. recommendations’ With related material. 1978 February-May. revision of the 1972 ASE Report. Includes correspondence re draft D.48-D.50 1978 June. Second draft. 3 folders. D-51=D53 1978 June-August. Comments on second draft. 3 folders. Ad hoc Group on Education in Schools 1978 September-November. In January 1977 the Education Committee asked Sir Nevill Mott to form an ad hoc group to consider the science education issues raised by a Department of Education and current Science document 'Schools in England and Wales: issues: a member of this group. An annotated agenda for discussion'. Gold was V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Royal Society De 55=D2 59 Papers for Group meetings 1977. 5 folders Dio LOT Jan (1) De56 AQE/ 27, Jan (2) Deby 1977) hep (1) - : LOE. Feb (2) LOTT May D.60-D.64 Miscellaneous Education Committee papers on science teaching in schools 1977-78. 5 folders. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 OTHER COMMITTEES Royal Society Audit Committee. Invitation to serve 7 October 1981 (accepted). D.66-D. 69 British National Committee for ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions). Gold was a member of this committee as chairman of BNCC. Papers for meetings, various dates 1978-84. 4 folders. British Standards Institution Technical Committee. 1974-84. Sectional Committee 3. Gold served on this Committee 1976-79. Correspondence and papers. Soirée Committee. Correspondence and papers, various dates 1974-85. Gold served as Royal Society representative on the Technical Committee LBC/16 (pH scale) Invitation to serve 21 October 1975 (accepted). V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Royal Society ELECTIONS, RESEARCH APPOINTMENTS AND AWARDS 6 folders. D713 LIV 3— 16 D.74 De 5 S378, 1978-80 LOT 1980-83 1984-85 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 SECTION E ADVANCES IN PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Bd co Ob 3 Suk Gold founded the journal Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry to publish review articles covering the application of quantitative and mathematical methods to organic chemistry. He served as editor for the first ten volumes 1963-73, and thereafter as co-editor with D Bethell. The material covers the first nine volumes. It consists of sequences of editorial correspondence with prospective and contributing authors and with the publishers, Academic Press. It is arranged according according to volume and for each Dr Jean Gold has provided a list of contributors. Volume 1. Volume 3. 3 folders. Volume 4. Volume 5. 4 folders. Volume 2. 3 folders. 5 folders. 3 folders. 3 folders. Volume 6. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry Be22) = B24. Volume 7. 3 folders. Volume 8. 3 folders. Volume 9. 4 folders. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE. In alphabetical order, dated and indexed, with an indication of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE. In chronological order. E98 = baas REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Correspondence GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Albery, WJ 1975, 1976, 1980, nd Arnett, EM 997 HSO;F - SbF, systems Baba, A B bin 1982-85 Bafna, S L various dates 1953-78 1969. Includes drafts by Bafna (and others) 1953, ¥-substitution in the resorcinol nucleus' 1953 and 'Studies with ion-exchange resins on cinchona alkaloids III. Exchange rates' sent to Gold for comment. 1969, 'On ‘Ultraviolet Includes draft by Bafna (and others) some substituted benzoic acids', sent Chiefly 1975 correspondence re International 1974. absorption spectra: to Gold for comment. 1975=78. Conference on the Theory and Practice of Ion Exchange. Includes draft of Bafna's paper ‘Molecular sorption on ion exchange resins' for the conference. 1974-75, 1984 1961 exchange is re detection of general acid catalysis. 1961,1972-75, nd 1959721962), na Bell, RP Bethell, D Bigeleisen, J V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Correspondence Butler, AR 1964-67, 1971-74, 1981 1971 correspondence re the rearrangement of 4-nitroanisole during nitration. Cacae, F various dates 1970-81 ONO, LOH eles University of London intercollegiate lecture delivered by Cacae 6 March 1978. 1977 correspondence re arrangements for 1978," 1981. 1978 correspondence xe Cacae’s lecture. Calmon, J-P and M LOTT 1974 Includes introduction to draft of 'Etude cinetique du mechanisme d'hydrolyse de B-dicetones ethyleniques' by J-P Calmon. Covington, A K Cristoi) Su 1981 Crampton, MR various dates 1971-84 1971, 1981, 1984 1974-75 correspondence re complex formation and substitution. Arrangements for Special University Lecture delivered by Gristol 29 October. Industry'. 1978 correspondence re discussion at National Physical Laboratory ‘on the role of chemistry in the Department of Davies, DS 1976, 1978 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Correspondence Glasoe, P K 1970-71 Slow exchange between hydroxylic compounds. Gould, S J 1L9/1=76 Chiefly re work on platinum-catalysed exchange mechanisms. Hider, RC LOTS. L9I8L Isotopes in Organic Chemistry 1973-79 Gold was on the Editorial Advisory Board. Kresge, AJ 1964, 1975-79 Laali, -K 1979-82 Levy, JB 1969-71 Liddiard, C J 1976-77, 1983 and continued by L Z Zdunek Visit to King's College. 1964 correspondence re NMR experiments. Correspondence 1979-80, chiefly re T, measurements, refers to work started by Laali (B.278-B. 307). 1975, 1981-82 various dates 1963-80 Long, FA Meinwald, J V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Correspondence Miri AY, 1976-81 Chiefly re joint work on nitrocompounds/borohydride systems (B.191). Norman, ROC 1972,1979,1983 1972 correspondence re samples. Olah, GA 1970-85 Olah was Visiting Professor of Chemistry at King's College 1973-78. Olah's visits to King's College to deliver lectures. The correspondence is chiefly re arrangements for :O/O= 7.1), 1974 Apr-June. 1974 July-Dec, 1975. 1974 Jan-Mar. Includes ms notes by Gold annotated 'Olah'. Re arrangements for University of London Special LOT University Lectures, delivered by Olah 25 October and 1 November 1972. 1980-85. 1976. 1977-79. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Correspondence Beeoo- bo Perkampus, H-H 1973-79 Correspondence principally re academic exchange schemes between the King's College Chemistry Department and the Universitat Diisseldorf Institut ftir Physikalische Chemie (Director H-H Perkampus). correspondence 1974 re research (Raman spectra of the methanol system). Also includes a little The exchange schemes operated under the auspices of the British Council and the Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst. Perkampus visited London February-March 1976 and a colleague, T Bluhm, visited King's College in October 1977. Gold visited Germany in May 1974, 8 folders. F239. 1973, 1974 Jan-Mar F.40 1974 Apr-June 1976 Jan-Mar 1976 Apr-Nov Rea2) 1975 Pross, A Style, DWG 1960,1967-69 Rolston, J H 1969-71,1974-76 197.7, 1978-79 F.41 1974 July-Dec various dates 1972-83 1970-71 correspondence principally re catalyst for heterogeneously catalysed exchange reactions. Association of King's College Chemists. Style died in November 1979. with his family and re Style Prizes established by the The later correspondence is various dates 1971-82 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Correspondence Symons, MC .R 1973-74, 1982-83 The Times 1981 Letter to the Editor re educational policies of Conservative and Labour parties. ToulLlec, J. 1976-78, 1981 1976 and 1981 correspondence re visits to England. Valavanidis, A 1977-80 Wigfield, DC 1977, 1979 Visit of Wilcox to King's College as Senior Wassef, WN 1984-85 Wiloox, C°r 1979-83 1977 correspondence re borohydride reactions, 1979 corres- pondence re draft by Wigfield and R in borohydride reductions’. T Pon 'Isotope exchange Plans for proposed visit to Cairo, December 1985. Carlo calculations. 1979-81. Includes Visiting Fellow September 1980 - February 1981. ms note by Gold recording Wilcox's contribution to solving two problems. 1982-83. Chiefly re Jorgensen's methoxide-methanol Monte V Gold NcuUACS 19/4/90 Correspondence Wolfsberg, M various dates 1973-82 Wood, D L 1974, 1982 Chiefly re paper by T J Meyer on large solvent isotope effects. Zollinger, H 1974,1980-81 1981 exchange re data on NMR spectra of hydride addition products. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Correspondence SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1954,1960,1964-65 1966-67 1968-69 1970 -71 1971 1972 Jan-June 1972 July-Nov 1973 Jan-June : - ‘ : : fs Z . 1977 May-Dec 1978 Jan-May 1978 June-Dec 1979 Jan-July 1979 Aug-Nov 1980 Jan-Apr 1980 May-July 1980 Aug-Nov 1981 May-Dec 1981 July 1982 Jan-Mar 1982 Aug-Dec 1984 1975 Jan 1976 Jan-Apr s Fi ts : 3 ‘ Z : ; . 1981 Jan-Apr 1975 Oct-Dec 1973 July-Dec 1974 July-Dec 1982 Apr-July 1974 Jan-June 1976 May-Sept 1975 Jan-Sept 1985,,-nd 1983 Jan-July 1983 Aug-Nov 1976 Oct-Dec 1977 Jan-Apr V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Correspondence Examining Appointments Grant applications Honours and awards Miscellaneous Examining F.98 F. LOL 1974 F.102 Pea 99 F.100 1970, 1973 1965, 1968 Higher Degrees Brighton College of Technology Assessor of degree course in Chemistry, 1967. 1975-80 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Correspondence Appointments 103 1953256, - 1959 . 104 1960-63 30> 1964-65 - 106 1966-67 eLOY 1968-70 - LO8 197d, 2109 1972 LO 1973 sede): 1974 ea S 1976 Le 1975 . Some Molecular-Orbital Calculations 46, 109 V. Gold, Trans. Faraday Soc., 45, 191 (1949). Bond Orders and Other Criteria of Double- Bond Character. The Ionisation of Triarylcar- A. R. Emery and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 1443 (1950). Quantitative Studies of the Reactivities of Mixed Carboxylic Anhydrides. Part Products in the Reaction Between Acetic Chloroacetic Anhydride and Primary Aroma- tic Amines. V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 1430 (1951). Orbi- tal Hybridisation and Some Other Considera- tions Concerning the Transition State of Bi- molecular Organic Substitution Reactions. V. Gold and M. Whittaker, J. Chem. Soc., 1184 (1951). of Aromatic Iodo-Compounds by Hydriodic Acid in Solution. The Kinetics of the Reduction A. R. Emery and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 1447 (1950). Quantitative Studies of the Reactivities of Mixed Carboxylic Anhydrides. V. Gold and B. W. V. Hawes, J. Chem. Soc., 2102 (1951). V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications binols in Strong Acids and the Definition of a New Acidity Function. 1954 1952 V. Gold, B. W. V. Hawes, and F. J. Chem. Soc., 2167 (1952). of Hydrocarbons. Part 1. Cryoscopy of Con- jugated Hydrocarbon and Carbino] Solutes in Sulphuric Acid. L. Tye, The Basicity D. Bryce-Smith, V. Gold, and D. P. N. Satchell, J. Chem. Soc., 2743 (1954). The Hydrogen Isotope Effect in tion of Benzene and Toluene. the Metalla- V. Gold, J. Hilton, and E. G. Jefferson, J. Chem. Soc., 2756 (1954). of the Solvolytic Hydrolysis Reactions of Acetic Anhydride and Benzoyl Chloride. A Comparison L. Tye, J. Chem. Soc., The Basicity of Hydrocarbons. V. Gold and F. 2172 (1952). Part 2. Ultra-Violet Absorption Spectra of Conjugated Hydrocarbons in Sulphuric Acid Solution. L. Tye, J. Chem. Soc., The Basicity of Hydrocarbons. V. Gold and F. 2181 (1952). Part 3. gated Hydrocarbons Between Acidic and Inert Solvents. The Distribution of Some Conju- L. Benjamin and V. Gold, Trans Faraday Soc., dynamic Functions of Ionic Hydration. 50, 797 (1954). A Table of Thermo- P. Bell, V. Gold, J. Hilton, and M. H. R. Rand, Faraday Soc. Discuss., Developments in the Thermal Maximum Method for Reaction Velocities in Solution. 17, 151 (1954). 1959 A535 J. Chem. The A The L. Tye, J. Chem. Soc., The Basicity of Hydrocarbons. 1. G. Cadogan, V. Gold, and D. P. N. L. Bafna and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., S. 1406 (1953). The Hydrolysis of Acetic Anhydride. Part 2. Catalysis by Pyridine. V. Gold and F. 2184 (1952). Part 4. A Theoretical Treatment of Conju- gated Hydrocarbons. V. Gold and E. G. Jefferson, J. Chem. Soc., 1409 (1953). Anhydride. Part 3. of a Series of Tertiary Amines. V. Gold and J. Hilton, J. Chem. Soc., 838 (1955). Part 4. the Hydrolysis of Acetyl Chloride. The Hydrolysis of Acetic Anhydride. Catalysis by Hydrochloric Acid and J. Satchell, J. Chem. Soc., 561 (1955). Activity of p-Methylbenzyl Radicals. Novel Application of the Kinetic Isotope Effect. 2H] phenols and Aqueous Sulphuric Acid. V. Gold and E. G. Jefferson, Soc., 1416 (1953). Quantitative Studies of the Reactivities of Mixed Carboxylic Anhy- drides. Part 4. The Hydrolysis and Decom- position of Acetic Formic Anhydride. V. Gold and F. Soc., Exchange Between Anthracene and Sulphuric Acid. V. Gold and D. P. Soc., 3609 (1955). gen Isotope Exchange Reactions. The Reaction Between para-Substituted [o- N. Satchell, J. Chem. The Kinetics of Hydro- V. Gold and J. Hilton, J. Chem. Soc., 843 (1955). Part 5. The Hydrolysis of Acetic Anhydride. Catalysis by Strong Acids. V. Gold and J. Hilton, J. Chem. Soc., 3303 (1955). of Acetyl Chloride. The Mechanism of the Hydrolysis V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 1263 (1955). Formulation of the Acidity Function Jo. ‘A. Long, J. Aimer. Chem. Hydrogen Isotope The Hydrolysis of Acetic The Catalytic Efficiency 75, 4543 (1953). Part 2. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications V. Gold and D. P. N. Satchell, J. Chem. Soc., 3619 (1955). gen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part 3. The Reaction Between {*H,]Benzene and Aqueous Sulphuric Acid. The Kinetics of Hydro- V. Gold and D. P. N. Satchell, J. Chern. Soc., 3622 (1955). gen Isotope Exchange Reacticns. Part 4. A Comparison of the Exchange Reactivity of Different Aqueous Acids. The Kinetics of Hydro- V. Gold and D. P. N. Satchell, Quart. Rev., 9, Isotope Exchange Reactions in Solution. The Principles of Hydrogen (1955). 51 V. Gold, Chem. Ind., 172,(1955). mate Calculations of the Acidity Function Jo for Aqueous Acids. Approxi- V. Gold and D. P. N. Satchell, Nature, 176, 602 (1955). Hydrogen Isotope Exchange be- tween Aromatic Molecules and Aqueous Acids. 1956 43. D. Bethell and V. Gold, Chem. Ind., 741 (1956). Mechanism of Aromatic Aralkyla- tion Reactions. V. Gold, “pH Measurements: and Practice,” Methuen and Co., London, 1956. Their Theory 1958 D. Bethell and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 1905 (1958). 1. Aromatic Alkylation. Part The Kinetics of the Acid-Catalysed Aralkyla- tion by Diary] Methanols in Acetic Acid Solution. D. Bethell, V. Gold, and D. P. N. Satchell, J. Chem. Soc., 1918 (1958). Measurements in CH3CO2H and ZnCl,—HCI—CH3COz2H. the Solvent Systems ZnCl.— Indicator D. Bethell and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 1930 (1958). Aromatic Alkylation. Part 2. Diary] Methyiation Reactions in the Solvent Systems ZnCl,—-CH3CO2H and ZnCl,—HCl— CH3COH. The Mechanism of Aro- 1959 G. C. Booth and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 338¢(1956). Molecular Weight Studies of Dextran. D. Bethell and V. Gold, Quart. Rev., 173 (1958); Usp. Khim., 106 (1959). Structure of Carbonium Ions. 12, The V. Gold and D. P. N. Satchell, J. Chem. Soc., 1635 (1956). matic Sulphonation and Desulphonation in Aqueous Sulphuric Acid. S. Blackie and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., V. Gold and D. P. N. Satchell, J. Chem. Soc., 2743 (1956). gen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part 5. Partial Rate Factors for the Hydrogen Iso- tope Exchange Reaction Between Toluene and Sulphuric Acid. H. Block and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 966 (1959). The Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part 9. The Exchange Between Cobalt(Ill) Ammines and Water. D. Bethell, V. Gold, and T. Riley, J. Chem. Soc., 3134 (1959). Part Some Aromatic Compounds Towards Dipheny]l- carbonium Jons. Comparison of the Reactivities of V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 4633 (1956). Border-Line Mechanisms in Nucleophilic Dis- placement Reactions. L. Benjamin and V. Gold, J. Appl. Chem., 273 (1959). Fuel Oxidation by Sulphuric Acid. V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 3944 (1956). The Strengths of Aryl-Methanols as Secondary Bases. 3. M. The Kinetics of Hydro- Aromatic Alkylation. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications 3932 (1959). Ion. The Stability of the Zn(CN)q?" 63. M. S. Blackie and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 4033 (1959). A Magnetic Investigation of Cyanide Complexes of Nickel(I1) in Solution. M. S. Blackie and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 4037 (1959). lon. The Stability of the Ni(CN)*¢ : V. Gold, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 10, 169 (1959). Physical Organic Chemistry. V. Gold, Ann. Rept. Chem. Soc., (1959). Kinetics of Reactions in Solution. 56, 41 V. Gold, R. W. Lambert, and D. P. Satchell, Chem. & Ind., 1312 (1959). Aro- matic Tritium Exchange in Water and Deu- terium Oxide. N. M. S. Blackie and V. Gold, Nature, 183, 1804 Magnetometric Titrations: A New Method of Chemical Analysis. S. Coe and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 4571 J. (1960). the Addi- tion Reactions of Olefins Under Acid Condi- tions. Kinetic Isotope Effects in S. Coe and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., J. 4940 (1960). Solvolysis and Rearrangement of n-Propyl Bromide Under the Influence of Mercury Salts in Slightly Aqueous Formic Acid. R. Butler and V. Gold, Proc. Chem. Soc., A. 19 (1960). Catalysed Hydrolysis of Acetic Anhydride in Deuterium Oxide Solution. The ‘Spontaneous’ and Base- H. Rochester, Proc. Chem. V. Gold and C. Soc., 403 (1960). Trinitrobenzene and Aqueous Alkali: Sensitive Aromatic Substitution. The Interaction of 1,3,5- A Light R. Butler and V. Gold, Chem. Ind., 1218 Deuterium Solvent Effects in Solvo- A. (1960). lytic Hydrolysis Reactions. 1960 The 1961 Kinetic Measurements of the Acetyla- R. Butler and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., The Hydrolysis of Acetic Kinetics in Deuterium A. 2305 (1961). Anhydride. Part 6. Oxide Solution. 10. The Acid-Catalysed Detritia- of [o-3H]p-Cresol in Water and in Deu- V. Gold, Trans. Faraday Soc., 56, 255 (1960). The Rates of Acid-Catalysed Reac- tions in Water + Deuterium Oxide Mixtures. V. Gold and T. Riley, J. Chem. Soc., 1676 (1961). tion of Anisole by Acetic Acid in the Pres- ence of Boron Trifluoride. V. Gold, R. W. Lambert, and D. P. N. Satchell, J. Chem. Soc., 2461 (1960). Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reac- tions. Part tion terium Oxide. R. Butler and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., V. Gold and T. Riley, J. Chem. Soc., 2973 (1960). The Velocity of Diphenylmethylation and Indica- tor Measurements in the System Boron Tri- fluoride—Acetic Acid. V. Gold, Proc. Chem. Soc., 453 (1961). The Ho Function and General Acid Cataly- sis Other Proton-Transfer Reactions. in Aromatic Hydrogen Exchange and A. 4362 (1961). hydride. Part 7. Methylpyridines in Acetate Buffers. J. S. Coe and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 4185 Solvolysis and Hydrogen Exchange of ¢-Butyl Chloride in Formic Acid. The Hydrolysis of Acetic An- Catalysis by Pyridine and 1962 A. R. Butler and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., Aromatic Alkylation. Part 4. V Gold NcCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications The Hydrolysis of Acetic 976 (1962). Anhydride. of Pivalic (Trimethylacetic) Anhydride. A Comparative Study Part 8. A. R. Butler and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 1334 (1962). lysis of p-Nitrophenyl Acetate. The Acetate-Catalysed Hydro- A. R. Butler and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 2212 (1962). Kinetic Solvent Isotope Ef- fects in Spontaneous Hydrolysis Reactions of Acy] Derivatives. V. Gold and T. Riley, J. Chem. Soc., 4183 (1962). tion by Aliphatic Alcohols in Aqueous Per- chloric Acid. Aromatic Alkylation. Part 5. Alkyla-. V. Gold in “Progress in Stereochemistry,” Vol 3, P.B. la Mare and W. Klyne, Eds., But- terworths, London, 1962, Chapter 5. Effects in Acid-Base Reactions. Steric L. Crombie and V. Gold, Ann. Rept. Chem. Soc., 59, 187 (1962). Organic Chemistry — Introduction. Behavior of Primary Alcohols in Acidic Media. L. Crombie and V. Gold, Ann. Rept. Chem. Soc., Introduction. 60, 245 (1963). Organic Chemistry — 1964 in “Friedel-Crafts and Related V. Gold Reactions,” Vol 2, G. science Publishers, 1964, New York London, pp 1253-91. A. Olah, Ed., Inter- and 60, 738 V. Gold, Trans. Faraday Soc., (1964). the Bronsted Statistical Factors in Catalysis Law and Other Free Energy Cor- relations. H. Rochester, J. Chem. Soc., V. Gold and C. 1687 (1964). Compounds in Alkaline Media. Part Formation of Complexes of Methyl Picrate in Methanolic Sodium Methoxide. Reactions of Aromatic Nitro- The 1. 1963 H. Rochester, J. Chem. Soc., H. Rochester, J. Chem. Soc., Reactions of Aromatic Nitro- Reactions of Aromatic Nitro- V. Gold, Proc. Chem. Soc., 141 (1963). The Fractionation of Hydrogen Isotopes Between Hydrogen Ions and Water. V. Gold and B. M. Lowe, Proc. Chem. Soc., 140 (1963). jum Oxide and Its Mixtures with Protium Oxide. The Ionic Product of Deuter- V. Gold and C. 1692 (1964). 2. Compounds in Alkaline Media. Interaction of 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene and Methanolic Sodium Methoxide. V. Gold and C. 1697 (1964). Compounds in Alkaline Media. Behavior of Picramide and of N,N-Dimethy]- picramide in Methanolic Sodium Methoxide. Absence of Light. V. Gold and C. H. Rochester, J. Chem. Soc., 1704 (1964). Compounds in Alkaline Media. chemical Reactions in Methanolic Sodium Methoxide Solutions. V. Gold and C. 1710 (1964). Compounds in Alkaline Media. tions of Methyl Picrate and zene in Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide in V.Gold and R. S. Satchell, J. Chenz Soc., 1930 (1963). The Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Ex- II. Tritium Exchange change Reactions. Part Between Secondary Alcohols and Acidic Media. J. A. Feather and V. Gold, Proc. Chem. Soc., 306 (1963). Transfer Reactions. Steric Effects in Proton V. Gold and R. 1938 (1963). Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part Solu- 1,3,5-Trinitroben- Reactions of Aromatic Nitro- Reactions of Aromatic Nitro- The Kinetics of Hydrogen H. Rochester, J. Chem. Soc., S. Satchell, J. Chem. Soc., S. the Part 12. The Part The Part 3. The Part 4. Photo- V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications Aromatic Amines and the Choice of Indicators for the Determination of Acidity Functions in Alkaline Media. part) M. V. Gold, G. Socrates, and (in Crampton, J. Chem. Soc., 5888 (1964). The Hydration of Pyruvic Acid. R. L. Crombie and V. Gold, Ann. Rept. Progr. Chem., 61, Introduction. © Organic Chemistry. 193 (1964). 1965 R. Crampton and V. Gold, Chem. Com- Reactions of Aromatic M. mun., 256 (1965). Nitro-Compounds with Hydroxide and Meth- oxide: Structural Investigations by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. A. Feather and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., Catalytic Power of Pyridine J. 1752 (1965). and Related Bronsted Bases in of Ketones and Nitromethane. the lodination H. Rochester, J. Chem. Soc., Reactions of Aromatic Nitro- The V. Gold and C. 1717 (1964). Compounds in Alkaline Media. Photochemical Hydrolysis of 1,3,5-Trinitro- benzene. Part 6. H. Rochester, J. Chem. Soc., V. Gold and C. Reactions of Aromatic Nitro- 1722 (1964). Be- Compounds in Alkaline Media. havior of Picric Acid and of Two Dihydro- xydinitrobenzenes in Aqueous Sodium Hy- droxide. Part 7. H. Rochester, J. Chern. Soc., Reactions of Aromatic Nitro- Be- V. Gold and C. 1727 (1964). Compounds in Alkaline Media. havior of Picramide and N,N-Dimethylpicr- amide in Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide. Part 8. 173 (1964). V. Gold and B. M. Lowe, Pure Appl. Chem., Deuterium Solvent Isotope 8, Effects on Acid-Base Equilibria in Dioxan— Water Mixtures. . . . . 13. Proton Transfer to (1964). Kinetic Hydrogen the Mechanism of Proton the Hydration of Iso- Reactions of Aromatic 9. V. Gold and M. A. Kessick, Disc. Faraday, Soc., 39, 84 (1965). Olefins. V. Gold and M. A. Kessick, Pure Appl. Chem., 8, 421 Isotope Effects in butene. M. R. Crampton and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., 4293 (1964). Nitro-Compounds in Alkaline Media. Part Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Meisenheimer Complexes. B. D. Batts and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., The Kinetics of Hydrogen 4284 (1964). Iso- Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part the Acid Catalyzed Hydro- tope Effects in gen Exchange of 1,3,5-Trimethoxybenzene. V. Gold and M. A. Kessick, J. Chem. Soc., Hydrogen Isotope Effects in 6718 (1965). The Relationship of Iso- Olefin Hydration. tope Effects to Transfer From the Hydronium Jon. gen Exchange and Colour Formation in M. Reactions of Aro- Soc., B, matic Nitro-Compounds in Alkaline Media. X. The Relationship Between Hydro- Part V. Gold and M. A. Kessick, Proc. Chem. Rate and Product Iso- Soc., 295 (1964). tope Effects in Proton Transfer Reactions. R. Crampton and V. Gold, Chem. Com- M. mun., 549 (1965). 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene and Aliphatic Amines. The Interaction of Batts and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., The Kinetics of Aromatic B. 5753 (1964). Protio- and Deuterio-Deiodination. M. Soc., 298 (1964). R. Crampton and V. Gold, Proc. Chem. The Mode of Jonisation of V. Gold, Chimia, Transfer to Carbon. R. Crampton and V. Gold, J. Cher. 19, 508 (1965). Proton . . . . . 498 (1966). 1966 D. . V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications m-Dinitrobenzene and Related Compounds. . C. Gruen, J. Chem. Soc., B, The Kinetics of Hydrogen Iso- V. Gold and L. 600 (1966). tope Exchange Reactions. Part XIV. Catalysed Tritium Exchange and Its Relation- ship to the Dehydration of t-Butyl Alcohol. Acid- 1968. 118. V. Gold, D. G. Oakenfull, and T. Riley, J. The Acetate- Chem. Soc., B, 515 (1968). Catalysed Hydrolysis of Aryl Acetates. . M. R. Crampton and V. Gold, J. Chem. Reactions of Aroma- S0C., 8; 893 (1966). tic Nitro-Compounds in Alkaline Media. Part XI. Structural Investigations by Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. . . . G. Oakenfull, T. Riley, and V. Gold, D. Chem. Commun., 385 (1966). and General Base Catalysis by Acetate Ion in tuent Effects, Solvent Isotope Effects, and Entropies of Activation. the Hydrolysis of Aryl Acetates: Nucleophilic Substi- 1967 V. Gold and D. C. A. Waterman, J. Chem. Reactions of Keten Soc., B, 839 (1968). Acetals. Part 1. The Hydrolysis of Cyano- keten Dimethylacetal; General Acid Cataly- sis and Kinetic Hydrogen Isotope Effects. A. Waterman, J. Chem. Reactions of Keten V. Gold and D. C. Soc., B, 849 (1968). Acetals. Part methylene-] ,3-dioxolane: lysis and Rate and Product Hydrogen Iso- tope Effects. 2. The Hydrolysis of 2-Dichloro- General Acid Cata- . R. Adsetts, Chem. Com- V. Gold and J. mun., 915 (1968). Radiation-Induced Aro- ‘matic Hydrogen Isotope Exchange in Aqu- eous Solution. 1. . . - . 23 (1967). . . . Hydrogen Isotope Fractiona- - M. R. Crampton and V. Gold, J. Chem. The Interaction of Soc., B, 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene with Aliphatic Amines in Dimethyl] Sulphoxide Solution. V. Gold, Trans. Faraday Soc., 64, 2143 (1968). tions to Solvent Isotope Effects. Transfer and Exchange Contribu- V. Gold and S. Grist, Chem. Commun., 1216 (1968). tion Between the Solvent and Hydrogen Ions in Methanol Solution. V. Gold and D. C. A. Waterman, Chem. Commun., 40 (1967). Kinetic Hydrogen Isotope Effects in tion: sis of Cyanoketen Dimethylacetal. a Proton Transfer Reac- The General Acid-Catalysed Hydroly- V. Gold and B. M. Lowe, J. Chem. Soc., A, 936 (1967). Measurement of Solvent Isotope Effects with the Glass Electrode. Part The Ionic Produce of DO and D2,0-—H,0 Mixtures. V. Gold and B. M. Lowe, J. Chem. Soc., A, 1923 (1968). Measurement of Solvent Iso- tope Effects with the Glass Electrode. Part 2. The Dissociation Constants of Acetic and Boric Acid in DO and D,0—H,0 Mixtures. The Relative Reactivity of V. Gold in “Hydrogen-Bonded Solvent Sys- tems; A. Ke Covington and P. Jones, Eds., Taylor and Francis, London, 1968, p 295. Kinetic Studies in the HyO—D,0 Solvent System. (1968). Role in and Kinetic Deuterium Solvent Isotope Effects. Rule of the Geometric Mean: Its the Treatment of Thermodynamic V. Gold and D. Bethell, “‘Carbonium Ions: An Introduction,” Academic Press, London and New York, 1967. V. Gold in “Physico-Chemical Processes in Mixed Aqueous Solvents,” F. Franks, Ed., Heinemann, London, 1967, p D0 Solvent System. R. Adsetts,and V. Gold, Chem. Commun., . V. Gold, Trans. Faradav Soc., 64, 2770 J. 353 (1969). 1. The H,0- . - 1969 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications Benzene and Mesitylene Towards Tritium Atoms. V. Gold, Advan. Phys. Org. Chem., 7, 259 (1969). Protolytic Processes in H,0-D,0 Mixtures. B. D. Batts and V. Gold, J. Chem. SOC: A,: 984 (1969). Rates of Water-Catalysed Reac- tions in H20—D,0 Mixtures. P. Calmon, M. Calmon, and V. Gold, J. Substrate and J. Chem. Soc., B, 659 (1969). Solvent Hydrogen Isotope Effects in the Pyridine- and 2,6-Lutidine-Catalysed lodina- tion of Diethyl Ketone (Pentan-3-one). J. R. Adsetts and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., B, 950 (1969). The Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part 15. Acid- Catalysed Tritiation of Mesitylene and Cor- relation of Exchange Rates with Hammett’s Acidity Function. - . . - . . - tion Between Mesitylene and Benzene in Aromatic Exchange Under the Influence of B-Radiation. 1970 V. Gold and J. H. Rolston, Chem. Com- mun., 208 (1970). Radiation-Induced Ali- phatic Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Between t-Buty! Alcohol and Solvent Water. V. Gold and C. Tomlinson, Chem. Com- mun., 472 (1970). of HOD in the Liquid Phase. The Disproportionation V. Gold, Chem. Britain, 6, 292 (1970). Applications of Isotope Effects. V. Gold and J. H. Rolston, J. Chem. Soc., B, 1795 (1970). Kinetics of Hydrogen Iso- tope Exchange Reactions. Alipha- tic Exchange Induced by £-Radiation on Aqueous Solutions of Alcohols. Part 18. - . - . 16. - . 19. Effect 1108 (1969). Kinetics of Hydrogen H. Rolston, J. Chem. Soc., Kinetics of Hydrogen Iso- V. Gold and B. M. Lowe, Trans. Faraday Soc., 65, 3037 (1969). gen Electrode in H2O + D3O Mixtures. Behavior of Hydro- J. B, 1114 (1969). tope Exchange Reactions. Part R. Adsetts and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., Kinetics of Hydrogen Iso- Competi- J. R. Adsetts and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., B, Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part Aro- matic Exchange Under the Influence of p- Radiation on Aqueous Solutions of Mesitylene. V. Gold and J. B, 1800 (1970). tope Exchange Reactions. Part of Added Solutes on Aliphatic Tritium Ex- change of t-Butyl Alcohol (2-Methylpropan- 2-01) Under the Influence of B-Radiation and Related Experiments. Methyl-propan-2-0]). 1808 (1970). J. H. Rolston and V. Gold, J. Chem. Soc., Kinetics of Hydro- gen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part 20. Ali- phatic Exchange Induced by y-Radiation on Aqueous Solutions of 1-Butyl Alcohol (2- 17. B, V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications 1971 Gold, V, Lee, J. R., and Gitter, A. “Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Tritium Exchange between Resorcinol and Water in the Homogeneous Liquid Phase." (J. Chem: :Soc:: (B), 1971, 32) Heterolytic Part 21. L. and Gold, V. Brett, C. "Substituent Effects on the Rate of Reaction of Aqueous Hydrogen (Tritium) Atoms with Aromatic Compounds." (Chem. Comm., 1971, 148.) Gold, V., and Grist, S. “Deuterium Solvent Isotope Effects in Methanol Solution. Fractionation Factors for Lyonium and Lyate Ions." (J. Chem. Soc., (B), 1971, 1665). Part 1. . Solvent". Gi. -Ghem: Soc, (B); 1971, 2272): Part 2. The Gold, V. and Tomlinson, C. “The Acid-Base Behaviour of Cationic Indicators in H ,0-D20 Mixtures". (J. Chem. Soc., (B), 1971, 1707). Gold, V., and Grist, S. “Deuterium Solvent Isotope Effects in Methanol Solution. General Acid-catalysed Reaction of Cyanoketen Dimethyl Acetal with Gold, V. and Grist, S. "Deuterium Solvent Isotope Effects in Methanol Solution. Proton Transfer from 2-Nitropropane and from 3-Methyl-l-phenylbutyl Phenyl Ketone to Methoxide Ion." (J. Chem. Soc., (B), (Chem. Comm., 1971, 1426). Gold, V and Grist, S. "Deuterium Solvent Isotope Effects in Methanol Solution. Solvolysis of Acetic Anhydride." (J. Chem. Soc., (B), 1971, 2285). L. and Gold, V. Brett, C. "Homolytic Halogen Replacement in Halogenobenzenes by Radiolytically formed Aqueous Hydrogen (Tritium) Atoms." 1971, 2282). Part 3. Part 4. The V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications 1972 Gold, V. and Grist, S. "Deuterium Solvent Isotope Hydroxide Ion" (Ji) 3. Perkin. 13, r97z. $9), Effects on Reactions involving the Aqueous Gold, V. "Enthalpy of Solvation of Carbonium Ions." (J. S. Faraday I, 1972, 68, 1611). C. 1973 Colli, Horacio N., Gold, V, and Pearson, J. "Deuterium Isotope Effects on Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra." (J. S. Chem. Comm., 1973, 408) C. E. . Aqueous Solution". (J. C.S. : L. and Gold, V. Part 23. Isomer L., Gold, V. and Perez G. L. and Gold, V. Brett, C. "Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Comparisons for a Series of Aromatic Substrates towards Radiolytically Generated Tritium Atoms in Aqueous Solution." (i Co Ss Rerkin II, 1973; 1437): Part 22. Reactivity Perkin II, 1973, 1450) C. S. Perkin II, 1973, 1453) Brett, C. "Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Distributions in The Radiation-Induced Tritiation of Benzene Derivatives in Brett, C. “Radiolytic Displacement of Substituent Groups in Benzene by Hydrogen (Tritium.)" (J. 1974, 70, 965) Gold, V., Major, M. "Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Benzene and Water Initiated by Photolysis of Potassium Iodide Solutions." (J. Gold, V. "Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Appointment of J. Professor of Chemistry at King’s College London." (Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 1973, 28, 25.) A., and Gregory, M. J. C. S. Faraday I, F. Daniell, F.R.S., as Part 24. Exchange between V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications Gold, V and Major, MA. "Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope-exchange Reactions. Aromatic Exchange Initiated by Photolysis of Aqueous Potassium Iodide Solutions." (J. S. Faraday I, 1974, 70, 977). Part 25. C. pH-Dependence of Gold V., and Nowlan, V. "Hydrogen Isotope Exchange between Nitrobenzene and Sodium Borohydride" (J. S. Chem. Comm., 1974, 482) C. - Blackett, L., Gold, V., and Reuben, D. M. E. "Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Tritium Exchange between Benzene and Solvent Water by Potassium Tetrachloroplatinate (II)." (J._C. S. Perkin II, 1974, Part 26. (1869) Catalysis of E., and Reuben, D. M E. Gold, V., Gould S. Catalysis of "Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Part 27. Aromatic Tritium Exchange between Benzyl Alcohol and Solvent Water by Potassium Tetrachloroplatinate (II)." (J._C. S. Perkin II, 1974. 1873) C. Evidence "Kinetics of : (In "Proton Transfer S. Chem. Comm., 1975, 228) F. Caldin and V. Gold, Chapman and Hall, London 1975, Gold, V., Liddiard, C. J. and Morgan, G.D. “Acid Catalysis by Insoluble Macromolecular Acids." Reaction", ed. E. Chapter 13) Gold, V., and McAdam, ME. "Radiation-induced Aliphatic Hydrogen Exchange in Aqueous Solution: for a Spur Reaction between Radicals and Electrons.” (J. 1595). Garvey, J. Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Radiation-induced Tritium Exchange btween Water and Cyclohexane-1, 2-diols." (Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 1975, 346, 427) Colosimo, M, Garvey, J.P., Gold, V., and Leonidou, E. Isotope Exchange Reactions. Exchange between (J.C.S. Perkin II, Water and Tartaric Acids." Gold, V., and McAdam, M. E. "Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. Tritiation of Dioxan in Aqueous Solutions." Radiation-induced (Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 1975, 346, 443). Part 29. P., Gold, V., McAdam, M. E. and (in part) Cooper, A. Steric Course of y-radiation-induced "Kinetics of Hydrogen Part 28. Steric Course of Part 30. 1975, V Gold NcuACS 19/4/90 List of publications Gold, V., McAdam, M. E., and Pross, A. “Kinetics of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions. B-Radiation-induced Tritium Exchange in Mixtures of Organic Solvents and Water." (3;.C. Si Fataday 2. 1976,: 72, 735) Part 31. Gold. V., Grant..J. Land Morris; K: -P: "Evidence for the Existence of Long-lived H20+t (Oxonium) Ions in Solution: N.MLR. Spectra of Isotopic Oxonium Ions in HSO3F-SbFs5 ("Magic Acid") Systems." (Chem. Comm., 1976, 397) Gold, V. “Enthalpies of Transfer involving Ionic Transition States: Extrathermodynamic Assumptions." (J.C.S. Perkin II, 1976, 1531) the Redundance of 1977 S. Faraday I, 1977, 73, 1119). Catalysis of the Hydrolysis of Acetaldehyde Dimethyl Acetal Adams, C., Gold, V., and Reuben, D.M.E. “Tritium Exchange between the Aldehyde Group and Sodium Borohydride during the reduction of Benzaldehyde in Dimethyl Sulphoxide Solution." (Chem. Cqmm., 1977, 182) ‘Gold, V., and Liddiard, C. J. “Heterogeneous Acid-base Catalysis" Part 1. (1,1-Dimethoxyethane) by Methacrylic Acid-divinylbenzene Copolymer (a weak-acid ion-exchange resin), and the Characterisation of Polymer Catalysts. (J. 1977, 1472) Adams, C., Gold, V., and Reuben, D. M E. "Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds by Sodium Borohydride (Tetrahydridoborate) in Water, Dimethyl Sulphoxide, and their Mixtures as Solvents: Kinetics" (J. Gold, V., and Liddiard, C. J. “Heterogeneous Acid-base Catalysis" Catalysis of the Hydrolysis of Ethyl Vinyl Ether (ethoxyethene) by Part 2. Methacrylic Acid-divinylbenzene Copolymer Weak-acid Ion Exchange Resins. (L.:C.-S: a Beraday I, 1977, 73, 1328) Adams, C., Gold, V. and Reuben, D. “Hydrogen Isotope Exchange in the Aldehyde Group during the Reduction of Benzaldehyde by Tritiated Sodium Borohydride Tetrahydridoborate." (J. S. Perkin II, M E. C. Products and _C. C. S. Perkin II, 1977, 1466) V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications 1978 Gold, V. and McAdam, M. E. “Radiation-Induced Organic Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions in Aqueous Solution". (Accounts of Chemical Research, 1978, 11, 36) Gold V.and Sghibartz, C. "Crown Ether Acetals: (J. C. S. Chem. Comm., 1978, 507) Detection of Cation Binding by Kinetic Measurements." 1979 V. Gold, “The Definition of Terms Related to “Rate” and “Order of Reaction" (Nouveau Journal de Chimie, 3, no. 1, 1979, p. 69) Gold; Vv. and. Toullec, J. : “Meisenheimer Adduct Formation between 2,4-Dinitrophenetole and Ethanolic Alkali Ethoxide Solutions: Thermodynamic Solvent Isotope Effects" (J. the Course of the Acidity Function J, and S. Perkin II, 1979, 596). C. B.. 1980 R. - HBr in CF>5Bro-CD>Cl>" (J. S. Chem. Comm., 1979, 961) C. Gold, V. “What Happens to A-level Chemists?" (Chem. in Britain, 1979, Vol. 15, No. 9, p.414) Emsley, J., Gold V. and Jais, M. J. “The NMR Spectra of Protonated EtOH, MeOH and HO in Solutions of Gold V. "Glossary of Terms Used in Physical Organic Chemistry" (Pure Appl. Chem., 1979, 51, 1725) 170). Gold, V, Miri, A. Y. and Robinson, S. "Sodium Borohydride as by Hydrogen: Intermediates" (J. Gold, V., Kershaw, M. J. and Millen, D. J. "Skills required at A-Level" (Educ. in Chem., 1980, 17, the Role of Hydride Meisenheimer Adducts as Reaction a Reagent for Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution C. S$. Perkin Il, 1980, 243) V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications Emsley:;. J. Gold; V. and: Jais, (M: J.-B. “Solutions of HBr in Sulpholane" (GCS. Dalton, 1980; 2028) V. and Morris K. P. Gold, “Kinetic Deuterium Solvent Isotope Effects in the Pyridine-catalysed Iodination of 2-Nitropropane in Aqueous and Methanolic Solutions" (J. S. Perkin Trans. II, 1980, 1421) C. Gold, V. "D. W. G. Style 1904-1979" (Chem. in Brit. Vol. 16, No. 7, July 1980, 379) 1981 Bmsley, J,2Gold;-v., Lucas, J: and: Overlli RE. "The Potassium Fluoride-Boric Acid System. (J.-C. S. Dalton, 1981,° 783) Hydrogen Bonding in KF. H3B03" Z. Gold, V. and Mah, Talet. “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Protonation of 2,6-Dimethyl- y-pyrone and Related Bases in Superacid Systems." GAGS. Perkin. IE 1981; 812) Gold, V. Laali, K., Morris, K.P., and Zdunek, L. “A Dynamic NMR Study of the Acidity of Super-acid Media (Mixtures of HSO3F and SbFs from 0 (3.°-C..S.7Chem. Codie. 1981, 769.) to 90 mol % of SbF)" Gold, V., Pemberton, Susan M. and Wood, D. L. “Radical-induced Hydrogen Exchange in the Presence of Reducing Transition Metal Ions" (J.C. S. Perkin II, 1981, 1230). S. Dalton, 1981, 2462). Gold, V. and Wood, “Dialkyl Sulphoxides as Starting Materials for the Preparation of Alkyl- Formation of Penta-aquamethyl-chromium (III) and Transition-metal Complexes. Pentacyanomethylcobaltate (III) Salts, and the Reduction of Methyl Radicals by Vanadium (II)" (J. Gold, V. and Wood, D. L. "Solvent Isotope Effects in the Acidolysis and other Electrophilic Substitution Reactions of Penta-aquaorganochromium (III) Ions in Aqueous Solution" (J. S. Dalton, 1981, 2452). D. L. C. C. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications 1982 Gold, V. and Wood, D. L. "Deuterium Solvent Isotope Effects on Reactions of Pentaaquaorganochromium (III) Ions with Electrophiles." (Stable Isotopes. March, 1981. Eds. H.-L. Schmidt, H. Forstel, K. Heinzinger. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Julich, Analytical Chemistry Symposia Series, Vol. 11, Elsevier, 1982., 61.) : Emsley, L., Gold, V., Jais, M. Jamil B. and Zdunek, LZ; "Solutions of Carbonyl Compounds in Dibromodifluoromethane in the Presence of Hydrogen Bromide: alcohols from Aldehydes. (J. Protonation of Ketones and Formation of 1-Bromo- S. Perkin Trans. II, 1982, 881) C. Baker, D. S., Gold, V., and Sghibartz, C. M. "The Hydrolysis of Crown Ether-like Substrates with Hydrolysable Rings: Effect of Cation Binding on Equilibrium and Rate Constants" (Bull, Soc. Chim. Belg., 1982, 91, 483) The F. C. C. Z., and Gold, V. S. Faraday Trans. 2, 1982, 78, 1835) S., Faraday Trans. 2, 1982, 78, 1825) Gold, V., Morris, K.P., and (in part) Wilcox, C. "Alkoxide Solutions: 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shifts, Deuterium Fractionation Factors, and the Solvation of Alkoxide Ions" : (J. S. Perkin Trans. II, 1982, 1615) Gold, V., and Zdunek, L. Z. "Evaluation of Rate Constants by Lineshape Analysis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra" (J. Zdunek, L. "Estimation of Natural Linewidths in Exchange-broadened Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra" (J. Humeres A., 1982, 59) Baker, "The Effect of Bound Metal Ions on the Reactivity of Crown Ether-like substrates with Hydrolysable Rings" S. Chem. Comm., 1982, 1401. (J. Gold, V. "Strongly Acidic and Strongly Basic Solvent Systems" (Anais de Primeira Conferencia de Fisico-Quimica Organica, ed. Gold, J., and Gold V. “What is an Acid?" (S.S.R. Chemistry Notes, 1982, 715) D. S. and Gold, V. J. J. E. C. C. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications Gold, V., and Sghibartz, C. M. “Crown Ether Acetals: Synthesis and Characterisation of a Family of Novel Oxygen Macrocylic Compounds: (J; C.28* PRerkinwecrans; J; 1983...453) J., and Gold, V. Atkins, P. “Trichloroacetic Acid in Dimethyl Sulphoxide as Anions: 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene" (J. S. Chem. Comm., 1983, 140) C. Formation of an Adduct and Substitution Product with a Source of Trichloromethyl Hancock, R. A., Walder, A., Weigel, H., Gold, V., and Sghibartz, C. M “Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Crown Ether Acetals Using Isobutane as Reagent Gas" (Org. Mass Spect., 1983, 18, 402) “1983. 1121) the Reaction between the 8. Perkin Trans.-11, 1983, 1129) J., Gold, V., and Wassef, W. N. Atkins, P. “Hydride Transfer from Cyclohexadienyl Anions: Hydride Meisenheimer Adduct of 2,4,-Dinitroaniline and 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene" (J. S. Perkin Trans. II, 1983, 1197) D. S., Gold, V., and Sghibartz, C. M. Baker, “The Influence of Cation Binding on the Kinetics of the Hydrolysis of Crown Ether Acetals" (2G. S. Perkin’ Trans. IJ, Baker, D. S., and Gold, V. “The Influence of Cation Binding on the Kinetics of the Hydrolysis of a Crown Ether-like Cyclic Ester" (J.-C... (J.C. S. Chem. Comm., 1983, 283.) Atkins, P. "The Decomposition of Trihalogenoacetic Acids in Dimethyl Sulphoxide, a Mild Route from Carbonyl Compounds to Trihalogenomethylethanols and Trihalogenomethyl Ketones" Gold, V. “Glossary of Terms Used in Physical Organic Chemistry (Recommendations 1982)" (Pure and Appl. Chem., 1983, 55, 1281) J.. Gold, V., and Wassef, W. N. C. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List of publications 1984 J., Gold, V., and Marsh, M.R. Atkins, P. "The Decarboxylation of Trichloroacectic Acid and the Reactions of Trichloromethyl Anion with 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene and with Hydrogen Ions: Kinctic Measureinents in Dimethyl Sulphoxide Solution" (J.3G.°S= Perkin virans: il 19841239) the J., Gold V., and Wassef, W. Atkins, P. “The Reaction of Trihalogenomethyl Anions with Carbonyl Compounds: Competitive Reactivity Comparisons and Applications to the Synthesis of o-Trihalogenomethyl Alcohols" (J.C. So Perkin drans. Il, 1984, 1247) N. Gold V., and Wassef, W. N. “Addition of Cyanide Ions to Aromatic Aldehydes: a Competition Method for the Determination of Equilibrium Constants of Nucleophilic Addition Reactions" (J. S. Perkin Trans. II, 1984, 1431) C. Gold, J. and Gold V. “Neither Le Chatelier’s nor a Principle?" (Chemistry in Britain, 1984, 802) C. S. Chem. Comm., 1984, 1032) Gold, J. and Gold, V. "Le Chatelier’s Principle and the laws of van’t Hoff" (Education in Chemistry, May 1985, 82) Gold, V. "A Guide to Sources of IUPAC-Approved Terminology of Pure Chemistry" (Chem. Int., 1984, 6, 42) Gold; 2Vevand Week A. “Proton Transfer between 2,6-Di-t-butylpyridine and its Conjugate Acid in an Aprotic Solvent" (J. Gold: Vz, aali Kk Morris: Ko P..:and Zdunek;: “The Determination of the Acidity of Super-acid Media by Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements: Pentafluoride" (. CS) Perkin rans Wi1985..859) Gold.V.. sLaali: Ke iMorris. K.P and = Zdunéck,L., Z. “Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements of Organic Bases in Super-acid Media" (35 the System Fluorosulphuric Acid-Antimony the Basicity of Weak kL. Z: @. So Rerkinw Pranse lie 1985, 605.) V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 List.of publicatzons Abu Bakar bin Baba, Gold, V., and Frank Hibbert “Reactions of Benzophenone in Hydrogen Isotope Exchange, Formation of Organochromium(III) Species, and Related Reactions" (J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. II its Triplet State with Aliphatic Substrates: 1985, 1039-43) J., Gold, V., and Routledge, P. Atkins, P. "The Reactions of Polyhalogenomethanes with Aldehydes and with 1,3,5- Trinitrobenzene in of Trihalogenomethyl Anions" (J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. II the Presence of Tin(II) Salts: 1985, 1563-1566) J. Evidence for the Formation 1986 Gold, V., Kuroda, R., Stahl, R., and Wassef, W.N. “The Formation and Structure of a Crystalline Adduct Between Hexachloroacetone, Water and Dimethyl Sulphoxide" (J. S. Perkin Trans. II, 1986, 477) C. C. : C. Formation of Meisenheimer J., Gold, V., and Wassef,; W. N. S. Perkin Trans. II, 1986, 463) Atkins, P. “Reduction of Quinones by Hydride Meisenheimer Adducts" (J. Gold, V., and Wassef, W. N. "Halogenoketones as Sources of Carbanions: Adducts with 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene" (J. Chem. Research (5) 1986, 24) Gold, V., Johnston, G. J., and Wassef, W. N. "The Decomposition of Hexachloroacetone in Dimethyl Sulphoxide Solution: a Source of Trichloromethyl Anions" (J. S. Perkin Trans. II, 1986, 471) V Gold NcUACS 19/4/90 List of publications Emsley, J., Gold, V., Hibbert, F. and Jais, M. “Protonation of Alcohols by Hydrogen Bromice in Dibromodifluoromethane: Rates of Proton Exchange and Alcohol Basicity" (J. S. Perkin Trans II, 198, 1279) C. J. Be Emsley, J., Gold, V., and Lee, R. A. Kinetic Studies of Proton Transfer between 2,6- Di-t-butylpyridine and its Conjugate Acid in [2H, |Dichloromethane and in Nethanol" (J. C. S. Perkin Trans II, 1986, 1861) Emsley, Je, Gold, V., and Szeto, W. “Tetra-alkyl-ammonium Fluorides and Chlorides in Glacial Acetic Acid Solution; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies, Deuterium Fractionation Factors (¢), and Anion Hydrogen Bonding" (J. S. Dalton Trans, 1986, 2641) C. T. Ae The concept of chemical flux can be helpful Gold, V. “Chemical Flux. in formulating the fundamentals of chemical kinetics." (Education in Chemistry, November, 1987, 173) Gold, V. (Loening, K. Le, McNaught, Ao D., and Sehmi, P.) "Compendium of Chemical Terminology" TUPAC Recommendations Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford and London, 1987 ) Emsley, J., Gold, V-, Hibbert, F., ane Szeto, We "Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies by '“F Acetyl Fluoride from Acetyl Chloride and Tetreethyl-ammonium Fluoride in Acetic Acia" (J. C. Emsley, J., Gold, V., Lowe, Bo. 'Fluorine-19 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Tetraethyl- ammonium Fluoride in Glacial Ethanoic Acid" (J. S. Dalton Trans,1987, 1271) NMR of the Formation of Se Perkin Trans II, NM. and Szeto, Woe 1988, C. oiAe 2. A. V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABEL, Edward William ABRAMOVITCH, RA ACADEMIC PRESS INC. ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ACHMATOWICZ, Osman ADAMS (née DAN), Chitra ADDISON, Cyril Clifford ADSETTS, John Robert AGIUS, Peter J - 46 Sl o)a ay kate -1-E.31 .75-F.77,F.79,F.80 LOL vibe ob. 64,8. Oo boo 7h YLo 24, Fook -4-B.6,F.97 AQ, Ae42, D0, D La, Dil, D. 22 523), Ds 2072 54 1 tie LO> AKEROYD, F M oo) ALBERT, A ALDER, Roger W f30;6.35,C.. 367 cn so? 07 45 ols, .,18 ALMLOF, J AMIS, Edward S ALLEN, Sir Geoffrey ALBERY, (Wyndham) John o2y C758, C1097C.02,D. 15 oe, Pele SAAD. 16, De87D 30D. 5. .85,F.86 eSi/ AMMONDS, Charles Cyril ANDERSON, Arthur G, Jr AMODIO, Christopher ANBAR, Michael ALLINGER, Norman L -144,F.145 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents ANGUS, S ANH, Nguyen Trong ANSELL, Martin Frederick APPLEQUIST, Douglas Einar C.85 ARNETT, Edward M C529 ,6.34 C247, 8.2 ARNSTEIN, Henry R V B.S 7A. oO) pw 0G7 ow 007A 62 A.66,A.87 ARTHUR, Donald Ramsay A.61,A.62,A.66,A.86 ATHERTON, Neil Manning ATKINS, Paul J F.120 BespeskZ5 HARWELL BABA, Abu Bakar bin BADDILEY, Sir James BAFNA, Shantilal L ATKINS, Peter William See F.93 F.68 B.8,F.3 ere ATKINSON, John Richard ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH AUTHORITY, C.69 B.9,F.4-F.6,F.99,F.100,F.102 F.103,F.148 BAKER, Peter Frederick BALABAN, A T BALDRY, P J BAKER, David Stephen B. 1O-3- 20 A.58,A.59,A.61,G.8 Ci 93;,6.199 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents BALDWIN, Jack Edward BALDWIN, John E BALTZER, Lars Ole Bee 1 ho 20D 8372.99 BAMFORD, Clement Henry 103, Del2, ne OY BANERJEE, T eh BARBER, Harry James BARD, Allen J BARNARD, Eric Albert BARNETT, Michael P TOD F.C ye Ol 7 hoo 73 29 -98i,C. 95 BARRETT, Graham Campbell BARTON, Allan F M -145 eb DL BATTS, Barry David BECCONSALL, Jack Kenneth BARRETT, Jack Wheeler ~43,Deo,Dels Ds 14 Dace BARTON, Sir Derek (Harold Richard) BECKWITH, Athelstan Laurence Johnson .21-B.23,F.7,F.63,F.104-F.106 LOS, Pill 278s LS bs 30 sO ~30,B-120,58.160,D; 73,576; Tpeiglay Lely tell Lk .53,A.54,A.58,A.60,A.61 -64,A.66,F.89 e225 sLa5 LA 257 F594 BELETSKAYA, Irine P BELL, Ernest Arthur BELL, Ronald Percy V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents BELLAMY, Anthony John BENARD, Jacques BENDER, Myron Lee BENGSCH, Eberhard BENJAMIN, Lawrence BENNETT, J E BENSON, Sidney W BENTLEY, T William BERGMAN, Nils-Ake C.327C.SD OF Ley C.67,C.85 Eto F.88,F.89 B.24¢ =. Bao E22 Ct6O;E.7/ 0 €. 40,82 ys 96 F.7D C.F, LS F.70 BIFFIN, ME C BERRY, Martyn BERSON, Jerome A BERTELLO, Luis F BETHELL, Donald BERISHA, Kadri BERNASCONI, C F C2/3;,C. 84,0101 B.30-B.32,B.213,B.252,E.22 F.100,F.103,F.104, F113 ,F. 125 Be B.33=5.36 BLACKIE, Merrick Stuart BISHOP, David M BIGELEISEN, Jacob V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents BLAIR, Etcyl Howell Bede ee95 BLANDAMER, M J BLIN-STOYLE, Roger John Pes F.88 BLOCK, Hermann (Harry) B37 (hs 33,8. o97r. 10, F296 BLOW, David Mervyn BLOXAM, George BLUHM, Th BOAG, John Wilson Dal Spee See F.88 F230 BODMER, Sir Walter (Fred) A.65 BOLTON;,« HC eS 7h. 7a BOOTH, B L BOOTH, Geoffrey Campion BOOTS COMPANY LIMITED BRADBEER, Joseph William BRADLEY, Donald Charlton BONDI, Sir Hermann BOON, William Robert BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf Cel57=Ci59 BRAND, John Charles Drury BRANDHURST COMPANY LIMITED BRASLAVSKY, Silvia E V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents BRETT, Cyril Leslie BREWSTER, James H BRINK, George BRISTOL ORGANICS LIMITED .40-B.45,F.74 2103 20 BRITISH COAL UTILISATION RESEARCH ASSOCIATION $24,B.20 BRITISH COUNCIL .29-A.32, F.39-F.46 BRITISH PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED (37 Acse, Bee 7/4 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BROWN, Daniel McGillivray BROWN (née ARMSTRONG), Dorothy Jean [70 whO .46 Oy -92 BUNCEL, Erwin BUNNETT, Joseph Frederick BRUICE, Thomas C BUCKINGHAM, Amyand David BROWN, Herbert Charles 2,78. 80, Feel, fs L16 BUKKA, Krishna B.47-B.50,F.76,F.112-F.114 BROWN, Robert Drayton BROWN, Stanley Sidney bal 5 1s C54, Del O7LekO, De oo Lee. b2C. 1] Sey 25,02 20,CC59 240, Cr55 70. 50, C2077 6.02) C205 £68,C0.72-C.75,Ce197C.83-C.88 .90-G. 97, Ce 108=C. 1138;,,C. 115 1 Cue, Ceres ;O doa yCeLoe 14S Ci 4ore. a7, Cr 515C. 152 20, ,F ork sl pks (ore OOer 6 LOS G.3376205,C.46 2. Laer 6 See also F.21,F.145,F.146 0 . 1 0 . 0 6 : © . @ O O V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents BUNTON, CA Boe BURGEN, Sir Arnold (Stanley Vincent) D.4,D.25 BURGOYNE, Frank D A.104,B.10 BURNS, Duncan Thorburn Cu1567, D6, D.j207Ds 297). 1c BUSCH, Daryle Hadley G; 68 ,C.105 BUTLER, Anthony Robert B.33,B.51-B.54,C.31,C.35,C.40 F.10,f. LOG, Palis,e. lee BUXTON, G V Bi 6 CAMPBELL, Peter Nelson 81,F.105,F.109,Fs113 CACACE, Fulvio 209, EB, 25,801, Psi CALDIN, Edward Francis 64,F.65,F.77,F.89,F.95 CADOGAN, John Ivan George CALDWELL, Peter Christopher CALVIN, Melvin CAMPBELL, AC CALMON, Jean-Pierre and Michelle 64,D.38,D. 75,869, 8,G.10 B.247-B.249 CAPON, Brian CARTER, Robert E CARTLIDGE, John CASAPIERI, Peter c.45 B.58,F.62,F.63 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents CATIONICS INC CHALLIS, Bruce C CHAMBERS, Richard D CHAPMAN, Norman Bellamy CHATT, Joseph CHEMICAL SOCIETY Fpayh 95 €. 3870238 B.192,F.127 B.134 .C.17,C.65-C.69,C.79,C.83-C.85 C288;,,C.140,C.142;,C.1437,,D-26 D.32,D.47,D.52 Bi23,,38.55, Bs41 7 Bel 97 Bs 184, B. 2135 B24 ,B.21:98.236,B.250,C. 43 D. 32-D.39,D.43-D.54,F.30,F.82 F.85 See also A.17-A.27 CHEMISTRY IN BRITAIN A.91,D.43,F.65 CLARET, Paul Arthur CLARKE, Michael CLAYTON, Barbara Evelyn COLLINS, Clair Joseph COLOSIMO, Marcello COOPER, Anthony COBURN, Kathleen COLES, Lewis Edwin C.40,C.47 F.94,G.10 COLLI, Horacio Néstor C.155,F.14,F.125 COTTRELL, Tom Leadbetter COVINGTON, Arthur Kenneth C10, C385, bo B.60-B.63,F.76 B.64 B.160 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents COWIE, JMG COX, Brian G F.80 Bs 75 COX, Christopher Barry A.53,A.54,A.58 CRAIG, David Parker D4 DDR Pe pee LoL CRAM, Donald J C139) ,C.. 40,618) 4. ou CRAMPTON, Michael Richard B.65-B.68,C.40,E.23,F.15,F.144 CRISTOL, Stanley Jerome CRODA SYNTHETIC CHEMICALS LIMITED re16 F.94 CROMBIE, Leslie D.44,F.12 CROSS, Lionel C CG, 31-C. 34;C%48,C.116 LIMITED CULLIS, Charles Fowler CROSSLAND, Bernard D778 DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron CRUIKSHANK, Austin James Bruce CROWN ZELLERBACH CHEMICAL PRODUCTS F.88,F.89,F.92 A.88,F.16,F.37,F.38,F.66,F.68 re DANIELL, John Frederic B.68,8./9;2.80 DAVIES, Alwyn George Cl54 Posi l sO lyes 1D DAS) 5k oR Pes DALCQ, A DAVIES, David Ian V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents DAVIES, Duncan S Pd See also F.75 DAVIES, (Morgan Wynn) Humphrey E75 DAVIES, Sydney John DAVIS, Stuart George DAWSON, Bernard E 87 DAY, Arthur Colin 357,C. 9l=€.94 DEACON, Sir George (Edward Raven) 65 de BRUIN, M DEHMLOW, Eckehard Volker de la MARE, Peter Bernard David 1S BES? boos DIJKSTRA, G den BOEF, G DENISOV, E T 83 96,0 15) » DE TAR, *De Los Ff DE SCHRYVER, Frans Carl DIXON, Henry Berkeley Franks DEWAR, Michael James Steuart DOMB, Cyril Gz/4-GC. /5,,C. 83,6. 56,760 /, GlLOlL, P.O) DOCHERTY, Archibald Cameron DODGE, John David 65;C.06 F.94 Gii22 Fool V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents DOSANJH, Harwant K DOUGLAS, John DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY DOYLE, Michael P F.97 51 F.95 €.538-C: 56,C,60,C.124,C.126 G..433 Cu 34 DRENTH, W GC. 67,,C.:01 DRYDEN, Ian Gordon Cumming B.28 DUBOIS, Jacques-Emile F.75,F.76,F.113 DUNITZ, Jack David G.7 E.I.DU PONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY A.39 DYNE, Peter J F.89 EABORN, Colin EARLES, S WE EDWARDS, A J P 77,F.89,F.104 EBERSON, Lennart EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY EARLAND, Christopher ELEY, Daniel Douglas 83'7,C.146,C.149;D59 197,F.'85 EDWIN COOPER & COMPANY LIMITED EGLINGTON, Geoffrey EFFENBERGER, F EGAN, Harold 88CU46,C7535 46 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents ELLIOTT, Donald Frederick ELLIOTT, John Huxtable ELLIOTT, Michael F.68,G.8,G.10 ELLIS, Gwynn Pennant F.79 ELVIDGE, John Arthur EMERY, Anthony Roland ENGESSER, K H ESSO PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED EVANS, Alwyn Gwynne EVERETT, Douglas Hugh FAGANDINI, DAA FARADAY SOCIETY FAVA, Antonino FARNUM, Donald G FEATHER, John Anthony D. L37D.14,D.16,D.187,,D.Z2o FERNELIUS, Willis Conrad C.46,C.54,D.77,E.26 FERGUSON, George B. SY Clro72 Cros Bia OD) E.3 FELDMAN, Martin FENDLER, Janos H B./1-B.73,F.107 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents FERSHT, Alan Roy FIELDS, Ellis Kixby FINK, Richard David FIORE, Leonardo FIRESTONE, David FLEMING, Ian FOGG, Peter GT FORBES, Eric John FOSTER, Roy FOWDEN, Sir Leslie To 19,F.96,G.10 AO Ei Oy tee i, phic Lao ao 392 sO pCcoe , C.lOyh sli pte eO 5 [Di G iti, Gs LO FOX, Robert B FREISER, Henry FRANKS, Felix -O) 88 BOS ele: FREY, Henry Montague #54 7AR.57,A+62,G6.8 FRAZER, Malcolm John FROHLICH, Albrecht .95-C.97,C.140,C.142-C.147 eLAO—C’, 155,6.159-C.163 “89 ~99,C.1OL 74 GAL, J F GALEN, Robert S GAMES, David E V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents GARNETT, J L GARRATT, Peter Joseph GARST, John Frederic GARVEY, James Peter GEE, Geoffrey GENESTE, Patrick GEVANTMAN, Lewis Herman GIBSON, John Frederick £2 7-G2O=Ce22 GIL-AV, E GILBERT, Bruce C GILLES, Paul W GLAXO RESEARCH LIMITED GODLY, Edward W GILDE, Hans-Georg GILL, Gerald Bryon GILL, John Bernard GLASOE, Paul Kirkwold B.76-B.85,F.18 A.43,B.38,B.39 CTOs 7Celes C36;C. 30762351,C.35,6.38 F.86 F.76 C..160 GILLESPIE, Ronald James D.74,D.75,E.28,F.76,F.77,G6.8 Peos GONZALEZ, Antonio Gonzalez GOLDSACK, Stephen James Bras GOLDSTEIN, MJ F.79,F.93,F.108 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents GOOD, Mary Lowe GORE, Peter Henry ¢1O37,C.104;,C. 156 sor GORENSTEIN, David George -46,C.54,C.56 GOULD, E S GOULD, Stephen E GRANT, James Lewis GRASSERBAUER, M GRAY, George William GRAY, John GRAY, Peter GREENWOOD, H H 345 ~06,F 19, re 113 6S7-BW9L EE. Jake lov OeydektD palo pr. L22 ; LOZ 0 ae SA Cs 0 Cu 87G. 8 -94-B.100 GREENE, Frederick D .34,C.64,C.83-€.85 GREGORY, Maurice J -92,B.93,F.64 GRIST, Stephen GROB, Cyril A GROSS, Herbert sez -63 GRIFFITHS, Victor Sidney -8,D.14,D.15,D.44,D.52 GREENWOOD, Norman Neill 232% Cio SI 27 CoS . 86-F.88 ~101,B.102,F.74,F.76 GRUEN, Leslie Clemens GRUNEWALD, H V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents GRUNWALD, Ernest (34), CeS5, 6x00, Pace GUGGENHEIM, Edward Armand GULBENKIAN, Calouste Sarkis GUTHRIE, J Peter GUTHRIE, Robert D 24 au eB Oe2 fy Gee ogce lt lO-Ge lao 2123776 257,C 236) C. 157 ,Gel, Gale HACKETT, Sir John Winthrop Sop Ae OO As OL HALEVI, E Amitai a297C. 30 jC. 59), C05 C204 ,G.00 584,C.86,C.87,C.103 ,C. 104 2972.93 edie ee - LO3—-B.105 HAMBLING, J K HAMMES, Gordon G HAMMOND, Peter R HAMPSON, Colin Alan 2LOZ oi at ~224 HALL, Dorothy Muriel HALL, Geoffrey Ronald HANCOCK, Richard Anthony “2D HARRIES, Rt.Rev.Richard Douglas HANSON, Kenneth Ralph 769), F.08,2 92.93 - 104 .247,F.69 HARPER, S H V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents HARRIS, Anthony Barnard HARRIS, Arlo Dean HARRIS, Brian Walton HARRIS, Robin Kingsley HARRISON, Sir Richard (John) HARROD, J F HART, Frank Alan HART, Michael E.26 A.3 A.58,A.61,A.62,A.65,A.66,A.103 HARTLEY, Sir Frank G.8 C.47,C.63 Bo7L G.7 D..16,D.28,D..29 HAYES, Alan HEACOCK, Ronald A HEGARTY, A Frank HAYDON, Denis Arthur HAVINGA, Egbert HAWKES, G Leslie HAYAMI, Jun-ichi B.106-B.109,F.66,F.107 Be be2 pelle Fito )r «L200 HASZELDINE, Robert Neville 47572. 20,8. 10d A.75,A.86,A.87,B.1,B.21,B.24 B.250,D.:/4,D POSS! sch. Co37 HENZE, Mogens HEUSLER, Karl C.154 C.66 HELLWINKEL, Dieter C0) ,C2130 HEY, Donald Holroyde V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents HIBBERT, D B HIBBERT, Frank F.130 Cc.40 HIDER, Robert Charles B.2O, 5. 150 HIGGINS, Philip John HILGER & WATTS LIMITED HILL, Roger Rundell HILTON, John HINE, Jack HODGKINSON, John Michael HOFFMANN, Reinhard W A.10 Ces Oy Be bd P75 B.250 C.104 HOLDER, GA HOLTER, Alfons HOMANN, K H HOPGOOD, David HORREX, C HOFFMANN, Roald F,.69 F.86 C292 ;E. 91 Coi59/CoL40 F.72,F.74 HOLMES, James Murray HOLDEN, Norman Ellershaw BP O69eF s/ i C.55,¢6.56,C.83,C.84,C.86 C.8/,C19.,Crl35 HUDSON, Robert Francis HOUK, Kendall Newcomb F.108 A. 86 HUGHES, Robert E CetlLo;, CaS D./7 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents HUISGEN, Rolf HULME, Ralph HUNTER, Thomas Forsyth HURD, Charles D ILLUMINATI, Gabriello Gr34, 6.35, 6477 C.56, C05, 6.40 Ch 12, C873 C2927C.1:09,,Ca124 Ce3s2 INGOLD, Sir Christopher (Kelk) Bel) Pa65 See also F.67 INGOLD, Keith Usherwood C.54,G6.8 F.85 ITO, Shd IWAMURA, Hiizu IZATT, Reed McNeil IZUTSU, Kosuke ISAACS, Neil S KINETICS C260 G.:6:7 E21 ISOTOPES IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL Cel 76.95,C. 149 See also C.147 eC. 697e. 121 JACKSON, Richard Anthony JACKSON, Anthony Hugh G2162,F.96 G.93;,C6.94 Cil59 Ci34 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents JACOBS, Francis G JAIS, Mohamed Jamil bin JAMES, Anthony Trafford JAMES, Arthur Montague JANES, Norman Frank JANZEN, Edward George - 60 2h. b22 ot, GeO G34,,C) 4076.52 ,C.567.C156,C.87 @,.95,C210276.103,C.129,C. 130 MARCOPOULOS, C A FLO MARCUS, Rudolph Arthur C.52,6.56,C.65 MARIA, PC MARONI, P MARSH, Kenneth N MARSHALL, Peter James C7996. bol B. 22 MASKILL, H MASON, Sir Ronald MEINWALD, Jerrold MELANDER, Lars MATEESCU, G MATHIAS, Simao MATHIEU, Jean MEHTA, Goverdhan D.74 CS ode MATTHEWS, Richard Ellis Ford C.20,C.95;C:967C..98),C. be, r. 83 E.19 C.33,D.78,F.27,5...108 C.45,¢C:65,8. 86, 8.124 See also A.30 MEYER, T J MEYERSON, Seymour F.60 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents MEYERSTEIN, Dan MILLEN, Douglas James MILLER, Sidney I MILLIGAN, Barton MIRI, Adhid Yousif moe 43 6 33=C. 35,,C. 46,5420 -48,C.66 Ol e223 MISLOW, Kurt Martin -103,C.104 MODENA, Giorgio PLS Omelip esi, Cray C007. O 7997 Dat. 20, ts 29, tial 46 MONSANTO CHEMICALS LIMITED MOORE, John W MORE O'FERRALL, Rory A MORRIS, David R -43 5 Ow 46,6... 53;,6:.56;, Ga1:097B.d 7:7 384 295 72 «150 OH, C.26 .106,F.66 6192-8 -197,F.. 114 MOSS, George P MOYES, Richard B MULLER, Paul 765 oo MUSLIM, Noramly bin MURRELL, John Norman MORRIS, Kenneth Peter 224 ,C.94,6.87,C.151,De5378. 88 74 NAGY, Otto B NASH, J Kevin T L V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents NATURE NEFEDOV, O M NETO, Adelina Costa NICOL, Donald MacGillivray NIKI, Katsumi 147 B24 7c .LOL <5 “92 - 160 NOBLE, Sir Peter (Scott) ~/1,Ae/3,A-101 NORMAN, Sir Richard (Oswald Chandler) 2 Ne-Del ly bell beso, Cue NOTT, Pia NOUVEAU JOURNAL DE CHIMIE . 68 - 60 NOWLAN, Vincent J -198,B6199,8.111,F .112,F 114 s51,C..68 OGATA, Yoshiro CHS OLAH, George Andrew NOYES, Richard Macy OLLIS, William David OAKENFULL, David George B.200-B.202,F.64,F.106,F.107 BDees7Aibe Ci 45,767 84,5613, F.30-F. 38 See also A.65,F.96,F.146 F.74 ONG, S H ONGLEY, PA ORGAN, A J De /8,E. 1b Eco she coe Bio F.80 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents OURISSON, Guy G5. C230, Da8 OVEREND, William George Bs 277A. SpAsOpAso es Se phe 15 OZIN, Geoffrey A Bs 67h eli] PADDON-ROW, M N PALIT, Santi R PARKER, A J PARKER, William PARSONS, Roger PATEL, R D Bs2 E.18,F.145 ADKIKO) -28,F.74 <1 pte LO sOLgre Oo PELLERIN, Fernand PELTER, Andrew PAUL, Martin A PEAT, Stanley PEMBERTON, Susan M ZO . 106 sods tO PASSERINI, Riccardo LLG il ti Cis, Ge 39 PENGILLY, Brian William 9209, Ba 220 -3-C.19,C.35,C.44,C.45,C.54 CebeHC wo Ceo) ,osI8 io pCa eblO=Cs112,Cil16,C.119,C.124 -129,C.144 - 203-B. 208, F.119,F.123 PENTON, John R PEREZ, Giorgio V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents PERKAMPUS, Heinz-Helmuth PERKIN-ELMER LIMITED PERKINS, Michael John PERRIN, C PETERS, David PETHYBRIDGE, Alan D PHILLIPS, C M PIHLAJA, Kalevi PIRANI, Felix AE PLATE, Nicolai A

REES, Charles Wayne D.74-D.76,F.68,6.7,G.8 REEVES, Leonard Wallace B.9,F03,r.04 REICHARDT, Christian Gok4, C.84,C.857C.87,,Csol ,C. 92 REINHOUDT, DN oil! REUTOV, Oleg Aleksandrovich Beso, 2, OL REVIEWS OF CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES Bie (Be (9b. OS yt Omn. OS RICHARDS, David Hugh D. bs REIKKOLA, Marja-Liisa ' RIGAUDY, Jean RILEY, Thomas ROBERTSON, John Monteath RICHARDS, Graham RIDD, John Howard Ca52 BZ Cn, RITCHIE, Calvin Donald C.37;,¥ 128 RIGG, John Christopher C.100,C.141,C.146,¢C.161 B.200,8. 201,B.213-B.217,F.48 F.64,F.98,F.104 C.30;,C.357C.37,C.33,C.46,C 765 D.76 Be3 A.2,A.5,A.40,A.62,A.115,B.59 Peol 2. /O pe ee) ROBB, Michael A Bye 132 ROBERTSON, Andrew John Blackford V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents ROBERTSON, Ross E ROBINSON, B H whe 140 ROBINSON, Michael John Temple -45,C.54-C.56,F.115 ROBINSON, P J Sola Ce3o ROBINSON, Stephen Robert F219 ,2s 96, H.97 rel Zl, a. 12d ROCHE PRODUCTS LIMITED 43 ROCHESTER, Colin Herbert 5219-B. 226,862,505; .67,2.100 ~LO6,; He LOS=E. Lil Pods, bea dle MeL Ot 2Og ny. 27 7 Dua 4 ROLSTON, John H ROSSITER, Bryant William .227-B.237,F.49 ~16;,D.19=D. 23 ROUTLEDGE, Paul James ROWLAND, Frank Sherwood ROYAL SOCIETY SADLER, Ian Howard See CHEMICAL SOCIETY RYCZKOWSKI, Janusz RYDON, H E ROWLINSON, John Shipley De 13 52307 be 29 OWE, otek C.6 Bd F.96 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY RUCHARDT, Christoph C.169,/68175,D.1=Do/8 7b ie RUSHBROOKE, George Stanley F.76 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents SAHAJPAL, A SALIE, F..7/0 SALOMAA, Pentti Antero Bx65)r.67,52109,h 109 SALT, Robert SAMMES, Peter George SAMUEL, David SAMUELSON, Olof Hiss Cc.40 C.66 SATCHELL, Derek Peter Norman AgG5,C.32,Cs05,C.71,C.06 SATCHELL (née SMITH), Rosemary Sally B.240,F.43 SAUNDERS, William Hundley O38), C2. 521, 24:9 C.60,C.64,C.66,C. 67 SCHAFFNER, Kurt SCHALEGER, Larry L SCHAVO, Anton F B60; 5.3 B.69,r. 10 E.21,F.105 SCHOWEN, Richard Lyle SCHERAGA, Harold Abraham ©.45,C.64,C.86,,C.92,F.146 SCHLEYER, Paul von Ragué F.133-F.143 G.I 76.677C.585,6..917C. 92 G5102,C.124 SCHULTE-FROHLINDE, Dietrich boo C.162 Felts F.74 F.40 SCHUMANN, Klaus SCHWETLICK, K SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SCHMID, George Henry SCHNEIDER, Roger H SCHULER, Robert Hugo F.40,F.72 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents SCORRANO, Gianfranco SCOTT, Alastair Tan 8 SEEMAN, Jeffrey I 180 ,C. 96,6297, B94 SEIDL, Peter Rudolf SELF, ADH SELTZER, Stanley iO .74 . 68 SERUYA, Victor M SOG 7A.O97 A. 71 SGHIBARTZ, Cristian Marius .241-B 243, PF ole, Bells, Pol22 SHAPIRO, Bernard Lyon e129 219 SOS oT. D.74/D.J5 SHORTER, John SHEPHARD, F E SHEPPARD, Norman SHARPE, Alan George SHARROCK, Roger Ian SHATENSHTEIN, A I SHAW, Bernard Leslie oO -244 OL SHINE, Henry J C.45,C.48,C.56 SLOL7 Ge 197 Die op DD. coy Des. SHEPPARD, David Fleetwood SHERRINGTON, David Colin F.96,F.97 G..3.7, 6.38 ,Cl47,F./2,F.108,F.109 SHOPPEE, Charles William SIEHL, Hans-Ullrich V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents SIGWALT, Pierre SIMONS, Clive John SIMONYI, Mikldés SINNOTT, M L SLEEMAN, Derek Henry SLOCOMBE, G P SMETS, Georges - 104 -245,F.63 .46,E.31,F.116-F.118 eo poo .138,F.84 SMITH, C Geoffrey -44,D.46-D.48,D.51-D.54 SMITH, James Caldwell SMIPHs. Jonn AS ed 292 SOCRATES, George SPIRO, Michael SMITH, Peter AS SMITE = Vv ByalG SNIDER, Neil SOLLNER, Karl SOMMER, Jean som 3047 Oso - 146 145 -246,F.64,F.112 SMITH, J R Lindsay SPANGET-LARSEN, Jens F.78 SPINKS, John William Tranter C.177.7D.9,Fs108 SPINDEL, William -79,F.80 . 88 39D B.o/72)F.74 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents SPRING, Robin J STACEY, Maurice STANLEY, Herbert Muggleton STANLEY, Rolfe STARKS, Charles Masterson STEIN, Gabriel STEINBERG, H STERN, Marvin Joseph STEWART, Michael James STEWART, William Alexander Campbell F.147 Boe Ba Sr Hee C287 Bo2/77, bi29 75.68 C.42 D.24 F.116 STOCK, Leon M STREITWIESER, Andrew, Jr. 1 B.3/ Co50 STODDART, F STRANKS, DR STRASHEIM, A STYLE, Derrick William Graham STIRLING, Charles James Matthew C237C3A0,C.64,C292,,6. 10978 6/7 C.6,C.377C.398,C.71,C. 82, he84 75187 STRICKLAND-CONSTABLE, Robert Frederick Co7107,C. 70 SUGDEN, Sir (Theodore) Morris SUCKLING, Charles Walter D.9,D.10,D.52,G.8 B.24 F.50 E.0/ D. 16,0. 7/7 SUBIRANA, Juan A SUNNER, Stig V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents SUTHERLAND, Ian Oxley Hes SWART, Edward Reinier Bai247-B. 250,105 SYKES, Keith W SYKES, Peter Ba LZ Gost SYMONS, Martyn Christian Raymond B.94,E.3,F.51 SZETO (née HO), Wing Tsee Alice SZWARC, Michael Bezod D.74 TAFT, Robert Wheaton Peay rel TASKINEN, Esko F.67 THE TIMES THOMAS, Alfred THOMAS, C B THOMAS, John Meurig A#O1., B52 C.47 G.8 G.387,C. 35 THRUSH, Brian Arthur THOMAS, Leslie Charles A193. 74,C. 52. Gel b2 TEDDER, John Michael, 2nd Baron B.252-B. 260,F.70-F.72,F.81-F.83 TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron TOLHURST, Michael E.o/ TOMLINSON, Colin V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents TOMPKINS, Frederick Clifford TOPSOM, Ronald P TOSCANO, Vicente G TOULLEC, Jean oo 74 -64 16°46 ,CG.52 Be 2Ol-Be265;,C.b,Caly Cild7G.56,C..68,Cass, C182 6.37 Cronos, Cs L1O, Celine, © kod Cc sli 113 See also A.32,F.75,F.76 TOWNSEND, A TRAYNHAM, James Gibson TREGUNNA, Paul TROST, Barry M Cel59 F.95 -96 ~907C..9); TURNER, Charles W TURNER, David Warren TYE, Frank Laurence TSURUTA, Teiji TUDOS, F 84 ool “bo TRUTER, Mary Rosaleen 32 WILLIAMS, Robert Joseph Paton WILLIAMS, Thomas John F.129,F.132 D.78,F.62 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents WILLIS, Harry WIPKE, Todd WIRTH, Max M WOLF, Alfred P WOLFENDEN, Keith WOLFRAM, Ervin WOLFSBERG, Max WOLPERT, Lewis WOOD, David Leslie E.6 A.114,F.69 G.1597C.1660 Bele, C.ol,Cr54,F.lo Ps ovet «10s Pic dolly sl), bs 22 G.9 B.274-B.276,F.60,F.119,F.121 Bel22 7h. 24), 25 WULFF, Gunter Gy 156 F.8/ C252);,C.85, 2. /O,E OL YAMASAKI, Kazuo YANKWICH, Peter Ewald YATES, Peter YUKAWA, WORTH, Howard Godfrey John WYATT, Peter Arthur Harris B.278-B.307,F.84,F.124 ZALIOUK (née GITTER), Adina G44 ,0553,C8/27C..737C. 79 C.66 F105 CTL ZDUNEK, Leszek Zygmunt Bi277,8. 74 V Gold NCUACS 19/4/90 Index of correspondents ZENDER, R ZOLLINGER, Heini 62 S2=C2i5, Cs 307,C..357C. 46,6560 $05 ,Cs (34 e el ane el onoeL LO Uptreol 7h el ou ZUMAN, Petr <3