FOWLER, Peter Howard

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Peter Howard Fowler FRS (1923-1996) By Caroline Thibeaud and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no.129/2/04 P. H. Fowler NCUACS129/2/04 Title: Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Peter Howard Fowler, FRS, (1923-1996), physicist. Compiled by: Caroline Thibeaud and Timothy E. Powell Date of material: 1960-1988 Extent of material: 13 boxes, 386 items Deposited in: Special Collections, Arts & Social Sciences Library, University of Bristol Reference code: GB 0003 DM 1967 © 2004 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no. 129/2/04 P. H. Fowler NCUACS129/2/04 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Heritage Lottery Fund The Institute of Physics The Macro Group UK The Polymer Physics Group The National Archives P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS ARCHIVIST, ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 4 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page 5-7 8 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.97-A.100 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL B.165-B.211 9-12 SECTION C BALLOON FLIGHTS C.56-C.91 13-16 SECTION D RESEARCH D.75-D.103 17-20 SECTION E DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS E.69-E.99 21-24 SECTION F LECTURES F.61-F.92 25-29 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.33-G.96 30-38 SECTION H SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS H.347-H.444 39-49 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE J.109-J.155 50-52 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 53-54 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 5 GENERALINTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers werereceived from Mrs Rosemary Fowler, widow of Professor Fowler, in November 2003. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF PETER HOWARD FOWLER For an outline of Fowler’slife and career see NCUACScatalogue 115/1/03. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION This supplementary collection is presented in the order given in the list of contents. It covers the period from 1960 to 1988. It should be consulted in conjunction with the principal body of Fowler papers catalogued as NCUACS115/1/03. Section A, Biographical, is the smallest section and includes Fowler’s entries in professional registers such as Who’s Who and presscuttings relating to his research on cosmic rays. Section B, University of Bristol, includes correspondence, agendas, minutes and reportsrelating to University departmental committees. There is also material relating to teaching duties, examination and research supervision - including syllabuses, teaching timetables, student questionnaire results and analysis - and correspondence with prospective members of Fowler’s Cosmic Rays Study Group. Section C, Balloon flights, is arranged in chronological order and complements the earlier material catalogued in Fowler NCUACS 115/1/03. The bulk of the material relates to flights made between 1970 and 1975 launched from Palestine in Texas and Sioux Falls in South Dakota, USA. Thereis alsoa little material covering the transatlantic flights launched from Milo in Sicily. Documents include correspondence regarding balloon flight arrangements, project proposals, flight reports, copies of papersand lectures. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 6 Section D, Research, mainly covers Fowlers cosmic ray research using balloons, cosmic ray detectors such as BUGS4 and accelerator facilities including Nimrod and the University of Princeton Accelerator. The material comprises correspondence, proposals and grant applications, research outlines and reports. Other topics covered are the plastic track detector CR39 used to capture cosmic rays and the UK 6, Solar Flare and the Ariel 6 satellite programmes. There is a small sequence on Pi-mesonsin cancer treatment. Section E, Drafts and publications, is not extensive. It is arranged in chronological order from 1964 to 1979 and principally comprises drafts of Fowler’s scientific papers, figures, tables and correspondence. Section F, Lectures, principally relates to Fowler’s public lectures, all on the topic of cosmic rays with the exception of his 1971 Rutherford Memorial Lecture on Pi-mesons in cancer treatment. The material comprises drafts, notes and correspondence from 1962 to 1987. Thereisa little academic teaching material and an Honorary Degree oration at the University of Bristol. Section G, Visits and conferences, is one of the larger sections and complements previous material in NCUACS 115/1/03. It is arranged in chronological order from 1964 to 1987. Principal visits covered are a visit to the USSR in 1969, the Royal Society of New Zealand Rutherford Memorial Lecture Tour in 1971, a visit to the University of Chicago Enrico Fermi Institute in 1978 and International Union of Pure and Applied Physics International Cosmic Rays Conferences. Section H, Societies and organisations, forms the largest section of the collection and documents Fowler’s involvement with ten UK and international organisations. Bodies covered include the European Space Research Organisation (Fowler was a consultant, 1974-1977), Rolls-Royce plc (early consultancy work 1984-1987), the Royal Society (Fowler served on various British National Committees and there are documents relating to the administration and funding of his Research Professorship) and the Science Research Council (Fowler was involved with a number of committees mainly concerned with astronomy and grantallocation). Section J, Correspondence, is divided into two sequences: an alphabetical sequence arranged by correspondence, and references and recommendations. Dates covered are 1966 to 1987. Correspondents are mainly scientific colleagues and historians of science, although there are no extended exchanges. There is also an index of correspondents. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Weshould like to thank Mrs Rosemary Fowler for making the material available, her assistance in identifying and clarifying documents andfor biographical information on her husband. Caroline F. Thibeaud Timothy E. Powell Bath, 2004 P. H. Fowler NCUACS129/2/04 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL,A.97-A.100 1963-1984 A.97 A.98 A.99 A.100 Entry for unidentified professional register. 1973 Entries for Who's Who of British Scientists and Who's Whoin Science in Europe. 1983-1984 Manuscript notes and typescript entries. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 A.3-A.4. Certificate of Employment as Civilian Lecturer for Adult Education in H.M Forces. 1963 Press cuttings re Fowler's research on cosmic rays in the Financial Times and the University of Bristol Newsletter. 1972-1973 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL, B.165-B.211 1964-1987 B.165-B.171 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE B.172-B.184 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES AND CLUBS B.185-B.211 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS B.165-B.171 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1964-1986 Correspondence re teaching and university matters, PhD students supervision, staff management and funding. 7 folders. B.172-B.184 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES AND CLUBS 1971-1987 See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 B.1-B.29. B.172 Cosmic Rays Study Group 1979-1980 Correspondence and memoranda. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 B.30- B.153. B.173 Departmental Committee on Technical Staff 1977 Note on the 15 February 1977 meeting. B.174-B.177 Physics Steering Committee B.174 Correspondence and miscellaneous documents re Chair of Physics, administrative organisation and members of staff. 1971-1976 1973-1976 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 10 University of Bristol B.175-B.177 Agenda and minutes. 1971-1976 3 folders. B.178-B.181 Radiation Protection Subcommittee 1978-1980 See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 B.15-B.28. B.178 Correspondence. B.179 Agenda and minutes. B.180, B.181 Reports and review. 2 folders. B.182 Safety Consultative Committee Minutes. 1978-1979 1978-1980 1979 1979 B.183 Safety Executive Committee 1978-1979 Agenda and minutes. B.184 University Space Club 1987 UK SpacePolicy report. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 B.29. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 14 University of Bristol B.185-B.211 DEPARTMENTOF PHYSICS B.185-B.190 Academic staff meetings agenda and minutes. 6 folders. B.191 Lists of membersofstaff. B.192-B.195 Memoranda. 4 folders. 1964-1986 1964-1968 1964-1966 1964-1986 B.196 Committee of Professors 1976-1981 Correspondence and minutes. B.197-B.199 Syllabuses, lecture duties and examinations. 1964-1975 note preparation of Includes examinations, allocation of teaching duties and lecture timetables. and memoranda re 3 folders. B.200 B.201 B.202 Lists of candidates for higher degrees. 1965-1974 Typescript notes on research supervision. 1966-1977 Also includes a research expenditure budget for 1966- 1967. Student comments. and graduate questionnaire returns and 1965-1981 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 12 University of Bristol B.203-B.207 ‘Application to join P.H.F's group.' Folder so inscribed. 1970-1984 Correspondence, CVs, lists of publications. 5 folders. B.208-B.211 Research Assistantship. 1973-1974 4 folders. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 13 SECTION C BALLOON FLIGHTS,C.56-C.91 1970-1979 C.56 Project proposal submission. c.1970 The project was based the abundance of ultra-heavy elements in primary cosmic rays. on measurement of C.57-C.60 General correspondence. 1971-1979 Correspondence re the design and production of material and and description, budget. organisation instruments, balloon flights 4 folders. C.61-C.65 ‘Balloon Flight 1971'. Folder so inscribed. 1971-1972 Correspondence re flight arrangements. Also includes manuscript notes. Flights were launched from Sioux Falls, South Dakota in collaboration of Advanced Studies and from Palestine, Texas in May 1971. Institute Dublin with the 5 folders. C.66-C.71 ‘Balloon Flight 1972’. Folder so inscribed. C.66-C.69 Correspondencereflight arrangements. 1971-1973 1971-1972 The flight was launched from Sioux Falls in May 1972. 4 folders. C.70 Technical outlines and preliminary study. 1972-1973 Documents entitled ‘Preliminary Study of the Charge Spectrum of Ultra Heavy Cosmic Rays Primaries' and technical outline of National Center for Atmospheric Research Balloon Instrumentation Package and Ground Station. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 14 Balloon Flights C.71 Flight supporting documents. 1972 Includes balloon specification, summary data of the 1972 flight, Customs and transport forms, invoice and one photograph. C.72, C.73 ‘Balloon Flight 1973.' Folder so inscribed. 1972-1973 Correspondencereflight arrangements. Flights were launched from Sioux Falls in September 1973. 2 folders. C.74-C.77 ‘Balloon Flights 1974.' Folder so inscribed. 1974 Correspondence re flight arrangements. Also includes manuscript and typescript notes and a report on BUGS flight failure. Two flights were launched in 1974. Thefirst flight took place in April 1974 in Palestine, Texas with BUGS 2, a balloon-borne gas scintillation detector for cosmic rays. However the balloon crossed the launch site power line and was immediately destroyed. The other flight was launched from Sioux Falls in September 1974 andfloated for 123 hours setting a new world record of endurancefor a zero pressure balloon. 4 folders. C.78, C.79 1975flight. 1975 Correspondencereflight arragements, memorandum and copy of a talk by Luis. W. Alvarez entitled ‘Analysis of a reported note addressed to Fowler. monopole’ with magnetic manuscript The flight was launched from February 1975. Palestine, Texas in 2 folders. C.80-C.89 ‘Transatlantic Balloon Flight Facility’. Folder so inscribed. 1973-1976 Fowler and Dr Ramsden of Southampton University in li. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 15 Balloon Flights with Appleton collaboration Slough researched and developed a Transatlantic Balloon Facility. A balloon was launched from Milo in Sicily at the end of July 1975 which landedin the United States. Laboratory in C.80 Correspondence. 1973-1976 Correspondence proposal, operations. re_ flight arrangements, congratulations on the success research, the of Documents coverthe transatlantic flight as well as later tandem balloon system flights launched from Sioux Falls in late 1975. C.81-C.84 Grant application to the Science Research Council. 1974 Completed application and accompanying documents including tables with comments, figures, typescript draft entitled ‘Experimental Results' and manuscript notes written by colleagues. 4 folders. Copy of a tentative proposal re the transatlantic balloon facility and notes on meetings at the Appleton Laboratory. 1973-1974 Comments and notes by the Appleton Laboratory and the National Scientific Balloon Facility. 1974-1975 Outlines and papers. 1973-1974 Draft entitled 'Tandem System for Heavy Long Duration Flights. c. 1975 Press release and other information. 1975-1976 Includes technical specifications and budget. C.85 C.86 C.87 C.88 C.89 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 16 Balloon Flights C.90 'LDEF Flight Facility’. Folder so inscribed. 1976 Correspondencereflight proposal and arrangements. Fowler submitted a proposal to NASA in November 1976 for a joint Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) experiment to study the ultra heavy cosmic rays. C.91 Plans, March 15 1976. 1976 Plans entitled: ‘Load Skirt Assembly’, 'Sphere Assembly’ and ‘Modified Bear Paw Patch’. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 17 SECTION D RESEARCH, D.75-D.103 1963-1986 D.75 Pi Meson research. c.1963-1964 Mayes). Notes by Clapham expain: Manuscript notes and calculations of Dr Valerie Clapham (nee ‘Original measurements and calculations on the first observed Pi- Meson (one of the decay modes of the K meson) loose sheet (in other hand) was written by a visiting Japanese professor [probably Hideki Yukawa] to explain grain density measurements to me (a new postgraduate student in autum 1959).’ See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS115/1/03 D.5-D.21. Dr Valerie Clapham (nee Mayes) was a research colleague of Fowler. They collaborated on Pi Meson radiotherapy research. D.76 Experiment on Nimrod. 1964-1965 Proposalentitled 'A Proposal to Check CP Violation in K2 Decay' and 'An Experiment at NIMROD to Determine the K/Pi MassRatio.’ See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS115/1/03 D.5-D.9 D.77, D.78 ‘Intensity Emulsion.’ 1968-1970 Correspondence re supply of material and research. Also includes two reports in French. 2 folders. D.79-D.81 Correspondence re flights and experiment preparation between 1968 and 1975. 1968-1975 Also includes correspondence re purchase and delivery of materials and equipment, collaboration with colleagues at home and abroad, processing of results. 3 folders. D.82 ‘Outline of research in the period October 1969-1974 and possible future programme.’ 1974 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 Research 18 7pp typescript with photocopied photograph. Fowler's research concentrated on the measurementof the charge and energy spectrum of the ultra heavy componentof the cosmic radiation. D.83, D.84 ‘Princeton Accelerator' Folder so inscribed. 1971-1972 Correspondence re proposal and preparation to use the Princeton accelerator for Fowler's research. Also includes a sheet of proposal information, memorandum and two Princeton Particle Accelerator newsletters. used the Fowler pursue research on the response of emulsion to heavyions at high energy and investigate nuclear interactions. Accelerator Princeton to 2 folders. D.85 Grant application to the Science Research Council. 1972 The grant application was to investigate the charge spectrum of cosmic ray particles. D.86 ‘Frascati, European Programme A-HEAOC, B- UK6 from Hovestadt.’ Folder so inscribed. 1974 'High entitled 4pp typescript Energy Cosmic Ray Experiment, as possible candidate for ESRO Scientific Mission Study.' Also includes a 5pp typescript with figures and photographs entitled ‘Cosmic rays summary, Frascati 24 October 1974.' D.87-D.97 ‘BUGS 4.' Folder so entitled. 1977-1986 BUGS 4 was a large cosmic rays detector and Fowler proposed to measurethe charge and energy spectrum of the ultra-heavy cosmic rays. D.87-D.90 Correspondence. 1977-1986 Correspondencere the specifications of BUGS 4 and its construction, past and present experiments by Fowler and colleagues, funding, etc. 4 folders. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 19 Research D.91-D.93 Grant applications and 8pp typescript on large area detector. c 1979-1980 A grant was sought to ‘complete the construction, flight and subsequent analysis of BUGS 4.' Another was sought to ‘construct and fly a balloon borne cosmic ray detectorof large area.' 3 folders. D.94-D.96 Accompanying documents. 1978-? Includes documents entitled: 'Comparison of BUGS 4 with Chicago Shuttle Experiment’, ' Consideration of the Effects of Random Coincidences in BUGS 4', general information re the experiments and annual report on a Science Research Council grant. 3 folders. D.97 Invoices re supply of materials. 1985-1986 D.98, D.99 ‘CR 39.' Folder so inscribed. 1978-1982 CR 339is a plastic track detector used to capture tracesof cosmic rays. D.98 Correspondence. 1978 Correspondence re tests on CR 39 properties andits suitability for cosmic rays research, experiment and flight preparation. D.99 Reports and technical description. 1980, 1982 Reports are entitled 'Brief interim report of studies on CR 39 up to 8 June 1978to be considered with University of Bristol grant application...’ and manuscript notes entitled ‘Polycarbonate resin CR 39". D.100-D.102 UK 6 and Solar Flares programmeandAriel 6 satellite. 1978-1982 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 20 Research D.100 Correspondencere collaboration with NASA and the Astronomy and Solar Systems Committees of the Science Research Council. 1978-1982 Also includes correspondence re Fowler's visit to the USA to discuss the collaboration, Ariel 6 satellite and collaboration with NASA. D.101, D.102 Reports entitled 'UK6 and Solar Flares', 'UK6 Bristol Experiment Technical Description’ and ‘Ariel 6 Bristol University ultra heavy cosmic rays experiment’. c.1979-1980 2 folders. D.103 3pp typecript and experiment on HEAO-C.' manuscript entitled ‘The Y-ray c.1981 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 21 SECTION E DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS,E.69-E.99 1960-1987 E.69 E.70 E.71 E.72 General correspondencere publications and requests for articles. 1972-1976 ‘Report on the dose due to neutrons at 37,000 ft (220 gm/cm2) atmospheric depth’, with P.J. Davison and N.R. Nutt, University of Bristol, 1964. 1964 8pp typescript draft. See also F.71, F.72 and Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 E.23. Correspondencere ‘Therapeutic applications of beamsof negative Pi-mesons' (1960) by Fowler. 1965 Also includes a paper by David Geraghty entitled 'Can Cancer be treated by confining beams of charged elementary particles to the cancer region using high magneticfields?’ ‘Short track analysis for recognition of star in bromide’, c.1960. silver c.1960 Includes 11pp typescript and manuscript draft with tables. E.73-E.75 ‘Capture of Pi-mesons in oxygen and other nuclei’, with V.M. Mayes, Proceedings of the Physical Society, Vol. 92 (1967), pp 377-89. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 E.25. E.73 E.74 E./5 E.76 Correspondence re publication. 19pp typescript draft with tables. Background material and figures. ‘Track structure in photographic emulsion’, Proceedings 1967 1967 1967 n.d 1972 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 22 Drafts and Publications of the 4th International Congress of Radiation Research, Evian, France, 1972. Includesa letter re publication and 5pp typescript draft. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS115/1/03 E.32. The paper was delivered International Congress of Radiation Research in Evian, France, 28 June- 4 July 1970. the 4th at galactic 'Heavy 4th International Congress of Radiation Research, Evian, France, 1972. Proceedings particles', the of Correspondence re publication and 6pp typescript draft with tables andfigures. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 E.31. International The paper was delivered Congress of Radiation Research in Evian, France, 28 June-4 July 1970. the 4th at 2 folders. 'X-ray fluorescence telescope - A prosposal to measure the diffuse X-ray background by a newtechnique’, with R.M. Redfern, University of Bristol, November 1972. 8pp typescript with figures and tables. 'Ultra-heavy cosmic ray abundance measurements with a large gas scintillation detector’, with R.J. Edge, R.T. Moses, N.O. Tatham, C.Thoburn, R.N.F. Walker and A.Worley, University of Bristol, c.1977. 8pp typescript draft with figures and tables. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 E.44. comets provide ‘Do anomalous component of the cosmic rays?', with R.M. Redfern and S.P. Swordy, Nature, 1979. materials the for 1970 1972 1977 1979 E.77, E.78 E.79 E.80 E.81-E.84 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 23 Drafts and Publications E.81 Correspondencere publication. 1979 Also includes referee's comments and two drafts with figures and tables. E.82 Grant application submission to study ‘the anomalous componentof the cosmic radiation.’ 1979 E.83, E.84 ‘Figures - Do not lose or mutilate’. Folder so inscribed. 1979 2 folders. E.85-E.92 ‘An experiment to investigate the anomalous component of low energy cosmic rays, an outline of an experiment for space shuttle exposure’, with R.M. Redfern and S.P. Swordy, University of Bristol, April 1979. 1979 27pp and 31pptypescript drafts with figures and tables. Material 'A proposed ultra heavy cosmic rays detector for space shuttle exposure.’ includes a 4pp typescript also entitled: See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 E.46. 8 folders. E.93, E.94 ‘Track definition system.’ 13pp typescript draft with figures. 2 folders. E.95 ‘Chancefluctuations in y-rays or no?' 3pp typescript and manuscript draft. n.d. n.d. E.96 Tables for unidentified publication, c.1973. c.1973 First table reads 'Abundance values and_ potentials for the lighter elements. ionisation P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 24 Drafts and Publications E.97-E.99 ‘Requests for publication of pictures.' Folder so inscribed. 1972-1987 Correspondence. 3 folders. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 SECTION F LECTURES,F.61-F.92 F.61, F.62 UNIVERSITY TEACHING 25 1962-1987 1968-1969 Contents of folder entitled 'Atomic and Nuclear Physics Lecture Course Stage | 1968/1969. Contents:1-Original proposed 1st year syllabus, 2-Powell's hand out of his proposedsyllabus, 3-The three problem sheets andtheir solutions set on the course.’ 2 folders. F.63-F.66 INVITATIONS TO LECTURE 1966-1987 Correspondence re invitations to lecture and/or to visit and attend special events. 4 folders. F.67-F.92 CONFERENCE AND PUBLIC LECTURES F.67-F.70 Rutherford Memorial Lecture 'Pi Meson Versus Cancer', various venues, 1964. 1962-1965 See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 F.15-F.17. F.67 Correspondencereinvitation to lecture and to publish. 1964-1965 F.68-F.70 Background information. 3 folders. F.71, F.72 ‘Cosmic ray dose rate at 37,000' with P.J.N. Davison and N.R. Nutt', L.H. Gray Conference, Cambridge, 8-11 April 1969. 1962 1969 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 Lectures 8pp typescript draft with figures and tables. 2 folders. F.73-F.76 ‘Orator for Hon. Degrees, 12 July 1972.' Folder so inscribed. University of Bristol Degree Ceremony, 12 July 1972. Fowler was asked to prepare an oration for honorary graduates Margaret Burbidge and John Burrow. F.73 F.74 Correspondencere requestof information on the two Honorary Graduates. 3pp typescript draft on John Henry Burrow. Also includes manuscript notes. 26 1972 1972 1972 F.79 3pp typescript draft on Eleanor Margaret Burbidge. 1972 Also includes manuscript notes. F.76 F.77 Manuscript notes on Ernest Francis from F.C. Frank and addressed to Fowler. Found with preceding material. ‘Nature and fluxes of radiation at high altitudes', Society of Radiological Protection meeting, Imperial College, London, 10 October 1972. 6pp typescript draft with tables and figures. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 F.21. n.d. 1972 F.78 Untitled lecture, occasion unknown, Durham, April 1973. 1973 12pp manuscript draft starting:'Tracks of Ultra Heavy Cosmic Rays werediscovered in 1966 by F, W and in P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 Lectures 27 F.79 F.80 F.81 F.82 F.83 their studies of fossil tracks in meteorites and at the same time in our own balloon experiments using photographic emulsion.' ‘Ultra heavy cosmic rays’, 13th International Cosmic Rays Conference, Denver, Colorado, August 1973. 1973 7pp typescript draft with figures and tables. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS115/1/03 F.22. 'The charge spectrum for the cosmic rays', Herstmonceux Conference, undated. 2? 1973 10pp typescript and manuscriptdraft. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 F.22. Fowler gave a lecture similarly entitled 'The charge and energy spectrum of ultra heavy cosmic rays primaries’ in 1973. ‘Big balloons for occasion unknown. scientific research’, public lecture, 2? 1974 5pp typescript draft with tables and transparencies. ‘Ultra heavy cosmic rays', Research Colloquium Oxford, 1 March 1974. 5pp manuscript draft. ‘Current programme in Europe’, European Research Organisation Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 1975. 6pp typescript draft with figures. See also D.86 and Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 F.23. 1974 1975 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 Lectures 28 F.84 ‘The ultra heavy cosmic rays’, Interfaculty Scheme of University Lectures in Astronomy, Imperial College, London, 27 November and 4 December1975. 1975 Poster advertising the lecture and correspondence re payment. See also F.79. F.85-F.87 ‘Cosmic radiation, its significance and its origin’, Royal Institution Lecture, London, 26 May 1977. 1977 See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 F.27, F.28. F.85 Correspondence re arrangements and publication in the Proceedings of the RoyalInstitution. 1976-1979 F.86, F.87 Three typescript drafts. 2 folders. F.88, F.89 heavy cosmic ‘Ultra Irish Astronomical Science Group, Armagh, Ireland, 2 April 1985. Meeting rays', of the 1977 1985 Correspondence and 11p typescript lecture notes with tables and figures. The material was found in a folder entitled 'Talks Dublin and Armagh 1 and 2 April 1985' suggesting the lecture wasalso delivered in Dublin. 2 folders. F.90 ‘Collog Pi-Meson discoveries’, International Conference to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Pi - Meson, University of Bristol, 22-24 July 1987. 1987 9pp manuscript draft. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 G.20. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 F.91 Lectures Untitled lecture starting ‘the story of my belonging to Cecil Powell's group on the 4th floor of the Royal Fort occurred in 1941 when as a student | did microscope work on nuclear method.' occasion unknown, undated. photographic physics using the 5pp manuscript lecture note draft. F.92 Untitled, occasion unknown. 4pp typescript lecture notes starting 'In this talk | plan to discuss briefly the research we are doing and hopeto do in the coming years in the field of Astrophysics and Particle Physics.’ 29 n.d. n.d. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 30 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES,G.33-G.96 1964-1987 G.33-G.37 ‘Aldermaston Meeting on Tuesday October 27th 1964. In AWRE, Aldermaston, room 23 at 11am.’ Folder so inscribed. 1964 Documents presented at the meeting including agenda of the meeting and list of visitors. Includes interim reports entitled: 'Measurement of galactic cosmic radiation at solar minimum 1964', ‘Collection of radiation data in commercial aircraft, June to September 1964' and a report with figures on the 1964 balloon flights at Fort Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. The Aldermaston meeting was a joint RAE/Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE) meeting on stratospheric radiation hazard. 5 folders. G.38 Union International Physics Conference on Cosmic Rays, Imperial College, London, September 1965. Applied of Pure and 1965 Letter and 2pp preface to the proceedings of the conference. G.39-G.44 Visit to Chicago, USA, 2-15 December 1967. 1967-1973 attend Chicago to Fowler visited International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU) task group on energy accelerators and space radiation dosimetry. This task group was concerned with the standardisation of dosimetry of radiation fields associated with high energy accelerators and cosmic radiations. the He was also invited to lecture on cosmic rays at the University of in Berkeley and visited the National Center of Atmospheric Research at Boulder, Colorado to prepare a balloonflight. California G.39, G.40 Correspondence re arrangements and payments for seminars. 1967-1968 2 folders. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 31 Visits and Conferences G.41 G.42 G.43 G.44 G.45 List of participants of ICRU andlist of link organisations. 1967, 1973 5pp typescript draft on cosmic rays. Travel expenses. Background information on the Atmospheric Research computingfacility in 1967. National Center for 1967 1967 1967 Conference on Chemical Composition of Cosmic Rays Cambridge, 16-19 July 1968. 1967-1968 Correspondence preliminarylist of delegates and preliminary programme. re arrangements. Also includes a G.46-G.48 Visit to Moscow, February-March 1969. 1965-1969 Fowler wasfirst invited to visit the USSR in 1968 but had to decline due to other commitments. He visited the Soviet Union for 5 weeks between 21 February and March 1969. He mayalso havevisited Poland. G.46, G.47 Correspondencere arrangements. 1968-1969 2 folders. G.48 General information on the USSR from the Royal Society. 1965-1967 Also includes reports of scientists’ visit to the USSR from J.W. Dungey, D. Shoenberg, S.A. Dunne and T.J.G. Francis. G.49 Explanatory text for exhibition of photographs on particle tracks in photographic emulsion, occasion unknown, c.1969. c.1969 8pp typescript. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 32 Visits and Conferences G.50, G.51 International Conference on Heavy lon Physics, Dubna, USSR, 11-17 February 1971. 1970-1971 Fowler lectured on 'The Highest charges in the cosmic rays primaries’. G.50 Correspondencere arrangements. 1970-1971 this with Found photographs of International of celebrating the Centenary of Rutherford's birth. is daughter for material Rutherford's Congress History of the correspondence the re 13th Science G.51 Preliminary programme. 1971 G.52 G.53 ‘Radiation Protection meeting, Bristol, Summer 1971. at High Altitude’, Society for Radiological 1970-1971 Correspondencere arrangements. The meeting was cancelled due to time pressure. 12th IUPAP International Conference on Cosmic Rays, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, 16-25 August 1971. 1971 Correspondence applications. re arrangements and travel grant G.54-G.59 The Royal Society of New Zealand Rutherford Memorial Lecture tour, New Zealand, August-September 1971. 1970-1973 the the occasion Fowler of Rutherford lectured on ‘Tracks On Centenary celebrations of Atomic Particles Ancient and Modern’, ‘Evolution of Elements' and ‘Rutherford Contributions’. He visited Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin, Wellington, Auckland and Hamilton. Scientific P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 33 Visits and Conferences G.54-G.57 Correspondence re arrangements. 1970-1973 Also includes correspondence re Fowler's recollection of his grandfather Lord Rutherford. 4 folders. G.58 G.59 G.60 G.61 G.62 G.63 ‘Copy of the handwritten notes | used for my talk at Southwell School, Hamilton’ 2pp typescript. 1971-1972 Also includes a copy of the Rutherford High School magazine where Fowler lectured. List of requests for reprints of Fowler’s Rutherford lecture. 1971 Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) meeting, Madrid, Spain, 10-24 May 1972. 1972 Correspondencereinvitation to attend and lecture. Fowler wasinvited to talk on the observation of frequency of heavy ions in the atmosphere. Conference on Cosmic Rays and Nuclear Physics in honour of of Durham, 26-27 April 1973. Professor G.D. Rochester, University Correspondencere arrangements. Fowler lectured on ultra heavy primaries. 1973 International Conference on Instrumentation for High Energy Physics, Frascati, Italy, 8-12 May 1973. Correspondence re participants. 13th IUPAP International Cosmic Rays Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, 17-30 August 1973. Correspondence re abstract of Fowler's paper entitled ‘Ultra heavy cosmic rays primaries’. Also includes general information sent to delegates. 1973 1973 1973 P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 Visits and Conferences G.64 G.65 G.66 G.67 G.68 G.69 G.70 International Conference on Elementary Particles, Aix-en- Provence, France, 6-12 September 1973. 1973 Letter re suggested participants. International London, 1-10 July 1974. Conference on High Energy Physics, 1974 Correspondence re suggested participants. Origin of Cosmic Rays, NATO Advanced StudyInstitute, University of Durham, 26 August-6 September 1974. Correspondenceandfirst circular. Conference on Physics at Ultra High Energies, Westfield College, University of London, 4-6 September1974. Correspondence re arrangements. In the event Fowler was unable to attend as he wasin the USAfor a balloonflight operation. 2nd Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine, Munich, West Germany, 30 September-4 October 1974. Conference information. 1974 1974 1974 International on Palermo, Italy, 23-28 June 1975. Conference Elementary Particles, 1975 Correspondence re suggested participants. 5th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Leeds, 14-17 September 1976. 1976 Correspondencere arrangements. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 35 Visits and Conferences G.71 G.72 G.73 G.74 G.75 G.76 Space Science Department internal seminars, European Space Research and Technology Centre, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 29 April 1977. 1976-1977 Correspondence re arrangements. Fowler lectured on High Z Cosmic Rays. 1977 1977 1978 7th International Conference on Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors, Edinburgh, 27 June-1 July 1977. Correspondencere arrangements. International Cosmic Rays Conference, Plovdiv, 15th Bulgaria, 13-26 August 1977. Correspondencere arrangements. Visit to the University of Chicago Enrico Fermi Institute, January 1978? Correspondence re Fowler's invitation. Also includes announcements on the workshoponhigh energy neutrino astronomy. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 G.11. Fowler wasinvited to be Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics of the University of Chicago for a term. He decidedto visit for a duration of six weeks only. He lectured at the Fermi Institute on High Heavy Cosmic Rays. British Nuclear Energy Society International Conference on Radiation Protection in Nuclear Plants and the Fuel Cycle, Bristol, 27 November-1 December 1978. 1978 Correspondencere arrangements. IUPAP International Cosmic Rays Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 6-18 August 1979. 1978-1979 dass P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 Visits and Conferences Correspondencere travel grant, list of invited delegates and chairmanship. Also includes travel information and first circular of the conference. Fowler chaired the Nuclear Composition session. 36 1980 G.77 G.78 Conference on Origin of Cosmic Rays, International Union Physics/International Astronomical Union, Bologna,Italy, 11-14 June 1980. Applied of Pure and Letter re arrangements and provisional programme. Fowler lectured on heavy cosmic rays. COSPAR Workshop on Needsfor International Scientific Balloon Launching Facilities in the Southern Hemisphere, BuenosAires, Argentina, 23-26 March 1981. 1981 Letter re balloon flights and list of participants. Also includes a report of the Panel on Technical Problems and a joint report on the conference by Fowler and Dr D. Ramsden. Fowler introduced the first session on the range of experiments needed to set up the Southern Hemisphere facilities. G79 11th International Conference on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, University of Bristol, 7-12 September 1981. 1981 Correspondence re invitation, request for funding and organisation of the conference. See also Fowler catalogue NCUACS 115/1/03 G.14. Fowler was chairman of the conference. G.80 Visit to the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, USA, January 1983. 1983 Letter re purpose of Fowler'svisit. Fowler carried out experiments at the laboratory on photographic emulsion. P. H. Fowler NCUACS 129/2/04 Visits and Conferences G.81 G.82 Conference on Cosmic Rays and High Energy Gamma Ray Experiments for the Space Station ERA, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA, 17-20 October 1984. Conferenceinformation. International Symposium on Particle Physics in the 1950's: Pions to Quarks, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA, 1-4 May 1985. Invitation. 37 1984 1985 G.83-G.85 19th IUPAP International Conference on Cosmic Rays, La Jolla, California, USA, 11-23 August 1985. 1984-1985 G.83 G.84 G.85 G.86 Fowler attended the conference. He appears to have lectured on ‘Ariel 4 measurements of ultra-heavy cosmic ray fluxes in the region 34_